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  • RMweb Premium

Carpe diem, indeed. 


I'm quickly learning that in class the teacher makes use of every moment. 

I'm sure at 15:13 the parents waiting in the playground assume the children are getting their bags and coats; I certainly did.

In our class the teacher is just about to kick off another learning activity, or if the children have worked well then it's time for a few rounds of "Heads down, thumbs up", or a quick run through the counting up in decimal fractions.


I'm going to double check the meaning of "in loco parentis" and perhaps ask what that equates to if the parents (a very, very tiny minority) perhaps don't give a monkeys. Do I have to?    

That isn't the line anymore it is what would a' reasonable and prudent parent do'....... loads of weasel room for no win no fee there then.

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  • RMweb Premium

Now the bad news, one of my fence panels is in pieces but it will have to wait until the wind dies down. Stay safe and warm all.

As you suggested, Broadoak is about the best round here - if you can find them as they've moved.

Edited by 45156
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But I have only noticed one earthquake in the past 60 years (it was in Leicester, I was in Swindon).

Thus we have no bottled water but considerable quantities of wines, beers (almost entirely Belgian), cider and Coca Cola Zero

I noticed an earthquake once when I was living at home in paddock Wood. I thought my old man had run down stairs. It was only later when I saw the news of an earthquake IIRC in the Liverpool area that it occurred to me that he hadn't been at home at the time and it must have been the earthquake.

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  • RMweb Premium

Ouch...I'll not mention it to her - she already gets "testy" when folks assume she's cabin crew. She's a First Officer... :O

And no mean achievement there, as getting to that stage takes a tremendous amount of work, and even then, the role of FO is not all that highly paid, when compared to the person in the left hand seat.  I've known a few lady captains in my time, and I've always had the impression that they have had to work a bit more to get that seat than their male counterparts.  Some of the best flying lessons that I've had involved having a lady instructor in the back/left seat depending on the type (back was mainly gliders, and I knew several very good lady  instructors at Parham, Kenley, Challock, and Booker.

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Evening all.  Sorry to hear your news Richard.  I guess at our age, the loss of family or friends becomes more commonplace.  This week will see us at my uncle's funeral who passed away just before Christmas.  This should be a celebration of his life though, as he lived it to the full and at 95 really did have a good innings...


Just back from our Seniors Monday when we managed to get in the frame and win a few bob towards a bottle of wine or two.  Winning was not in my mind though.  My focus was on the clouds above as I was praying for it to stay dry after some little oik helped himself to my waterproof trousers from the changing room last Thursday.  Saddened me to think that no matter where you are certain people cannot be trusted.  Made me feel quite uncomfortable to think we have a problem in a private members club….


Oh well they'll be very disappointed unless they are 6'3" tall or have the legs of a giraffe…..

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from a windy village north of Ikea.  Peace reigns, SWMBO has departed with several lady friends for a weeks break at a warners hotel, Daughter has moved back in to compensate.


However devilish things are afoot.  The new supply of smokebox char turned out to be damp and wouldn't sieve so the first batch has been baked on a large baking tray covered in turkey foil (1 hour at regulo 4)   Now I've got to get it sieved.   I'm too much of a coward to have done it whilst SWMBO was here.



The baking has worked a treat, 1 batch processed second cooling.  Will post full report in the layout thread in due course.


Hopefully the whole process will be complete tomorrow and no evidence left behind of my misdeeds.



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  • RMweb Gold

Diverted via Cambridge on Sunday morning (and for the next 3), there were several of them and a Grand Central 180

Fine photo spot you have there too

Train angle good, sun angle near perfect , no obstructions.


Unlike most of the places around here.

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  • RMweb Premium

Ahhh, sorry to hear about Steve Warrington, Richard, a stalwart of the garden railway scene.  He will be sadly missed.


No news of note here, other than to note Debs having passed through again - thinking about you, hope you're OK.

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And another fine and sunny, if slightly chilly, good morning from Tokyo. Not as cold as forecast, though other parts of Japan have been receiving snow measured by the metre. Actually I wish it would rain every now and again, the air is very dry, and I had to water the little compost heap in the garden as it seems to have stopped composting (and the little colony of woodlice has disappeared).


Mrs. Squid off to the final pre-egress checkup soon.

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  • RMweb Premium

Still present and correct around.  I've been trying to keep up, hitting a few buttons here and there but not enough time to post as well. 


Wet and windy with some dry/sunny spells.  Pretty much the same as elsewhere.

Fantastic display of white rollers running up the beach on West Shore, Llandudno on Saturday.  Bitterly cold though.

Got home and realised I hadn't taken any pictures or videos.  Doh!


So, how did I spend my time avoiding the current weather systems?

I found a picture below of Charringtons Coal depot.  I remember they had offices everywhere when I was growing up.




