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Morning All. Dark, chilly and windy here. Not as bad as it was during the night though. Southern are reporting no incidents this morning apart from the ongoing problems with LBG.


Last day of the week and looking forward to a relaxing weekend

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  • RMweb Gold


It doesn't seem to be too wet or windy here. It is forecast to be sunny and warm later today.

Nothing too exciting planned for today though it has been suggested I need a haircut.


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Morning All,


It is another very dark, but mild morning.


We saw the little guy off to school, put the Christmas tree outside for collection and then headed into the office.  It is quite a blustery morning, but we are set to get the tail end of the storms which were over the UK yesterday.


Apart from that, there isn't a lot to report, so it is time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning All,


It is another very dark, but mild morning.


We saw the little guy off to school, put the Christmas tree outside for collection and then headed into the office.  It is quite a blustery morning, but we are set to get the tail end of the storms which were over the UK yesterday.


Apart from that, there isn't a lot to report, so it is time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...


Blimey, what time does skool start there?



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  • RMweb Premium

I'm thinking 3 pints of fff Moondance and a jalfreezi. I may upgrade to a phall. 


Anyway, it's nearly "Hi-Ho" time so better dash. 

Yesterday's new skills - the office laminater. Learning points: check the packaging label on the box in the draw labelled "Laminating pouches". Specifically, don't try to laminate two sheets of acetate together. 

Train staff to put things away tidily. 

Train staff to layout key word posters so that it doesn't take 20 slices of the guillotine to carve up each individual word box. Consider sending them to a factory for a day on lean manufacture. LOL.  

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Windy here too in deepest darkest North Wales but still warm in bed with a nice cup of coffee ....... glad you mentioned putting the tree out for collection Peter as it's reminded me that it 'bin day' today here ..... the first collection for a fortnight !!!!!!!  and the bags I've got to put out STINK ....... serves the binman right for having time off over Christmas :protest:

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morning all,windy but not too cold here,lots of debis on way to work,lots of bins and bits of trees ! done a bit more to the wd drawings and patterns,got the chassis sides and cab,footplate done so might try and make a start on cutting out depending on how things are,have a good day all

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Mornin' all,


In a step up from yesterday dawn is actually happening, albeit reluctantly. Dry, mild, overcast and windy for the constitutional....the thick cloud ensuring that little if any light got through.


A few night shifts on the cards now.


Feathered friends fed.


Enjoy what you do



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We appear to have survived the gales overnight but won't really know until it gets light and I can inspect the 'estate'. We are used to anything up to Force 11 here on the coast and I can now sleep through the noise whereas when we first moved here, I would be awake all night. Our sympathies go to anyone in Scotland who has or is suffering the wrath of the elements. We don't seem to have had a lot of rain and gales without rain will mean everything will have a coating of salt. This is not appreciated by vegetation, motor cars and anything else susceptible to corrosion.


It's very dark outside this morning, so I will postpone walking the dogs for a while. Steph, being a bit of a softie, decided the dogs could stay in the house last night and, having been let out to relieve themselves, they don't seem to be in any hurry to go 'walkies'.


PS Have just drawn the curtains on the seaward side. Visibility impaired by salt deposits but can see that we no longer have our bird feeders. They will, no doubt, be somewhere in the garden!

Edited by Killybegs
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Sprouts? Sprouts?  Sprouts should only be consumed between 24th and 31st of December.  It is a well known fact they are poisonous for the other 51 weeks.


Off to St Albans shortly, effectively for the whole weekend, so I won't even be lurking.  Expect to meet iD on Sunday.  I will be a very tired Episcopalian come Monday. 



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Strong winds to be heard here from late last night but they didn't keep me awake. After three relaxing weeks in France, I'm back to a busy time rehearsing most nights for "A Woman in White" which opens on 17th January at The Little Theatre, Torquay. The online booking seating plans show promising levels of interest. www.toadstheatre.co.uk


Hope rough weather in the North soon abates and you all enjoy the weekend.

