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Early Risers.


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After our English teacher had handed back our newly-marked exercise books, one of the girls took hers out to the teacher's desk:

"Please, Mrs ------, I can't understand what you've written at the bottom of the page."

"Ahem - it says 'Please write more clearly..."

Give the old girl her due, she laughed more than we did!

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Evening all,

Feeling slightly better tonight so treating myself to the vintage Calvados as nightcap!

Pete(the mole), I've been lucky enough to avoid diabetes but Joanna's family have quite a bit of history with it. Mother in law was able to keep it at bay by controlling her diet until she was very old, and when she ultimately had to inject, she was amazed that it was more like something from 'Star Trek' than an old fashioned needle and syringe - she made 87 before her heart failed! Daughter, the nursing sister who lives nearby, has been controlling by diet for some years now and it has not stopped her leading a very busy life! As to the blood pressure, if you check out the statistics, you'll be amazed at the percentage of the population that suffer from it. My own requires five tablets daily, but the cocktail works and the hardest part is to remember to check my own BP at a similar time each day and keep a record. Wife and daughter found me a superb electronic machine - not terribly expensive and very easy to use. Look on the bright side mate - another topic of conversation when you're in the pub!!

Neil, Merry Christmas my friend!

Still haven't caught up with the earlier posts so I better own up and offer the usual commiserations/congratulations where appropriate.

Hope the weekend is kind to you all,

Kind regards,


G'night Pete! (Oops - just noticed its G'morning!)

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  • RMweb Gold

just got in from 3 days working away, little un is asleep on my side of the bed so im perched on the edge, cant get him back into his bed as its a cabin bed and i cant lift him up high enough without disturbing him!


back in work sunday night next and away for 3 days again, still, i have a job that starts and finishes in crewe at the end of the week so i've only got a mile to travel to work that day

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  • RMweb Gold

just got in from 3 days working away, little un is asleep on my side of the bed so im perched on the edge, cant get him back into his bed as its a cabin bed and i cant lift him up high enough without disturbing him!


back in work sunday night next and away for 3 days again, still, i have a job that starts and finishes in crewe at the end of the week so i've only got a mile to travel to work that day

... and there me thinking you moved jobs to get more time at home!!


It certainly seems a more intersting one though.


Have a good day and a bit of rest.

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  • RMweb Gold

G’night, Jock....


Best, Pete.

Good morning!!


Our house alarm went off  this morning for no apparent reason which got me up earlier than usual!!


I have a feeling that its the garage door sensor so will have look at that before departing towards Canterbury in a couple of hours tiem with the layout.


Tonight will be my first pint this year... in the UK as not had one since O'Hare airport last Saturday. Feeling pretty rough with a cold since getting home together with a need to allow my liver to have a rest has been a good thing really.

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  • RMweb Premium

Had a better nights sleep. Her indoors off to Rotherham shortly although it is snowing here. I am under orders to do very little today apart from some prep for scorer tutoring (is run a video of a game and score the game on a standard scoresheet.


Have a nice Saturday everyone!



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Cold, frosty, with dawn's roseate fingers still caressing the sky...


Julie has cancelled going to the market for the day (sensible) but it's going to be too chilly to go down the shed for a bit - I was planning to wax an old clock. May have to do it in the kitchen.


Have a distinguished day, all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Frosty start but will be bright for a while followed by some rain or sleet showers.

Not much planned today until later when we along with daughter, SiL and grandchildren are being treated to a meal out by our son to celebrate some very good (job related) news.

Have a good one,


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Morning all.  I think the excitement for today is a visit to B&Q to buy some paint for the bedroom, while it is on special offer.  Currently dry here, but cold and windy, but not frosty as it seems to be elsewhere.

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  • RMweb Gold

The snow last night's weather chart threatened turned to rain instead although it feels cold enough. Having polished off the last of the Christmas cake (fairly large cake mostly eaten by me) I thought i should check with the bathroom scales. Unfortunately I do see to have added a bit more to me and will  have to make some cuts (in the intake I am not planning any home surgery). It didn't help having to restrict the length of walks due to Holly's injury. We are still not walking as far as we did before currently only about 2hrs per day.

Enjoy your day.


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Visit to the doctors was positive if somewhat painful..injection administered  "does it hurt yet?" says Doc...."no, no bl$$dy hell yes"..... in goes the fluid and then .. this could be even more painful over the next couple of days but then let me know how its going. he then booked me an appointment with the physio...


BUT he struggled to get the "system" to work and it made me think... do computers actually help the GP or hinder??  discuss...


now off for a lie down in front of the tele...




I'm very impressed with the system at our surgery. When I go in for my annual check up, the doc hits a few keys, checks my recent history and off we go.


Wintry showers here, which we managed to avoid on our morning walk. Crisp under foot although the thermometer is reading 3 deg C. The road was quite slippery where it is sheltered by trees so I will have to be careful when I nip into town in the next couple of minutes. Why am I venturing out into the world? Steph has booked me in for a haircut, probably not a bad idea as it's been several months since the last one. It's going to feel very cold when I come out, must remember to take a hat! As I am going into town, I'm also being let loose in our local supermarket, whoopee!


Other than that, no overly exciting plans for the rest of the day but who knows ........

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, wintry showers here and white outside.


General tidy up in the shed today as we go away early next week, other than that not sure except staying warm.


Enjoy your day



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  • RMweb Gold

Sunshine and blue skies over this part of Shropshire, with only a breath of wind.


The Pygmy Hippo was driven from his pit by Elsa who was up extremely early.  


He has subsequently cleaned out all the willow branches and twigs from the front ditch.


Due to my delicate constitution I was only able to supervise (by looking out of the window and sipping tea).


He has now departed to see a friend about manufacturing a new hydraulic line for his car's power steering, which has sprung a leak.


the Obergrumpenfuhrer has completely reorganised the kitchen cupboards, so my stash of ginger biscuits is nowhere to be found.


Coffee has now been offered, so I had best accept and get on with light duties.


I suspect that the light duties will involve a sudden relapse and I'll have to retire to my bed, and gaze longingly at pictures of trains.


The question is how long can I milk the system and keep this bad chest going, thus continuing to relieving me of the menial household chores that is my usual lot?


Probably Easter!


Hee hee hee!

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  • RMweb Premium

There's nobody to make me do household chores so I have to do some, bad chest or not. However they are well spaced out. Today is laundry.


Frosty start here, now sunny, but rain is forecast.


Currently half watching Power Tool Drag Racing on DMAX.


We went to see Into The Woods yesterday, the film of the Sondheim stage musical based on a reworking of classic fairy stories into one tale. It's very obviously reworked from a stage show and many key elements of the story happen off-stage/screen, so it's rather disjointed.  It didn't work for me and I kept dozing off, Martyn hated the singing and his Mum couldn't follow the story.


I must put the bin out; the refuse collection is still recovering from the festive break.


Have a good day,



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