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  • RMweb Gold

 Good Gracious Me, everything appears to be labelled.


That's organisation for you!





Yes, I saw all those labelled and got a bit worried, The only things I've got labelled are the screw storage trays in the garage (saves remembering which type/size is where).  I s'pose of I were to start labelling my various modelling stuff I'd first have to find it all, but fortunately the storage boxes do carry cryptic notes such as 'Modelling stuff, kits & bits' with some of the contents then listed.


Anyway back to reality (as far as I'm concerned that is) and from Alton we are returned.  Quite a nice show, excellent car parking organisation (I got the last available space when I arrived  so it was obviously well organised; although the exit process wasn't so clever). Kernow's journey up from Cornwall duly made worthwhile for them (and postage saved for me) as one pre-arranged item came with them and another I had enquired about on Thursday but which hadn't arrived with them by then was duly intercepted and unloaded from the delivery (to them) lorry while they were enroute!  Nice to see GDB and t'other Bob and Matt but no sign of AndyB or anyone matching the description given by GDB.  Several very good layouts although the proportion of those 'new to us' was fairly low.


And of course subsequently a chance to drop-in on my local model shop where transition arrangements are still in hand on the computing side - Paul has some excellent ideas in that respect.  Alas not the best of ends to our outing as Savacentre only had 4 bags of the tea I had been asked to get and seemingly I shouldn't have bought any crispbakes.  Tyre remained in good heart and well inflated all day.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon each,

Pleasant visit to Alton in company with Bob81C & Matt1471 and nice to meet (although briefly) AndyB. As stated by Dr Cat saw herself and Mike (SM) but had to cut my visit short because my bl##dy back started to play up. Although very tempted I did not spend any money which I think is a first for me. Painkillers are now working which is just as well because we're visiting friends tonight. I suspect that by the time the evening ends  the mixture of pills, beer & wine will render me fairly pain free!

Will just have time to watch France v Scotland before getting ready to go out! 


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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,

Home alone this afternoon, so feet up on the sofa.


Had the pleasure of meeting Grandad Bob as well as Bob81c this morning at the Alton show. 

Some nice layouts there, although having pretty much moved over to N gauge, anything larger looks quite chunky now!  

Quite crowded and some of the layouts were only glimpse-able from the 2nd row! So, I'd probably elect to visit that show on the Sunday next time.

It emptied quite a bit later on - like many local shows it seemed to have something of a lunchtime lull.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


As warned - Duchess at Carnforth in the process of taking over from the pair of 47s which worked the train from Euston as the booked 86 is still failed.








Quality iffy - note to self, need a better camera.


Generic greetings, but a special get better message to Jock, whose ailments are that bit harder to tackle than most of us others.


Regards to All


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Evening all.  Great weekend….England beat Wales and Spurs beat Arsenal.  Does it get any better?...


Cheese on Toast.  Toast bread, slice mature cheddar into 2-3mm strips and cover toast.  Pre heat grill.  Slice tomato, place on top of cheese and grill hot and fast.  Out of the grill and add a few drops of Worcester sauce. Glass of red wine and enjoy...


The only thing I can cook…:-)


A great weekend on the DIY front also.  Changed all the sockets for doubles in our bedroom and added a couple of spurs.  Must be on my mind…:-)


Then stripped down our bathroom diverter valve and thermostat without one bang and one leak.  My dear lady has absolutely nothing to mock or complain about.  




I'd better rush out and buy a lottery ticket.


Golfing tomorrow, so a fun filled Sunday in store as well….

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Yep, we’re lucky it didn’t happen near Vancouver otherwise there would have been 5.........


Best, Pete.

There now are 5 postings of this video and, no, I didn't post the fifth! (I think I posted the first one.)

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  • RMweb Premium

I have bought underwear from a charity shop, but it was an unopened (so one assumes/hopes unworn!!) set from M  & S!


That's not M&S. That's TMI.................. :O




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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


As warned - Duchess at Carnforth in the process of taking over from the pair of 47s which worked the train from Euston as the booked 86 is still failed.




