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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

A tip for ERs on the radio this morning. When asked your age, quote it exclusive of VAT.


55 plus vat sounds much better than 66.



Even better, convert it from Fahrenheit to Celsius, 68 becomes 20. :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

Going back to hi fi for a minute and apologies to those who have seen it before, but scroll down this page to the biggest sub woofer you have ever seen….


There's hi fi and there's hi fi, but this really would blow your socks off.



He might have some great gear but he's only got 12 minutes left before he has to put another shilling in the meter.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon/Evening, late today on here as first thing this morning I shot off to Manchester to meet up with some old work colleagues for a late Xmas lunch as we couldn't agree a date prior to Xmas. I let the train take the strain and the other half picked me up which meant that I could enjoy a drink or two thus some brownie points cashed in.


Quite mild today and some sunshine which was unexpected, off to light the woodburner now though.


Enjoy your evening folks



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Aft'noon all,


We've been busy gathering together the required material/evidence for a grant application to repair our church roof today. Not the best conditions (wet/slippery) to be scrambling up ladders and hanging on with one hand whilst using a camera with the other, however, 100 close up images e-mailed to the architect later we should be able to demonstrate a good case for assistance.


Enjoy what you do



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  • RMweb Premium

I need a lie down..... 775 wagons later .. the cataloging is finished!


now to sort out wheels, couplings and train formations ..... helped by Mike Edge and LNER4479.... amazing what some people will do to help you out!


Some modelling has been achieved today after a visit to the barbers.. more to be done later.


Hope Debs is getting better - back later



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Evening all


A dull, miserable sort of day, and quite chilly, too. So just the day to finally get around to checking Sherry's Fiesta for fluid levels and tyre pressures. Coolant was a bit down, so topped that up with some Unipart stuff at least 10 years old. I've given her a note she can show her tame mechanic, suggesting a renewal of the fluid about now might be good. Oil level was on the dipstick, but not much above min. As all my oil is for diesels I didn't top that up. Tyres were a couple of pounds down all round. As we'd bought her a compressor before Christmas, this came into play and did the job pretty well. Until an hour or so later when she tried to start the car and found the battery had no go in it! Panic stations, and the jump-leads were invoked, followed by a quick session with my 1970s battery charger - only an hour left before she needed to leave for the ferry from Caen! Started alright this time, but fingers crossed, given that lights etc will be on full time.


Yesterday Julia, the teenager from New England, had braved the also rather poor elements to groom the horses for me. She had a look at Varian's lameness, too, and found a small hole in the sole of one foot. As we had taken a goodly selection of veterinary items from Deb's store, we - that is to say she - were able to make some progress with cleaning this out and putting a temporary "boot" on it. Having a father who is a vet makes her solid gold! She flies back to Boston tomorrow, with intent to obtain a work-visa for the UK. If that is too difficult, or the intended position in Dorset expires, she will take what she can get in the US for the rest of her gap-year. A more phlegmatic, non-hysterical young woman I have seldom met - a great credit to her parents. Sherry and I really enjoyed her company.


ERs has, in the last 12 months, become enormously popular, and I'm sure "traffic" is massively increased. Take a bow everyone - you're creating something successful!


....leave the engine running when using those compressor gadgets Ian.



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Evening all,

Thanks for the helpful comments from everyone, I did bin the offending e-mail (w hen I looked again, several grammatical mistakes would suggest that it didn't originate in the UK or US! I copied it to Apple and BT mail security before deleting.

Off on Thursday for the next monthly chemo consultation so I'll try and report in then if not before.

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

Even better, convert it from Fahrenheit to Celsius, 68 becomes 20. :jester:

A strong argument for VAT to be increased in line with solar circuits!


31 years old, taking account of Japanese corporation tax. ;) 

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all, as I no longer hear at work.


Andyram, that is one side of my old work I really, really don't miss - when an investigation for one reported minor offence opens to door to, well, a catalogue of safeguarding issues, shall we say.  :butcher:  Family forum.


Mad day at work, IT system upgrade....need I say more?  Sorry, IT types, but these things just never go to plan. Maybe it's me?  I didn't even touch it, honest mister.  makes you realise just how much we do depend on IT thou0gh, and how hard it would be to run a business without it.  You're not all bad, boys & girls!

