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Morning all,

Here now Mick! Late but in deadly earnest is my family motto!

Beast's post reminded me of when I first moved to Cornwall, and while sorting out a house to buy, lived with the outlaws for a while - one of my engineering mates fro uni days thought it would be fun to address his letters to me thus - Mr W. A. N. Kerr! MiL luckily didn't notice and the first few arrived (whilst I was at work) without comment but on one particular day, FiL decided to have a day off and he picked up the mail in this instance. According to wife Mk1, he corpses and then obviously had to explain the joke to his good lady who did what I can only describe as a Queen Victoria impression. I won't go into the details of my revenge because censorship would remove most of it!

I'm amazed that the 'usual suspects' have avoided naming the shipmates of Captain Pugwash!!

That's probably enough for one night, comb the hump carefully today folks,

G'night Pete! G'night Mick boy!

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

good morning.


A really strong gust of wind (not me or my other half) woke me up. After having lost roof tiles on two occassions its hard to get back to sleep so here I am.


We are now meant to have snow here in Surrey any itme soon then strong winds Wednesday night again.


Wind has died down again so off to bed for a 2nd time!!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Sleep quota again in the lower margins as SWMBO has caught a bad cold and will stay at home. As I'm up anyway, I'll be off to the hardware shop as soon as it opens at 7 am as the car needs some window washer fluid.


Squid, I've been keeping my eyes open for a JR Hokkaido snow plough formation for a while. You got any hint where I might get one? Of course, I don't claim to be the ultimate expert on Japanese railways, so if one from another region could be "adopted", that'd be fine, too!



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Morning All,


This morning, I was woken ten minutes before the alarm went off by torrential rain and huge gusts of wind.  However, things seemed to have calmed down a little in the mean time.


I am still left wondering what Trev's "lick soup" is.  I can't say that it sounds particularly appetising!


Have a good day everyone...

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Good  morning all,  pretty good nights sleep.   Ended up with the pizza last night - took a long time coming and it was huge.  So  as theres a fridge in the room, guess what I'm having for breakfast? 




Wrong!   .......pigged out on the pizza so now I'm have  the fruit salad I ordered last night too. 


Lets hope whatever hump day brings you it's survivable?


Stay safe,


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!

A light dusting of snow on paths and gardens this am. Roads were gritted last night.

Cricket was very enjoyable last night, the teams enjoyed themselves and I had no difficult decisions to make.


Her indoors has gone swimming having left me with some "minor" housework duties....buff said.


More wagons to weather as well so..


Have a great hump day!


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

My trip to Southend today won't involve buses or trains. I'm off to the hospital. This is an appointment to see whether taking lots of vitamin D has sorted out the problem of low vitamin D in my blood.

I will do some shopping on the way back at the airport. Well not really the airport, just the adjacent retail park.


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I think I have a reasonable share of empathy for my fellow man but a 'phone call at half past midnight stretched the quantity.


An elderly gentleman 'phoned to say his wife had died yesterday evening.

For ten minutes I didn't know who he was.

When I realised, it was someone we've met twice in company with others over a ten year period.

He was on the 'phone for about an hour.


What can one do or say?

I dispensed what sympathy and understanding I could muster having been asleep in bed for some time.

I know he/they have a circle of friends and family he could call with the news.

SWMBO made hot drinks.

The cat wanted to go out again.


Just as I was about to enquire if she'd still be dead in the morning he brought the conversation to a close.

Grief does strange things to people.

Knakkered this morning and feeling guilty for not being more sensitive.

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  • RMweb Gold

When are the train companies going to start putting enough carriages on in the morning. Couldn't even get on my train

It's getting a bit of a scrum at our station. People have lost their courtesy and are starting to push and shove round each other (as happened this morning not letting some one off first) to get those last few remaining seats. Luckily our train still has a few but a lot less than last year despite being 12 coaches. Departed on time today but a slow crawl through New Cross Gate as it has been all week but this time we are going yo be more than 10 minutes late.


I see the PM has now got involved in the problems with constantly Late running services. Won't say any more so as not to get political. I would t be popular for getting ER locked!!!!

