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All in all it may be cold here but I seem to have the better weather than Europe (on the whole). No big snow storms thus far (we have about an inch on the ground).


Can I recommend the brand “Under Armour” for intense cold? Marvelous stuff.


Best, Pete.


Totally agree!  My garment of choice whilst golfing.  Thankfully having lost a bit of weight I can wear the compression top.  Keeps everything under control and ensures I stay warm for a few hours.  


The only possible drawback is not getting changed for the bar afterwards when you will cook gently…...



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Well the sun's out now and rther pleasant too, in compensation for this morning's deluge. Remembered wife's birthday, so I am ahead for 2015; sent her off to the office with filled cake boxes with which to treat the rest of the staff.

 ...miniature hamster...

See, you learn something new every day. I thought these were made in a factory, before being dyed bright yellow or purple and stuck on Hallmark etc. novelty cards.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, well it is here as its 05,30 and still dark in downtown LA.


After arriving a few minutes early into LA Union station last night we went straight to the pub, the Angel City Brewing Co about 10 minutes walk and only 5 back to the hotel.

Just one pint of their really nice cloudy wheat beer as we had plenty during the day. It's in an old warehouse building and on the mezzanine floor they were holding a comedy night. Downstairs they were changing over the paintings on the back wall. They have various art displays around the place. Outside the food vsn was by a local missionary group but didn't look as appetising as the Mexican food van the night before so it was to Quizzinos, a similar chain to Subway.


Back in the room it was time for a cup of tea but they only have herbal or Earl Grey and I can't find our stash of ordinary tea bags so a Earl Grey it was!!


Time for a quick photo of the skyline at night before calling it a night. This one I have cropped.


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BIN day and continuing bloody cold here as I dragged the bin to the correct location!


RIP Tiffany, very cute, and who knew there were MINIATURE hamsters, the regular ones are small enough - at least compared to Bob, our only current domestic critter frame of reference!


Hmm, Packages - Expecting 1, currently 0, BUT it is too early yet for deliveries, and since this is a guaranteed delivery no doubt it'll arrive - we don't suffer from "Yodel" here :jester: (yet!)


Various insignificant activities, in no special order;


i) Sourced my needed point and 3 yds. of track from the "other" model shop yesterday, as it's on the route to/from the office and Wednesday is "office day" - YAY, score 1 for track and point obtained.


ii) Visited MiL yesterday evening and she seems to be recovering remarkably well given she's 97! Able to walk some with a frame and get herself into a wheelchair from the bed.


iii) Mrs decided the ring (Christmas present) would be better as a pair-of-earrings, so we descended on the jewelers after visiting MiL and lightened my wallet even more!


iv) Jemma on "Ready Reserve" today, meaning she gets to sit in the crew room at the airport, in uniform, for 8+ hours - what fun!! :O


v) Choir rehearsals resume tonight with a two rehearsal "panic" before the Martin Luther King concert we're doing Sunday 18th.


Weather is now consistently below-average, -16 at BIN placement time, with -28 wind-chill and light blowing snow, might reach -10 if we're lucky.


Have a good BIN day, don't piss off the BIN men too much with holiday cleanup rubbish  :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon, well despite the forecast the weather has turned out quite good here, sunshine, blue sky and no wind and 8c. 12c forecast for tomorrow but with gales and heavy rain, we will see.


Under Armour, yep compression shorts and top during the winter for indoor tennis as the building is like a giant aircraft hangar with 8 courts side by side and its cold! well by my standards!


Ian (Abel) said Weather is now consistently below-average, -16 at BIN placement time, with -28 wind-chill and light blowing snow, might reach -10 if we're lucky.


I could not cope with that at all!

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  • RMweb Gold

Thus far our BIN day has gone quite well thank you Ian - with the guinea pig owners being away we have had use of their recycling bin as well as ours this week so quite useful.  However the lorry doing the garden rubbish bins seems to be running very late, presumably overwhelmed with redundant Christmas Trees.