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all


A dull, miserable sort of day, and quite chilly, too. So just the day to finally get around to checking Sherry's Fiesta for fluid levels... 


Merlot, case of - check

Cotes du Rhone, case of - check



The Angleterre abode should be well stocked, à mon avis!  :)   :drink_mini:

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Evening all,  


My "Train Mad"  GF has given me another task --- I'm planning to drive back with her from So. Califronia to Vancouver in Late March  / Early April  (the scenic route mainly along the coast)  -  to find a "few"  train things along the way,  (Rail Museums,  hobby stores etc) trouble is without looking very hard I've found three for day one & two!  -and thats just north of LA!   ---oh well "Google is my friend" ....


Enjoy whats left of your evening. 



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  • RMweb Premium

wow, she really is a keeper, Trev!


I get rationed when on holiday - a day each, alternately.  I'd be happy to be left by the lineside somewhere on occasion while Debs goes off to do girly stuff, but apparently that doesn't count!

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  • RMweb Gold

Although Aditi is tolerant of my interest in toy trains she does like real trains and railways. She is quite interested in any transport related stuff.

Over many years I have enjoyed visiting all sorts of places she likes I thought I wouldn't be interested in.


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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,  


My "Train Mad"  GF has given me another task --- I'm planning to drive back with her from So. Califronia to Vancouver in Late March  / Early April  (the scenic route mainly along the coast)  -  to find a "few"  train things along the way,  (Rail Museums,  hobby stores etc) trouble is without looking very hard I've found three for day one & two!  -and thats just north of LA!   ---oh well "Google is my friend" ....


Enjoy whats left of your evening. 



Allow plenty of time as there's loads to do enroute!


Luckily my other half enjoys a lot of the train things although she doesn't like sitting lineside for hours waiting to photo a passing train.

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  • RMweb Premium

All quiet here too evaluations of yesterdays training were good, on the downside my council laptop smells (should I rephrase that?) and won't even get to launching Windows 7 without instant death. So I am trying to power up the battery so I can save everything not on the council servers already....... Tomorrow is hump day and it is only 16 days to payday! Only another 23 days of work before another week off too. I am now prepared to bet real cash that if the Tories are elected I will be redundant by my 59th birthday (September).

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  • RMweb Premium

Currently using the wifi and other facilities at Chez Nobby, as I'm en-route to Barrie "Smasher" Swann's funeral tomorrow. It's a 6.30am start using an Unknown taxi, accompanying Bedlam George and Cobbler to Kent.


I'm sure it'll be a good send-off tomorrow to Barrie.


RIP Smasher.


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  • RMweb Gold

Our plane out of Salt Lake had an oil leak but they fixed it and we left an hour late.

Luckily a good tail wind (and the oil lasted) so we were only a half hour late landing in Burbank.

A brief walk to the nearby station where the solitary ticket machine had frozen .. None of the buttons would make it do anything so got on where the train conductor was and told him. He said he would only charge us 49 dollars instead of the 50 dollar fine!!


Great sense of humour and no fare paid at all for the journey !!!


Now sitting in the warmth of the California evening eating tacos cooked on a griddle and drinking great beer in downtown LA at the Angel City Brewing. It's an old warehouse converted to a brewery.



A Tuesday night quiz going on but I can only get the odd answer but most were like this....What's the military college in South Carolina!!!


So, it's back to the beer and more tacos

The place is a lot busier than it looks in the photo


Edited by roundhouse
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Good Morning all,  


Being as it's Hump day,  I just had to add this photo.  (Taken when I was wondering around Orange Empire Railway Museum).  


Quite cool here barely 20C, and the air full of very fine dust  (Hamatan) , and the temperature not expected to rise much above 27C. 


Still only two more days and it's Friday! 


Try to make the most of your day, 




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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry and 3oC with a frosty windscreen at 5.00am. Should be dry with sunny periods to start with then clouding over with strengthening winds and possible outbreaks of rain.

Not much on today except for a visit to the bank. I really should be getting some proper plans done for my new (once official planning consent is eventually received from management) railway room. I'm still hesitating because she now seems to be having second thoughts.....again! :banghead:

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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