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  • RMweb Gold

My fears have been confirmed - subject to contract, they have already informed me my bid was not successful. Seems the vendors are in it just for the money after all... still, I could not have put more effort into it so I can't blame myself.

However they did say my bid was very good, so must've been pipped to the post.


Trev, I can only echo what the others have said - hope it is not as bad as it sounds. Will keep my fingers crossed for you!

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  • RMweb Gold

Railsquid, nice baby photo.

The early photos we have of Matthew seem to have tubes taped to his face. Matthew was 3kg but Aditi said that made him the heaviest baby born in her family for some time.

Matthew rang from the train as he approached Waterloo. He doesn't know how his interview went at BP. He said he was a bit thrown by a question about a scenario in an imaginary country but soon recovered. He was happier dealing with a scenario about China and Australia.


Dom, Dick. After illness I can remember (though I wish I didn't!) somehow getting to work, doing some work and getting home. Any structured return agreement was ignored about as soon as the paper had cooled from the photocopier. As the person who dealt with what is now called HR appeared to me to demonstrate the behaviour associated with a socialised psychopath it wasn't going to end well.


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  • RMweb Gold

... I do hope I don't have a muppet for a sister...

Matthew thinks one of his uncles looks just like Shrek. I suppose with his colour vision problem Matthew hasn't realised Shrek is green.

Edited by Tony_S
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Afternoon all.  Not caught up with the posts yet.


Got home at midnight after meeting in Victoria, followed by a wander around Brixton and Stockwell.  I even got the Brixton tourist trail guide to where the riots had been planned...


Met up with a Uni friend at the Parcel Yard pub in King's Cross station, had a couple of pints of rather pleasant real ale.  Annoyingly I think he has a picture in his attic, hasn't changed a bit in the 15 years since we left uni.


No rare breed bacon on the journey back, but I did enjoy pulled beef cottage pie.  after years of jokes about British Rail food, I've got to say the stuff I had in First Class was... well... first class!


Back in the office today and tomorrow, then out on Friday on another train trip, north this time to Dundee to support one of our Ministers at an event.

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Morning on another HUMP day...


Trev my thoughts are with you.

Been a VERY long time, but I was involved in long distance relationship once and it is extremely hard to handle the added pressure that places on you in times like this. We're all here for you.


Lovely photo Squid, but I don't see any TRAINS in there with him?!?! :senile:  :jester:


<TRAINS ALERT (turn away Deb)>

MAJOR MILESTONE REACHED - Last night I laid the last section of track on the layout, with the exception of a small additional length to be added to a spur! Finally!!! :drag:



So, we got a couple of inches of snow last night, roads in acceptable condition for the drive in, but again, an incredible number of folks who obviously park outside overnight are driving with only a 6-12 inch square hole through the snow on the windshield and no other windows even attempted to be cleared!

I worry for some members of the human race, it's to be hoped that if they take themselves out of the gene pool, they don't take any of the less stupid members with them!! <sigh>


-3 and overcast with light snow, expecting ZERO for a high

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Lovely photo Squid, but I don't see any TRAINS in there with him?!?! :senile:  :jester:


Apparently sharp pointy objects with lots of fiddly plastic bits don't mix very well with small babies. :no:


Anyway give the lad a chance, he's just figuring out the whole concept of boobies. :scratch_one-s_head_mini:

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  • RMweb Premium

Good afternoon from The Gateway to the World. I attempted to post this morning but got side-tracked and in the process my post disappeared into the aether. It's dull and wet, but now less so than mid morning when the cloud cover must have been really thick. Martyn's off school having been sick repeatedly and generally under the weather; currently half asleep on the sofa. I had to go out for a bit but he's been asleep most of the day. The supply of GBL C class in Eastleigh seems to have diminished to zero already. 


Best wishes to Trev and his lady; the wait for results and clarification of the position can't be easy.


I believe the most appropriate sustenance for a Jewish invalid is chicken soup.


Lovely photo of Baby Squid.


Tigger's in the corner behind the printer catching spiders.


Enjoy the rest of your day.



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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


First off, another encouraging wish for Trev - and at this stage, nearly everything has been said, including a very sensible contribution from our own medical expert, Flavio, whose words carry a whole lot of common sense.  We're all behind you as has been proved on so many occasions here in the past.  We're only at the end of a post if you want to tell us anything.


Second off - hope your hand is not too bad, Geoff.  I didn't hear the scream of anguish.  Lovely to know that you have a Dr with a sense of humour - was it the local practice at Caton? 


Weather here is a bit better than predicted, and it seemed warmer than forecast, and we haven't had much of that horrible slippy slidy white stuff....

