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  • RMweb Gold

Mal. I hope your Mum is making some progress.

Beast, there isn't much discomfort from the procedure, the preparation can be "interesting". I suggest not straying too far from the loo the day before and choosing a route to the clinic doesn't get too bumpy.

Dd. We get phone calls at odd times but usually when someone has miscalculated time zones. We tend to get bad news by email now.

My trip to the hospital was fine. Keep taking the vitamins. The doctor suspects no thyroid or parathyroid problem despite my non-normal results. Normal for me would seem to be outside normal normal.

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Distinct lack of posts from me recently (at least on ERs) as I've had other things on my mind.

Nothing going on here in North Norfolk (as usual). Mal - chin up, hope for some good news from you soon.

If I've missed anything important, apologies, and I must make more effort to keep up.


PLEASE don't post any pictures of that...

Actually, the pictures from a colonoscopy will just show a pink, glistening, ringed tunnel (healthy), plus - if unlucky - other bits and bobs such as polyps. The really, really unpleasant part is the prep - which involves.... let's just say Beast will most certainly learn the true meaning of such phrases as "clean as a whistle", "cleanliness is next to godliness" and the ever popular "sparkling clean".


Sorry to hear about Mal's mother. My father had a stroke and the road to recovery is very, very slow. However, the brain, even in old age, is remarkably plastic and with a determined patient (attitude plays a role in all recovery) much function can be restored. Although the extent of the original stroke will, of course, set limitations.


Managed to get some modelling done yesterday. Another tunner wall section for Camden Lock was mounted on card, a base was made for the free Peco Lineside Hut kit that came with one of the railway mags and I designed an interior for the same.


Tea break over, weather so-so, and I'm back to work.


Enjoy your day.

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Afternoon all…Like DD, I've just picked up your news, Mal.  I feel for you and hope your mother receives the best possible treatment...


Grief can do funny things to you and I sympathise with your late night call, DD.  


Yesterday saw us at my Uncle's funeral.  It was a very moving cremation and as it was 7 years to the day that Jackie's father died, there were more than a few tears from all concerned.


I didn't know the area, so was counting on my sat nav to take us there, which it did faultlessly.  After the ceremony, we were due to go to my cousin's home for the 'wake' and as my brother was also a stranger to the area, he said he would follow me.  My 92 year old Mother was sat in the front, Jackie in the back and off we went via a different exit.  I looked both left and right and then turned right on a relatively empty road.  About 200 yards away a learner driver was poodling towards me and three other cars decided to overtake.  They flashed their lights to say thank you, but the last car left it a little close and gave me a few hand salutes.


Bloody rude I thought until...


Aaaaaaagh!  Suddenly realised I had turned down a dual carriageway the wrong way!!!!! ….and my brother was following me….


Thankfully there was a cross over gap another 100 yards down the carriageway and we got across safely.


A few thoughts...


A certain brown trouser job for the learner driver.


Never return gesticulations from other drivers.  You might be the one at fault…:-)


Explanations and excuses?  Coming from a moving cremation.  My dear old Mother wittering away.  My head full of thoughts on other things?


In all my near 50 years of driving, I have never made such a huge cock up and my buttocks are still tightening just thinking of it.


Interestingly enough I have since looked via street view and apart from No Entry painted on the road 30 yards away, there are no signs whatsoever to say you are entering a dual carriageway, so perhaps an accident waiting to happen.


On a completely different tack, my cousin has developed Parkinson's and one of the side effects is that her artistic talent has improved dramatically.  We left her a couple of pics of our dogs and she let us have these yesterday.  Of course we know our dogs well and she really has managed to capture their characteristics.  She's thinking of doing some more on commission, but has to pitch the pricing correctly.  Too low and she'll get swamped and it will become a chore, too high in the Midlands she'll get few opportunities.  An interesting conundrum...


Here's a few of pics of her work...











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  • RMweb Gold

Caught up with events on here, what can I say that others have not, hope things improve Mal.


Gordon driving up a dual carriage way the wrong way! well at least you wont need a colonoscopy for a while


talking of that

 A physician claimed that the following are actual comments made by his patients (predominately male) while he was performing their colonoscopies:

1. ‘Take it easy, Doc. You’re boldly going where no man has gone before!’

2. ‘Find Amelia Earhart yet?’

