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  • RMweb Premium

Happy Anniversary Donw!  and may you and yours have lots more...


When they built the Kremlin in Leeds for the NHS Central team there was lots of mutterings - the price of houses didn't shoot up and the people who moved here were pleasantly surprised that it is easier to get around Leeds most of the time than central London.  Shame they then made a lot of people redundant but the Kremlin still sits in its elevated position on Quarry Hill....




Edited by Barry O
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, scraped the windscreen of the courtesy car and put £6 worth of diesel in it. It is the first time I have had a courtesy car that is bigger than the car I have taken in, with the Zafira it was always a low spec Corsa...Today I have a Grand Picasso!  Well done the Railsquids a newborn is always a joy. Later late nights and early mornings will take the shine off. Have a safe day all.

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Congratulations to you and Mrs Railsquid!  I am also impressed that you find the time to update ERs at such an important and busy time!


Let's put it like this, I spent quite a lot of time being shunted out of the room while engineers poked at Mrs. Squid's undercarriage or whatever it is they do.

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Welcome to the world squidling!

I remember with my last one (born in the USA) - that the Doctor and I spent the last 5 minutes crouched between my Wife’s legs peering up. I was the first person to see my daughter “in the flesh”. She was a “Stargazer”.


Baz, the problem with London is that the metropolitan area (not Greater London) contains 14 million people. I think it is the biggest metro area in Europe - 3 million odd commute.


Best, Pete.

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Morning all,

Hearty congratulations to the Railsquid family - is this the first? Reall set me up for the day - I think I inherited my father's love of children. Hope all of you are hale and hearty.

'Let the train take the strain' is becoming some sort of joke, judging by the the regular comments from our ER commuters. Sounds like 60860 had a completely different experience on the trip from Edinburgh, rare breeds breakfast included! News from the M25 doesn't sound as if a car commute would be any more fun. One of the very few joys of retirement, not having to do either now!

Simon, the day can only get better!

Dom, I hope that the evidence of a better appetite points to an improvement in how you feel!

Let's hope we complete Tuesday without any dramas to counter our good news,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

Happy Anniversary Donw!  and may you and yours have lots more...


When they built the Kremlin in Leeds for the NHS Central team there was lots of mutterings - the price of houses didn't shoot up and the people who moved here were pleasantly surprised that it is easier to get around Leeds most of the time than central London.  Shame they then made a lot of people redundant but the Kremlin still sits in its elevated position on Quarry Hill....






To think they knocked the Woodpecker down to build that monstrosity....I had to go in once for a meeting back in my NHS HR days, it was a wonder I got back out.  Didn't get to see the pool either!


Congrats to Mr & Mrs Railsquid and welcome to Squidlet-san.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Afternoon all. Congrats to you and the Miss, Squid, and all the best for the tiny one!


Up since 5 am, awake for about two hours longer, but I do feel like the process of getting back in sync has begun. Quite satisfied with the lesson, too, so only a tiny bit of recap on Thursday should finish things as there were a few items where me and the class talked past each other, so to speak. What we've been doing for the past couple of lessons was preparing a debate on a topic of their own choice which should generally follow the criteria of a German national debating competition.


Need to fire up the coffee maker now.

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Morning all,

Hearty congratulations to the Railsquid family - is this the first? Reall set me up for the day - I think I inherited my father's love of children. Hope all of you are hale and hearty.


Yup, No. 1. Never really thought I'd have a kid, though I've always liked them. For the record it's statistically likely he was conceived in the centre of London just behind Scotland Yard (behind closed doors I hasten to add).

Edited by railsquid
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all.

Cloudy here. Boring. 

All the more delighted, then, to hear of the arrival of Railsquid_Mini. :smile_mini2: :friends: So congratulations to Mum & Dad Railsquid.

And Happy Anniversary to Donw.

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  • RMweb Premium

Congratulations on the arrival of Baby Squid.


A fine cold morning has given way to cloud and drizzle, just when a machine load of washing finished. I'll hang it out anyway; it will dry eventually. I'm starting to recover from the lurgi, although a sudden cough caught me out earlier, resulting in splattering the living room floor with a mouthful of coffee. Fortunately it's a plasticky pseudo-laminate floor, so it cleaned up. Yuk though.


Cat food is on today's list, along with a trip to Maplins to look at USB headphones. They will work out cheaper than getting the headphone jack socket on Martyn's laptop fixed, so I can be spared the sound track of his games. I can never think of that store without flashbacks of Hi-De-Hi.


Enjoy the rest of your day,



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Cat food is on today's list, along with a trip to Maplins to look at USB headphones. They will work out cheaper than getting the headphone jack socket on Martyn's laptop fixed, so I can be spared the sound track of his games. I can never think of that store without flashbacks of Hi-De-Hi.


