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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,


Laddo tends at times to live in a world of his own and not to notice teh world progressing around him.  Thus last night he stayed firmly akip while the rest of the family wrestled with the fence.  this evening he arrived home, parking in his usual place next to said fence only to say 'It wasn't like that this morning' at which juncture I rather firmly pointed out that it had been like that since 23.30 last night.  He then explained that he had been concentrating in getting into his car and setting off early for work as he had to go to Bracknell. 'So you didn't notice that your car had moved 8 feet and that there was less room to open the door because it was next to the gate, oh and I'd pushed the seat back?'  One word reply 'No'


Tomorrow is Waitrose shopping day - I only hope he remembered to staff their distribution centre today :scratchhead: .

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  • RMweb Gold

Were you like that in your youth Mike?  Perhaps with the increasing amounts of wind Fence Wrestling may become a more common sport. It is nice that Station Cat joined in.


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Good morning all, #


It's Friday aka as POETS day for those of us who still have to work.................


Lets hope we all survive whatever life throws our way today,  




PS:  Is Fence panel wrestling going to be an up & coming Olympic sport???????

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Morning All,


It is another fairly mild morning, and (I am glad to say) the wind seems to have dropped now.


Sitting here in the office, there is a smell of frying bacon.  Unfortunately, the canteen do not do bacon rolls so they must be preparing something for lunch time.  I guess I will have to make do with coffee and yogurt (which is admittedly better for me - the yogurt at least)


We had the plumber around last night, and he inspected the heating system and made copious notes.  Just waiting for the estimate now!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold



Had a few gusts of window outside with a bit of whistling around the house last night but it calmed down and a better nights sleep. However still woke up later than usual so not asm uch modelling done. The stock trays that I have been working on areat least in a useable state for this weekends show.


However, yet more signalling problems on the way to London Bridge this morning!!

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Premium

3-55am Any one still up?

Yes me but I was watching cricket!


Morning all! Very disturbed night due to shoulder pains...hopefully a visit to the doctor today may sort this out!


Have a great Friday! Me? I am off to moreasons for a bit of shopping....


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

Now I'm into a bit of a routine at work I'm thinking of doing some modelling over the weekend. Bit cold to be out in the garage for too long so I'm planning on painting some Timecast allotments and houses.  


I see we're in for a sprinklette of snow on Sunday.  


Have a nice day, everyone. Andy

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Had a visit to the Dental Hospital today.

Row upon row of cubicles with half height partition walls and no doors - each with a dentist's chair and other associated paraphernalia.

All clearly on view.

Anyone with a fear of dentists would run a mile.

That doesn't sound like it's changed in the 20-odd years since I was last there, BoD. That's where I had my braces fitted as a kid, had to go every 6 months for several years.
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

No rain at the moment and the wind has eased (the tablets must be working) Today's forecast is dry,cold,cloudy, some brightness,showers, thunder and sleet. Not necessarily in that order or all together.

There was no thunder last night so some idiot thought it would be a good idea to let off some fireworks.

Tea taken to the love of my life who doesn't go to work on Fridays and who is probably even now plotting something for us (me) to do.

Have a good one,


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Morning all. Bit late today after being kept awake by foxes fighting last night. Dry, pleasant and no wind here.


Train was on time today but I'm sure that cattle get to travel with more dignity than most of us that have to use the train to get to work

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  • RMweb Gold

It is definitely less windy today. The garden waste bin collection was this morning I am often still in bed when they arrive so the bin goes out at night. It was actually still there this morning. I estimated the flow in the stream to be over 1500 gallons per minute.


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  • RMweb Gold

A big surprise for us that our train was


Morning all. Bit late today after being kept awake by foxes fighting last night. Dry, pleasant and no wind here.

Train was on time today but I'm sure that cattle get to travel with more dignity than most of us that have to use the train to get to work

The signalling problems were cleared by the time we reached LBG area so we arrived only 3 minutes late which is a record for this year.


Lets hope its the same tonight.


Not so good for those along the Tonbridge to Redhill line due to flooding again in the Nutfield area, presumably in Godstone tunnel.


Anyway, no real train this weekend, just model trains to play with at the Canterbury show!!

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Morning everybody, morning Sue. Too much lately to comment individually, but best thoughts to all.


Weather here is a bit mild. Feeling better but still coughing - on previous form that will go on for weeks.


Achievements yesterday included an antique fireplace, choices of clocks and mirrors for same, planning trips to France for 2015 (including Blondie out for a week in the summer) and rearranging furniture in two rooms (in our heads). Plans for today include choosing the hearth etc. for the fireplace and arranging fitting, some practice using soldering paint and some cooking - in fact the cooking will come first.


So, hoping for a day of no conflict or problems. I wonder...

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Morning, grey at Borough Market Junction. Meetings galore today so just a quick visit.


Got a seat on the train home yesterday, first time this week, probably going to be a rarity but I was pleased!!


Trains not too bad this morning but delayed at Lewisham as it was too crowded to shut the doors in the first carriage.


Have a good day all

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. The foxes are noisy at the moment as its their mating season but last night I didn't hear them, perhaps it was too cold? According to the forecast its going to freeze tonight so a night in is definitely on the cards.

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  • RMweb Gold

Were you like that in your youth Mike?  Perhaps with the increasing amounts of wind Fence Wrestling may become a more common sport. It is nice that Station Cat joined in.


You have just given me a mental picture of Mike clutching a fence panel that is propelling him like a demented windsurfer, whilst the station cat is firmly clamped to the top by her claws hissing and spitting out instructions.

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Yes me but I was watching cricket!


Morning all! Very disturbed night due to shoulder pains...hopefully a visit to the doctor today may sort this out!


Have a great Friday! Me? I am off to moreasons for a bit of shopping....


Baz, I'm beginning to get the impression that you're quite keen on cricket!


The wind has gone but the snow is back!


When I went to let the dogs out this morning, two of them met me at the front door! We knew Bridie could open doors (was it part of her training as a guide dog?) but this is the first time she'd opened the garage door (no not the big one!). There was no sign of Tigger so I went out to the garage to investigate, no sign of her there either. I was just going back out the door when I heard a commotion inside. She had some how got in behind the boat (sitting on its trailer) and couldn't find her way back out again. Is this what the other dogs had come to tell us? Probably not!


Anyway, they all seem fine and we had a very pleasant walk, crunchy snow under food and pale blue sky above. The melt had already started and the streams (and some tracks) were in spate. Despite the apparent thaw at ground level, Steph found the car covered in a frozen sheet of snow, so she was late for her hair appointment, calamity!


Well, poets day beckons, so I had better get on.


Keep warm.

Edited by Killybegs
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