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DD I think you deserve all our sympathy.


Very tired this morning after a disturbed night thanks to a procession of thunderstorms and hail battering the windows. The temperature is up a bit and the 50mm layer of hail is starting to turn to slush. We have a steepish drive so I took the car out of the garage and drove it up onto the road for Steph. She's not going to have a very pleasant drive into work as it is. The wind is picking up again and I really am not looking forward to the morning walk but the dogs are standing waiting by the door!


I may be gone a while!

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Grief does strange things to people.

Knakkered this morning and feeling guilty for not being more sensitive.


Yes, DD - Grief does do strange things to people, but don't feel guilty for not being more sensitive.


I think most of us would be unsympathetic about being rung up at that time of the night.  It is one thing if it is a very close member of the family, but quite another when it is someone who seemed to be merely an acquaintance.


I dislike being rung after nine in the evening - most of my family and friends know that, and it isn't usually a problem.  However, when the phone does ring, the heart starts pounding.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

DD I think you've got a lot more patience than I have - I would of course want to be sympathetic but after an hour I would be struggling especially with someone I hardly knew.

Dry start here,no frost at 5.00am , 3oC and dry. There is some sunshine forecast later followed by cloud and rain by this evening.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

When are the train companies going to start putting enough carriages on in the morning. Couldn't even get on my train


I'm not sure how specific franchising parameters are in the UK as to such details as train lengths and capacity, but this as such is not an unknown problem in Germany! Too many public transport boards do order insufficient capacities to be provided by the various operators, and of course, it's the train staff who then have to take the flak and are, in turn, flakked by the media when they dare protest against intolerable working conditions...

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm not sure how specific franchising parameters are in the UK as to such details as train lengths and capacity, but this as such is not an unknown problem in Germany! Too many public transport boards do order insufficient capacities to be provided by the various operators, and of course, it's the train staff who then have to take the flak and are, in turn, flakked by the media when they dare protest against intolerable working conditions...

I have been on trains in Germany on a Friday lunchtime / afternoon and they can be particularly uncomfortable especially when they get over run with bicycles fitted with panniers. I do my best ot avoid the downstairs area on a double deck Regional service.

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Morning all, bright blue skies over Borough Market Junction, no sign of the promised snow overnight. Trains were crowded again last night but ran on time. Some old geezer got on at Lewisham and asked people to move down please and just as I was thinking "good, no banging on windows" he in the same breath launched into "move down you f***** c***, get off your F******* i-phone. And you, ginger, move your f****** a*se" I called him out over that and suggested he might like to remain polite. Had he been addressing me I would have been tempted to refuse to move until he asked politely. I could have understood had there been a pause between the first request and the second but there wasn't. Rant over!


Train was full again this morning but delayed by "congestion" from Hither Green onwards.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Wall to wall blue sky this morning but cold. Haven't decided what to do today probably not much but well pleased that I'm retired after reading of the commuting woes here, commiserations to all.

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Morning all,

Cold out with a little snow lying.

It's been a difficult week - my mum's uti has cleared up and on Sunday visiting at the hospital she was back to her old alert self, chatting and laughing and smiling, looking forward to being discharged on Monday or Tuesday. Unfortunately she suffered a stroke early Monday morning 3am; moved to the stroke unit yesterday (Tuesday) evening and they hope to manage a full assessment today. She is vocalizing a little but has no speech; her swallow is very weak; she can move her right arm on command. Early days - the whole family here is at sixes and sevens emotionally.

The stroke unit here is very good so we'll just have to wait and see.

A lot less posting here at the mo, but I do drop in for the odd minute...

Hope you all have a good day


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  • RMweb Gold

Totally agree with Phil about being retired. Yesterday I took Nicki to work and collected her in the evening. The eight(almost) mile round trip took the best part of an hour both times and that's out here on the edge of London. I'd forgotten how many idiots masquerading as drivers seem to appear during the rush hour especially those who block you from coming out of a side road when they are going nowhere. My car isn't used to all this stop start stuff and I'm sure it gave me a filthy look when we got home!

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