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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. The boiler stopped again last night but when I checked it was just showing 'standby' :scratchhead:??? It was easy to get started again by resetting  the thermostat. I only discovered the boiler had stopped when the bath I was running was cold, despite the pump still working. I put it down to the strong winds last night as the boiler vent is on the end gable facing straight into the wind which was blowing hard. It was only later that I realised that as being ready for the bath I was starkers when I climbed into the loft and the juxtaposition of loft hatch/landing window/street layout someone might have seen a full moon last night. :O

Edited by PhilJ W
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  • RMweb Gold

We must all be fascinated by the events in France.

Looks like it may be coming to an end.

Let's hope they don't take any more with them.

I suppose it's wrong to wish them a quick death but if it saves more innocent lives then it appears the only solution.

Sadly you cannot reason with fanatics who believe in martydom for their cause.


Much as I would like to see it all end peacefully with no further heartache. it will in all probability end in a bloody shootout.

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We must all be fascinated by the events in France.

Looks like it may be coming to an end.

Let's hope they don't take any more with them.

I suppose it's wrong to wish them a quick death but if it saves more innocent lives then it appears the only solution.

French security police tend to take the direct route in these circumstances.

Good coverage on France 24 channel (513 on Sky)

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  • RMweb Gold



Just had a look at the news. All pretty sad what's going on in Paris. Could easily be in the UK.


Hope all are fine in Scotland and Northern England after the storms.


It's 2.20am here. Got up to make call of nature only to hear train horns. Mixed freight with 3 BNSF Locos on the front heading south through the station. Can still just about see it despite a new building having been erected in Between our hotel and the Amtrak station since last year here in San Diego.

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  • RMweb Premium

It's been getting quite windy during the past few hours! Storm warning is in effect, as a matter of fact.


Took the opportunity of the day and had a haircut, followed by some tidying-up which had been overdue. Some additional Japanese N scale stuff should arrive today, too!

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning, Fraggle Rock is still roughly on station, but rolling heavily in the rough seas!  The UK is to be cut off again tonight.


Our bedroom faces west so the winds were disturbing last night, can't see any damage outside, I may risk an EVA later.  In fact now iD has started something, I may go into the nearest big town (!) of Royal Ramsey for a full Manx breakfast.  No toms or mushrooms please.


Then I have the class 33 to play with for a while test run on the layout and.....housework to do. Bah.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Bright and sunny at present but it is booked to leave us later and no doubt head for Tony before heading out into the North Sea, and only a bit breezy.  Interesting to read about Irish flying fish, didn't realise they got into the Atlantic off Ireland ;)


St Albans is out for me tomorrow as we have a man coming about rebuilding the garden fence - no doubt if the strong winds happen to reach us before him the price might not need to take into account removing the existing one but he might charge for picking it up of course.  Broccoli is excellent stuff for those who might have been misled by an earlier comment whereas sprouts seem to be the work of the devil in the brassica world, some sort of bad joke.


Regrettably latest reports from France seem to indicate the two murderers have a hostage and are determined to become martyrs (a strange misuse of a word if ever I heard one) - we can but hope for a more peaceful outcome.  One thing which interested me was a report that 88,000 police and troops had been engaged in the hunt for these two - good think it wasn't in Britain as that would have meant the entire army and a fair chunk of the navy in order to supply those sort of numbers, bit worrying that.


Have a good and peaceful day everybody.

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Morning all,

Still suffering from this bug which seems most reluctant to go away but the news that the great grandchildren and their parents are going to sleep-over tonight has cheered me!

Tony-S, we used to suffer with our Citroen automatic mirrors in a similar way - many customers couldn't seem to grasp that if you physically retracted them using the switch inside, you automatically cancelled the folding function from the key fob. If you simply deploy them again with the switch inside, they reverted to key operation again. I had to re-write the hand-over instructions to include this!

Flávio, hope you enjoy your brief trip to Blighty, I'm very sad that I'm unable to make a visit as it would be marvellous to meet you and some of the other RMweb members who plan to be there!

Sherry, I believe the apposite phrase is 'break a leg'. I thought it was somewhat later in the year that you are due to play 'The Lady in White'?

Neil, absolutely correct, Jock Kerr senior was my father and I'm certain that his funding of my engineering education was in some way part of a master plan as I used to design and prepare working drawings for all the performance enhancing kits that he marketed/ fitted. I have to say that it was a fantastic time of my life though, meeting all the stars who patronised his business as well as, in a limited way, being able to race myself on some exotic machinery. This is why my current 'grounded status' hurts so much! Joanna finds it hilarious to watch me as I view the racing on Sky, apparently I'm often caught leaning in to the corners at times although Im actually on the couch!

