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  • RMweb Gold

This is the info I have.

Woman driving Jeep Cherokee got out to check on damage after gates descended on her car. She got back in the car and was killed when it was struck. The damage to the train  would have been lighter except that the third “rail” was “caught” and reared up penetrating the first car(iage). There was also fire.

That is what I have so far.


I’m not commenting any further on cause and effect until confirmation/report.


Best, Pete.

Thats what I have read on the US news sites.

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  • RMweb Gold

How awful Pete from what you say it sounds like the lady had her priorities wrong whith tragic results. Why cannot people understand the danger of stopping on a crossing.



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  • RMweb Premium

That sounds like a bit of sharp practice to me - unless the 'interest' was in the form of commission bids which were above the bottom estimate. 

It was that, as I do know that there are a couple of book dealers around here who fight it out for railway books, and they also have the wherewithall to shift some of the rubbish as well.  I did ask about a commision and he advised that there were a "couple of bids on the book already" - perhaps my abbreviated post made things sound worse than they were in terms of honesty and fair practice.  As to not publishing the estimates, there are staff around who will provide the estimates verbally, and also they will give the best estimate over the phone. 


I'll be back a bit later to fully catch up, as 30747 has today off, and we're wrapping up warm to take Lily out for a wander somewhere.

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  • RMweb Premium

Still snowing lightly, so I decided a nice hot veg soup with noodles and marrow dumplings will be our dinner.


Currently reconsidering a shift of focus for my H0 section which has been on my mind on and off for a while. How about a Spanish scenario, perhaps based on Pajares Pass in the Cantabrian mountains?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Cold and drear, although there is some blue sky about, and sunny periods are forecast for this afternoon.


Steve is doing heroic stuff on my roof, having had to take things apart right up to the pitch of the main roof, he has already got new battens in place and tiles replaced over a very large area. My money is not being wasted!


Good to hear Jock is being a "cancer buddy" to a fellow-sufferer, but no surprise! The disease is so unpredictable that maintaining hope is well worthwhile. Let's hope a corner is suddenly turned, and the lady gets many years yet.


Off to ring Sherry now. Hope your day delivers.

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The day after the photo in my avatar was taken (11,500' up on Boreas pass on the old Denver South park and Pacific) I was continuing my bike ride from Breckenridge towards Vail pass and Minturn.  The bike trail goes through woods with about 30 yards af trees between the path and some houses at one point.   I looked right and saw what looked like a large bear with a cub in the woods between me and the house fences.   To say that I was perturbed was an understatement.   I speeded up to try and get away but as I passed the figures realised that they were life size cutouts in sheets metal, painted black and placed there by the householder.   It took me a while to appreciate the humour.




Here's a real one we came face to face with in Glacier National Park, Montana. This was on our first day of a two week trekking holiday in the Rockies. It was a bit of a wake up call!



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Lovely sunshine here, I think it's time to check the currant bushes over.


On the matter of attraction as one ages, I have increasingly come to see women under 30 - whatever their intrinsic aesthetic charm - as somehow bland and uninteresting. Whereas show me an Emma Thompson or Kristin Scott Thomas, and I will gaze gratefully all day long.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


I am fairly scrupulous about clearing snow & ice off car windows but a couple of years ago I definitely failed to follow New Jersey requirements and left a couple of frozen inches of snow on the car roof - until I had to stop sharply in Didcot due to some idiot coming out of a side turning and said (no longer) frozen snow duly departed company with the roof and slid forwards straight down the windscreen.  Luckily the wipers and the throughly warmed screen (the Peugeot heater/aircon can be set to blast heat at the screen, and it does) made it easy to clear but the driver of a van coming the other way collapsed in a fit of laughter, I didn't blame him.


Sad news about the LXing collision - regrettably there seems to be no accounting for motorists who continue to think that their vehicles are tougher than trains or who are in such a hurry to get somewhere they leave their brains at home;  I hope this one wasn't down to equipment failure.


Have a good day one & all

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  • RMweb Premium

Lovely sunshine here, I think it's time to check the currant bushes over.


On the matter of attraction as one ages, I have increasingly come to see women under 30 - whatever their intrinsic aesthetic charm - as somehow bland and uninteresting. Whereas show me an Emma Thompson or Kristin Scott Thomas, and I will gaze gratefully all day long.

When an attractive 18-year-old tells you that you remind her of her grand-dad you know your getting old.