3. ‘Can you hear me NOW?’

4. ‘Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?’

5. ‘You know, in Arkansas , we’re now legally married.’

6. ‘Any sign of the trapped miners, Chief?’

7. ‘You put your left hand in, you take your left hand out…’

8. ‘Hey! Now I know how a Muppet feels!’

9. ‘If your hand doesn’t fit, you must quit!’

10. ‘Hey Doc, let me know if you find my dignity.’

11. ‘You used to be an executive at Enron, didn’t you?’

And the best one of all:

12. ‘Could you write a note for my wife saying that my head is not up there?’


Enjoy the rest of the day




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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


FIrst off, Mal, hope that all is as well as can be expected.


Not a great day so far, as we were wakened by several events - after deciding on an early night as we were pretty exhausted - first the dog wanted a poo about two, then we just got back down when there were some flashes of lightning with some big claps of thunder, a deluge of hail, then about five the t-storm returned (or another one arrived, I wasn't really checking its credentials) and when we got up, the hail had been supplemented by about half an inch of snow - making for very interesting conditions outdoors.  We opted to have a day in, but I had business in town, so went out for the bus, and hoped that the first bus that I use was running late (it usually is by up to 15 monutes) - luckily it was on time, and I missed it - and the next one which is usually on time didn't show up. 


A helpful Openreach engineer of my acquaintance told me that there had been an accident either on or near the M6, and that the road in and out of Lancaster to the M6 was solid with traffic in both directions, and that to get to and from was taking about an hour in both directions.  He was waiting for a colleague from Kendal who was by then 45 minutes late, so I'm pretty glad that I didn't get that earlier bus otherwise I'd have been stuck right in it both ways, and once the buses get disrupted on this route, it knocks on for ages, as many use the same drivers and vehicles, and they can't juggle too much, as it would also affect other services.


As I slid back home, I nearly went flying, as some of the roads and pavements were treacherously slippy but it was impossible to tell what was safe and what wasn't.  Still it's thawing now, and I'm pleased to see that the unforecast hail and thunderstorm are to be replaced by forecast gales and heavy rain - so we'll see what tomorrow brings.


Regards to All


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Mal - sorry to hear about your mum, hoping for the best for her.


HUMP day and nothing much to report, other than I now have two clients who's systems decided to go pear-shaped yesterday and will be scratching my head (and arse - to keep up with the thread topic  :O ) most of today as I try and figure out their problems...


About an inch of snow overnight and then the weather decided to turn warmer, so...


from a -20 high yesterday we're already at -8 with overcast skies and expecting to be -5 later! Tomorrow could well be above ZERO!!


"Engage"... :jester:

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Sorry to hear about the various troubles. It was a funeral day for me too, and grief certainly took some of the family concerned in a strange direction. Not sure whether it was from a bottle or pills but there was some 'eccentric behaviour' on show. It didn't compare favourably with the dignity of a family two months ago, coping with the abrupt loss of a husband and father of two children in an inexplicable motor accident. I am going to sound old fashioned now, but you surely have some rapid growing up to do if you have got past the age of 50 and not yet realised that your parents are not immortal...

...Interestingly enough I have since looked via street view and apart from No Entry painted on the road 30 yards away, there are no signs whatsoever to say you are entering a dual carriageway, so perhaps an accident waiting to happen...

Wouldn't be somewhere in Birmingham would it? When for some years we had family living there and so had to visit, the number of unsatisfactorily signed such road layouts was shall we say a 'noteworthy feature'. I had some pretty terse e-mail conversations with the local authority on this subject, best not repeated here.

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  • RMweb Premium

Week 2 and I'm wondering which would be better; a cattle prod or a tazer. 


Week 3 and I'll probably just think..."Both".     :jester:



Mal, so sorry to hear your news - thoughts are with you and your family. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Gordon I would like to be able to click on Like, Friendly/supportive, Funny, Craftsmanship/clever and 'you daft old sod' all at the same time.

Good way of paraphrasing what I was thinking when reading Gordon's posting, Warren...

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  • RMweb Gold

Earlier Chris suggested that I bake a cake so I did. I worked on the KISS principle as it was short notice.




I shouldn't really say it myself but it doesn't taste too bad at all!  :imsohappy: 


Diet?  What diet?  :scratchhead: 




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Gordon I would like to be able to click on Like, Friendly/supportive, Funny, Craftsmanship/clever and 'you daft old sod' all at the same time.