Hope poet's day goes according to your plans,

Kind regards,


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Morning all - been awake since 3am, now up and made a cup of tea.  The wind is so high that you cannot possibly sleep for the noise it is making.  Not looking forward to the journey to work as it is not supposed to settle down until later this morning.




Thanks for the support folks, got to work safely but had to take the Clyde Tunnel as there was a doubt over the Erskine Bridge (It was wrongly announced as closed on Radio Scotland).  Thinks have calmed down considerably now, however I believe we have ice and snow to look forwards to!!!



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  • RMweb Premium

My Tigger would have liked John's mackerel. No wind-blown detritus here; it wasn't very windy overnight compared with some other nights this winter. Hopefully the power outages in Northern parts will be sorted out.


I'm feeling a lot better but the cold's moved to my chest. Hopefully it will clear itself up. GP apparently called after I'd gone out yesterday; I told them when I'd be in. If he doesn't call today I'll pop in the surgery on my way to the shops. I may go to check out Ron Lines' new shop.


Keep safe and well,



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all

Ashcombe, on 09 Jan 2015 - 09:39, said:

Strong winds to be heard here from late last night

For the avoidance of doubt, as they say, in all the time I have spent with Sherry over almost 11 years, I have never known her to suffer from strong wind.


Helicopters? An interesting video on YouTube showed what happens when the battery on your model drone goes flat in mid-flight.


My postie arrived just now, with a couple of parcels. Nothing worth remarking upon here, but she asked if I knew who occupied the next house up the hill, which is half-visible from my garden, as she has recently had two registered letters for there and no-one seems to be in residence. I noted I'd seen a van there over the last couple of weeks, so maybe someone is moving in.


Smiffy's abiding 'flu sounds horrid. My last bout was this time in 2000/1. Boxing Day at Kempton Park for the King George meeting was awful at times! But after 6 days the 'flu suddenly fled - leaving me with pneumonia instead. See the quack if you have any doubts, Dick.


Coffee with Sheena here was uplifted by Pete from the other  end of the village dropping by. Poor chap can hardly get about due to Parkinson's, but still drives short distances. He and Ivy had been on a cruise, and I looked after their cat and now-deceased chickens. As they'd provided wine, chocolates and eggs as a thankyou when they left, as well as the loan of their trailer and access to cut logs to put in it, I was not expecting any gifts, but he produced Heinz beans and Frank Cooper's marmalade. His surname is Cooper, and we have a large orange cat of that name, too. A discussion of events in Paris etc evinced the usual answer from Sheena that everything is America's fault. Obvious, really.


Hope your first week of the New Year is winding down nicely.

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  • RMweb Gold

The newspaper this morning suggests that the flu virus has mutated somewhat from the version included in the vaccine this year.

Jock. Aditi hadn't consciously parked the mirrors. I can only think she may have accidentally knocked the button when she arrived at the college in the morning. However the knob was in the position for adjusting the rh mirror tilt/angle and not the position (that at least she now knows about!) for parking the mirrors. At her old college she could have asked the motor vehicle lecturers. When she was working late she always moved her car from the main staff car park to the motor vehicle dept parking area. The car park where she is now is secure and she has her own place so at least doesn't have to worry about on street parking.

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  • RMweb Premium

I thought those drones were supposed to go 'home' when they flight computer  calculated they only had enough power left to do so?  That must have been a more basic version I presume.  Like me again!


Peeing it down here now, and wind building (outside, not sprouts) again.


Oh well house work beckons, raucous music may help, warming up the Arcam Alpha and MF Amp.....hope the neighbours are out.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all.


My car has been attacked by a feral Xmas tree.

We heard a noise this morning and looked out to see the  tree picked up by the wind, doing a reasonable impression of tumbleweed, glancing off the side of the car and becoming trapped partially beneath a car further along the road.

Today is the day that the local council asks people to put out Xmas trees for collection and recycling.


It doesn't look as thought there has been any damage but it  was dark when I came to work and is likely to be dark when I return home.  It will have to wait until tomorrow for a close inspection of the paintwork.


Against whom do I make a claim?

Answers please on the back of a used Xmas cracker joke to.......

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  • RMweb Premium

shopping ....done

parcels wrapped and posted ...... done

time to do some railways modelling!...




PS sprouts for next Christmas should be on the simmer now...

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon, raining heavily but calm outside wind wise  and if we did have gales during the night I didn't hear them.


Up early this morning for a full English breakfast then tennis for a couple of hours now sat catching up on here and events in Paris which obviously now includes a second incident.


Thinking of a trip to the shed but then maybe not.


Enjoy whats left of today

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