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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Having been up early for a class 60 on the stone, which was swapped out for a 66 I now find the early afternoon stone has a 60 on it (first time for over a year) so I could have had more beauty sleep.


My son is on his way down for a few days so some father/son photography/time is beckoning, although it will be quite windy I think it will be mostly dry - hopefully anyway.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good Morning all,  


Being as it's Hump day,  I just had to add this photo.  (Taken when I was wondering around Orange Empire Railway Museum).  


The French equivalent of "Ne Pas tamponner"  took some explaining to my wife and daughter.



Edited by jamie92208
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Ugh. Still in the grip, and trying to cancel a political this evening as I'm really not up to it.

Making plans for modelling, though.


Weather dull but otherwise uneventful. Julie is doing the shopping...


Beast, I love your avatar. My grandson has introduced me to Pocoyo and his friends!

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  • RMweb Premium

...Does anyone know how to "scan" those funny little barcode things that look like mini-crosswords please? Do I just take a photo of it on my phone?


They are called "QR codes" and you will need an app on your phone that uses the camera and fires up a web browser to go to the web page the code references. Some Android phones come with an app pre installed otherwise you will have to go to the app store to get one.


Have a good one all.




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Morning all!


Busy morning so far here in Edinburgh.  Not looking forward to a meeting I've got to sit in on this afternoon, and trying to summon up the motivation to write a report.  I work best under pressure...


Fortunately I'm over the hump for the week now, as I'm only working a little bit of Friday as I have to head south for a dentist appointment.  If the referendum had gone the other way I'd have needed to move dentist...!

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Morning all, a little brighter over Borough Market Junction. Elder Lurker seemed a bit more settled yesterday, which is good. Other than that, not a great deal to report at present. Hopefully the rain will keep away from the Southeast until I get home this evening!

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Morning all!

  If the referendum had gone the other way I'd have needed to move dentist...!

The Scots were planning on kidnapping dentists?


I’ve been cleared to receive “Code Red” email. Not as exciting as it sounds - I’d tell you but then I’d have to kill you.


Best, Pete.

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If you do go to Sacremento it is well worth going a few miles east to Roseville to look at the immense marshalling yard there.  You can get a train from Sacremento.  If you do go the inland route rather than the coastal one to Sacremento then Cajon pass and the Tehachapi Loop are well worth looking at.



I would also recommend the Sacramento museum and the old town is nearby with its history of the inaugural Pony Express. Also in Sacramento is Sutters Fort and its connection with the gold rush and a native indian museum. All well worth a visit.

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  • RMweb Gold

The French equivalent of "Ne Pas tamponner"  took some explaining to my wife and daughter.



Ne pas tamponner effectively means 'not to be loose shunted' although I don't know the exact French term.  The French (official UIC translation) for hump or gravity shunting is 'manoeuvre par gravité' (I can't mange the accent on the 'e' on this keyboard alas).  There is of course a difference between the two the reason for not hump shunting many vehicles being because of the hump in relation to vehicle wheelbase/various underframe equipment while the prohibition on loose shunting is because of either potential damage or lack of a readily applied handbrake.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Gold

So far today I've photographed a 37 and 2 x 47s in a light engine move, and 66761 (one of the newer ones) on the condensate tanks, the 60 is at Ely playing in the sidings, when it gets bored it will head my way, and later on I have a DBS "peach" liveried 66 at Norwich which should leave around 15:00 - assuming I can fit it in with work of course, fortunately the realtime information now available means I can be out and back in 10-20 minutes so not much more than an office tea break. (Probably less for some)

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Ne pas tamponner effectively means 'not to be loose shunted' although I don't know the exact French term.  The French (official UIC translation) for hump or gravity shunting is 'manoeuvre par gravite' (I can't mange the accent on the 'e' on this keyboard alas).  There is of course a difference between the two the reason for not hump shunting many vehicles being because of the hump in relation to vehicle wheelbase/various underframe equipment while the prohibition on loose shunting is because of either potential damage or lack of a readily applied handbrake.