…at least we were near the crem, so not far to go if the worst had happened…. :biggrin_mini2:


Of course my brother never mentioned it the rest of the afternoon..

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Earlier Chris suggested that I bake a cake so I did. I worked on the KISS principle as it was short notice.




I shouldn't really say it myself but it doesn't taste too bad at all!  :imsohappy: 


Diet?  What diet?  :scratchhead: 

I WANT SOME.... is that a Victoria Sponge by any chance??? (I only ask as I've been making them again after a many years break and would make one a week if I could stand to eat that much of it without becoming a blimp!!! :O

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Apparently we have a red weather alert for tomorrow so the Day Hospital is closed. Unfortunately, no one told the staff! Steph, who runs the place, found out from one of the bus drivers that deliver and collect the 'oldies'. What a shower. Consequently, Steph is now on the phone ringing round all the patients to let them know they won't be coming in tomorrow, so I don't expect I shall see her for a while. Sadly, she won't get the day off and will have to go up on the wards.


It's currently chucking it down here at the moment and the wind has gone round to the south and is building. Maybe I'll get a better night's sleep as the bedroom is on the other side of the house.


Batten down the hatches everybody, it's on its way!

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  • RMweb Gold

Just posting to register my sadness that Mal's mum is unwell. I believe in humans the steps now are slow, careful and often effective. In domestic animals, the vet gives a sort of wake-up dose and that often restores powers almost by shocking them into use again.


DD's dilemma of the grieving chap on the phone just tells us a bit more about DD. Caring is the least of it. An ear was needed and you provided it. Phonecalls after 2100 are not popular here - there'd better be a good reason! Many years ago, a few days after my birthday, the phone rang just past midnight. "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you! Off the road at Hither Green!" I got home again about 7 in the morning.....


Gordon - your driving nightmare made my toes curl when I read it. I'm quite sure, there but for the grace of ....


Sugar beet still not available, try again tomorrow. That cupboard that fell down some weeks ago is now ready to be re-mated with the wall, but I need Tarzan to help me lift it. Alison is here tomorrow, but although she is quite nicely made in some respects, I'm not convinced her biceps are her best feature. We'll see.

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Caught up with events on here, what can I say that others have not, hope things improve Mal.


Gordon driving up a dual carriage way the wrong way! well at least you wont need a colonoscopy for a while


talking of that

 A physician claimed that the following are actual comments made by his patients (predominately male) while he was performing their colonoscopies:

1. ‘Take it easy, Doc. You’re boldly going where no man has gone before!’

2. ‘Find Amelia Earhart yet?’

3. ‘Can you hear me NOW?’

4. ‘Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?’

5. ‘You know, in Arkansas , we’re now legally married.’

6. ‘Any sign of the trapped miners, Chief?’

7. ‘You put your left hand in, you take your left hand out…’

8. ‘Hey! Now I know how a Muppet feels!’

9. ‘If your hand doesn’t fit, you must quit!’

10. ‘Hey Doc, let me know if you find my dignity.’

11. ‘You used to be an executive at Enron, didn’t you?’

And the best one of all:

12. ‘Could you write a note for my wife saying that my head is not up there?’


Enjoy the rest of the day

After reading this, my day has gone from terrible to being virtually unable to type as I'm laughing too much

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  • RMweb Gold

I WANT SOME.... is that a Victoria Sponge by any chance???


Yes Ian - complete with buttercream and raspberry jam filling. Still one of my favourite cakes and probably even better with fresh cream but then I'd have to eat it all quicker!

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....................... That cupboard that fell down some weeks ago is now ready to be re-mated with the wall, but I need Tarzan to help me lift it. Alison is here tomorrow, but although she is quite nicely made in some respects, I'm not convinced her biceps are her best feature. We'll see.


So,no point me popping over to lend a hand then?! What about using books to rest it on as we discussed when it happened?


Good luck with whatever solution you devise!


Today at Toads Wednesday Club, we had a brilliant talk from a local retired teacher about a house locally that was once owned by Charles Tayleur, who collaborated with Stephenson on "The Rocket" and went on to found the Vulcan Boiler Co. Some interesting social history of the time made me glad that I didn't become divorced in Victorian times!

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