Then I tried to find out how the coal drop fitted into the landscape - the road and town lie at the bottom of the embankment and the parallel branch line continues across a viaduct on its way to the Dock.  Quite fascinating really.

This is part of an area I grew up in which I always believed to be flat, very flat.  In fact, it was all running on a downward slope in the Thames Valley.  What did I know?  I only lived there.  Bridges were bridges and didn't count.  :jester:


One thing I must do is some modelling.  The mizzo weather hasn't done much for my motivation.

Hope it's not getting you all down.

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Windy day in sunny Teignmouth (not so sunny today obviously) but as we are close to the Devon Riviera I like to promote it. 


Just sat here watching some modelling vids on Youtube.  Some people!  Plenty of vids to watch but some shouldn't even be on there.


Mrs LE is at work.  Seriously painful Fibromyalgia, I don't know how she does it and she gets no relief from meds.  Anyone with successful pain relief please pass it on.

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Evening all,

Brassed off about comet Lovejoy again, not only cloudy but pi**ing down as well! Cheered up a bit when I watched an old 'Time Team' on Henry V's ship 'Grace Dieu' - one of the experts was called 'Justin Cox', wonder if he ever forgave his parents?

Good to hear that the StAlbans contingent seem to have enjoyed themselves, and Flávio got home with some 'real' food! We called it 'Haggis, Tatties and Neeps' back home and sometimes softened the whisky gravy with Drambuie!

Hope Tuesday is kind to you all,

Kind regards,


G'night Pete!

Edited by Jock67B
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- one of the experts was called 'Justin Cox', wonder if he ever forgave his parents?


I once knew (vaguely) someone called Justin Stead. Same question applies.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. We are 35,000! Explanation here for speakers of German: http://www.mdr.de/nachrichten/legida-vorbericht100_zc-e9a9d57e_zs-6c4417e7.html


Synopsis is, there's an awful cesspool of non- or at best thinly veiled neo-Nazis, xenophobics and other far-right revisionist nutcases calling themselves Pegida or derivations thereof, which has been taking hold in several German cities during the past weeks, but which is now opposed by an ever-increasing movement. Last night, the counter-demonstration attracted (depending on source) more than 30,000 or 40,000 people, including myself and SWMBO.


Sorry for what I guess was a political statement.


Try to enjoy your day!

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Morning all,   


i was supposed to be getting on a plane for an internal flight in a short while, but late last night got an SMS /Text message from the airline saying flight had been delayed until 10:45......luckily my return flight  isn't until tomorrow (perhaps). 


And for the first night in months I've woken without pains in my hips back or legs!...


Well lets see what today has in store for us?


Try to stay warm & dry, if you must go outside, be careful.



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Morning All,


II would say that 1216025's statement was most certainly political! I could comment extensively, but will limit myself to asking "why is it, that when ordinary people have concerns and worries about a social/political situation that is convenient to those in power, they immediately get labelled negatively?"


It is said that those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Looking back at the great revolutions and uprisings of history (French, Russian etc.), it is clear that once the middle class feels beleagured it is not long before the tumbrels are being wheeled out and convenient walls found! And preceeding each of such events, the concerns of the "middling sort" were dismissed by an increasingly isolated and inward looking "elite". The "great unwashed" may have provided the cannon fodder, but it was the middle class that gave the world Danton, Robespierre, Lenin and Trotsky. Although today many countries are democratically robust, but with a political class that is increasing isolated from the real world (by virtue of never having had to live and work in it) and the negative labelling of those who have a concern or opinion that is contrary to what is PC, there are worrying similarities - though perhaps we will be lucky and the next "revolution" will be by the ballot box and not by the barrell of a gun...


One of the joys of being a history buff, is that one can have long political arguments without once involving politics! Neat, huh?


Well off to have breakfast, and as a "neo-Nazi right wing, leftie-liberal, jackbooted capitalist bankster commie-pinko stooge" I'm looking forward to a day of "grinding the faces of the poor, kowtowing to Moscow/Peking and upsetting the natural order of things" Should be a fun day (blast, the iPad won't do smileys).

Have a great day

Edited by iL Dottore
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Morning all. Windy but dry at the moment but according to the forecast due to be very wet again today.


Although nothing new is reported on the trains so far. It could be a difficult journey for many with the bus strike and the ongoing work at LBG. Just hoping it doesn't cause too many problems.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Raining again  earlier, eased off for now but after some sunshine more heavy showers, hail, thunder & sleet are possible.

Took Chris to work and although there is apparently a bus strike we did see one on the move with passengers. Later on I'll be driving my daughter to work although the bus she normally uses is supposed to be unaffected. However she doesn't want to take any chances and won't drive there as parking at the hospital is diabolical.

Have good one,


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