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Spent all day climbing around in the loft wiring up recessed downlights in our main bedroom.  Several problems.  I have to work in shorts and a T shirt, so I'm itching like crazy from the 6" loft insulation. Wearing knee protectors plus a head mounted lamp, I looked more like a bloomin' miner rather than electrician.  Thankfully most of it is done, but two of the lamps had to back to Screwfix as they had been bashed at some point and the bezels were a little worse for wear.  The staggering thing was they cost just £2.59 each…..


Replaced FOC with delivery tomorrow as they were out of stock in our local branch.




Thankfully I didn't fall through the floor and can now understand the wiring on a ceiling rose…:-)


As an aside, I had to move loads of boxes to access the lighting positions so took the opportunity to have a clearout.  I now have 14 miscellaneous boxes for TV's, computers, hi fi and other electrical stuff. Not to mention 2 video recorders, an Aiwa 6900 3 head cassette desk and a Dell computer monitor.  Jeez, they are heavy….


What a waste though.  I seem to recall the Aiwa deck was a few hundred quid at the time but technology has left it behind...


aiwa ad-6900 cassette deck

Edited by gordon s
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Evening all,


After my dental surgery (which was quite extensive and unpleasant, with a repeat performance scheduled for tomorrow) I collected Lucy from the vet. The vet said all went well and her ears and eyes checked out OK (we thought that she had infections/inflammations in her ears and one eye).


Currently she is VERY subdued, which I presume is due to the anaesthesia still wearing off. She managed a tail wag when she saw me, but I think it will be a while before she is her old self. She has pain medication for two days, I have to check her wound dressing in two days and she is on light walks (no running, jumping or climbing stairs) for 10 days. After which the stitches are removed.


As climbing stairs is prohibited, she and I will be sleeping in the living room tonight. Me on the sofa, Lucy in her basket on the floor (or maybe the other around?)


Off to slurp some Thai pot noodle soup for supper (there's a brand on sale at the local "Asia" shop which is very moreish).


Have a great evening



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  • RMweb Gold

My word ..... so many posts.

It's just impossible to keep up anymore.

So, masses of appropriate buttons, sympathetic noises or quiet chuckles matched to the relevant posts, past, present and future.

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I have to admit having had a slight preference for rugby at school...

Massive preference for rugger on my part. When compelled to play footieballcocks at school, it was a non-stop ego fest performance from about 80% of those playing, each convinced that he was destined to play for the Arse and other well known sides, and emulate the hero of this week, (every single one of them now happily forgotten). Whereas rugger one got to play in relative quiet, and was allowed to deal out considerable violence as part of the game. Much more satisfactory.

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  • RMweb Premium

Quick question for all ER types, most of whom appear to be hookers (although the Station Cat only owns up to being a prop, I'm sure her dad will enlighten us).


I have acquired, against my will, a contactless debit card. I have no intention of using it as such; travel in London is by bike or by grumpy (aka freedom) pass and monetary transactions by cheque of by pieces of paper embossed with our sovereign's head. As the debit card lives in my wallet, which lives in my back pocket, how do I avoid it being accessed by various machines adept at extracting value from my account. Do I have to wrap the debit card in lead or would some other material suffice?



Ironically though I have obtained the shielded wallet AFAIK the only card I have that is 'readable' is my grumpy pass. I thought I'd buy one as my old wallet was falling apart, not surprising as it was all of twenty years old.

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  • RMweb Premium

My pupil's driving test went well today - she had tears of joy at the end upon being told the result.

I was "observing" from the rear seat and sat quietly for 40 minutes or so watching a super bit of driving. I am exceedingly pleased for her as I know she's a very good driver, but had a couple of previous fails doing stuff that she doesn't normally do - probably as a result of being nervous.


However, the examiner today was superb, doing a very good job of keeping her calm and chatting as appropriate and not distracting her. (The examiner is a fellow railway modeller, so he's definitely a good guy!)


My arms are aching from a couple of jabs for future travel plans (Roundhouse - only one train involved though). Probably a tiny discomfort for me when compared to others on here. Respect for those that have to undergo injections and treatment on a regular basis.


Anyway, it's goodnight from me as I'm off to bed for 3-4 hours before a night shift at wife's work, covering for holidays. How I managed to "volunteer" for this is beyond me. I may sneak back on the web later at some silly hour....




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The positions I used to play in.


Did you also use my little trick of wearing the same colour socks as the opposition?  So helpful in a 'foot up' incident.

