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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Cold and dreary, but thankfully dry underfoot, so driving is ok. Unlike parts of my (unsurfaced) yard where water I chucked out of bowls and buckets yesterday is now a river of ice. Clever chap,huh?


Sheena due at 11, although there is a risk she will be in poor humour, if Alison carries out her threat to go and confront her, asking for her hard drive (with all her kids pics) back, as well as 244 euros that seems to have been held instead of transferred. Then there's Alison's missing tractor, which I know to be in Sheena's barn, having been secreted there by Ben....


It gets worse. The text I got last thing last night from Alison said that her lover's wife had been in tears all day yesterday, as her father had seen Alison's car leaving their premises very late at night. He has said he will castrate Francois (the lover) and rape Alison! Hi drama in rural France! Makes Corrie seem like a soap opera....


I have Alison's friend Steve here this afternoon to look at some woodwork renewals on my railway barn - but not the ground floor bit where the trains are. We'll see.


Great to have a cheery wave from Debs! I'm glad we haven't offended you!


OTOH, DD's humour is now descending to the level that Beast displays on Facebook. Perhaps they meet for coffee at the Corn Exchange.


Fan? Many years ago, when I listened to steam radio while cooking an early breakfast before an 0700 start, the presenter (more than a DJ, really) said he'd been to a nightspot where there had been a fan dancer. Unfortunately it did not go well, and the poor girl tripped and fell on her fan. [Pause for effect] Especially as it was an electric fan!


Hope your week winds up/down as required.

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Morning all,

It's a lovely morning now, having been brightened by a post from Debs - great to see that avatar appearing again! As Sherry said, you've been missed.

Trev, I hope your GF won't mind, but I'd like to convey that phrase to the oncology staff who look after me when I attend my next consultation in two weeks time. Such strength of character goes a long way to beating any adversity - I'm now convinced that there must be some truth in the concept of mind over matter! As you said, what a girl!

It does seem strange not to have had a communication from Andrew C when we've had a 'language' topic running - after all, he does seem to have his own unique version of English! Let's hope he's back in the swing, pint in hand, very soon.

Apologies to anyone I've confused as I thought that the Stafford show was on this weekend!

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

It does seem strange not to have had a communication from Andrew C when we've had a 'language' topic running - after all, he does seem to have his own unique version of English! Let's hope he's back in the swing, pint in hand, very soon.

Apologies to anyone I've confused as I thought that the Stafford show was on this weekend!

Kind regards,


Andrew C has been busy with relatives staying and now DIY in the Boring Borough so no modelling at all at the moment. I am sure he will soon be back on here.

I will let him know that he is being missed though!!



Phew..... glad Stafford isnt this weekend!!


Will be training it up there a week tonight. My stock is already with the layout for loading into Star Lanes owners car.

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OTOH, DD's humour is now descending to the level that Beast displays on Facebook. Perhaps they meet for coffee at the Corn Exchange.



The level has never been very high!


Unfortunately the attractions of Facebook have passed me by although they keep asking me if I know Gordon..

ERs is enough to keep me on the computer for long enough.

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  • RMweb Premium



Apologies to anyone I've confused as I thought that the Stafford show was on this weekend!

Kind regards,







Phew..... glad Stafford isnt this weekend!!


Will be training it up there a week tonight. My stock is already with the layout for loading into Star Lanes owners car.


Me too.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Lots of catching up and sorry to have missed Mick's birthday so belated good wishes wrapped up in yellow paper, and welcome back Debs and dogs - we'ver missed you. 


In truth I'm thorough;ly hacked off having to use this laptop with its odd (to me) keyboard where it's even easier to hit the wrong keys than on my Mac's tiny keyboard, especially the capslock and it can't do transformations back to lower case at the click of a couple of buttons.  I'm taking the Mac in to the 'Genius bar' on Sunday but I suspect that I won't be bringing it home on the same day unless some sort of minor miracle occurs  .  and multis £s threatening I suspect.