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  • RMweb Premium

Baz, I see from the paper that Peter Willey and George Sharp are suing the ECB because they're too old to be umpires on the first class list now. Leaving aside the fact that memories of Peter Willey's test debut in 1976 make me feel old, I would have thought that maintaining concentration is the hardest part of standing for 90+ overs in a day. It certainly was when I stood a few league matches in the past (ironically I was standing because of an eye injury that meant I couldn't bat (ball reared vertically off a dodgy pitch in a friendly when I was practicing keeping my head down and over ball, hit my cheekbones and the seam cut my eyebrow. But the same eye that I am having problems with now ...)


That a complex one as there is no "age limit" for umpires due to legislation. The rules on fitness, hearing and vision are tough for the first class umpires. A lot of the leagues have people well past retirement who still umpire..


As for the ball in the eye, youngest Herbert goes to hospital for checks once every two years as he was whacked in the face by a hockey ball - initially he went to see teh specialist every 3 months as they do worry more about eye injuries now than they used to.



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Waddya mean face to face? There's a whole river between you :O



He's actually on the same side of the lake as where we had just finished lunch when we first spotted him. He came to within about twenty five yards of us, stopped, had a good look and obviously decided we looked a bit too skinny to offer a good meal as he went up on to the track and passed by. It was rather scary!

Edited by Killybegs
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That a complex one as there is no "age limit" for umpires due to legislation. The rules on fitness, hearing and vision are tough for the first class umpires. A lot of the leagues have people well past retirement who still umpire..



The reason I won't umpire is that I don't hear the double noise of an inside edge. Can be embarrassing.  Still playing the occasional game at 63, just so long as they accept a number eleven who can't bowl (arthritis in right shoulder).


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A quick in and out today, as I'm home from Mass and off soon to visit the invalid in Lewisham then on to a railway meeting in Croydon.  Early start, as I'm going on a diocesan retreat for a couple of days.  Out of correspondence until Sunday.



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I've just realised my earlier post had a crucial missing "not". Current vision problems not in the eye that I injured all those years ago


As for bears, the one time I saw one in the wild was in a train! (will Debs allow me to mention this? I'm going to anyway)


We were on the trans-Canadian and Mum and I had made our way post breakfast to the domecar on the morning leaving Dad and sister to pay the bill. They missed the bear that came out the woods and followed the train walking along the tracks. That would have been mid July 1975. I had my 8th birthday at Niagara Falls a few days later. Mum and Dad knew we'd had enough of a big tour around half the world when all we could talk about was the ice creams we'd eaten there (mine had a cherry glaze!)

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  • RMweb Gold

My roof after two and a half days. The lathes/battens had been stripped off to the ridge, and so some of the new lathes are already covered by tiles




There had been mention of the bird-feeder that Sherry brought here at Christmas. Herewith, complete with diner. Taken from indoors, and no great shakes. But what impressed me is the lens. Nikon launched this model in 1969, an 80-200mm f4.5 zoom, the like of which had never been seen before in 35 mm photography, as it weighs less than a kilo, but was very expensive. This example is actually circa 1977, yet works with a 2015 DSLR to quite good effect.




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There had been mention of the bird-feeder that Sherry brought here at Christmas. Herewith, complete with diner. Taken from indoors, and no great shakes. But what impressed me is the lens. Nikon launched this model in 1969, an 80-200mm f4.5 zoom, the like of which had never been seen before in 35 mm photography, as it weighs less than a kilo, but was very expensive. This example is actually circa 1977, yet works with a 2015 DSLR to quite good effect.




Glad the local avian fraternity are finally getting the idea and I'll leave it to the schoolboys on the back row to make the obvious joke about the type of bird and what it likes!

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forgot to say that last night I saw Jupiter just to the left of the moon. One of the more enlightening snippets from the tail end of the footie commentary on Five Live led me to look out  of the window. I suspect that those who like Astronomy already knew this.

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HUMP day here (and most places I'm sure!)... we managed a measly 2-3 inches of snow last night, but temperatures stayed low as well.


Little else to share.


Currently -12 on the drive in, with slow traffic as the eejuts were still thinking about the evening snow apparently - even though it's ALL been removed from the roads and there should have been no reductions in traffic speed as the roads were clear and dry <sigh> there is definitely no accounting for incompetent drivers :jester:  

Cloudy and breezy most of the day with -9 forecast for a high and -19 for the wind chill - then it's supposed to get COLD tonight!!!

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  • RMweb Gold

At the beginning of the month the Telegraph has a night sky chart showing star, lunar and any planet positions. The picture editor needs to look at it. The photo of last night's moon included then description "the star to the left of the Moon is Jupiter".

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 I'll leave it to the schoolboys on the back row to make the obvious joke about the type of bird and what it likes!


I find that Tits respond well to a variety of seedy ideas.

                                                           Signed: Schoolboy at the Back.

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