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Power has been out throughout the night.

Just restored.


As we are all electric it is a pain.

You try cooking corn flakes over a candle.


No good news from Debs yet but she is quite a private person and I'm sure she will appear in order to slap us down at some point.


Although our range is oil fired it is electrically controlled but, if we have a lengthy power cut, we can always go out to the motorhome and cook on gas!

Edited by Killybegs
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Gloomy and windy, though the worst has passed I think, to be followed by drizzle. Heavy rain is forecast later. Chesty cough and sore throat still present; on past form it may take a while to clear up. I have to return the BP monitor today after a week. It's been high all week so not good news. I see the GP on Friday.


Tigger is hassling for something, not sure what. I'm not sure he really knows. He didn't want a cuddle, has stood at the door looking out in disgust, and stared meaningfully at a bowl that's full of IAMS. He's now eaten some so more kip is probably next on his agenda. No, now he wants a cuddle. The news here, as it happens, in the Hundred of Mansbridge!


Have a good day. The Sun, or a flaming ball of gas, is up there somewhere.



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Morning, dry but windy and cold here, computer stuff to do today in connection with our forthcoming trip to Florida and then maybe an hour in the shed.


I keep a camping gaz stove and lamp in the garage in case of a power cut, Im sure one day it will come in useful!


Not much else to add so have a good day



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John, we are in a similar situation here - my gas range and double oven has electrical safety cut-outs but I prudently saved a double burner camping stove from many years ago! Another piece of what some members of the household would call 'useless junk cluttering up the garage!' Luckily power cuts are quite rare here now with most cables running underground.

Kind regards,


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Although our range is oil fired it is electrically controlled but, if we have a lengthy power cut, we can always go out to the motorhome and cook on gas!


Thank you but travel may prove difficult in prevailing conditions.

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The "Je Suis Charlie" movement got a bit of a sideways glance in the NY Times the other day. The columnist pointed out that while most of us do not resort to violence, religious intolerance is also rife in the liberal West, and he quoted examples from more than one US Uni campus. I think the Bible says something about first taking the plank out of your own eye.....




Nothing, but nothing can justify what happened in Paris.


However, we are incredibly fortunate to have free speech in the West, but with free speech comes responsibility.

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Morning all (just - as I type this, may be "afternoon all" by the time I hit "post").


Wet and windy in Edinburgh today.  Sleet coming down just now, so think a lunchtime walk is off the agenda for today!  Took me all my strength to make it up the hill to work this morning.  Tempted to work from an office closer to home tomorrow if it's this vile again!


Tonight will see me head home, eat and hit the hay. Worn out after a busy weekend! Drove to Durham Friday lunchtime, Dentist in the afternoon, Masonic Lodge in the evening (for my sins, I'm treasurer), 5K run Saturday morning, visit to Metro Centre for a new jacket, farm shop for a joint for the folks, then drove back to Edinburgh in the snow (interesting journey between West Woodburn and Carter Bar, some of it at a max of 30mph and some of it at times slightly sideways!).  Overnight in Edinburgh, then on the road at 7 yesterday morning to take Jamie to swimming lesson, then back from Glasgow to Edinburgh with Jamie to meet a friend and her daughter for climbing, then the round trip back again!  I'm exhausted, I need another weekend!

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I keep a camping gaz stove and lamp in the garage in case of a power cut, Im sure one day it will come in useful!


Torches in every room, small tabletop stove with plenty of spare canisters, several weeks' supply of bottled drinking water, various non-perishable foods, helmets, heavy duty gloves, first-aid kits, water canisters, portable toilet, plenty of toilet paper, wind-up portable radio which can also charge mobile phones, lots of batteries.


Not paranoid, just living in Japan.

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Morning all. The good news is that the oven is now working again. The self tappers that I was having trouble with actually screw into a spring clip behind the backplate I was trying to remove. They had corroded and just turned with the screw; a cross cut chisel was the answer. Sheer ignorance and a big hammer as a last resort again. Now the bad news, one of my fence panels is in pieces but it will have to wait until the wind dies down. Stay safe and warm all.

Edited by Ohmisterporter
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It hasn't been that many lifetimes since we Brits wandered the world with thoughts of converting the heathen and a sideline of building an Empire.

However, we all hope that times have changed for the better.

Maybe others are just catching up but they are out of step (and delusional maniacs).

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Echoing the comments and sympathies of all those who have posted before, Richard.


Extra level of weird today - someone had removed all the teaching room numbers so that new students didn't know where to go. They'd left the staff room number up though. CCTV being trawled through. Send them a bill!


And then there's the usual range of blocked loos ...

