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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all

travelintrev, on 16 Jan 2015 - 06:44, said:


PS:  Is Fence panel wrestling going to be an up & coming Olympic sport???????

Yes, along with Rabbi-rolling and au-pair greasing.


Tony_S, on 15 Jan 2015 - 21:50, said:

The crime novel I have just been reading suggests that mentioning an alibi is very suspicious behaviour!

I saw a tee-shirt that said "I have a beautiful daughter, a shotgun, a shovel and an alibi." Meet the family, huh?


The wind died away as the day progressed yesterday, it was still overnight, and today is really quite nice, with lots of blue sky and little breeze.


Off to Sheena's shortly for coffee. Let's see. I must not mention Alison, Charlie Hebdo, Obama, Monsanto etc etc etc


Hope your week winds up on a high note.

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Morning all,

Sorry, no post last night as I fell asleep on the couch and came too with a sore neck to complement my headache - I'll look in again later to check up on the latest news from around the world as I can't say I feel on top of the world at this moment!

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

Baz, I'm beginning to get the impression that you're quite keen on cricket!

Erm .... Just a bit..indeed if I am needed I may be tutoring a level 1 scorers course on Sunday plus a bit of indoor umpiring...


Shopping done..sky is now black with patches of grey and its snowing..no its sleeting..no its ...well you get the idea and its brass monkeys outside!



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, Grey and wet here, at least the wind has stopped which makes it seem very quiet outside.


Not sure whats happening today I have a couple of ideas but await orders/directions.


Whatever your doing be safe, and congrats Simon!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Sorry for my absence and also for the lack of my usual ratings of posts etc over the last day or two, I've tried to skim, but too much content for me to plough through.  I did pick up on Mal's favourable news about his mum, which is great.


Horrible morning here, and it has been raining/sleet/snow on and off all morning, and I have to go into town later, so I just hope that it abates a bit as I've got to use the car.


I've also managed to pick up "the bug" which 30747 has brought home from work, where the little darlings are sent to pre-school with just about everything up to and including bubonic plague, and also some parents are very reluctant to come back if they need to be sent home.  Calpol is really no substitute for a day off.


Other than that, there's not been a lot happening here, but I see that there are still a few missing from parade - we know Debs is poorly, and I think that Geoff is working still, but I've not seen him around the village either, but you don't see folk so much in winter anyway.


Snow appears to be stopping, so hopefully it will not return today.


Regards to All


edit - didn't finish before hitting post in error.

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  • RMweb Gold

Were you like that in your youth Mike?  Perhaps with the increasing amounts of wind Fence Wrestling may become a more common sport. It is nice that Station Cat joined in.


Morning all,


And no Don - I think I noticed things then and usually still do now (although I might miss the occasional verbal 'suggestion' ;) ).  Yes, the good Doctor was very quick to join in and a great help once she had, definitely has more strings to her bow than mixing concrete and voluntary magazine editing.


Anyway today being Friday we are back on normal working and off to Waitrose - I am told we will be going to the Tilehurst branch which is just as well as I'm driving the car.  Bit of a greyish day out there but not too bad and we are promised some flurries of snow for tomorrow morning - just about when we'll be heading to the station to take train to Guildford for the Astolat MRC show.


Have a  good day folks.

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A photo of the sky late yesterday afternoon - I went out to photograph a tank train, I left in glorious sun, arrived at the destination in glorious sun and over the next 10 minutes the weather went rapidly downhill, a still photo doesn't show the very strong winds which were also blowing, I could barely stand and I'm not small. Fortunately the rain stayed off until just after I got back to the car.



Odd, looks just like our District Council offices!

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Oh no - I did it again!

I had a 9.30 a.m. appointment with the GP, so I put my bus pass and credit card in my pocket, with the intention of doing a little shopping afterwards. Out of the door at 8.55, in time to walk down to Hillsborough. Unfortunately, after a couple of hundred yards, I realised that I had the wrong legs on - they may look the same and be firmly connected to the hip bones, but they're definitely different from and inferior to the ones I had on yesterday. So, I altered course to the bus stop, just missing one bus and waiting impatiently for the next, still oblivious of my oft-repeated mistake. The 53 finally arrived, barely in time to get me to the surgery, so I nodded graciously to my fellow travellers as they gave way to my snowy pow:

"Can't use that, feller! Not half past nine yet!"

My response to the driver was, perhaps, overly loud and scatological, but I resisted the temptation to ask the other passengers for a whip-round for my fare and trailed off home to phone in a humble apology and ask for another appointment - nice and late this time.

Think I'll go back to bed now ... 


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I think that makes you a Twirly. Locally, passes can be used from 9. I had my GP appointment earlier; yes I am diabetic but it should be controllable with diet, so I have to see the Diabetic Nurse, and yes I have high BP, so tablets for that, and my infection "should clear up on its own". I wish it would.


Today is an inset day so Martyn's at home; we'll go to a movie later.


keep well,



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Morning all (properly now I've woken up)!


Bright and breezy in Edinburgh at the moment but light snow forecast for teatime. Thank crunchie it's POETS day...


I didn't make a New Year's Resolution this year, but I'm planning to try to do as many of the Saturday morning ParkRuns as I can.  I'd done 6 last year, and have managed both Saturdays so far this year.  You get a free t-shirt when you've done 50, so my aim is to try to get up to 50 by my birthday next year (Feb 2016).  That gives me a few weeks off for a lie-in!


All systems go here, thankfully I'm not back in the office until Wednesday after today - got an overnight work trip to London on Monday.

