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  • RMweb Gold

Trev - someone once told me that things are rarely as good or as bad as they first seem. I hope this is true for you but no matter what happens we are all here supporting you as best we can. Once the whole story is known you can then deal with it, as has been said, worrying doesn't solve anything and can actually make YOU ill - I know that's an easy thing to say but try and stay as calm as you can, your partner will need a steady hand to help her on the journey now starting. If you want to offload, feel free, we are here.

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Morning all,


That is shocking news but as Sherry said, feel free to bend our ears, or if you find that upsetting, use the PM system. I have found tremendous support from RMweb members, which was truly helpful after the initial shock of diagnosis, but the worst feeling you are experiencing is probably helplessness, being so far away. Sherry's idea of compassionate leave is worth examining. Even if the news is bad, as mine was, attack what has happened head on and, with the assistance of the new 'wonder drugs' available, you will be amazed at what the human body can cope with. Now that I 'wear the t-shirt', and have done for nearly two years, I'm possibly able to help so please get in touch if there is anything you want to discuss.


Terribly sorry to hear of your impaired vision - you must have found it a scary experience, and if you are at all like me, you would prefer to know the likely cause in order to avoid a repeat! You mentioned 'good luck to Jam', as I believe did 'emt911' - I must have missed why so I'll say 'good luck Jam', anyway and try to catch up later!

Lovely picture of the new arrival in Tokyo, please keep us up to date on the little fellows progress - I remember being a bit worried years ago when our son was born and showed signs of jaundice. A couple of hours under a lamp and he was fine.

We were lucky last night as it felt cold enough for snow, but we had a rainstorm instead - much to my delight as I'm the only driver in the family that was trained to drive in adverse conditions whilst living in Scotland. When it snows, or indeed when it's very icy, I have to get nurse daughter to work, as well as kids to schools (when they are open!) and take responsibility for shopping trips! Luckily, such bad weather is rarely seen here these days and I've only had to contend with one trip to the doctors for Joanna so far, when it was very frosty early yesterday!

Nearly half way over the hump so downhill to the weekend!

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

Without wanting to steal anyone's thunder - flash thought that just crossed my mind... Why is it that as a teacher, you can be fully aware of dragging yourself to work when ill being a bad idea for anyone involved but at the same time feel bad about that realisation? I see that in my colleagues all the time, and I notice I've begun adopting that same detrimental view with increasing frequency.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Fingers firmly crossed for Trev and lady friend - hprrible being ast a distance from it it all but I'm sure your thoughts and words will help her.


Mention of ham sandwiches reminds me of the time when one of our offspring was doing her GCSEs and she accompanied us on the weekly shop to get some ingredients for her coursework Food Technology (or whatever they called domestic science that year) practical item.  She had decided she would get some ham so we asked what it was for and what she would be preparing a menu and meal for - something to do with a Jewish invalid we were told;  needless to say unlike teh school we duly advised her that ham would not be a suitable ingredient and it was time for a quick rethink.  Oddly - despite sorting out that one - I think that GCSE was the only one oin which she didn't get an A or A*.


Have a goofd day one and all, same offspring is hopefully takking me somewhere today to get some new credit on my mobile 'phone - every time I try it, and whatever method I use, it just doesn't work!


Have a good day one & all.

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It's 2am. There isn't actually a law against making a ham sandwich, is there?


You are not alone, I remember a Nigella Lawson (what red blooded male would forget her?) programme where she admitted to often calling at the fridge for a treat during the night! Difference being, from my fridge anyway, that when she opened her very large version, the door pockets were full of bottles of Dom Perignon and Krug!

Thanks for awakening a pleasant memory though!!,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Trev - your location, and the insane working conditions you often describe, make your life a pretty fraught experience to start with, so you don't need this. You need to consider whether there are any options for you to take some leave and be there with your lady when tests are done and results are made known. As others have said, this may well be swallows and summers stuff, so the future may not be at all grim. Are you able to talk to your employer about such matters? Your contribution at work in the near future may well be compromised by off-stage events, and the wheel-reinventors may get it in the neck as a result. Is that what he needs? As others have said, at least pour it all out here.


Jam - I hope your bid is taken as seriously as it deserves, and you hear something nice as a result.


I've been a bit skimmy on ERs over the last few days. Weather was supposed to turn nasty overnight, with snowfalls, but it's merely cold. They say we may get rain-showers today, but we have bits of blue sky.


I had bought a rabbit to stew. A whole rabbit, such as I have bought before, when it was ready-jointed. Not this one! Apart from them whipping the skin off and making a crucial incision in the abdomen, it was all still there, literally staring at me! Sharp knife was deployed to advantage, and after 5 hours simmering all is well. The cats were going mad while butchery was in progress - but when offered the chopping board with blood and bits on it, no interest. No pleasing some people.


Hope you are surviving the week.

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Morning all,


Fingers firmly crossed for Trev and lady friend - hprrible being ast a distance from it it all but I'm sure your thoughts and words will help her.


