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Relieved to know that Ian's kitchen cupboard is now returned to its former glory - meaning that the room upstairs will now be less of a glory hole as I'm sure Ian will have collected all the mugs, packets of foodstuffs, etc and returned them to their rightful positions by now?


If not, why not?!   (Does Alison know where the whip is?)

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Apparently we're going out to look at fireplaces. And buy bread and doughnuts. FBM.

Fractional Brownian Motion?


Can't keep up, I'm still two pages behind... Anyway, pleased to hear good news from Mal.


Strong winds here but I've not blown away!

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Ashcombe, on 15 Jan 2015 - 15:25, said:

Relieved to know that Ian's kitchen cupboard is now returned to its former glory - meaning that the room upstairs will now be less of a glory hole as I'm sure Ian will have collected all the mugs, packets of foodstuffs, etc and returned them to their rightful positions by now?


If not, why not?!   (Does Alison know where the whip is?)

Shush! I haven't mentioned that - or the handcuffs! Oops!


Just put the doors on and evened them up. The sudden disparity in door "gap" was the first sign of impending doom a couple of months ago. Pity I didn't look more closely at the time. I'm off to finally get the sugarbeet now. UPS delivered the horsey supplements a little while ago. Once again a most affable driver. In the wake of the Hebdo horror, it seems all sorts of foreigners are being shunned, but not by this guy.

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Having just done an external property inspection I'm pleased to report no damage whatsoever (fingers crossed for next time) and just one (lightweight) garden bench blown over. Next door one side hasn't been so lucky because there is about 15 feet of ("professionally" erected) fencing laying down for the 3rd time in 2 years. I think the guys who did it were all named Bill. (Wild, Buffalo and the Kid) Not being one to gloat (much) but my amateur effort between the two of us is still standing after 16 years. (although I did have to replace some rotten panels about 3/4 years ago.

Ahhh yes - Interestingly I often see similar occurrences here and usually then reference the following;






   of, relating to, or connected with a profession




 (of a person) engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation rather than as a pastime.


This has to then be measured against the fact that nowhere does the term factually or by implication state that said "professional" will manage to do a good/correct/value-for-money job. Simply that they are essentially being PAID rather than doing it for free! In many cases paid way over the odds for rather less than stellar experience/expertise!!

Especially in the economic boom here in the mid 2000's there were a TON of "professionals" in the home construction/renovation business who apparently were professional COWBOYS!!! :O  :jester:



What is it with "today" in ER?? I have been reading posts for what feels like an age! Must be the weather keeping everyone inside and dedicated to posting here :)


BIN day for us, and dutifully placed said BINs in their appropriate positions this AM. We've no wind at all thankfully so they will stay precisely where I placed them, until the BIN men have their way with them!


-7 clear and sunny, warmer air moving in slowly and we'll maybe crack ZERO today - Woo Hoo!!


Hope everyone manages to retrieve their BINs and fence components successfully and safely...

Edited by Ian Abel
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In other entertaining news, on the way back from the doctors, I called into Aldi to buy one of their £17.99 hand held steam cleaners.


I bought some other stuff, but the total bill came to £10.98!


Being an honest soul I pointed it out to the lady on the till, and the manager was summoned.


They did try to sort it out, as the cleaner was supposed to be at the price on the box, but the computer would not let them over ride the bill, so after about 5 minutes with a massive queue growing behind me, I was forced to pay £9.99 instead.


As I was leaving there were lots of people rushing back to pick up the steam cleaners.


In fact, I'm pretty sure the store has now been cleaned out


By coincidence, I bought one last week!

(I was interested to see it in operation - good if you let it heat up long enough or it puts out water instead).

I'll take it back for a refund.

Edited by DDolfelin
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Big news - our District Council offices were attacked by an arsonist last night and have been fairly comprehensively trashed by the resultant fire, but no reported casualties.  There will now be the interesting scenario of seeing how the DC's 'disaster recovery' plan works (if it works) and whether or not all their data was stored on site or there are copies offsite.


We can perhaps hope that the best outcome will be the total destruction of their records at which point I can let them know that we are in Council Tax Band A :jester:   (every smoke cloud might have a silver lining)


It seems the arsonist (if guilty) had a problem with a Funeral Director and a Thatched Cottage, too.