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You have just given me a mental picture of Mike clutching a fence panel that is propelling him like a demented windsurfer, whilst the station cat is firmly clamped to the top by her claws hissing and spitting out instructions.

Have you been upsetting the neighbors, Richard?




Sorry, I may be a bit late with this....


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon, late call as usual.


Although it was POETF day for me yesterday I had an early start as I had an eye test at 9 in the Big City.  Of course as we reached Ramsey Hairpin, the start of the climb to the mountain, the nice policeman closed the road.  Must have been the millimetre of snow...#sigh# so I had to go the long way around, with twice the traffic.  Eyes fine (or within usual parameters would be more accurate, I have some sight issues) so I called in to my old team for a gloat, which was nice to see the guys and gals.  Funding being cut hard now, it's not like it was, boy oh boy did I take the correct decision to leave!  The heart has gone out of them in terms of the work, a shame as they are a great dedicated bunch, but the individuals are still good people - but leadership has become,,,,somewhat lacking.  Ahem.  I don't mean because I left, I'm far from being indispensable, but the senior managers are too busy looking to gain extra pips on their shoulders to spend time actually managing the day to day affairs.  Another team member retired early yesterday, another goes in July, something about a sinking ship?  oops, ranting, sorry.


It's the Trackshack Christmas (and non-denominational holiday period) do tonight (we were too busy before Christmas to have it then!) so I 'may' be late on tomorrow.  If at all......hic.

Edited by New Haven Neil
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POETS day and this week very pleased it's here!

This week there seems to have been a long procession of clients with odd problems they've "never seen before" popping up and needing fairly swift attention <sigh>


Choir rehearsal was effective and enjoyable last evening, and we're about as prepared as we can be for Sunday!

Since it's Martin Luther King "weekend", we always have special guests at both Sunday services and the choir sings with them at 9 and 11AM.

We then get a short break in the afternoon (to recover!?!?!?) before being back at 5PM for a warm-up/rehearsal before the 7PM evening MLK concert... <phew>


-2 here at present and overcast with no wind. Not supposed to improve today, but tomorrow listed as being +3 and partly cloudy - meaning we'll get very slushy.


Carpe "something" even if you can't manage the whole diem...

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I had my GP appointment earlier; yes I am diabetic but it should be controllable with diet, so I have to see the Diabetic Nurse, and yes I have high BP, so tablets for that,

DSN's are the first line of defense with diabetes, and the vast majority are great - so hopefully yours will be.  I was once singing my DSN's praises to my dentist, when we were discussing my diabetes control, and later found out that she was his wife!  I never made the connection of the same surname. 


I'm pretty sure that with his or her help, you will be fine Pete, but there's quite a few of us ERs who are diabetic - in my case since long before I became an ER!


When I was diet controlled, I had to visit a dietician as well, who gave me some useful and informative diet sheets.


Managed to get to and from town in the car, but during my time, I think I saw all four seasons in one day - rain, sleet, snow, dry with bright sunshine, hail, sleet, snow, dry - all within four hours. 

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It's the Trackshack Christmas (and non-denominational holiday period) do tonight (we were too busy before Christmas to have it then!) so I 'may' be late on tomorrow.  If at all......hic.

I like the idea of these 'retimed' Christmas lunches and dos.  In WR HQ at Swindon the passenger train side of ops planning always had their office Christmas Lunch in the summer, in a pub in the Cotswolds complete with Christmas decorations and crackers plus a full Christmas menu!  Summer was their quietest time of year and the pre-Christmas period was their busiest so it made good sense.  As us lot on the freight planning side worked on a rolling 8 week planning cycle all we had to do was pick the quiet spot in the cycle somewhere in the vicinity of Christmas. 


I then spent my final 6 years on the big railway in passenger ops planning and I don't think we had a quiet time of year at all - so we just went off to the office do whenever it happened to be, then back to work.

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Visit to the doctors was positive if somewhat painful..injection administered  "does it hurt yet?" says Doc...."no, no bl$$dy hell yes"..... in goes the fluid and then .. this could be even more painful over the next couple of days but then let me know how its going. he then booked me an appointment with the physio...


BUT he struggled to get the "system" to work and it made me think... do computers actually help the GP or hinder??  discuss...


now off for a lie down in front of the tele...



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...BUT he struggled to get the "system" to work and it made me think... do computers actually help the GP or hinder??  discuss...



According to my GP who retired this week, after what seems to be a million years of service, they do little to improve the service, at least over here.

Insurance companies already hinder the process by limiting the appointment time a GP can allocate to a patient, then they have to putz around with a PC answering a lot of fool questions and re-entering crap you're already discussed/told them before. Net result IMHO is that even though they purport to provide a history they are poor at best, at present!


My 2 cents (thruppence) worth :jester:

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I think the biggest help computer records are to GPs is in the handwriting department. The oldest GP I can remember from childhood wrote with a fountain pen and didn't take it off the card whilst he was writing, ending up with one very long word. Fascinating to watch at the time, but how anyone else deciphered his notes, including prescriptions, is beyond me.  

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I think the biggest help computer records are to GPs is in the handwriting department. The oldest GP I can remember from childhood wrote with a fountain pen and didn't take it off the card whilst he was writing, ending up with one very long word. Fascinating to watch at the time, but how anyone else deciphered his notes, including prescriptions, is beyond me.  

It's a special course for doctors, nurses and chemists :jester:  :jester: although most of the ones that I know in these professions had really bad handwriting before they embarked on their careers

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