Mrs Stastionmaster still has a majot cold and is threatening 'I won't cook' this evening so the Red Lites might do rather well on pork fillet (and the cats might do rather well on chip shop cod tonight, including the now much brighter 'poorly paw' Sammy).


And Finsbury Park - ah, we went there on a KX 'diversion' a few years back - worked very well as a pre-planned arrangement as it happens but the 'sausage roll' from a local deli/baker definitely proved that kosher shops don't do very good 'sausage' rolls.  As for foreign languges - at which I was never expert in school days but had to use in my final big railway job - the most amusing was attenfding a meeting conducted in Flemish and actually managing to get a pretty good understanding of what was being said after about the first 30 minutes once I'd got a grip of times and whatever the Flemish was for 'rail replacement 'bus'.  My only real recommendation from those days is don't go drinking with a group of Germans and Belgians - I have regrettable memories of waking up in the hotel in Mainz with a quite spectacular headache on the morniing after the evening before in a bar near the station.


Have a good day one and all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Been a-lurking for a couple of hours now, while trying to get through to the council to check on the progress of a report of a faulty street light, the absence of which is causing .roblems with seeing the dog in the garden in the hours of darkness (it's just outside our side garden).


Various domestic tasks appear to be indicated this morning, and these seem to involve the hoover, provided I can remember how it works. 


Cold this morning, though not as bad as some areas have experienced, but the forecast is for things to get a bit warmer, wetter, and windier, wow.  (alliteration was accidental).  Oddly yesterday I went out first thing, and as there was no frost on any of the neighbours' cars, I took the bag off mine, and when I went out two hours later, about half past nine, I had to get the de-icer out.


Must rush now as hoovering awaits, and I'm on dinner duty, making omelettes, apparently, and some of the ingredients are still in the Co-op.


Regards to All


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Afternoon all! It's a glamorous life I lead. I'm standing on Dundee station platform waiting for the 1216 back to Edinburgh.


Tuesday, Brixton, Friday, Dundee...


Haven't caught up with posts yet but may do on the train. Been supporting our Health minister at an event in Dundee. Very little for me to do about it but did have chance to catch a word with her afterwards about other things. I'm supporting her at a Parliament committee on Tuesday (live web feed is available for those of you with nothing better to do!).


My offices were on TV last night on a BBC Alba programme about Jessie King, the last woman to be executed in Scotland (for murder of children that she was "farming"), who's buried in our car park.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all! It's a glamorous life I lead. I'm standing on Dundee station platform waiting for the 1216 back to Edinburgh.



Left on time as well according to Real Time Trains

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Good news. I emailed the breakdown insurance company direct and they said the broker was talking rubbish, the limit is still 8 metres. So I can tear up the letters waiting to go to the post!


Still very wet and windy but my day has got a whole lot brighter!

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  • RMweb Premium

Warmer wetter and windier indeed, if I may join Stewart in his alliteration!


Lunch out consumed, housework beckons.


John Killybegs, our camper is a 5.5m luckily, a  Ducato MWB PVC - Tribute 550.  That's the longest the RAC etc will cover now, we didn't buy it for that reason though, we bought it because it's cheaper on the ferry than a long coachbuilt!

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It did indeed leave on time Stewart!


Has anyhting happened yet in regards the re building of the station entrance at Dundee?


It was a hoarded off derelict site last August when we were there.

They're still on with building work around there. New hotel to go up on the corner over the east end of the station, and of course the V&A to go up just across the road too. Whole place will be a building site for at least another 3 years, I'd expect...

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Sometimes I really miss teaching.

Two Facebook statuses from people I used to work with (both outstanding teachers)


 Going through problem on board with Year 9 today. Stopped mid-way to check they understood what I was droning on about. Said, "Right, so we're half-way there".

Back row girls, in unison, "Whoa whoa, livin' on a prayer"


One of greatest privileges of being a teacher is seeing your registration group grow into young adults...

...Young adults who this morning wanted to play MUSICAL CHAIRS. To Abba tunes.



Love it!

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John Killybegs, our camper is a 5.5m luckily, a  Ducato MWB PVC - Tribute 550.  That's the longest the RAC etc will cover now, we didn't buy it for that reason though, we bought it because it's cheaper on the ferry than a long coachbuilt!


