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  • RMweb Premium

Grey, gloomy and damp here. Washing on the line hadn't dried at all in 36 hours by yesterday evening; it's now wetter than when I put it out. Feeling grotty with a sore throat and cough; as grumpy teen has gone to school I may go back to bed for a bit.


I was asked if I wanted to go to Cowes today, just to view the Hoegh Osaka from the ferry. Well, no, actually. I'd rather stay warm and dry, at least until I have to go shopping.


I went for one of those free NHS health checks recently.....Ok I'm overweight but I'm now awaiting blood test results that are expected to show I'm diabetic, plus blood pressure's too high and I've got a home monitor for a week. I expect to be living the rest of my life on celery and lettuce. That's weeds.  I shall grow fur and long ears. Hopefully I will be permitted an occasional beer, even if just to use up the stock in the shed.


I ordered a CD from a book trader on Amazon: It came from Waterstones, via a distribution hub run by a logistics company, delivered by  Yodel; very quick though. I assume the  trader doesn't carry stock, a bit like some eBay traders.


Back to bed now I think. Have a good day and commiserations to all sufferers from Man Flu/real Flu/colds/URTI etc.



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  • RMweb Gold

Big family conference concerning hippodrome activities took place on Sunday.


Lots of expenditure planned


Best news is old large shed which has masqueraded as my workshop for the last 20 years is to be replaced with a far more substantial (read expensive) building.


New fridge and freezer arrived yesterday.  These were ordered by the Obergrumpenfuhrer, and she was a bit taken aback when they arrived because they are both taller than she is.


The washing machine has been fixed after it stopped draining and spinning.


The fault was traced to a couple of hairpins and 62p in change stuck in the filter unit.  One of the pins had lodged in such a way as to prevent the filter cover being unscrewed, so we had to take the whole pump unit out in order to gain access to the filter.


Much cheaper that calling out a plumber: We should have hung onto those shortbread biscuits, as a reward along with copious amounts of strong tea!


Grey and wet outside, so I might have to adjourn to the garage if I want any peace today!

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  • RMweb Premium

I'm now awaiting blood test results that are expected to show I'm diabetic, plus blood pressure's too high and I've got a home monitor for a week. I expect to be living the rest of my life on celery and lettuce. That's weeds.  I shall grow fur and long ears. Hopefully I will be permitted an occasional beer, even if just to use up the stock in the shed.


Pete - don't despair, as diabetes is often not so daunting as it might at first appear.  These days, the dietary advice is largely to stick to a healthy diet, not a strict totally sugar-free, fat free regime.  Normally the initial treatment is to modify your diet along these lines, and see how your control works.  There may be an element of insulin resistance as well, and that is where your pancreas does make insulin (maybe not enough) but your body can't use it properly any more.  If so, there are tablets which can help with this, as they aid insulin absorbtion.

Diabetes UK is a good source of information, of course. http://www.diabetes.org.uk/Type-2-diabetes/


The other thing to remember is that diabetes management is a partnership between you, your GP, and your Diabetic Specialist Nurse, and is not a dictatorship. If you are diagnosed, you will be monitored for the first few months quite closely, then if your control is OK, then the intervals will increase.  You will also need periodic checks of your feet and your eyes will need to be checked, normally using digital retinal photography.  It really all just becomes routine after a year or so, I can assure you, as I was diagnosed over twenty years ago.


As to blood pressure, there's a huge range of medication that can help there - and you'll probably also be offered a Statin if your cholesterol is at all on the high side.


Hope this helps

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Morning all,

Regret still not too well but heartily agree with Stewart's post ref. 'petethemole', my daughter, a nursing sister, has been an injecting diabetic for some years now but still live a hard working, hard playing life thanks to modern medication and technology. As to BP, I've been on five pills a day for some years now and that keeps it perfectly in control (my Cancer regime dictates that I keep a daily check on it!). Like any other problem in life - square up to it and and confront it head on! Please also make sure you use all the help available from people like the Macmillan organisation who have been fantastically supportive to us. Good luck Pete. To everyone else, I haven't looked yet so make the usual noises!


URGENT problem has arisen - got an e-mail today purporting to come from 'apple Inc' and asking for all my personal details. I smelt a rat and haven't filled it in, just wondered if anyone else had had such a request? - they threaten that you've only got 48hours to respond. The first thing that worried me was the small 'a' as 'Apple' normally use a capital. The other thing is that the expiry time on my account mentioned, bears no relationship to a timescale as iPad Air was only launched in Sept 2013, and I got mine in Nov that year. Any ideas from the boffins amongst us would be helpful.