My positions as well. Totally agree about the socks. Also used ralgex on the tape holding my ears together

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening, missed yesterday due to hip pain and cantbebotheredness.


Mrs H progressing well, or at least she's on the phone to her mate for ages :jester:


Footie or rugby, hate them.  Played hockey, only thing I was even half good at.  Bottom half.....  I'm just not sporty in that way. Motor sport now, different matter. :senile:

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  • RMweb Gold

Spent all day climbing around in the loft wiring up recessed downlights in our main bedroom.  Several problems.  I have to work in shorts and a T shirt, so I'm itching like crazy from the 6" loft insulation. Wearing knee protectors plus a head mounted lamp, I looked more like a bloomin' miner rather than electrician.  Thankfully most of it is done, but two of the lamps had to back to Screwfix as they had been bashed at some point and the bezels were a little worse for wear.  The staggering thing was they cost just £2.59 each…..


Replaced FOC with delivery tomorrow as they were out of stock in our local branch.




Thankfully I didn't fall through the floor and can now understand the wiring on a ceiling rose…:-)


As an aside, I had to move loads of boxes to access the lighting positions so took the opportunity to have a clearout.  I now have 14 miscellaneous boxes for TV's, computers, hi fi and other electrical stuff. Not to mention 2 video recorders, an Aiwa 6900 3 head cassette desk and a Dell computer monitor.  Jeez, they are heavy….


What a waste though.  I seem to recall the Aiwa deck was a few hundred quid at the time but technology has left it behind...


aiwa ad-6900 cassette deck


I do hope you have read the instructions about making sure the heat can escape from the lamps. Downlights and loft insulationcan be an issue.


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Just been off to the ENT specialist who could confirm that the throat thing isn't over yet and took swabs to have checked out whether the problem at this time is a virus or bacteria. They'll let me know and depending on that, we'll see...

I'm glad to see that there's at least one MD who cultures first and prescribes second. The indiscriminate use of antibiotics is leading us into very dangerous waters. If you want to have nightmares tonight, read up on MDR (Multi Drug Resistant) and XDR (cross Drug Resistant) pathogens. Some of these make the infamous "flesh eating bug" (MRSA - Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) look like a minor cold in comparison (one of the experts I work with told me of a patient that had had a car crash in Greece and had become infected in hospital there, flown back to Germany my colleague used every type and class of antibiotic available with absolutely NO effect. The patient died). Something to think about when your GP reaches for the antibiotics for a sore throat....


Well, after today's surgical adventures the anaesthesia is wearing off. Post dental surgery I'm actually quite comfortable - no pain or discomfort; but poor Lucy (who becomes Mrs iD's moosli ["Little Mouse" in Swiss German] when unwell) is whining and whimpering, poor little lass. The vet said this would be the case the evening of the surgery (which is more complicated than having your nadgers whipped off) and I have analgesia for the morning (none allowed during the immediate post-op period - presumably due to the peri-operative analgesia and anaesthesia). So I'm not overly concerned, but her apparent distress upsets me. Strange isnt it? One of my dogs is in discomfort and I'm immediately concerned and solicitous and empathic but a human? I'm detached and objective ("yes, I know that hurts, it's supposed to. Take these analgesics and I'll see you tomorrow") I suppose it takes all types...


Bedtime reading tonight? "The English at Table" by Digby Anderson. His cynicism, acerbity and scathing assessments make me look like a pussycat in comparison...


And so it goes...


G'night all

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  • RMweb Gold

You just cannot explain to an animal that although it is hurting now it will soon be better and could save a lot of problems later. With a human you can at least try to explain although with humans you are likely to get a mouthful of abuse which you wouldn't with a dog.

With one dog I assisted the vet (emergency on a Sunday avoided waiting for assistance) holding the foot while he sewed up a bad cut including passing the needle right through. Oddly enough I cannot abide injections to myself but that and injecting ducks I could do.



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  • RMweb Premium

  :blind:  Ah! There you are. :blind:

Couldn't see you for the fog.

It's been hanging around for days.


I don't find going shopping (for clothes, anyway) therapeutic (model railways - well, that's different, isn't it?).   :D

Saturday, it was time I did go shopping as I had managed to break the zip slider on my jeans in half and besides, they had shrunk up to the ankle so needed replacing.  Found a pair that fitted (WOW) and also the same style in a different colour I liked (WOW) but not in my size.  Now that would normally put me off shopping for another year....at least.  But...."We can order it for you...on this machine....and deliver to your home free of charge."  (WOW)


I might have to take them up, of course, but I'll see if they shrink a bit in the wash first.  :jester:


Time for some hot chocolate.