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  • RMweb Gold

When we lived in an appropriately named Beach road a night like that would have dumped up to 2inches of sand on the front lawn. We don't have that problem here. Something somewhere was banging in the wind over night but not enough to make me get up. Plenty of rain too although that seems to have stopped this morning. We are probably lucky that it wasn't a blizzard at this time of year.


Edited by Donw
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Quite a breezy night here, dry at the moment and should be some sunshine followed by cloud and outbreaks of rain later.

The Boss is off today but no "orders" issued yet but we can't go out as parcels are expected (not mine) 

Tomorrow I'm heading for the St.Albans show and have decided to go by train (Thameslink permitting) as the fare is only an extra £6.00 addition to my Freedom Pass and I understand parking can be a bit of a problem there.

Off to make some bread now,

Have a good one,


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Sprouts? Sprouts?  Sprouts should only be consumed between 24th and 31st of December.  It is a well known fact they are poisonous for the other 51 weeks.


Off to St Albans shortly, effectively for the whole weekend, so I won't even be lurking.  Expect to meet iD on Sunday.  I will be a very tired Episcopalian come Monday. 




I have to disagree with your first comment. Sprouts are among the finest of all the brassicas and should be consumed more often. Broccoli on the other hand......


St Albans Abbey has a rose window which was put in to celebrate the Abbey's Millennial in 1988. It was funded by my former employer Laporte plc to celebrate their centennial. They were a specialty chemical manufacturer originating in Luton (after a small sojourn in Bradford), who started off making the hydrogen peroxide that was used to bleach the straw that went on to make the boaters for which Luton was renowned.

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and good morning as well. Last day of SE trains stopping at LBG. They ran well this morning.


Need to leave early today as a man is coming to look at the shower - perils of very hard water I'm afraid. But that takes me closer to the weekend. There's half a bottle of Hochar that needs to be finished this evening!


Good luck to all those suffering high winds further north. I see at one stage all trains in Scotland were cancelled because of the wind.

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Much windiness in the land of the Midnight Haggis - woken around 0145 by some idiot the letterbox flap banging and the windows sounding as though they were coming in to join us - was outside at 0215 recovering the recycling bin which was lying on its side in the middle of the road having moved about 15 yards from where it was left last night - approximately ½ the contents must be distributed around the district, as they are certainly neither inside the bin anymore, nor in sight looking along the road! Strangely, the thing that is normally the first to depart - the birds water bowl, was still where it should be

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Morning All,


I'm now in trendy Shoreditch, flew in from BSL to LCY very early this morning, horrendously bumpy flight.


The plane was practically empty and after landing it was under 15 minutes plane to train (DLR). Took DLR then Overground got to Shoreditch about 07:45 and had a superb full English (double-soss, double black pud, mushrooms, scrambled eggs [NO baked beans or tomato], toast. Alas no "fried slice"). Dumped my bags at the hotel and I am now off to find some venison haggis (after playing with the hotel Apple iMac - [irony mode "on"] how "cool" is that [/irony mode OFF]


Look forward to seeing some of the usual suspects at St Albans.


May not post again until back in BSL (you should be so lucky)


Have a great weekend



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Our wheelie bins survived the night but, judging from the amount of waste up the road this morning, some of our neighbours' didn't.


Now then, did the fresh mackerel that Tigger found up in the forest this morning get blown out of the sea by a particularly strong gust? I think not. More likely stolen by a gull from a nearby fish factory then dropped in a squabble with another gull. After a moments consideration, I decided not to bring it home for breakfast.


The rain arrived while we were out but the wind has dropped. A survey of the property revealed no overnight damage.


Commiserations to everyone in Scotland (or elsewhere in the North) who are without power this morning, unable to make journeys or are surveying damage to their property.

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We must all be fascinated by the events in France.

Looks like it may be coming to an end.

Let's hope they don't take any more with them.

I suppose it's wrong to wish them a quick death but if it saves more innocent lives then it appears the only solution.

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