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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Slightly misty here, no snow or frost though.

We may take Robbie for a run round a different park later or even the sea front in Southend. I will need to check the regulations to see if dogs are allowed at this time of year.


Edited by Tony_S
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Morning all. Nothing going on here. Just as well it's a Sunday, I guess.


Nice Ally Pally shots. Never been to a model railway exhibition there, but plenty of bike shows over the years.


Someone posted a rather serious question in an O gauge thread along the lines of "Has anyone ever built an Acme kit?"... It was only a matter of time before someone replied "I did, and I still couldn't catch Roadrunner". Priceless.

Meep Meep.


Edit: In fact, it was a visit to the Alexandra Palace bike show that convinced me I had to have one of these. 3 years, 50,000 miles in all weather including commuting and track days. Never missed a beat. Loved it. Mind you, looking at it now, it just screams "backache"...




Edited by Pete 75C
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


A quiet weekend. Clear and cold yesterday, cloudy and cold today. Frozen hose at the horses' Winter paddock might, I thought last night, respond to a bit of manipulation to break up the ice. It didn't. It just split. Bums! Fortunately the split was near a join, so a quick trim with scissors and all is well. Quite enough excitement for one weekend!


A Lidl and Super U shop was undertaken without due hardship, and MiL seemed a great deal better than last week. I seriously think she'll outlast me!


Hope your weekend delivering as required.

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  • RMweb Gold

Another day with no wind, brilliant blue sky and sunshine.


Apart from a slight frost one could imagine it was a summer's day.


When I read about the imminent death, destruction and universal misery inflicted on the UK by the weather, I have to ask whether I'm actually on the same planet as the harbingers of continual doom?


The Pygmy Hippo had a bit of a busy day yesterday: He tidied up the garage. (Well most of it was his junk)


I shall carry out a formal inspection later this morning, before attempting to mess it up with a project that needs finishing but was stallled due to lack of space!


sadly he also tried to replace the glow pugs on the engine of his car:  Two of the old ones snapped as they were being extracted, and the core of one of those then fell out into the cylinder bore.


This means we now have to take the cylinder head off to extract the detritus.  


On the up side it does mean that whilst it is all in bits, we might as well do the cam belt change, and another couple of jobs around the engine bay.


But the boy still has to learn that if it ain't broke, don't try and fix it!


My sympathy is with him though, as I remember doing such things when I was his age!


In other news the  table of my mill has been returned. 


It has been looked at, and as it stands there is a variance of 600/1000th of a millimetre.


So it's pretty flat!


The search for the variance of the depths of long cuts now shifts to the head of the machine.


A summer of fun will ensue as I track down the problem, although in all honesty, If it were not for my continued interest in  live steam, I could do without it. (Famous last words!)

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The temperature has risen to a pleasant 5 deg C and the sun is shining. Despite this, our lane is still sheet ice whereas everything else has thawed (including the paving around the house which was lethal last night). We did, however, manage to negotiate the lane without mishap (at least it is straight) and took the dogs for a delightful walk on the beach where the tide was well out.




On our return, I had to dry out the garage. The moral to this is ... if you are going to put the car away, try not to do it when it is already covered with a layer of frozen hail/snow as it has a nasty habit of melting everywhere. Job done and it needed a good sweep out anyway. Now 'airing' with all doors open. Don't we lead an exciting life!


I'm off for a coffee and one of Steph's delicious flapjacks, may you enjoy the same weather as we have here.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

I once played the pitch and put just below Ally Pally. Not the best place to hit a ball over the fence into the road! :jester: 

Good luck to Mr and Mrs Railsquid. Fingers crossed for a safe delivery.


Quiet weekend here. Looks like it's going to be icy tomorrow so I'll allow an additional 30 seconds for my commute. May be time to dig out my longjohns for playground duty - an hour or so standing in 1oC.... guessing that hip flasks aren't encouraged!  

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  • RMweb Gold
AndyB, on 18 Jan 2015 - 11:30, said:

 May be time to dig out my longjohns for playground duty - an hour or so standing in 1oC.... guessing that hip flasks aren't encouraged!  

In the days when she taught, Sherry would always refer to the moment when a cold teacher finally went back indoors as "going for a hot drink", as if at other times it was G&Ts!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Spent even more money yesterday at Brentwood, most of it on the new Southdown Plaxton coach from Oxford but a cracking model, hopefully it will be as easy to get in to as other Oxford coaches so that a driver and passengers can be added.

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  • RMweb Gold

OTOH, this gem from yesterday also avoided comment. We must be getting pure in our old age!

Smiffy2, on 17 Jan 2015 - 09:08, said:

too chilly to go down the shed for a bit




May have to do it in the kitchen.



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Morning all.  It rained here for most of the morning, but the sun is just appearing, so I need to go outside and sort out the week's supply of firewood to be stacked in the garage where Mrs G can collect it as required.  Will need to wrap up well as it is very cold.  Drainpipe also needs to be fixed, as the high winds this week have dislodged it, but this is a simple job, done by hand off a ladder.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Clearly a quiet weekend on here with those various gems failing to attract comment - other than to say that they failed to attract comment.  Definitely a bit worrying that ERs are missing such things but at least Polly didn't refer to the 'mighty organ' (snigger).  I used to like the ME show when it was at Wembley (and before it moved out to there) but nowadays find that one visit a year to Ally Pally is quite enough.


Definitely getting a bit nippy outside but if the harbingers of doom in 'the popular press' are correct I should really be digging out the Arctic clobber instead of putting on a woolly hat with normal weatherproofs, oddly our local forecast from the wranglers of seaweed doesn't agree with the Daily Wail's prediction of -15 C before breakfast, or at any other time but we are forecast to hit -1C so it will almost certainly drop to about -5C round here so definitely ought to wear a coat when going out in the garden.  Ready use firewood stack and the kindling basket to be reloaded today as the heavily cold ridden Mrs Stationmaster (and the cats) will be demanding a nice warm glow from the wood burning stove of an evening for the coming few days.


So now to do whatever has to be done, try to find something to eat, and then maybe try and make sense of all the various advice about 00 SF before I attempt to construct a C&L point kit (which gives me a week or three to sort the ideas, I suppose).


Have a good day one & all and may the sprog drop go well (I wonder if Japanese Midwives understand English bad language?)

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Has anyone tried this?



Rail Maze - Free

Puzzle games are great fun and a good source of free gaming. In Rail Mail you build a railroad quickly out of square tiles. The free version is surprisingly packed, and a good way to pass the time. There is a 69p version with extras though, if you really like it.



It's from the Apple/Mac store.

Edited by DDolfelin
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry at the moment and should stay that way with possibility of a bit of sunshine this afternoon.

Had a great night out with the family but I probably ate too much. Drank just about the right amount though so no hangover.

Lazy day planned today(again)

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold


Definitely getting a bit nippy outside but if the harbingers of doom in 'the popular press' are correct I should really be digging out the Arctic clobber instead of putting on a woolly hat with normal weatherproofs.......

According to Public Health England if you are indoors you should try to stay warm. You could turn up the heating, make a hot drink such as cocoa or coffee or put on a jumper.


However did we manage without them?

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According to Public Health England if you are indoors you should try to stay warm. You could turn up the heating, make a hot drink such as cocoa or coffee or put on a jumper.


However did we manage without them?


If there are any well-paid jobs going that involve nothing more than "stating the bleedin' obvious", I'm up for that, I'm a wealth of useless information...

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  • RMweb Gold

I've just watched some highlights from South Africa's one day cricket innings this morning.


Don Bradley will have a huge grin on his face wherever he is.

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