Thanks and kind regards,


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Apple never send emails like that. They may send you an email reminding you that your account needs renewing, but that will be personalised. And about a month before it needs doing.


I keep getting similar for SFR, my French internet provider. But they are a bunch of imbeciles, so I'm not surprised...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Not too bad outside but better indoors I think although we will be heading for Tesco as a prescription should have arrived - hopefully.


Polly I think - from bitter experience - the only answer with raspberries is to try to dig out the roots although SBK might work on them if you're prepared to go in for chemical warfare.  Fortunately ours are now concentrated in a small area of verdant growth of just about everything we don't want while our main enemy is blackberries, which spread like wildfire.

And Jock I think a simple rule with all this phishing type junk email is that if it looks dodgy then it is dodgy - if it's not something you are expecting in a format you don't know then junk it; if it's genuine they'll try another way to get in touch.  Same rule with 'phone calls claiming to be from whatever and whoever - we just tell them to go forth and multiply or words to that effect (sometimes even ruder).


Have a good day one and all and may all those suffering with the pernicious colds, and worse, that are around this year look forward to some improvement.

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  • RMweb Premium

URGENT problem has arisen - got an e-mail today purporting to come from 'apple Inc' and asking for all my personal details. I smelt a rat and haven't filled it in, just wondered if anyone else had had such a request? - they threaten that you've only got 48hours to respond


Hi Jock,


It's a scam. Some of us get a dozen similar emails every day. The best advice is "delete and forget", it only takes one click and half a second. Trying to do anything about it will drive you mad.


Two rules:


1. A genuine email will always be addressed to you by name "Dear Jock", not "Dear valued customer" or similar.


2. Even if it's genuine, if you are not 100% sure just delete it. If they really need to tell you anything they will do so the next time you log in on their web site.


If you paid for the computer it now belongs to you, not the people who supplied it. You don't have to do anything, install anything, create an account, tell them anything, if you don't want to.





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  • RMweb Premium

Going back to hi fi for a minute and apologies to those who have seen it before, but scroll down this page to the biggest sub woofer you have ever seen….


There's hi fi and there's hi fi, but this really would blow your socks off.




Sorry. I'll have to pass on this one.  It won't fit in the sitting room. :O

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Grey Innit?


Love all the stuff about 'music at home', DIY or recorded replay. It was a wise man who said 'enjoy your taste in music in a detached house as far away from any neighbours as possible'.

... I've got a lot of raspberries growing wild and since I pruned them back they're growing through a raised wall and coming up through the path.  Do you know how to get rid of them?  Please...   Brambles I can deal with.  I just don't know where to start with the raspberries.

Glyphosphate based herbicides like 'Round up' should do the job. Apply all over when the new shoots are going well in the spring so that the herbicide gets down into the root system. Don't be surprised if you have to repeat over two or three seasons, if they like the environment they can be very persistent. If in any doubt about herbicide run off into watercourses, check on your local authority website.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,

Regret still not too well but heartily agree with Stewart's post ref. 'petethemole', my daughter, a nursing sister, has been an injecting diabetic for some years now but still live a hard working, hard playing life thanks to modern medication and technology. As to BP, I've been on five pills a day for some years now and that keeps it perfectly in control (my Cancer regime dictates that I keep a daily check on it!). Like any other problem in life - square up to it and and confront it head on! Please also make sure you use all the help available from people like the Macmillan organisation who have been fantastically supportive to us. Good luck Pete. To everyone else, I haven't looked yet so make the usual noises!

URGENT problem has arisen - got an e-mail today purporting to come from 'apple Inc' and asking for all my personal details. I smelt a rat and haven't filled it in, just wondered if anyone else had had such a request? - they threaten that you've only got 48hours to respond. The first thing that worried me was the small 'a' as 'Apple' normally use a capital. The other thing is that the expiry time on my account mentioned, bears no relationship to a timescale as iPad Air was only launched in Sept 2013, and I got mine in Nov that year. Any ideas from the boffins amongst us would be helpful.

Thanks and kind regards,


Bin it a s a p.Had the same thing a couple of months ago.SCAM.

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Morning all. Was raining for my walk to work, now bright sunshine.  Typical...!


While out for a wander at lunchtime yesterday I popped into Blackwells in Edinburgh.  Their sale was on, and I picked up a half price signed copy of Michael Palin's latest set of diaries, and the vocal and piano score for The Magic Flute.  It should give me something a bit different to play on the piano, last sheet music I bought was at Christmas, I got the piano and vocal score for Frozen so that I can surprise Jamie next time we're at Mum and Dad's by being able to play Let It Go...


