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Afternoon all, the dreaded letter has finally arrived. I am summons to appear at the Castle Hill hospital on Wednesday 11th Feb for heart surgery. A valve replacement. That, I am told, will be a half of the battle. To get it to operate I will be put on a course of Warferin (Rat poison) and if not immediately successful,  a pacemaker will go in. I am already threatened with the spare bedroom because of a new noise that it will bring, that of "clicking". That will be low down on my list of worries.

In the mean time I must put certain matters in order, the first being the layout we at the East Riding Fine Scale group are working on. I have already sub contracted the wiring to Tappa, but feel I should supervise. :O


Thanks everyone for your Friendly/supportive messages. 

I have to survive this operation as my good lady wife has invested in me by buying me a new pair of pyjamas and a dressing gown.

Although the latter does not have my name across the shoulders. 

The very latest update and I post this without wishing to make any comments on the state of the N.H.S. mainly because my wife is a retired S.E.N.

My date for my operation, Feb 12th was put back to March 2nd but on the very morning I received that news I had a phone call to tell me that a new date was being offered, that of Feb 16th.

I have also being informed that a young lady who was born shortly after moving in next door, too many years ago is now the Matron at the hospital I shall be going into next Sunday afternoon. She has promised to look after "Uncle John". Her mother and my wife have been friends for the last 42 years. I'm boned!

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Tony_S, on 07 Feb 2015 - 21:32, said:Tony_S, on 07 Feb 2015 - 21:32, said:

I was a bit worried earlier that she was a bit delirious as she told me that "timetabling is fun".

I'm sure Stationmaster Mike would agree with Aditi.


Siblings? As part of the run-up to our wedding, Sherry and I are having a quick tour of the UK to meet each other's nearest and dearest. These include my twin brothers, one of whom I have successfully avoided for over 10 years, despite living in the same foreign country for all that time. He's not a bad bloke, I wish him no ill, but we have so little in common. Some of us are born to embrace all others, some of us are not.

Edited by Oldddudders
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I'm sure Stationmaster Mike would agree with Aditi.


Siblings? As part of the run-up to our wedding, Sherry and I are having a quick tour of the UK to meet each other's nearest and dearest. These include my twin brothers, one of whom I have successfully avoided for over 10 years, despite living in the same foreign country for all that time. He's not a bad bloke, I wish him no ill, but we have so little in common. Some of us are born to embrace all others, some of us are not.

Been there a few times.


Oddly one of my brothers that used to deliberately break my models is slightly closer then the other one who used to like them but his other half does not approve!!!

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So, guys, I have advanced from the retreat, held in a Quaker Meeting House!  Being Church of England, we had to bring our own booze. The lay members decided we need to organise a diocesan lay conference; all well and good, but the only date that suited everyone else is Saturday 5 September, which is the first day of Guildex.  Oh shucks, kept my mouth shut so  seems I'll be going to Guildex on the Sunday.


I've sort of caught up with ER, watched the rugby, visited the invalid in hospital, now it's bath and bed.



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I think my mother worked at keeping my brother and me apart. She also did quite a good job of keeping us apart from other relatives. We have tried to rectify this over the last few years!

Aditi has a lot of cousins though I think only her mother fully can explain the degree of the relationship. Being an only child Matthew quite likes having cousins no matter how remote.

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I would have liked to have siblings when I was young but by the time we met it was to late, I am a loner the habits from formative years to set. But it was interesting to find we had similar interests in railways and aviation.

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I would have liked to have siblings when I was young but by the time we met it was to late, I am a loner the habits from formative years to set. But it was interesting to find we had similar interests in railways and aviation.

Aditi was 39 and I was 40 when Matthew was born. When he was 12 he commented that as he was clearly going to be an only child could we have a dog. Aditi had been resisting the acquisition of a canine companion but couldn't bring herself to say no to that argument hence the arrival of Robbie a few weeks later.

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I only have one brother and we get on well but don't communicate very often.  However there were twin sisters born in between us, who died shortly after being born.  My mother never spoke about them except as "The twins" and always called out daughter "The little girl".  I later foubd out from my dad, shortly beofre he died, that they ahd actually been named and would have been called Ruth and Mary.  For some reason it was very comforting to know their names and ever since then i have come to regard them as my sisters but would like to have known them.   Looking at the dates and the family blood groups they may well have sufferred from the then undiscovered rhesus factor.


Had a good day today and have helped our daughter move out to a new house.   Then had a quiet evening in catching p on here and trying to reduce the pile of unread railway magazines.



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Evening all!

A long day but worthwhile with 9 people attending the intro to scoring course at Netherfield today.

Threlkeld Cc tomorrow then home, tea, cricket ...sleep!

I have oneone elder sister and very few blood relatives so we all meet up for a weekend once a year. If you have a small family group it makes a difference in how you communicate.