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John, we are in a similar situation here - my gas range and double oven has electrical safety cut-outs but I prudently saved a double burner camping stove from many years ago! Another piece of what some members of the household would call 'useless junk cluttering up the garage!' Luckily power cuts are quite rare here now with most cables running underground.

Kind regards,



Ditto Jock, didnt mention that in my post but same sentiment expressed here lol!

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Finally surfaced, put a wash on, spent an hour soaking in a hot bath (with Mahler 5), breakfasted, and am ready to meet my public. 


It was a delight to meet Flavio yesterday.  The Camden Lock suggestion was a little tongue in cheek, but he does satisfy the first criterion of an exhibitor, he can interact with the public.  The official portfolio of pictures, probably on the CMRA site, will depend on Adrian workload, because he is one of the minority still in employment.


Dropping off the perch syndrome.  I'm having to take on more of the workload at St Albans- pretty well full time from 2pm Friday until 8pm Sunday.  Hence collapse of stout party.



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Torches in every room, small tabletop stove with plenty of spare canisters, several weeks' supply of bottled drinking water, various non-perishable foods, helmets, heavy duty gloves, first-aid kits, water canisters, portable toilet, plenty of toilet paper, wind-up portable radio which can also charge mobile phones, lots of batteries.


Not paranoid, just living in Japan.

Interesting to compare that with us -

Torches in several rooms including a wind-up torch, plus oil lamps available on the landing and in one room plus a reserve of lamp oil (somewhere?)

Small stove with spare gas canisters in the garage (somewhere) but wood fired stove available in living room and hot enough to warm tins of soup and beans, large stacks (several) of cut logs.

Considerable stock of tinned soup and baked beans plus other non perishable foodstuffs.

Two helmets, complete set of 'orange army' gear, safety boots, numerous pairs of gloves but not exactly 'heavy' duty.

First aid stuff in the medicine cupboard.

Big garden quite suitable for digging holes so not portable toilet.

Lots of batteries - but no use for mobile phones and the panels on the roof will only supply electricity past the inverter when it senses a mains current.


But I have only noticed one earthquake in the past 60 years (it was in Leicester, I was in Swindon).

Thus we have no bottled water but considerable quantities of wines, beers (almost entirely Belgian), cider and Coca Cola Zero

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beast66606, on 12 Jan 2015 - 14:30, said:

Train flash


11 January 2015


43239 and 43313 on 1Y21, 08:55, Newcastle - London Kings Cross (13:04)



Isn't Manea a bit off-route for ECML?


sixoh8sixoh, on 12 Jan 2015 - 13:00, said:

farm shop for a joint

Like, those farm shops, what they sell is just beautiful these days, man....

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But I have only noticed one earthquake in the past 60 years (it was in Leicester, I was in Swindon).

Thus we have no bottled water but considerable quantities of wines, beers (almost entirely Belgian), cider and Coca Cola Zero


The plate tectonics have quietened down a lot since 2011 but I must have felt hundreds over the past couple of years, enough that I can actually give a fair estimate of their magnitude and approximate epicentre.


Must stock up on emergency liquor supplies, come to think of it.

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Afternoon all from a windy village north of Ikea.  Peace reigns, SWMBO has departed with several lady friends for a weeks break at a warners hotel, Daughter has moved back in to compensate.


However devilish things are afoot.  The new supply of smokebox char turned out to be damp and wouldn't sieve so the first batch has been baked on a large baking tray covered in turkey foil (1 hour at regulo 4)   Now I've got to get it sieved.   I'm too much of a coward to have done it whilst SWMBO was here.



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Monday morning and working again...


Excellent dinner at our favorite Korean restaurant last night, little else to report as the weekend waned.


Will behaving some wine with friend tonight and after putting "world to rights" will also discuss the initial plans for our upcoming "England Vacation Adventure" :)


-19 and a bright, clear and breeze day, wind-chill -31

Edited by Ian Abel
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Power has been out throughout the night.

Just restored.


As we are all electric it is a pain.

You try cooking corn flakes over a candle.


No good news from Debs yet but she is quite a private person and I'm sure she will appear in order to slap us down at some point.


Ironically, I believe cooking cornflakes is probably the very thing a candle might cook! 


Debs, ....Debs..... nope can't place her.

Anyway here's some pictures of trains and model railways....







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Carpe diem, indeed. 


I'm quickly learning that in class the teacher makes use of every moment. 

I'm sure at 15:13 the parents waiting in the playground assume the children are getting their bags and coats; I certainly did.

In our class the teacher is just about to kick off another learning activity, or if the children have worked well then it's time for a few rounds of "Heads down, thumbs up", or a quick run through the counting up in decimal fractions.


I'm going to double check the meaning of "in loco parentis" and perhaps ask what that equates to if the parents (a very, very tiny minority) perhaps don't give a monkeys. Do I have to?    

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