46233 passed by my back door about 70 minutes ago. In the dark, but sounding fine on the 1 in 120.





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  • RMweb Premium

46233 passed by my back door about 70 minutes ago. In the dark, but sounding fine on the 1 in 120.

Wilpshire bank? Timings would say so

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  • RMweb Gold

I might venture out to the garage next week to send my new (new to me) Duchess round the layout. As it is in British Railways blue I suspect it will be an excuse to make a train up of early blood and custard coaches! I only went out to the garage today to collect an ingredient (Guinness) for dinner. "Would you like beef casserole?"


"Would you like dinner at about 8 o'clock?"

Sounds nice.

"Can you do do it then please?"

So I have!


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Got there at last! Missed yesterday went to my brothers funeral in Ipswich (41/2 hours to get there 51/2 to get back). Now got the job of sorting out his estate. Hadnt seen him in over 5 years. He just stoped commmunicating no phone calls answered no post nothing.One of these stories that you read about I didnt know I had siblings then he appeared one day. Never got an explanation from my mother. It is now one of those things that will never be explained.

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  • RMweb Premium

Glückauf* everyone!


Totally chuffed after an enjoyable day trip to Oberwiesenthal in the Ore Mountains involving extensive hiking through deep snow. At least the aches tell me those legs are still there...


(* Given the region's history of mining, I understand "Glückauf", once a miners' salute, remains a fairly standard general greeting there. Though in "Aarzgebirgsch" it sounds more like "glick-owf", with the dialect being quite unlike the other Saxon dialects!)

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  • RMweb Premium

Daughter has come home with lots of accessories for her new aquarium. The gravel, in particular, is very colourful! 

The plants are all giving off oxygen bubbles - even the plastic plant that she bought is giving off bubbles.  :scratchhead:


Suggest those ERers attending the Alton show meet up in a nearby pub next time!  :drink_mini:

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  • RMweb Gold

Suggest those ERers attending the Alton show meet up in a nearby pub next time! :drink_mini:

AndrewC and I adjourned to a nearby theatre after (during actually) a model railway exhibition last year.


Edited by Tony_S
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Evening folks,

Still feeling ropey, despite the relevant pills from the wardrobe pharmacy! Off fairly early to eldest daughters in Epping tomorrow for the day, but in all likelihood, I won't be driving. I'll try to catch up on Monday and hope that meanwhile, all have a good remains of the weekend,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Evening folks,

Off fairly early to eldest daughters in Epping

Our trip to Enfield tomorrow may not happen as Aditi seems to be coughing. We will see how she is tomorrow, perhaps her swigs of Armagnac will have killed the germs. I was a bit worried earlier that she was a bit delirious as she told me that "timetabling is fun".


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I have to inform you that "tomato and cheese on toast" is a VERY poor relation to that wonderful Swiss creation: the Käseschnitte: The Ultimate Grilled Cheese. It’s a popular dish of the Valais (location of the holiday hovel) and the Bernese Oberland.


Basically, you take an inch/inch-and-a-half slice of rustic bread (Wonderloaf is great for toast soldiers, awful for KS) and let it get stale. When suitably dry, you dip it into white wine until it is moist, but not soggy. Lay the bread in an ovenproof dish. Heat the oven to 200 C. Lay a thick slice of ham on the bread, then pile on it as much coarsely grated Emmentaler, Gruyère. Tilsiter, and Appenzeller cheese as you have a hunger for (as a rough guide 100 g each of Emmentaler and Gruyère, 50 g each of Tilsiter and Appenzeller feeds 4-6 people depending upon hunger). Sprinkle with pepper, paprika and grate nutmeg onto it. Bung it in the oven until cheese has melted, is golden and has browned nicely on top. Serve with a glass of white whine (Fendant, of course).


If you wish, you may eat with a tomato, but it is traditionally served with baby gherkins and and baby pickled onions (white ones, pickled in white wine vinegar)


en Guete


(p.s. dinner tonight is game stew with home made bread)


Where does all this activity take place?

The kitchen appears to be full of appliances and shiny surfaces.

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