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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, touch of the old insomnia. It usually gets like this towards the end of a callout week, basically I'm on edge just waiting for the phone to ring. At least I haven't got to go to work tomorrow so it doesn't matter if I sleep late (that's if I do get to sleep of course)


Thanks for your wishes on the altercation, I've put it out of my mind deciding that I'm not going to let it bother me, it's my only option really as I've got to carry on doing callout.


I wish I could find some enthusiasm to do some modelling, I look at Dave and Gordon's (amongst others) drive and what they've achieved and am really envious - it's been a long time since I did anything and to be honest I don't feel like doing anything anywhen soon.


Terminal laziness? I don't know, we shall see.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Bound to be another hot day, though there are six oktas at this time. Still very peaceful outside, which is nice. Now for some coffee... :)



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Morning All,


It is quite a nice morning here. The sun is shining, and the birds are singing.


Oh well - Germany is now out. Unfortunately, there was a bit of "unrest" last night as a result. Why do people have to take it all so seriously?


In other news, Paul, the psychic octopus appears to have been right in tipping Spain to win.


The "psychic" creature has correctly predicted all six of Germany's World Cup games and, amid excruciating drama broadcast live on national television on Tuesday, plumped for Spain, causing anguish up and down the country.


And the eight-legged soccer soothsayer was spot on Wednesday, as Carles Puyol's semi-final header shattered Germany's dreams of winning their fourth World Cup.


Two plastic boxes, one with a German flag and one with a Spanish, were lowered into Paul's tank at an aquarium in western Germany, each with a tasty morsel of food inside.


The box which Paul opens first is adjudged to be his predicted winner.


But with classic fickleness, German fans turned against their beloved octopus after he forecast a Spanish win.


According to "Der Western" daily paper, there have been "a host of comments on Facebook, Twitter ... suggesting Paul should be fried, barbequed or turned into a seafood salad or paella."


"Others wanted to throw him into the shark tank," the paper reported on its website.


And on Berlin's "fan-mile", some sections of the crowd also turned against their former hero. Anti-octopus songs were sung.


I wonder what "Anti-octopus" songs sound like?!? :lol:


Have a good day everyone...

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I wish I could find some enthusiasm to do some modelling, I look at Dave and Gordon's (amongst others) drive and what they've achieved and am really envious - it's been a long time since I did anything and to be honest I don't feel like doing anything anywhen soon.


Terminal laziness? I don't know, we shall see.



Could be that neither or us have the stress and time demands of a full time job.....Well, I certainly don't and Dave does a bit now and again. biggrin.gif


It does make a huge difference.


Apologies to Dom and Robert, but I was cheering for Spain last night, only on the basis my BiL has lived there for 30 years or so.


Hope all goes well with your check up Don. Had mine yesterday at the Radcliffe in Oxford. Got to lose some weight, cut down on alcohol, see an ENT specialist for my sinus problems and get my high blood pressure down.


Apart from that, I'm fighting fit...smile.gif

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"cut down on alcohol"

I took a bottle of brandy to hospital when I went in for the op and the surgeon applauded!

My blood pressure is/was above normal before the clot. I am on one pill a day for it. If the surgeon takes it tomorrow I'll ask him how it's doing.

I don't need to lose weight- smoking supresses appetite.

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Bore da/Good morning


South West Wales is overcast, no rain overnight in this location between the sea and the mountains.


Have finished decorating the railway room, just have to put curtains back up and then have a look at the space I have for a layout at long last!


10' x 7' with a well in the middle is the option so far, will have to be a tail chaser, and am opting for a urban South London SR in the early to mid 1960's location.


Got so many large buildings and structures that would be out of place anywhere else other than a city or large town, so might as well finally find a home for them...

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  • RMweb Gold

What am I doing in early risers?

I'm one of those people who goes to bed when it gets light and gets up when it gets too hot to stay in bed any longer.

Off to Chesterfield today for work though. Three hours sleep isn't enoughsad.gif



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Don: Good luck with your foray into the world of human MOTs.


Phil: Be strong - the rest of your customers need you.


Gordon: You left out your modelling wounds.


Good to see some fresh blood on ERs although they sound a bit sensible.

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BoD, you'd better watch out for any strange men hiding in your coal shed...


Morning Dag and Mikey. Funny how we're all different.


Anything after 10pm and that's me finished, but come to think of it, I'm not that great in the mornings now either

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

I'm just back from a drive to the railway station. My wife has to go and see her tutor for a chat about her thesis progress this afternoon and it is easier to travel by train for the part of the journey from East Ham to Waterloo so she doesn't bother with the car for the first bit either. I suspect if she didn't need the car for travelling between sites she would use the train more often.


Anyway it the weather is warm and dull here.


My railway modelling activity has been limited to buying some buildings on Ebay! This weekend there is a club meeting but it is a barbecue as well as a running trains event.



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BoD I'm being exceptionally slow today. I was having a smoke outside and someone commented that "Germany's octopus was no more. It was now calamari" Only then did your comment that "none of your octas were named Paul" make sense. :lol:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Thursday already, how did that happen. The oktas are leaking in these parts but not making any useful predictions. I have to rush into the office for a 2 o'clock invention group meeting but otherwise the diary seems empty. Maybe I'll go in early and do lunch! Gordon what's all this "Dave does a bit now and then" nonsense? I'll have you know this is the 3rd time this week I've had to go into the office. Might have to have a rest day tomorrow to recover!


Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning / afternoon whatever it is, just surfaced.


A little insight into how my job goes when on call (when I'm not being threatened that is)


Time: 03-29


Regional Control Centre: 'Oh hello Phil, sorry to bother you' (liar)


Me: 'Uh, what, uh - wassup?'


RCC: 'We're worried about xxxx res. and booster, no indication that anything's failed, everything seems to be running but the trend is slightly off profile. Can you nip up and have a look?'


Me: 'Grunt'. (nip up is 44 miles from my house)


90 minutes later I've checked a booster, tramped up a track and over a field to open up a res. cover, only to find it's at 90% plus.


Me: 'Yep, all OK'


RCC: 'Oh, we thought it would be. Thaanks.'


Drive 44 miles back home.


And that's the wonderful world of my water company.


Good to see some fresh blood on ERs


I thought there were some new modelling injuries!

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  • RMweb Premium

Gee, I sometimes fail to understand what goes on in some minds... According to a report I just read, three municipal workers were given prison sentences of up to four years for repeatedly abusing a colleague physically and psychologically. Among other things, they forced him to inhale engine exhausts, or tied him up and subsequently dragged him through the dirt with their work vehicles.



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  • RMweb Gold

I collected Mrs S from the station this evening and she had a somewhat different day to that which had been planned. She had to cancel the meeting with her tutors in London as her boss needed her to be at a meeting. Then at the end of the day she received an email from a senior person at the college saying half of her job had to be applied for on a fixed term contract and suggested dates she could attend an interview. This did not go down well but fortunately her manager (who is even more senior than the emailer) isn't going to let it happen.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning ERs..


Got an appointment this morning, so I had no choice but to get up early. Still quite dozy, as it is very warm again. Perhaps I should book a whole day for sleeping this weekend? Might be the wisest thing to do, in fact, seeing how the forecast predicts up to 38°! :lol:


Have a nice day :) ...

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