Gordon, how did you get access to Pete's house to see that sub-woofer? :declare:

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  • RMweb Gold

I often get emails from various companies on my work email asking for details or to click the link to reconfirmed the account details but not one of my accounts would have my work email so straight away those emails get binned.


Any on my home email also get binned and if I think it might be genuine I open up my web browser and type in the web page address then log in from there.


Glad not to be travelling to London Bridge at the moment but my sympathies for those who travel on the South Eastern side from next week.


We did have train problems yesterday.riding the Front Runner services.

The train back from Ogden to Salt Lake City had a fault with the loco. The crew perservered with it every time it cut out at a stop. They had arranged a replacement train from Salt a Lake depot to travel to a station about halfway along the route to meet us where we got off the faulty train to the replacement across the island platform. What great planning as back home they would just have terminated the train and made us wait an hour for the next one. All this on a single track line with passing loops.


Today we fly to Burbank. The flight was originally timed to depart at 11am when we booked it months ago but a few weeks later they retimed it to depart at 3pm, good job that we are staying in the area rather than travelling further afield.

Edited by roundhouse
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URGENT problem has arisen - got an e-mail today purporting to come from 'apple Inc' and asking for all my personal details. I smelt a rat and haven't filled it in, just wondered if anyone else had had such a request? - they threaten that you've only got 48hours to respond. The first thing that worried me was the small 'a' as 'Apple' normally use a capital. The other thing is that the expiry time on my account mentioned, bears no relationship to a timescale as iPad Air was only launched in Sept 2013, and I got mine in Nov that year. Any ideas from the boffins amongst us would be helpful.

Thanks and kind regards,



Jock - one thing I always do with these if I'm at all uncertain is to hover over the link (or with Apple devices, touch and hold the link) in the email to see (without opening the website) what the actual web address is behind the link.  You can usually see that it doesn't match what you would expect that address to be. Just another way of making certain that it is junk (which these things almost certainly are).

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  • RMweb Gold

Burbank used to be my favorite airfield...for various reasons, happy memories.


Best, Pete.



It's handy for us as its right next to an Amtrak / Metrolink station. First time we will have flown there as normally we have picked up a rental car after getting off the train.

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It's handy for us as its right next to an Amtrak / Metrolink station. First time we will have flown there as normally we have picked up a rental car after getting off the train.

You can see the old Lockheed “Skunk Works” on the perimeter as you come in.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Return to bed didn't last long; a council road sweeper truck turned up and did the street, thoroughly, with several passes back and forth.


Thanks for your thoughts Stewart and Jock; I certainly need to get healthier!






I was diagnosed as border line diabetic, I lost some weight and at my last check up (in November) the doctor told me my sugars had dropped so much that they would now call me "clear" - it's worth losing any extra weight if you can. (I still have a lot to lose !)

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Jock - as everyone has already stated, bin it, it's pretty much guaranteed to be junk/spam. I am in the same camp as Mike, and hover over any "links" provided - if you need confirmation of the nature of the crap, usually you'll see the url/web address is for some long-winded non-business/company address that is definitively a scam location.


<Minor RANT>

 I hate my local model shop - they are one of only TWO in sensible driving distance, and even though they "purport" to carry PECO track, seldom have even ONE each of the most popular items in stock. All need/needed is ONE, yeah O-N-E right-hand medium radius point to complete the track laying, and these folks don't even have THAT! Essentially a collection of odds and sods, but they DO have several catch-points of both hands - like THEY are big sellers <sigh>...

So it's off to the "other" shop later in the vain hope they have one - I need to drive there anyway as they are the best source of the two for flex-tack and I was buggered if I was buying a couple of yards from the other place when they don't have points in stock <grrr>

..and folks wonder WHY people select internet sales - if I wanted to I could get the point POST FREE and SALES TAX FREE for $6 cheaper online, I just would prefer to get the thing by/before the weekend, so am willing to pay more <sigh>

<RANT off>


Today Mrs is back to work, and Jemma is on reserve after a two day break. No call/assignment yet, but she may be off too. I've got some reading of report specifications to do for a client I'll probably be doing some development for, and that's about it - hence the reason to source a point and the last couple of yards of track I need :senile:


Weather is still in the "sod me is it really that cold" range with -21 being the current reading and -26 the wind-chill - then again, they're saying it'll be COLD(er) tomorrow !!!!! :jester:  :jester:

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