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Glanced at them it was the teachers behaviour that pissed us off no manners at all.

When I did in service training it wasn't too bad. The courses at our centre rarely had problems. Things were more likely to go wrong in the school based sessions. There was always someone who resented having training and would try to irritate the course provider. Very silly for someone claiming to be a professional.
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It was all scheduled to begin around 2008, but then the crash happened, putting everything on hold until recently. As an example of brutalist architecture it was just that - nothing was done to make it look appealing.


Think the revamped John Lewis may included a little Waitrose.


A wonderful spring-like day here - chilly and sunny.



I've definitely got my fingers crossed for a Waitrose. Comely Bank is too far to walk and I rarely venture to Morningside.


I never worked in NSAH but I did hear find memories from others about the tea trolley coming round. I was looking up from Picardy Place at John Lewis this morning and wondering how they're going to demolish the St James without taking out a chunk of John Lewis.


There's a few real 60s eyesores going at the moment. One corner of St Andrew's Square (the nearest to Jenners... don't get me grumping about the House of Fraser takeover of Jenners) has been reduced to rubble. Let's hope the replacement is sympathetic.


And it was lovely to have a bit of warmth in that sun for the first time today when I went for a wander at lunchtime!


Pizza's in the oven, beer's in the fridge. It must be the 6 Nations!

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This morning saw me making my fourth trip to Paignton Library to attend another rehearsal for a Community Singing Project in honour of Oliver Heaviside, who spent much of his life in Torbay. It is called "The Heaviside Condition" and, for those who are interested, more details may be found at www.facebook.com/theheavisidecondition


Performances are planned for late March in Torquay Museum, Paignton Library and Plymouth Barbican. Today we were joined by the Director and Choreographer from The Barbican who certainly enabled us to enliven our performance!


An unusual run of chilly days here but seeing the sun always helps.


Have a good weekend!

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My honeymoon is nearly over. Flying home tomorrow. Jersey is a great place. We had no idea what we'd do for a week. Not much railway. However the coastline has been the best attraction. Car hire is essential.

That's the review over.

Not looking forward to work. Looking forward to some modelling.

Keep well. Have a nice weekend.

We enjoyed our honeymoon in a Hotel in St Brelades Bay many moons ago (flew Air Anglia F27 from Kermington). The sand was just right for a fast bowler!  Excellent food and beer.. must go back as we know someone who lives on the island.

Glanced at them it was the teachers behaviour that pissed us off no manners at all.

Mick.. thats what upsets her indoors.. as a peri some of them treat her like dirt - not allowed to use teacher toilets or even to use some hot water to make a drink using her own cup, teabag and milk. This week she had verbals from a TA as she had to collect a pupil who had missed part of his lesson as the TA wouldn't let him out of the classroom! Other teachers are great but a couple of newly appointed heads won't even say good morning to her!



Edited by Barry O
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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Like a lot of us my sex education at school was limited to the basics, I have never met anyone male or female who's genitalia resembles in any way the illustrations we were taught from. We later came to the conclusion that the male illustrations were drawn by a nun and the female ones by a monk (and no it wasn't a Catholic school). The rest of our sex education before 16 years of age came from a couple of copies of 'Health and Efficiency' that done the rounds of the senior classes (my school was an all boys school). In later life I found out that my parents sex education was non-existent, after my sister was born my mother was informed that any further pregnancies would be risky. The family GP then had to explain contraception to them and as it turned out they were far from unique over 60 years ago.

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Mick.. thats what upsets her indoors.. as a peri some of them treat her like dirt - not allowed to use teacher toilets or even to use some hot water to make a drink using her own cup, teabag and milk. This week she had verbals from a TA as she had to collect a pupil who had missed part of his lesson as the TA wouldn't let him out of the classroom! Other teachers are great but a couple of newly appointed heads won't even say good morning to her!




That's interesting. I always used to try to make part-time lecturers welcome in FE. We had some brilliant ones, some less so.  My ex-wife, as a nurse, always said that she was taken for granted when full-time on any particular ward, but welcomed and thanked whenever she did bank shifts.



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Worried about a couple of millimeters of Snow on your commute?


Watch how CN in New Brunswick handle it.....


Who needs designated snow plows?


Best, Pete.

I nominate this video for the "Most posted video on RMweb" award. Four times already by my count.

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...iD, the NHS does do central supplies, via Normanton in Yorkshire.  When managing an outpatients department I got into trouble for not using them - I was purchasing office supplies from the local high street for a tenth of what it cost via central supplies

If the NHS with its huge purchasing power can't procure office supplies for less than high street retail then the responsible department is incompetent, ignorant or worse... Surely it is not beyond the wit of a civil servant to realise that procurement can be a win-win situation: the purchaser gets goods and/or services at a better than high street prices and the supplier gets a guaranteed income for the next X years....


