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  • RMweb Premium

I have got a Bachmann 04 in bits in the cellar (if that counts) :lol: - It's never been the same since I chipped it.



Robert - in case nobody ever told you: Disassembling a model does not commonly mean putting it into a shredder! :O :lol:

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Worth getting any sort of description down on paper, Gordon.

Whatever you can remember.

Clothing, shoes, hair colour, skin colour, build etc.

Call in at your friendly Police Station with the details.

Make sure your car keys etc. are not within easy reach of a letter box.

Disturbing for you.

Happened to us once. Good back-up from the Police.

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Morning DD...


I'm off to the Police Station this morning. Nicking logs is not really an issue, but it's the second time it has happened in the last two weeks. No damage or anything else, so really quite strange.


I guess on it's own it's not so important, but it may just be connected to something else. Someone sleeping rough?....But why they would want a fire in these temperatures is beyond me.

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Morning DD...


I'm off to the Police Station this morning. Nicking logs is not really an issue, but it's the second time it has happened in the last two weeks. No damage or anything else, so really quite strange.


I guess on it's own it's not so important, but it may just be connected to something else. Someone sleeping rough?....But why they would want a fire in these temperatures is beyond me.


Why not put a few snakes in the wood pile?


I'd be very careful. A mate had something similar a while back. They kept knicking bricks from where he had knocked down a wall. Turns out they were on practice runs for hitting the house a couple of weeks later. We had some oik on one of those crappy scooters watching the house from the back lane a few months ago. SWMBO spotted him, went to the window and he fled. 3 nights later the security lights went on and the back gate was left open. That was enough to frighten him off. The only intruder since has been our nightly fox visit.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. The weather is bright and breezy here. I haven't got too much planned.today. I've got to get some sealant to stop a very minor leak between the shower-door frame and the tray. After that I suspect i may look at some motor-racing and football.


Gordon. The oiks may not actually be interested in the wood and may be just taking it in the same way that other garden ornaments get taken and thrown away, some sort of dare. My mother-in-law had to resort to security cameras to finally stop her neighbour wandering at will around her garden. He couldn't any longer say she was imagining it after the evidence was available on the CCTV recorder.



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  • RMweb Gold

Apart from snakes you could leave a tray of wet gloss paint in front of the woodpile.


Many years ago, I put a coat of varnish/woodstain on the front door. There was a loud banging on the front door. It was a little girl from next door asking me what was written on the notice attached to the door.




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A tad on the warm side around here. Spent most of the early afternoon having a leisurely lunch at a pavement cafe in Wiesbaden.


Came home after, found it too warm, and went out for a bike ride. Once you hit a particular speed, the wind is quite pleasant - still rather too warm for my taste though.


I think the evening calls for a couple of beers, and the highlights of the Grand Prix and Tour de France.

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  • RMweb Gold

Sun's burning through and it is turning hot again - almost 32° already. Very muggy, too, so I decided to prepare some wet towels and drape them around my shoulders!




We in England definitely defer to German expertise in towel preparation!



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  • RMweb Gold

I have to admit I would hate the idea of someone wandering around my garden - thankfully where I am it's curtain twitch country. When I am out on call and get in at 3 in the morning you can bet your life that someone has clocked me. Strangely reassuring I suppose but not so good if you're trying to smuggle a lady in. - the whole street seems to know.


Some nice toys out and about on the Mid Hants today. I was driving 92212, 34007 was on the other service train and 60019 and 73096 were running up and down after piston valve repair (60019) and a new cylinder (73096).

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  • RMweb Gold

Today was certainly much better than I expected.Went to Swanage (although for the first time, didn't go on the train!) and managed to buy a Supermarine Walrus (float plane), 2 yards of flexible N gauge track (for the infilled 009 sections) and 2 yards of flexible OO track. Also managed to get more done to the board. Unfortunately when we got back from Swanage the board seems to have warped as stupidly I left it in the conservatory. I'm hoping to gentle ease it back to the level and then tomorrow get the subframe on it to stop it warping.Nice hot weather too which is always a bonus. Still think all the cyclists that were out today are mad though. Phil, I can't imagine what it must be like driving a steam locomotive in this heat!

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Good morning all. What a busy weekend you all had. It's taken me over half an hour just to read ther posts I missed.

In contrast to your weather, Saturday's weather report said "Grey, wet, cold, miserable today and worse tomorrow".

Went business doing on Saturday morning and took Timothy out for breakfast.

Sunday morning I woke to the sound of rain pouring down outside but it cleared up by mid morning. It remained cold but the sun came out so it looked pleasant.

I'm not particularly scared of snakes (came across lots when out hiking), and I believe they are cosidered a delicasy in some cultures but don't fancy a kebabed sample. Just live and let live Gordon, unless you do notice a decline in fish population, which seems probable in the light of Mrs. S's report.

Very nice job on the 9F.

Pleased to hear of your purchases Jam and progress with the board. I couldn't find your reply to my comment on framing the oval board. I read your latest blog, but that dealt more with the latest designs. I couldn't find the earlier report. I don't know how blogs work.

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Morning All,


The temperature is already up to 26°C in my office - and warmer still outside. I predict that by the time we get to late afternoon it is going to be a killer. Thankfully, I have got a day which is reasonably free of meetings.


Have a good day everyone!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all!



Don, if it's any consolation our weather is supposed to be going downhill from here - well, until Wednesday anyway...

The best way I can think of to describe a blog is that it is like a diary. Each blog post (or 'entry') is a new day in the diary. Therefore you have commented on one blog entry and I would reply on that same entry (unless it requires a more detailed reply, in which case it might be easier to post another entry to add photos to explain. Hope that makes some sort of sense?


Here is where you posted (i.e. you will be able to find my reply here too, after your comment):


Blog Entry - Calshot Mk II's board shape



Speaking of Calshot, I'm off to Calshot today (i.e. the real place) to take more photos as inspiration, particularly in and around the castle and hangars. Forecast is light rain, but I hope there isn't too much of it!

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Hi Mick,

Everything 100% thanks, but wants to see me in another 6 weeks. He says there can be a recurrence so want's to do a regular check. That is bad news for me because he charges three times the medical aid rate! Still cheaper than a funeral though, but a funeral is a once off expence whilst his is recurring :lol:

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