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Morning all. Sad to hear this news, Richard.


Windy and chilly outside but at least it's dry (until later)


Having looked at Southern's site this morning, it looks like more people than usual are going to have their journeys disrupted.

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I take your point, Jock; the sorrow of bereavement is something that has to be faced as part of a full life. And, as Samuel Johnson said to Joshua Reynolds:

"If a man does not make new acquaintance as he advances through life, he will soon find himself left alone. A man, Sir, should keep his friendship in constant repair." Of course, you are of the kind that gladly follows this practice.

Regards, Gordon.



And it is one of life's joys for me that one can find kindred spirits at any age (and of any age, in fact) who become friends.


Hope you all have a good week - it's a windy start to it here!

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Good morning all!


Richard, it is always sad to lose a friend but Carpe diem....seize the day! make it how you want it....


Friends are to be remembered and new ones should be found...


Still a tad breezy here....cricket was not good last night..hopefully our committee meeting will be better tonight!



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


First day back commuting.

Trains seem to be running OK so far and we got seats. It might because a lot of people stuck in queues to buy tickets as half the ticket machines were out of order so the booking office was solid with people.


let's see what work throws up today!

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Morning all.

Nearly "Hi-Ho" time for many of us - have a nice week, all.

Spotted this article on the Beeb website about disused stations. Only had time to scan it though.   



Yes, I noticed it too and there is a thread elsewhere about it:-



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morning all,Richard ,know where your coming from mate...cool and breezy here,rain last night,Jack threw a strop yesterday,then hung onto me and Tash like a limpit....saw a little girl in the middle of one of the ailes in asda doing the same.....must have been one of those days !! allways nice to know your not the only one ! got the chassis drawings for the wd finished,patterns too,Jack has hidden my copy of steam,and wont tell me where it is....one day I will find his secret hiding place !! have a good day all.

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And so the weather goes on. The gale is still raging outside and we are promised a nice lot of wintry showers and it's still dark outside at 8.00 am. I've had my porridge and once I've finished my tea and trip through RMW it will be on with the protective gear to battle with the elements.


A few domestic chores today then more carving up of an old Airfix Prairie. I think I might have to catch the bus down to Enniskillin at some point to get some more paint (to finish the warehouse) and plastic solvent. It's only a 120 mile round trip, thank goodness I have a travel pass!

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Morning All,


It has been a very stormy night here.  The wind is due to subside, but it is still blowing quite strongly with storm force gusts.


My mission for this week is to make a start on getting quotes to have our central heating boiler replaced.  The installation is all rather steam-punk and the boiler itself is over 30 years old - so I think it is about time.  Our plumber tears his hair out each time he sees it, as spares are getting hard to come by.


Sorry to hear your news, Richard.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning All


Still not properly light this morning, and I had a very blowy dog walk, and I've got to go into town this morning, as I have another Dr appointment this morning, that I actually managed to arrange via their online booking system yesterday - nothing serious, but something that arose over the weekend, and which needs a professional assessment - and I think that as with Saturday, I'll let the bus do the work.


Richard, commiserations on the loss of your friend.  It does seem that similar posts are becoming more frequent on here, as of course, many of us ERs are of that age when friends and relatives depart from this mortal coil. 


I too found the BBC article about closed stations, but as I was looking for information about the announcement this morning that the changes to the State Pension would not be quite as clear cut as we were led to believe, and I needed reassurance that it would not affect the rest of our retirement plans, as on the 6 am news, we only heard a snippet, and it was not clear from what we heard what was happening.


Oh yes, and I see that Debs is still lurking, as I got a rating on a post from her - thanks Debs.


I'm off now.


Regards to All


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Good morning all,

Wet & windy night, dry, windy & mild now, will become wet & windy later.

Nothing much happening here except for hammering sounds from next door who are having a new window fitted and "we need to go to Sainsbury's".

Have a good one,


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Certainly very windy over there too!


I have just been looking at Marine Traffic and the Varne Light vessel is reporting 38 knot winds in the Channel.  I have just noticed that although the Dover Port website is saying all services are operating normally, the Spirit of Britain has just headed up the coast and is now sheltering behind the Goodwin Sands.  Probably a sign that Dover is currently closed.


Isn't the Internet a wonderful thing?!?

Edited by Robert
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Morning all


well the first commute in to LBG on a Cannon Street train was OK - no seat on the train although I did manage one at Lewisham when I happen to be standing near where people who got off wanted to sit.


It wasn't as crowded as I feared but I was on an earlier train. The journey was 50% longer. The key test will be on the way home - will I be able to get on to a platform this evening?


Quite a relaxing weekend. I managed to complete and submit my tax return - sadly I just have to find the money to pay the tax now!

We say the Paddington film on Sunday which we all enjoyed; funny and charming. I'd recommend it.


Weather is grey and windy, though my usual windspeed indicator, the flag on Southwark Cathedral, is not flying today.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Not an Early Riser this morning!

I did wake long enough to notice that Aditi was departing for work. I think the delivery of junk mail from an estate agent made Robbie bark enough to wake me up.

I have lots of little tasks to complete today, nothing physically or mentally strenuous though.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


well the first commute in to LBG on a Cannon Street train was OK - no seat on the train although I did manage one at Lewisham when I happen to be standing near where people who got off wanted to sit.


It wasn't as crowded as I feared but I was on an earlier train. The journey was 50% longer. The key test will be on the way home - will I be able to get on to a platform this evening?


Quite a relaxing weekend. I managed to complete and submit my tax return - sadly I just have to find the money to pay the tax now!

We say the Paddington film on Sunday which we all enjoyed; funny and charming. I'd recommend it.


Weather is grey and windy, though my usual windspeed indicator, the flag on Southwark Cathedral, is not flying today.