Mention of ham sandwiches reminds me of the time when one of our offspring was doing her GCSEs and she accompanied us on the weekly shop to get some ingredients for her coursework Food Technology (or whatever they called domestic science that year) practical item.  She had decided she would get some ham so we asked what it was for and what she would be preparing a menu and meal for - something to do with a Jewish invalid we were told;  needless to say unlike teh school we duly advised her that ham would not be a suitable ingredient and it was time for a quick rethink.  Oddly - despite sorting out that one - I think that GCSE was the only one oin which she didn't get an A or A*.


Have a goofd day one and all, same offspring is hopefully takking me somewhere today to get some new credit on my mobile 'phone - every time I try it, and whatever method I use, it just doesn't work!


Have a good day one & all.


Then again, if you're going to tell embarassing stories about me in public, maybe I won't :nono:


Congrats to DonW and the Squids.


Commiserations and best wishes as appropriate.

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Trev - I know, from experience what you must be going through - bear in mind that she is probably far more scared than you are.   You are far apart and that makes it worse - but give her whatever support you can, and accept that test results are not always borne out in practice- if they are, the sooner found, the sooner treated, and the better likelihood of successful treatment.  My best wishes to you both for a happy outcome


Edited by shortliner
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That is very well said! I clearly remember your kindness and advice to me, in the light of your own sad experience, when I first joined RMweb - something I shall never forget! You were soon joined by many others and the support has seen me through the darkest of times. Isn't life odd when life is encapsulated in cameo here on ERs, good news from Tokyo, balanced by bad news from the 'dark continent', with all manner of degrees in between?

Kind regards, and again, many thanks,


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Morning All,


Cold and grey here in Heidiland...

...My heads all at "sixes & sevens" just had quite a disturbing phone call from GF,  she's just had the results of some medical tests back which don't on the face of it bode well,  it does mean she's got to curtail her California trip & head back north at the week end. Trouble my mind is going to "worst case scenario"  .......

I'm very sorry to hear of the bad news, but when you are very close to someone you always think of the worst case scenario when such news arrives (which is why doctors don't [or shouldn't] treat their own family members). So, just two observations, if I may: 1) test results alone are only indicative of a medical condition, not a final diagnosis; and 2) if the full work-up (medical history, physical examination, lab work, any scans or radiology) does confirm the tentative diagnosis, then the earlier the diagnosis, the quicker the start of treatment and the better the prognosis.


Like the rest of the ERs, I'll keep my finger crossed for a "NON worst-case-scenario" outcome for the GF



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That's tough news, Trev.

Whatever the outcome it's a worrying time for you.

At the time of posting, I see that you have 30+ supportive 'ticks' which conveys the attitude of ERs to your news very well.

I join with others in hoping that treatment progresses in a positive way.

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 Ham sandwiches..An unforgettable aspect of my youth was the regular Sunday morning arrival at our back door, (accessed discreetly via the specially installed gate connecting our adjoining gardens) of Samuel for his bacon sandwich. Sunday was the day we enjoyed a cooked breakfast without fail, to sustain us against the two hours of best quality christian hellfire that was coming. Now Samuel of course was quondam president of the synagogue...



... Mind is wandering...

Get used to that! He's a beautiful squidlet. I once spent three happy hours in complete oblivion with an equivalent miracle, leaving mother uncollected to walk home through the pouring rain: if I ever venture to get on my high horse with the lady, this is recited against me without fail...



...you can be fully aware of dragging yourself to work when ill being a bad idea for anyone involved but at the same time feel bad about that realisation...

First question: will anyone die or suffer significant injury if I am not present? (to prevent the plane crashing, dam bursting, reactor exploding, lunatics invading, etc.).


If the answer is 'no' - and it will be - call in sick, get medical help if required, return to work when not going to infect or inconvenience others.

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First question: will anyone die or suffer significant injury if I am not present? (to prevent the plane crashing, dam bursting, reactor exploding, lunatics invading, etc.).


If the answer is 'no' - and it will be - call in sick, get medical help if required, return to work when not going to infect or inconvenience others.

The problem comes when you get the phone calls from the Deputy (staffing) putting pressure on you to come in. Being absent costs money in teaching.


On a lighter note, found this in the lift at Sainsbury's (Wallington) this morning:



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My sister works in HR in Wallington Sainsburys. She'll be horrified by the spelling (unless of course, it's her handiwork). :sarcastichand: :sarcastichand: :sarcastichand:

I have this urge to email her with an attachment....

Go for it!

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  • RMweb Gold

Had something similar on one of our sites some years ago where there were mezzanine floors in between full floors. The lift installers got the buttons completely wrong so they had to come back to change them a few times!!


Normally easy to change but has to be done by a lift engineer.



Cant say too much about the spelling as I regularly mis type things.

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  • RMweb Gold
Pete 75C, on 21 Jan 2015 - 13:50, said:

Already did. I've asked her which muppet was responsible for the spelling. I do hope I don't have a muppet for a sister...

You could also ask her which muppet seems to have wired the buttons up backwards?

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