A recently retired friend of mine worked for the MOD in a civilian capacity and the tales he told me of incompetence, ignorance, mini-empire building and PC gone mad, made me wonder how the UK could ever had managed to muster a troop of boy scouts, let alone some of the best regiments in the world.


But on to more pleasing matters: Mrs iD and the Wolfpack returned from the holiday hovel. Cue much wagging of tails, happy wuffs and grooming licks. After dinner (kedgeree if anyone's interested) Mrs iD and I watched a Midsomer Murders buried under a blanket of dogs whilst we sipped fine Whiskey (me) and cooking lager (Mrs iD). Sometimes life is close to perfect.


Good Night All



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I was bought a bottle of Penderyn Grandslam, and vowed ot would only be opened wjen Wales had won another....................It's safe this year!


Currently kicking all the mud out of the hollow.


Normal service will be resumed tomorrow.........but despite all the abject misery, it did not affect our appetites.

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Evening all. I hope all are well. I must admit I am getting fed up of illness now although I suppose I should be thankful that all we seem to have is a bug - there are many others in a far more difficult situations.

Whilst Amber is ok, and Sarah is almost ok, I awoke with a bad back this morning which made sitting for a long time at the training day uncomfortable. By 1pm the tiredness and cough returned again, although several members of staff seemed to be affected by the latter ailment.

At least the training finished by 2.15pm so I was able to nick off early and go and surprise my little girl by picking her up from nursery before crashing on the sofa for the rest of the evening. It is looking like I won't be playing football again this weekend.

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Blimey- I miss looking in on ER for a day or two and it's taken a while to catch up.


Congrats/commiserations/friendly support as required to all.


ER at 6.45am this morning for a 0820 driving test. Frosty but dry, so looking good. We're all sat in the test centre waiting room at 0820 (5 candidates, 5 instructors) to be greeted by "We're not going out as the roads are icy", Cue, 10 unhappy people. The normal waiting time for a test around our way is about 5-6 weeks, but they do prioritise cancelled tests and two weeks is the norm. In my pupil's case, they've allocated her another test on Tuesday. Luckily, I can shift a couple of normal lessons around to accommodate.


Wife picked up from airport - she tans easily and with only 3 days of sun from her 5 days away, she's looking quite "aglow".


ER-ish tomorrow, hopefully for a round of golf and then off to work driving.


G'night all.



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As 'Cider With Rosie' had a repeat on channel multi-digit of some sort wMrs Stationmaster and I devoured that, - rather nice to hear Laurie Lee speaking his own words, which say so much about childhood and growing up.


Alas I suffered another flat tyre, in a car park in Reading, today.  Fortunately AA helped got the spare on which was just as well as it's one of those weird emergency things which has to be inflated to 60psi, but far better than that inflating muck.  Eventually got back to the local tyre firm who decided the tyre was fit and safe to re-use, found the problem was the valve seat which they duly sorted without a charge - definitely a good firm to do business with.


After various 'phone calls  before setting out I found out who actually had a printer of the type I wanted in stock and apart from a glitch on their computer system about a special offer all went well and it was duly collected from their place where you can drive up to the door instead of having to hump it across part of the town to the car (and its flat tyre).  Sometime I'll get it installed but after today's excursions I'd had enough and it will be off to sunny (??) Alton tomorrow - duly hoping of course that Andy has found GDB's badge so we know who we're looking for.


Havea  good night one & all.

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We now need a printer Mike the kodak has failed what did you select and why if you don't mind... MrsB is off to the nuclear medicine clinic on Friday the 13th and has an aspiration of her hip joint on the 11th so two days of my holiday will be spent in Sheffield hospitals but if it finally means her pain will be sorted that will be great.

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Hello all after a very quick catch up on this page....and as I start this post I get the message box up << 45 new posts added...>> aggghhhh!!! :crazy:

Can't believe a week has gone past already.

Sorry for those who're poorly.  Glad for those who are getting better or have good news . Congrats, happy birthday/anniversary - whatever I've missed out on.


Just watching Ray play with his new toy - a working signal. :D

He's happy - I'm happy.


Wishing you a G'nite.




Edit - the reason I opened up ERs this yesterday morning.  Really great to see some of you ERs at Stafford.  What a wonderful bunch you are. Thanks for calling by CQ.

Edited by southern42
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