Sweet dreams everyone!



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Evening all. I hope you have had an enjoyable start to the weekend - very jealous of those who saw the Duchess today. 2015 has yet to bring me a steam fix of any kind.

Illness status: Amber is better, Sarah is well enough to go out, as planned, with her Mum to see the Kaiser Chiefs at Nottingham Arena. As for myself the back is still giving me some aches and pains and I felt very tired all morning. After some debate I did go out to see the mighty Rams thrash Bolton 4-1 this afternoon. The walk to and from the ground may not have done me too good however but the result did help!


 Father in law spent some time sharing his thoughts on the Stafford show last week. I am still not quite over the disappointment of missing it yet I must admit. It his birthday on Tuesday and Sarah had hoped to get him some model railway stuff. That may be difficult.

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Our trip to Enfield tomorrow may not happen as Aditi seems to be coughing. We will see how she is tomorrow, perhaps her swigs of Armagnac will have killed the germs. I was a bit worried earlier that she was a bit delirious as she told me that "timetabling is fun".



I'm sure Stationmaster Mike would agree with Aditi. 


I'm sure various TOCs 'south of the river' are always looking for willing and able recruits - with a bit of experience under her belt I'm sure she could take on Southern and Thameslink combined and we'd hear no more of the travails of those heading for London Bridge every morning ;) .  

On the other hand if she sticks to college timetabling she might just remain of the view that the process is 'fun' (but has she yet put the timetable to those she has timetabled - that might be when it ceases to be fun?)

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My brother only lives 10 miles away but we haven't communicated for a year or two, not that we have fallen out just that we seem to have very little in common. I am a lot closer to my sister but she lives an hours journey away as I've found that as I've got older travelling for any distance has lost its appeal.

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I think the word fun applied to timetabling is perhaps a bit optimistic an interesting challenging exercise yes but when you are trying to balance conflicts it can be very frustrating. My experience with timetabling was detailed timetables for changeovers. Trying to minimise outages while introducing complex changes and having to include back out plans for when something falls over. Not quite the same as railway timetables but some of the same problems and there was usually no previous timetable to adapt.


I have always found railway and bus timetables interesting you can often recognise the how the shifts between rush hours and quiet periods relate to the number of units required to operate a timetable. Of course sometimes when you find yourself hanging around on some windswept platform waiting for a connection it seems apparent that that connection hadn't played much part in the timetabling.


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I'm sure various TOCs 'south of the river' are always looking for willing and able recruits - with a bit of experience under her belt I'm sure she could take on Southern and Thameslink combined and we'd hear no more of the travails of those heading for London Bridge every morning ;) .  

On the other hand if she sticks to college timetabling she might just remain of the view that the process is 'fun' (but has she yet put the timetable to those she has timetabled - that might be when it ceases to be fun?)

I think her cunning plan is that if anyone doesn't like the timetable she will invite them to improve it.
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Its Sunday and very quiet at my hotel.


I never sleep well in a different bed but got the regulation 8 hours in last night!


Have a great day!



And trev still missing.....

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G'morning. Cold and dull in Carshalton-sur-Mer. The whelk fishermen won't be out today as the bulb has gone in the lighthouse.

Varnished shelves yesterday, varnishing shelves today. So it goes.


Best wishes to those in travail, and yes, where is Trev?


More coffee then down m'shed.

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Morning all,


<Rant mode enable>

Has anyone else noticed that BT Yahoo email has gone a bit pear shaped? 

First of all a couple of days ago I noticed that there is no longer a tick box to keep me signed in. 

Then it would randomly tell me to sign in every couple of minutes, or 20 minutes or not at all.

Then I noticed that clicking on the Inbox hyperlink actually returned you to the website you were browsing before visiting BT Yahoo.

Yesterday they imposed some kind of funky theme colour on my page then gave me the option to change it for another theme - I opted for one as close to what I had before they @rsed it up. The theme actually has "low density grey" colour type and unread messages are about one notch up from "low density grey" colour, making it tricky to see which messages have been read and which haven't.

Then they started putting sponsored links at the top of the inbox list.

I followed some advice and visited the "gear box" settings which does remove the sponsored link, but pressing "save" only lasts as long as the session - if you close the browser it reverts to BT Yahoo's preference for you, namely to push sponsored links under your nose.

So, I've started to click on the sponsored links, visit the companies that are spending their advertising budget with BT Yahoo and fill in their contact sheets telling them in no uncertain terms that as they spammed me, I'm going to use up some of their time, too. :mail:

I also visited the links provided by BT Yahoo to manage adverts, clicked on updating my preferences and it made, erm, no difference and, you guessed it, didn't save longer than the time I was on the page.


Makes you wonder what they teach folk on web design courses these days.  


<Rant Mode Disabled>

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