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Mornin' all,


Dawn....what dawn? The conditions outside the window met the basic criteria of dryness at 07.00 but went downhill from there. Gentle rain started 30mins into the ride and steadily increased in intensity until the bike was back in the shed. Ironically, there is no more light over the Moorlands now than an hour ago.


Feathered ones remembered  


Stage two of a complex dental appointment later


Enjoy what you do



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Very windy through the night and a torrential downpour about an hour ago. I thought, 'Oh no, another miserable wet walk this morning'. However, a full moon is now shining in a clear sky and turning the sea into a sheet of sparkling diamonds. It's also a lot colder and there are warnings of icy roads. I hope it stays clear long enough for the dogs to get a dry walk! We had better make the most of it as really, really bad weather is forecast for later! 


I seem to be going overboard on the !'s this morning, there's another one.


Managed to get 10% knocked off the car insurance premium which just goes to prove they were just trying it on in the first place.


I may well get back to doing a little modelling today (after I have finished a wee bit of housework).


Stay safe.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, grey but dry and very still outside, not sure the latter will last long given the forecasts.


Supermarket this morning sadly but never mind then the day is free I think.


Enjoy your day folks



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Well, we managed to make it to the very top of the forest (no trees climbed!) with only one light shower and I can report that there is no snow yet on the Hills of Donegal, Leitrim, Sligo or Fermanagh. This could change later today. I don't know about Mayo as the next lot of storm clouds were coming in across Donegal Bay. 


The moon was about to set behind our hill when we got back.





Edited by Killybegs
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Still suffering from throat/chest infection so feeling grotty. I have a phone consultation with the GP later about my blood test results. It's very gloomy here under what must be a very thick cloud, and has been raining all night. I give up. I'm going for a lie down.


Have a good day, whatever the weather



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Morning all.

Very wet here. Not photography weather.


Still in the grip, face and assorted joints hurt, headache. A proper embuggerance.


Blondie this afternoon, then - who knows what?


Still staggered by the news from France.

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There would appear to be a new phissing bug from Amazon offering a free Kindle book. The email address looks the same but is store_news@amazon.co.uk not store-news@amazon.co.uk.


I'm always suspicious of someone offering something for free!

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Shortest game of golf ever.  Walked into the clubhouse in the rain and within minutes the course was shut with Amazonian like rivers coursing across the greens.  One coffee and now back home to face my latest cock up and decide what to do…...


Oh for wall to wall sunshine and -6 degrees….. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Still pouring here. I think Robbie's walk is going to be on pavements this morning. After that I think a drive to the station car park will be preferable to waiting for a bus. Also for two of us the £5 car park fee is cheaper than a couple of bus fares.


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Morning all,


Freely precipitating down outside and definitely a lot of it as Sammy came with much extra yowling (yowl = a mixture of yell and miaow, at high volume) which quickly translated that he wanted to be towelled dry - simple language to understand really, normal yowl = I'm here, feed me; extra yowl = I'm here and wet, dry me and then feed me.  Anyway we are promised sunshine later - how peculiar.


Not much planned although as the dining room is now 'tidy' hints are being dropped about the study - fortunately that's an easy one but a bit inconvenient as it means shifting all the stuff I moved from the dining room into the study back into the dining room (somehow I don't think that will be appreciated so best to keep quiet and do nothing I think).


Have a good day folks and RIP Tiffany.

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Packets expected 0

Packets received  3


Nice sunny and bright here this morning, although when I woke up at about 5.30, it was hammering down.


I've just been informed that there is an IKEA trip this evening, preceded by a stop at Boundary Mills.


I need a relapse............................Now!


I am currently watching a spider dealing with a fly in the cobweb outside the office window.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all

Killybegs, on 08 Jan 2015 - 10:26, said:

I don't know about Mayo



I know about Hellman's mayo. They once ran a witty campaign that said something like "Even a BR sandwich would taste better with Hellman's!" Marketing must have been pleased, but the contracts people probably less so. They already had a worthwhile contract with BR, who were not slow to ring up and say so....