I was going to say that many motor caravan insurance policies include recovery, mine does but I don't need it! I have RAC Arrival with the C&C Club, and was under the impression that they would recover bigger vans, although again I don't need it.



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  • RMweb Gold

...One of greatest privileges of being a teacher is seeing your registration group grow into young adults...

The second school I taught in used the system where your took your tutor group for their 5 years in the school. I rather liked that system. At the sixth form college you only had a group for two years but working with older teenagers was always interesting.


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The second school I taught in used the system where your took your tutor group for their 5 years in the school. I rather liked that system. At the sixth form college you only had a group for two years but working with older teenagers was always interesting.


My son's secondary school does this.


One of the side effects is that he will never have a male form tutor unless he gets one in the sixth form. There were no male teachers at all at his primary school. There are plenty at the secondary school (a boys' school), just not his form tutor

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The second school I taught in used the system where your took your tutor group for their 5 years in the school. I rather liked that system. At the sixth form college you only had a group for two years but working with older teenagers was always interesting.


We always did that, and the Head of Year moved up with the year group as well.


Because if you don't there isn't much point...

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  • RMweb Premium

It did indeed leave on time Stewart!




And arrived one minute early - not bad at all given that it started at Inveruruie, but I guess that there's not a lot to get in its way during its meanderings to the South.


Now chucking it down here, fire's lit, and heating running, and it appears that I am still on dinner duty and I now have all the necessary ingredients - whoever heard of a bacon and mushroom omelette when we've no bacon or mushrooms in the house - we did have some eggs, though.


Can't really say about the merits of having the same teacher for years, as my judgment is clouded - I had the same teacher whom I disliked and who disliked me all the way from Primary 2 to Primary 7 - ie 5 years, where I never flourished as she placed much (far too much) store on handwriting being indicative of academic performance, and my handwriting was (and still is) abominable, and would do a GP proud - in fact one of her gems of wisdom was that it was probably the only job I'd ever do well in, as every other job needed better handwriting that I could produce.  Once I was in secondary school, I proved her wrong, and wound up Dux (A Scottish description of the best academic performer) of the school.

Edited by 45156
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My son's secondary school does this.


One of the side effects is that he will never have a male form tutor unless he gets one in the sixth form. There were no male teachers at all at his primary school. There are plenty at the secondary school (a boys' school), just not his form tutor


This system is used  to promote continuity and stability for the students as they progress through high school. One hopes that the form tutor (male or female) remains in post for the whole five years! My own children ( 2G, 1B) formed significant relationships with various teachers in their high school days whom they encountered in the course of their timetabled lessons, with the form tutor not necessarily being the most important.

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  • RMweb Premium

Ed, not sure about C&C club cover - we are in it, but our RAC is separate as this includes our other vehicles, which are many...er....7 last count!  Definitely a 5.5m limit on that policy.  We also have Tyre-on cover when in the UK for the van.


I'm with Stewart with regards to my awful handwriting, I was written off by a hated teacher (female) at primary level for the same reasons, but although I didn't achieve Dux level at the Grammar School, I did OK - Merchant Navy Officer qualifications to the second highest level, an HR degree, and a diverse and successful employment history.  That teacher was famously sexist in favour of girls, yet the only 11 plus failures in her class were female!  False sense of security given to them I think.


Edit having read Sherry's post - I made a good relationship with only one form teacher at the Grammar, where they changed each year, but did make several with other teachers as the years went on.  One was a teacher who a few years later taught Debs (she's 5 years younger), and one day saw us in the street together when recently married and commented that he would have put us together in his mind as a good match!  Perceptive.  He's sadly missed, a good man.

Edited by New Haven Neil
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POETS day <sniff> <cough> <sneeze> and feeling like crap :( Didn't sleep well and generally not a happy camper <groan>


Good job I work from home, otherwise I'd NOT be working, i.e. commuting as that would really be miserable.


-1 here and overcast supposed to get to +4 today...

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