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  • RMweb Premium

Pleased to see that we're back in action.


The downtime was quite helpful as I had a faulty bedside light which wanted repairing, and that has been duly done, so it no longer flashes like a pedestrian crossing.


Back tomorrow.

An early g'night all

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  • RMweb Gold

Just thinking, guys, that we haven't heard from Andrew C for a long time. Whilst The Lurker is reporting from the boring end of the borough, nothing from the boring, boring end.



I keep intending to txt Andrew. I know that he has had relatives over.


I will txt him now before I forget.




He's fine as he's talking about having a few beers

Edited by roundhouse
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Evening all,   here is  just an extract of todays  email from my GF  ...................Slept well last night. Sun's up. Feel better...even before my caffeine. Hope it's a better day there. No tears; fewer fears. Wait until we are TOLD there is something to fear.  Think of it for now as "something to fix".....a softer 'f' word... What a girl eh? Again thanks for all your concerns, it does mean a lot to me. 


Back to the regional accent subject,   many years ago (back in the 90's) I went to do an installation in Kyrgyzstan for an international hotel group. The local guys who were learning to speak English and doing far better than my attempts at either Kyrg or Russian. But I had taken one of our electricians with me  - who only spoke broad Geordie!  One of the locals took me to one side and asked me what language he was speaking!   It was a bit of a challenge trying to explain......


OK time get some reports of todays work activities off, back later p'raps



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Afternoon all.

I did find something to do today. The downstairs loo extractor fan has suddenly become very noisy. I have dismantled it and reassembled it and it is a bit better but not a lot so a new one will arrive tomorrow assuming Amazon "Next Day" is!


Co-incidence - we had a strange noise in the bathroom a week ago and I thought it might be the extractor fan so dismantled it, also visited the loft and the cupboard next door to the bathroom without success - long story short but it was an electric toothbrush which had fallen over and turned itself on! However having removed the cover of the fan, it had 25 years of talcum powder and dust in it which got cleaned out, but somewhere the screw that holds the cover vanished - despite taking half the place apart it has still not re-appeared so I ordered some more (despite having more screws than a stick could be shaken at I had no 5mm ones) A small packet arrived at lunchtime (ordered from darn Sarf yesterday) and the item is now reassembled!


PS a bit late but happy Birthday, Mick

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  • RMweb Premium

The absence of RM Web does make for a more productive day!


So what did I do today without RMweb? :O

Well I got out my brand new paintbrush size 0000 - C00, double 00 :laugh:  - and finished painting micro rosettes on 00 Morris Men. Magic. :D

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  • RMweb Premium

:O  There's more than one??? Now I'm confused. Happy belated birthday to the other, other Mick, not the yellow one and not you. Or something like that...

There is a veritable plague of us which I think is why I used the name Skipepsi.

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Sorry guys, absolutely miles behind.  A very Happy Birthday young Michael!  A warm welcome to the world to our latest addition in Tokyo and fingers crossed this turns into something and nothing for your girlfriend Trev…..


Apologies if I've missed anything else that's significant, but miss a day or two here and now you're done for…..:-)

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  • RMweb Premium

A day or two? Try a week or two! Anyway, condolences, congratulations, hard lucks, well dones, reallies?, thanks, sorries to those deserving of them.


This retirement lark is flippin' 'ard work. Spent the weekend at Canterbury playing with Cramdin, then this week has been spent at Ropley putting 70000 Britannia back together and fettling it....the Romance of Steam? Romance of Steam my a**e. Anybody who reckons that that particular notion exists has never worked on the damned things. I reckon I must be a masochist because, and don't tell anyone this, it has been quite enjoyable despite being in a pit underneath the thing beating it with various sizes of hammers for most of the week.


It's pretty much there now, just odds and sods to do, but, as always, they're the bits that always fight you and take the time to get right. But then....we get to play with it. They, along with those Bulleid things, have been my favourite class of engine since I copped 70004 William Shakespeare at Euston 55 years ago.


Never thought I'd get the chance to play with one in real life...happy days.

Happy you are enjoying your retirement, work is only work when you have to do it. Is the live steamer done yet?

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  • RMweb Premium

And wishing you a

Happy Birthday, Mick

(before we disappear into another day)


I'd deleted that from an earlier post thinking I'd lost the plot [well, it wouldn't be anything unusual. :mosking:  ]  with the incoming (other) Mick posts.



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  • RMweb Gold

Happy you are enjoying your retirement, work is only work when you have to do it. Is the live steamer done yet?

Hiya Mick...if you are talking about the 5" gauge Merchant Navy project, then no, that has been swapped for a 1 1/2" scale Allchin traction engine. My kids have made it very plain that any 'junk' (their words) left in the house when I pop my clogs will be simply skipped, even if it is of value ( one of the joys of having relatively affluent offspring). The Allchin, because my grandchildren have seen it in steam, is not deemed as junk.


I have a few projects that I won't finish, so best to pass them on to deserving homes.


Edit..I am going to try and finish the 5" gauge IoW o2 at some stage though.

Edited by PhilH
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  • RMweb Premium

A day or two? Try a week or two! Anyway, condolences, congratulations, hard lucks, well dones, reallies?, thanks, sorries to those deserving of them.


This retirement lark is flippin' 'ard work. Spent the weekend at Canterbury playing with Cramdin, then this week has been spent at Ropley putting 70000 Britannia back together and fettling it....the Romance of Steam? Romance of Steam my a**e. Anybody who reckons that that particular notion exists has never worked on the damned things. I reckon I must be a masochist because, and don't tell anyone this, it has been quite enjoyable despite being in a pit underneath the thing beating it with various sizes of hammers for most of the week.


It's pretty much there now, just odds and sods to do, but, as always, they're the bits that always fight you and take the time to get right. But then....we get to play with it. They, along with those Bulleid things, have been my favourite class of engine since I copped 70004 William Shakespeare at Euston 55 years ago.


Never thought I'd get the chance to play with one in real life...happy days.


How it was when we saw it last June


in 4-4-2 guise so delighted it's all in one piece, again.

So, what's it's tour schedule, then? :mosking:

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  • RMweb Gold

How it was when we saw it last June

attachicon.gifIMG_1786 70000 Britannia Ropley.JPG

in 4-4-2 guise so delighted it's all in one piece, again.

So, what's it's tour schedule, then? :mosking:

Apart from test runs probably its first public steamings will be at the Mid Hants Gala Feb 13-14-15th (plug) I'm driving on Sat 14th at this event, might get a go on it (if the great and the good don't get in first) I'll possibly be owner's repping for the other two days as well. We have A4 4464 Bittern back on the railway for a year as well now its mainline ticket has run out, so if people like big engines then it's the place to be that weekend.


I have no idea what mainline runs are planned, being just a minion no one tells me nuffink....

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon (it is here) I'm 5 hours behind time wise as I am now in sunny Florida. Currently 73f with a nice breeze and a ice cold beer in hand.

Congratulations and commiserations as appropriate as numerous posts have been made since Monday. I will catch up later on tonight after our meal.

Take care all

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  • RMweb Premium

evening world.


Funnily enough I have never found understanding Geordie to be an issue......mackems, now, that's a different matter.  (you may need to be from the north-east to work this all out!).


Busy at work today, lots of customers with DCC issues, all sorted though, one of them really tried my knowledge, but the customer and myself both learned something from it!


Trev - :friends:

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