My knowledge of what goes on in France is generally zero, so I am not going to offer much on events in Paris, which speak for themselves, except to say that in a country where the meejah isn't exactly free of Government intervention, championing a politically-subversive organisation, as Hollande etc are doing for the victims, seems to me like bandwagon-jumping. I increasingly think that politicians worldwide are a shower.


I managed to get a surgical boot for the lame dobbin yesterday, at the horsey tack shop on the Mulsanne Straight. It's a bit big, but better than nothing. The work young Julia had improvised on Monday had stood up perfectly, so the hoof was clean and dry. The boot comes with instructions in French, but in German packaging. Copper sulphate is included, but no instructions on what to do with it. Then I noticed the boot is moulded with Made in New Zealand - so I looked for a website. Sure enough - but no details for any of their veterinary products without a login. They may expect to hear from me.


Mild but now raining here, so not very nice.

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Still pouring here. I think Robbie's walk is going to be on pavements this morning. After that I think a drive to the station car park will be preferable to waiting for a bus. Also for two of us the £5 car park fee is cheaper than a couple of bus fares.


and presumably you can stick the luggage in the car too!

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  • RMweb Gold

and presumably you can stick the luggage in the car too!

That too. But at this time of day (we depart soon!) I don't think we would have any difficulty with luggage on the local bus. It would be impossible at rush hour and school trip times.

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I took that one on the iPad but took a better one on the DSLR similar to your cropped photo. So glad you picked up on the better composition.



Its just a great shot with that sunset glow. Sometimes you cant frame it properly and the cropping ends up making it an irregular shape. I havent got Photoshop so I cant take the crane out, but I like the crane included, the church like shape in the bottom of the frame and the reflection on the bank windows.

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Morning all

I know about Hellman's mayo. They once ran a witty campaign that said something like "Even a BR sandwich would taste better with Hellman's!" Marketing must have been pleased, but the contracts people probably less so. They already had a worthwhile contract with BR, who were not slow to ring up and say so....


My knowledge of what goes on in France is generally zero, so I am not going to offer much on events in Paris, which speak for themselves, except to say that in a country where the meejah isn't exactly free of Government intervention, championing a politically-subversive organisation, as Hollande etc are doing for the victims, seems to me like bandwagon-jumping. I increasingly think that politicians worldwide are a shower.


I managed to get a surgical boot for the lame dobbin yesterday, at the horsey tack shop on the Mulsanne Straight. It's a bit big, but better than nothing. The work young Julia had improvised on Monday had stood up perfectly, so the hoof was clean and dry. The boot comes with instructions in French, but in German packaging. Copper sulphate is included, but no instructions on what to do with it. Then I noticed the boot is moulded with Made in New Zealand - so I looked for a website. Sure enough - but no details for any of their veterinary products without a login. They may expect to hear from me.


Mild but now raining here, so not very nice.

From memory you put the unopened packet of copper sulphate in the hole in the foot, apply bandage then put on the shoof (while dodging low flying feet!)

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  • RMweb Gold
laurenceb, on 08 Jan 2015 - 12:36, said:

From memory you put the unopened packet of copper sulphate in the hole in the foot, apply bandage then put on the shoof (while dodging low flying feet!)

Marvellous! Yes, Shoof! The boot that Deb had many years ago, which I have failed to find in the chaos that is the horse-barn, was called Equiboot, I think.


Despite walking around with a plastic bag, Animalintex and some padding on her foot for the last three days, Varian has seemed much more comfy for Julia's ministrations. It can only get worse now I'm in charge! 

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Morning all, currently sleety here in Edinburgh. The forecast for Saturday is now for sleet followed by snow.


Ian, there's a great thing in the very first episode of All Creatures Great and Small where Siegfried shows James something he uses on horses' hooves, a few crystals of resublimated iodine and some turpentine...


Meeting with 2 Ministers and the Solicitor General went ok yesterday, thankfully... the fun of working in a devolved administration!


Feeling Gordon's pain on the track-building...

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All in all it may be cold here but I seem to have the better weather than Europe (on the whole). No big snow storms thus far (we have about an inch on the ground).


Can I recommend the brand “Under Armour” for intense cold? Marvelous stuff.


Best, Pete.

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