A strange trio.

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Trisonic - Junoesque might be a bit unfair, but Alison is a good looker, for someone who's 50 this year. She may be a bit reticent if I ask for pictures - even clothed! She's just read your suggestion and giggled. She says she's not sure she wishes to be the subject of a tribute band! If the French lover doesn't up his game (commitment would be good, and he's married, of course) she may be looking for a new partner. She lacks confidence that she'd find one, due to having three young children, and a rather ramshackle house that her ex may dispute is hers. But some men would find such a lady, with 17 acres of quiet French countryside, quite a nice prospect, all the same.

Oh Ian,


The thought of a lady with 17 acres has just given me two!


All that shooting potential:  The ride on railway; space to lose the next quadcopter.


I've just got to go for a lie down

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FBM = Fine By Me. Usual answer to interdepartmental emails.


Fireplace bought, nice man came tonight to check the site, no problems. It's huuuuge!

Tomorrow we choose hearths and baskets and then he fits it. Simple. More complicated will be fitting the new living room light which will involve dismantling our bed (and everything under it) lifting the carpet and part of the floor...

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I saw doughnuts (not cream though) mentioned in your original post Dick then there's been talk of Alison with a whip and also Halle Berry.


Full Body Massage springs to mind.


Can't think why!

Edited by grandadbob
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Big news - our District Council offices were attacked by an arsonist last night and have been fairly comprehensively trashed by the resultant fire, but no reported casualties.  There will now be the interesting scenario of seeing how the DC's 'disaster recovery' plan works (if it works) and whether or not all their data was stored on site or there are copies offsite.


We can perhaps hope that the best outcome will be the total destruction of their records at which point I can let them know that we are in Council Tax Band A :jester:   (every smoke cloud might have a silver lining)

Where did you keep the DC recovery plan?


In the office


Where's that?


Well it used to be over there.........................

Edited by Happy Hippo
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Had a visit to the Dental Hospital today.

Row upon row of cubicles with half height partition walls and no doors - each with a dentist's chair and other associated paraphernalia.

All clearly on view.

Anyone with a fear of dentists would run a mile.

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Evening, troops...


Really just skimmed over the past three or so pages, but I'm very happy your mum's improving, Mal!


Rollercoaster continues on this end. Again quite happy about my lesson today, although I did have to rush a bit at two stages. Not really looking forward to tomorrow, though. Thing is that there seems to be a bit of history repeating itself with my English mentor, and that's eating at me badly. Which is a prize understatement...

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evening - still here, 90 mph winds not with standing.  It was a bit wild at lunchtime - another understatement.  Fraggle Rock survived well, little damage really, couple of trees and some roofing tiles here and there, mostly where all the Advocates chambers are in Douglas - 'career street'. 


Finished the stock take valuation, finally - there's.....a lot!


Off tomorrow, yippee, Friday is the new Saturday.

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Well it has been a funny sort of day!  Wind and rain for a lot of it, now calmed down a bit.  Today I handed in my resignation/retirement at work, giving them the requisite 3 months notice (after successfully convincing my boss that I wasn't on a 6 month notice contract!).  It isn't a surprise to anyone as my replacement has been recruited and is training up alongside me, but it does feel sort of liberating to me.  I have been in my line of work for about 30 years, so leaving it will be a shock to the system.  It will then give me time to sort out the house, garden, build my long delayed home layout, get fit again, do some modelling (and this doesn't include the long list that Mrs G is steadily compiling).   


Spent some time at the MRC tonight, starting to fix a broken cab on a DCC Flying Scotsman.  It had been repaired before, but not very well with glue marks all over the place, so these have been removed and sanded down, pending reglueing and then repainting.

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Evening all,

Very pleased to read Mal's news, although I'm going to struggle to keep up with the action on ER in detail.So, collective congrats and commiserations to you all.


Simon, sounds like you wife will have 3 months to compile a list. Bet that'll be somewhat comprehensive! 


Missed out today whilst feeding the photocopier and marking maths tests. After an hour or so of hard slog the class were told to stand up and the teachers led the children through the "YMCA" dance routine. Eccentric, maybe, but the teacher achieves among the highest literacy standards in the county. 

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