It seems like the worst part of the journey last week for many was on the way home.


I gather that on the terminal side they have made some changes in the layout but not being there last week I am not sure what changes there might have been. lets hope that they have rethought the South Eastern side if there were likely to be similar issues.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


An indifferent night, but not due to weather, which remains pretty benign compared to so many stories on here.


Richard's bad news is indeed a sign of our age - but I seem to have been losing key players in my life for many decades, since Mum died when I was 24. Ridiculously, at 66 I have outlived both my best friends from skool and my wife. But, as Sherry & others have pointed out, new doors open, in the form of new faces continuing to appear. Carpe diem, indeed, is the only way. Or, in a rare reference (for me) to two-wheel racing, I recall back in the '60s a rider being asked how many gears were on his racer. He replied that he didn't know, but just kept changing up 'til it stopped. We should be the same - keep in top gear as long as we can.


I need to get some sugar-beet today, and always rather enjoy going up to the feed merchant at the top of St Cosme en Vairais. He always insists on putting the sack in my car, too - what a toff!


The "Je Suis Charlie" movement got a bit of a sideways glance in the NY Times the other day. The columnist pointed out that while most of us do not resort to violence, religious intolerance is also rife in the liberal West, and he quoted examples from more than one US Uni campus. I think the Bible says something about first taking the plank out of your own eye.....


I hope those using vexed London Bridge survive the week, and the weather doesn't hurt anyone, either.

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Morning again. I'd forgotten to right the wheelie bin, in fact I'd forgotten about it altogether. Looking out this morning I saw that it had migrated, on its side from one side of the back garden to the other, so it would be a waste of time righting it anyway. Luckily as my garden is surrounded by a 6 foot brick wall it won't be departing down the street.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Due commiserations Richard, things like that can - I'm sure - be even tougher after living the close and sometimes dangerous military life.


Bit breezy outside although what is supposed to be 'heavy rain' fortunately isn't - right side errors in the weather forecast can be so much better than those on the wrong side!  And nowithstanding a bit of blowing about the fence is still standing, rebuild in a couple of weeks time we are promised.


Our neighbours holidaying in Cuba were supposed to eb back yesterday but weren't, I do hope there wasn't a mix up over the place they were due to stay at Guantanamo Bay :O


Have a good day one all and may London Bridge be passed smoothly this evening by those who cannot avoid it

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Morning All from a dull and windy Clacton.

The comet 'Lovejoy' appears to be as slippery as it's TV namesake as I've been unable to spot it again last night due to cloud - very frustrating as the chances of ever seeing it are fast diminishing! Hardly the end of the world though, when put into perspective by events in France and Richard's loss!!

Agree with Ian's point but won't get on my soapbox about the misuse of religion by temporal elements!

That is one brave 'roundhouse', going to work so soon after such a transatlantic trip - did you manage to stay awake at work IDL?

Hope those of you who attended St. Albans show managed to meet up with like minded characters from this thread. Are there any photo's around Bill?

As voiced by others, I'm rather concerned by the lack of posts from Debs - miss seeing your avatar and hope that if you read this, you could kindly put our minds at rest as to how you are!

Hope Monday is not as hateful for you all as Mr Geldof and chums found it!

Kind regards,


PS No post last night so missed out Pete - G'morning Pete!

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Power has been out throughout the night.

Just restored.


As we are all electric it is a pain.

You try cooking corn flakes over a candle.


No good news from Debs yet but she is quite a private person and I'm sure she will appear in order to slap us down at some point.

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DDolfelin, on 12 Jan 2015 - 11:52, said:


No good news from Debs yet but she is quite a private person and I'm sure she will appear in order to slap us down at some point.

I believe women of rather less moral fibre than Debs have been known to make a good living doing just that....

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


After a few days with my lad and a day on the Fens followed by a long conversation with someone known to StationMaster and Debs (A Mr D Flood) I've returned - I think I've caught all the sad news, condolences to Richard.

I too will bite my tongue over the Paris events, I would have more faith in some faiths if the followers were as quick to condemn those who do evil in their name as they are to protest about this, that and the other - get out on the streets and show everyone how you condemn their actions, until then I'm afraid my cynical nature makes me wonder if there is more silent support than we would like to imagine but enough of that.


Weather report - windy and grey with rain forecast for various times of the day. I let a 37 pass without photographing it early such was the wind, a lot of trees around here and falling branches are a big danger.


Have a good day all.

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.... Ridiculously, at 66 I have outlived both my best friends from skool and my wife. But, as Sherry & others have pointed out, new doors open, in the form of new faces continuing to appear...

I received a useful reflection on this from my Godfather, who observed to me at age 98, that when you no longer have the energy (or memory) to make new friendships, it probably is time to go. Having outlived two wives and two of his own children from the first marriage, I feel he had some insight to offer in getting on with living life. It is never easy, but the positive memory of so many who have gone before is a major encouragement. It always prompts the thought "And what am I doing to ensure a positive legacy for those who outlive me?'". I remember Walt with gratitude every day, unforgettable man.


...while most of us do not resort to violence, religious intolerance is also rife in the liberal West, and he quoted examples from more than one US Uni campus. I think the Bible says something about first taking the plank out of your own eye...

I did propose putting in our church mag one of those word puzzles where you have to transition from one word to another with legitimate words in between: from of course 'LOVE' (one another) given as a command, to 'KILL' the unbeliever, evolved since as 'doctrine'. Strangely the editor didn't feel comfortable with it. Never did work out what would have to go between for the minimum number of moves/wiggles/casuistries etc.


Edited to correct my wiould miuos-voiuwelling...

Edited by 34theletterbetweenB&D
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