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One for the aero-philes,  or as one bird said to another "I reckon you'd make a noise like that, if your backside was on fire!"


A little bit of a Lockheed Martin advertisement, but an interesting piece on the by Col (Ret) Buzz Carpenter, a SR-71 Pilot, particularly the part about flying over Hanoi that's mentioned below.

The SR-71 flew so high, that one of the SR-71 Pilots  was having to go thru special treatments of his face outside of where his oxygen mask was because he had got so much sun/radiation from the years of flying.

Great aircraft. The very classified PWA engines were made in the West Palm Beach facilities.



It flew over Hanoi to let US POW's know they were not forgotten.

Not one, but three of them

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all,

Had to pull the large industrial bins across the school playground yesterday - two man job. 

Good day at school although others are starting to notice it is quite "full on" as a role. Get a 25 min break after the first 6 hours on duty. 

I've invested in some shoes that have more bounce in them - getting a bit old to be on my feet for 6 hours without sitting down. ;)   

In fairness I can see how to streamline a few 10 minute tasks in the day and shaved off 15 minutes this morning off one process. Result!   

Think I may have a pint and a curry tomorrow evening. 

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Talking of BIN days, I was a little concerned yesterday, to see that someone had left a large pile of black bags at the 'bin collection point' which happens to be outside our house (our's being the first house in a road up which the bin men do not venture). The bin men must have been full of seasonal good cheer as they took the lot. Otherwise I would have had the unenviable job of going round the neighbours to find the culprit (actually, I have a pretty good idea who it is) and ask them to retrieve said bags.


Getting a bit cold here but no sign of the mega storm yet.

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  • RMweb Gold

Just seen reports that all flights to and from Scotland cancelled due to the storm. Hope none of you up there suffer any damage from it.


Also loads more cancellations out of London Bridge tonight on top of the recently withdrawn services.


Our Amtrak is running on time at the moment.


Just been sniffed by the Police k-9 unit presumably for drugs. Luckily the fog didn't stop at U.S.!!

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Afternoon all,

Back from hospital with a result - I'm back on the chemo for another month ! Still suffering a little from the nasty bug that struck me a few days ago so I will try to catch up with everyone's posts as the week progresses.

Thought this pic might amuse you - me and my siblings on the staff allotments near the shed at Hurlford 67B in around 1952. I'm the one in the middle with one of dad's drivers hats on and the bike was, I believe a 'Sloper BSA' which dad was doing a major rebuild on in the shed he had built from dismantled old G&SWR wooden coal wagons! As you can see, the allotment was never used for agricultural purposes. This was probably the start of 'Jock Kerr Motorcycles' which is why he eventually left BR in the sixties and moved south to start a motorcycle tuning, repair and sales business. One happy customer was none other than AndyP of this parish in his competition motorcycle days!!

The chimney stack just visible at the top right is on the end of one of the blocks of maisonettes built by the G&SWR in the 19th century to house railwaymen and their families. We lived in the lower maisonette below that very chimney!  

Kind regards,



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Evening all…


So bad was last night that doctor's orders are to stay home tomorrow and for sleeping pills in the evenings for three days to readjust my clock. I did let the appointment for next week in place to check back. Wonder if I should work on developing a "bite me" attitude towards some persons… (None on here, I hasten to add!)

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bliss, i can sleep in my own bed tonight instead of the cab floor of 70804 (which is surprisingly comfy!) my train tonight has been cancelled

So are all the London Bridge troubles even affecting engineers trains?????

Sorry, I just couldn't help saying that!!!

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening peoples.


A much better day at work today, John having worked out most of the IT bugs with the IT suppliers - I know 'losing it' helps no-one, but I would have been close yesterday if I had been dealing with it all!  I'm normally so even tempered too!


Jock - Jock Kerr Motorcycles - why on earth hadn't I made the connection! You had left enough clues.....


Winds here just building up now, the ferry is cancelled tonight and of course the return in the morning, so the UK is cut off again!  Hope you will all manage.


Today is Friday for me, so I may just risk a glass of red.

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