Take care.



Edit.  Typo on very first word.   Just seen it. Must be the fog! :jester:

Edited by southern42
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  • RMweb Gold

Polly. Aditi finds shopping so much better with internet support! Years of finding shoes that she liked but never in her size now seem to be a thing of the past. There must be a bunker somewhere with a stock of size 4 1/2 wide fitting shoes.

Aditi is also very adept at making trousers shorter!

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  • RMweb Premium

Polly. Aditi finds shopping so much better with internet support! Years of finding shoes that she liked but never in her size now seem to be a thing of the past. There must be a bunker somewhere with a stock of size 4 1/2 wide fitting shoes.

Aditi is also very adept at making trousers shorter!


Having tried the "normal" range in "Short" I proceeded to the "Petite" section only to find the trousers made a train along the floor.... :nono:



Petite does mean "small", doesn't it?

What's small? Someone who's not short, obviously.  :biggrin_mini2:

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Evening all. Missed out today so probably got quite a few pages to catch up on. Congratulations and commiserations as appropriate.

Today has been spent sorting out the bedroom ready for the new bed to be delivered. Amazing how much junk can be collected in 8 months. My back will be glad of the new bed. At least I hope it will do.

I caught up on some planning in the evening, although difficult to concentrate when listening to the Derby v Bournemouth game at the same time. A dramatic game.I will take a draw though.

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Anybody watching 10,000 bc? Where 20 people started living in the 'wilds' of a hunting park in Bulgaria.

All supposed to be living as a tribe 10,000 years ago with no mod cons. However they seem to wandering around in trousers, have woven blankets, wearing socks and one even spoke to camera with makeup on.

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Evening/Morning all,

Still far from 100% but life must go on!

I did soccer and badminton at school when we moved to Essex - in Scotland it was 'fitba'! Then I found martial arts by a strange route - dated the master's daughter and you wouldn't want to upset this guy, he taught soldiers how to kill with their bare hands during the war and wore the 'winged dagger' on his blazer! Gave me fantastic confidence and control though, and the reaction training was most useful for my chosen sport of motorcycle road racing! Dad by this time had left the railway and ran his own bike shop with several of the then recently introduced Japanese agencies as well as the usual British ones. I had my first race at Brands Hatch in 1963 and still love it even though my oncologist has banned me from even riding a cycle thanks to the deterioration caused by the bone cancer. Joanna laughs when she catches me leaning into the bends with the riders on the TV while sitting on the couch! I really have been a lucky b*gger!!

Neil, sorry to hear of your discomfort, but at the same time cheered by the news about Debs - is it still to early to assess the level of success of the procedure?

Flávio, good to hear that you survived the first episode with the dentist but I can only guess at how helpless you must feel over poor Lucy's discomfort. Hopefully there will be a marked improvement when you administer the analgesic in the morning. I fully agree with your comments on GPs and antibiotics : luckily my GP and friend is in the enlightened school. My mum was always of the opinion that they should be 'saved until you really need them!'

Polly, you will be pleased to hear that Joanna is in the same boat when it comes to jeans - she can never understand why, on the same rack in Marks of Suspenders, and with similar size labels, there is more than an inch difference from garment to garment. She always takes a tape measure with her now!

We're into the hump now (if you'll pardon the expression) so let's hope the week passes without further mishap to our digital friends,

Kind regards,


G'night Pete! G'night night owls!

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  • RMweb Gold

well im in yet another premier inn, worked the bicester job last night so am logically in........frome!


there is logic, honest, i needed a van, there was one in westbury, my trainee lives near there so he dropped me off for it and into the hotel for a days sleep!

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Morning all. A nice mild (for the time of year) morning and nothing reported on Southern.


Jock - Pleased to hear that you are feeling better.

Mick - Hope everything goes well for Mrs B.

iD - Looking forward to hearing that Lucy is back to normal. Hope you both slept well last night.


Have a good day all

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Morning All,


The day is dawning overcast, but mild.  Around 4°C on the way to work.


We were fortunate enough to avoid the traffic chaos that is surrounding Mainz and Wiesbaden today.  One of the main motorway bridges over the Rhein has been closed because the carriageway has subsided, and all the traffic is being diverted across the other (our) bridge.  Thankfully, we live on the "right" side of the bridge, so didn't have to cross.


Oh well - coffee time!


Have a good day everyone...

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