Here you go, Mike.

Copy and paste:  é

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  • RMweb Premium

I've just had a bit of good news.  My Olympus DSLR went kaput after the Warley show and and I duly sent it off to Olympus for repair.  I bought it in 2007 to rpelace my ancient OM-1 that I had had since 1977.   I duly paid the fixed price repair amount for a new card reader system.


I've just had a phone call from Olympus to say that they no longer have the right spare parts and cannot repair the camera.   They have offerred to replace the camera, and my spre lenses with a brand new OM-D mirrorless camera, free of charge.   I've had a look at it on the website and have agreed.  The lenses are being collected by DHL on Friday and I should have the new camera next week.   That seems like excellent customer service to me.   I'm well chuffed.



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  • RMweb Gold



Do I need Specsavers or does that glass carry a health warning, 'Squitters'………. :O


Is that what the beer tastes like or is the effects a few hours later?

Morning all


It's Utah...everything carries a health warning.


In Utah draft beer can't be over 5% but if you want stronger beer then just buy it in a bottle in the bar.


The good thing about this odd law is that they brew beers that are a bit more in line with UK strengths and you can drink more of it.

The beer I had was a Marzen, a German style of beer and it was very nice.




Sunrise in downtown LA


Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Premium

I wouldn't bet on it if I were you Mick. They changed the rules several years ago such that the Institutions had to fund the redundancy/early retirement packages. AFAIK you have to wait until 60 to draw a Teacher's Pension now unless on health grounds. Legally you have the right to work longer(!), I don't know when you'll get OAP but you miss the 65 club-I'm one of the last in that and I'm 61 (assuming they don't change the rules yet again).

Best of luck



As I work for a county council they can just close the service I work for and declare us all redundant. This has already happened in many shire councils further south. The drive for central government is to force councils to hand over cash and control to individual schools thus making local government smaller. 

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Ne pas tamponner effectively means 'not to be loose shunted' although I don't know the exact French term.  The French (official UIC translation) for hump or gravity shunting is 'manoeuvre par gravite' (I can't mange the accent on the 'e' on this keyboard alas). ...


Why, did someone demand that you eat your words, Mike?

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Somber Hump day here... last night one of our friends of 30+ years, Joyce, died.

She suffered a cardiac arrest and never regained consciousness. Her husband Doug is still trying to make sense of it, and we're all quite devastated <sigh> They were one of the first couples that befriended me and I became close with when I moved to the Twin Cities in 1980. I've known them longer than the Mrs by a couple of years!


Blu-ray player decided to throw a shoe last night also and will now not connect to the internet (we use it for all our streaming), so ordered a new one, will be here tomorrow.


Weather-wise rather a "dangerous" day here today. Most of the schools in the state are closed as the wind chills are anywhere from -30 to -50 around the state, making it dangerous for anyone to be waiting/standing outside for the school bus.

Right here it's -23 with a wind chill of -33, slated to be those values pretty much all day.

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It's wild out there!

Hope Ashers has better weather for her drive along the coast.


Yes, thanks! A smooth overnight crossing, during which I slept as well as on some cruise ships, and a good journey home despite disembarking at 0700 into rush hour traffic. No sign of adverse weather during my four hour trip but it's working up to it now. Seems very quiet after nearly a month in Ian's company.....!

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Didn't Vyvyan eat the telly?


....only once....but there didn't seem to be a shortage of elderly valve versions back then....just as well cos the TV copped it quite regularly!



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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  • RMweb Gold

Seems very quiet after nearly a month in Ian's company.....!

One of the reasons Aditi's mother put forward for why it would be unwise for Aditi to marry me was that as we "had nothing in common" we wouldn't even have anything to talk about after a year or so. She was wrong on that as well as the comment she made that I posted in the past about our dining chairs (I will repeat it for new readers, looked like they would only last a year and that would be longer than the marriage!)

Edited by Tony_S
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