Enjoy the rest of your day,


Not with the Hi-De-Hi theme tune running through my head I won't...

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  • RMweb Gold

Not with the Hi-De-Hi theme tune running through my head I won't...

For some reason my earworm the other day was the song from Frozen. I thought that only affected under nine year olds!

Today I am mainly listening to tinnitus.


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  • RMweb Premium

To think they knocked the Woodpecker down to build that monstrosity....I had to go in once for a meeting back in my NHS HR days, it was a wonder I got back out.  Didn't get to see the pool either!


The Woodpecker was under the A64 flyover. The Kremlin is on the site of part of Quarry Hill Flats...and I understand the gym/pool is still well used.....



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Nice fine Tokyo morning again, graced by the presence of one slighly wrinkly little baby boy.

Congratulations :) You of course realize you have no more free/personal time until, oh about 2035, IF YOU'RE LUCKY!! :jester: Parenthood is fun though, I'd never want to have missed it, just take a deep breath, you're in for a hell of a ride :)



Regarding folks driving in igloos, same happens here, I'm amazed there aren't MORE accidents with these numpties out driving with about a 3 square inch hole they peer through!

<Another driving RANT> Took great niece home last nigh after her spending the day with Mrs - what IS IT with all these nut cases, especially those in large SUVs, that on a CRYSTAL CLEAR night insist on driving with all their fog lights and any other accessory lighting on? It's blinding, especially when they want to follow you about 3 feet behind!!

<End of RANT> <sigh>


Hoping for a delivery today, as postal services resume, watching for Postman Pat to arrive...


-1 here and overcast again, supposed to be the high for the day, possibly some foggy areas (other than my brain?!?!) and perhaps light snow.


EDIT: Whoops, Happy Anniversary Donw...

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Premium

Back for another catch-up.  Shopping was a nightmare - had to got via the coal merchants as we needed a couple of bags of small coal - and then on to the supermarkets.  Wow.


Aldi had ONE till open, and by the time I got to Morrisons four dial a ride buses had arrived, and the store was heaving with citizens more senior that I, and they had only 8 tills out of 24 open.  And I had to go round more than once, as I got out to the car, then discovered that I'd forgotten about six important items.  And the second time, I tried the self-service tills, and that was even worse as it appeared that everybody who was using them had managed to get them stuck and the assistant was running about trying to get all six tills back into action.


Fire's lit now, and cold night is eagerly awaited.


Back tomorrow.

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Afternoon all. It's just going dark here so gardening has been abandoned for the day. Our new fence panels were delivered so I got our neighbour's husband to help me lift it into place, it being too high for my wife to lift. There is a lot of weight in a six by six foot wet fence panel and we had to lift it above head height to fit into the slots in the concrete posts. All went well until the panel was about a foot into the slot when a protruding nail embedded itself in my hand. At this point my helper let go of his side thinking the panel would drop under its own weight. Indeed it would, if my hand hadn't been holding it back as described. Whichever way I moved my hand the nail was still stuck. Many years ago I read that to overcome pain one has to think "It is only pain", and it goes away. I did that and pulled my hand suddenly off the nail. It hurt like hell. Anyway the panel dropped in place and I went to the doctors for a tetanus shot. As it happens I am still current on the tetanus front so didn't need one. The doctor had a good laugh though, so we spent five minutes swapping stories about daft ways we had impaled ourselves on various sharp objects. At least I had done the right thing in cleaning the wound under running water and keeping it dry and clean. All those years as a first aider at work must have rubbed off.

Does anybody else think gardening gloves these days are not as protective as they used to be?


Have a great day all and welcome to the forum squidling. 

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  • RMweb Gold

My lad was born by c-section, I was there, in the theatre, the whole time, even when the knife was in action, I wasn't going to miss any of his arrival, even the gory bits.

I have had another vision.


This time it is the midwife offering Beast the baby.


He says:


Hang on a Mo, I've just got to sent train out of section.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,


Still - and for some time to come - strugg;ling with Billdohs on the laptop so only a  sort of brief pass through although I see we have a squidling among us so well done Mrs Squid and dad, congrats to Mr & Mrs Donw and sorry for whatever I missed.


Another trip to Cardiff today but things were somewhat awry due to borken down freight train the Severn Tunnel so journey upset in both directions anyway even bought a couple of kits (ratio & Wills) as well as some more books and FGW#s 'Pullman brunch# did cost a few quid but the main course on nic hot china plate plus two pots of Cornish tea was all rather enjoyable.  Sammy the cat seems to be improving but Mrs Stationmaster is ailing with her cold.


Laugh of the day - an announcement at Reading that 'the 10.58 to Bristol is delayed because there is no available platforms'  (well there are only 9 through platforms which it could have run to - I reckon the empty stone train on the Down Relief might have been more of a culprit that the totally imagined lack of platforms!)


Have a good evening one & all.

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