Just got wind that Aldi is getting a sully of their much superior paste tables which we often see supporting stuff at car boot sales, and which I've promised myself often - there is no phone number for the local store, and their head office say that I'll just have to take my chances - so an early trip to Morecambe may be in order - as here is not going to be here for a while tomorrow, I'll post again later tomorrow.


Regards to All


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The early photos we have of Matthew seem to have tubes taped to his face. Matthew was 3kg but Aditi said that made him the heaviest baby born in her family for some time.

The eldest Lurker was 2.99kg - I always thought I was a lbs and oz man but that has stuck far more easily in my mind than 6lbs 9 1/2oz. He was a bigger baby than I was (6lbs 2 oz I think) but he's got a lot of catching up to do - I'm 6 foot 2 and an awful lot of lbs and ozs now!


he didn't need any tubes but was a bright yellow colour and spent a week or so in a "biliblanket".

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  • RMweb Premium

Tony, it's not primarily about the structured return agreement in this case, though the mentoring issue may have to do with my being easily afflicted by common ailments at this time. Elise had caught a virus at the nursery she's working at by about last Wednesday and seems to have passed it on to me. Right now, I'm ensconced on the sofa with a thick head and stuffy nose, but the lesson tomorrow at least I should definitely run as my examination thesis will be based on this teaching unit. I guess I should see how things are by noon tomorrow and then decide...

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still snowing here!


its wet and slushy so just hope it doesn't freeze as I need to go out tonight.


Her indoors only had one of her schools cancel so she has been busy today at 4 different schools and she also managed a pre-school swim so she is now asleep in front of the the TV.



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Hi folks - thank you all so much for your kind words & advice.....all dully noted.   Was just a bit of a shock at 5 am to get that sort of phone call. 


(Yes flowers will be ordered for Marilyn's return home.)


Hopefully further tests in the next few weeks should help. One down side is that I'm going to miss my  Pacific Coast drive in March. Save that for another day.


Railsquid - now your life will be no longer your own , by the way  both my off spring were sub 5lbs (ok 2,2kg) My son (34) now a strapping 6'4" & built like a brick out house spent 6 weeks in Special care unit....


Thanks once again it really meant a lot to me as I've got no one here to talk to. 



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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks once again it really meant a lot to me as I've got no one here to talk to. 




Trev, I'd say that for as long as this corner of RMweb exists, you will always have someone to talk to, regardless of where you are.

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"Second off - hope your hand is not too bad, Geoff.  I didn't hear the scream of anguish.  Lovely to know that you have a Dr with a sense of humour - was it the local practice at Caton?"



Good luck with the pasting table Stewart. My doctor is in Dalton Square in Lancaster, just across the road from where Buck Ruxton had his practice, fortunately none of his practices has rubbed off. For those not familiar with Buck; in the 1930s he murdered his wife and their maid and dismembered their bodies, scattering the remains in a Scottish glen. He was caught and hanged because he had wrapped the parts in a local newspaper. So there's an important tip for you. My mother used to tell us that she was a patient of his and he was a lovely man and good doctor. In fact so many old people in town made the same claim that he must have had the busiest practice in Lancashire! My hand is scabbing over nicely so all will be well I think. Thanks for all the support.

Edited by Ohmisterporter
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  • RMweb Premium

On a side note, I keep noticing various idiosyncrasies in language use in East Germany. For example, it's common to say "quarter of nine" ("viertel-neun") or "three quarters of nine" ("dreiviertel-neun") if you want to say it is 8.15 or 8.45 respectively, so that 8.30 would be understood as "half of nine", too. That's something which still confuses me as I'm used to the "quarter past eight" format!


And then there is, of course, the famous "Plaste" from GDR-speak in lieu of "Plastik."

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  • RMweb Premium

Which only goes to amaze me as usual how good your command of English is Dom, and my understanding of German is....nil.  Well, we've got a BMW, that's about it!  My cousin married a German and lives in Munich, so I should hang my head in shame, as I rely on Heiner's skill in English to communicate.


Trev,.....can only agree with what every one else has said.  Positivity is massively important in these cases, I'm sure Marilyn knows you are there for her, even if you aren't able to be physically at the moment.  If you can though, be there.....   We also have that T shirt from an illness Mrs NHN had a few years ago, and everything has worked out OK, and continues to be so.  Prompt treatment and support.

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Goggle eyed - finished modelling a head dress with ribbons on an Obby Oss - all of an inch tall or is that 2.5cm these days?   :crazy:

That's me done for the day.  :yes: :yes:  :yes:

Night in front of the telly, then.

:no: :no: :no:

Ah, photos to upload on thread first.

That'll keep me out of mischief.  :mosking:


Have a good evening or morning/afternoon if you're day is nigh.

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  • RMweb Gold

Dom, the older people in my family always said five and twenty past to to the hour rather than 25 past or to. Are the useages you notice age related?

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