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Early Risers.


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Salutations from the land of the Telfs.


We were in bed just before midnight, but were kept await by the firefight firework display from the big house in the next village.


This morning I was dragged to Homebase and Tesco in order to purchase some lamps and fruit.


The lamp purchase was successful, and then we went to Tesco.


As we went in, I espied two younger gentlemen in smart green jackets with the words 'Fruit and Veg' emblazoned on their backs.


Being curious I need to know which one was the fruit and which one was the vegetable, as I was forbidden to enquire.






Edit for spelling and punctuation

Perhaps they were both 'fruit' or was it the way they walked?

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Well, despite the appalling weather (but at least it was a mild 11 deg C), we had a great turnout for the RNLI New Year's Day swim, certainly the best I can remember. Amazingly only one person was in a wet suit, my goodness some people are brave. I always keep my fingers crossed that no one has a heart attack when they hit the water and that they all make it out safely, then I can relax until the next event! Steph reckoned that there was a lot of money going into the collecting buckets so that was great news as well. It didn't take too long to get cleared up and we were soon on our way home to a roaring fire, a nice cup of tea and a slice of Steph's excellent Christmas cake!


Enjoy the rest of the day

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Evening all,

Sounds like Gordon had a much more eventful day than most of us, let's hope the quest to find out about Kenton meets with success!

My late night is now catching up with me and so a glass of excellent Rioja and an early night is on the cards. Mal, I thought about stopping the demon drink after last night but only until this evening when I knocked up a beef ragu with penne and it was simply crying out for the accompaniment of a robust red!

Enjoy the 2nd folks, especially those in Scotland.

Kind regards,


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Happy New Year!  


Watched the Queen concert last night and it was interesting.  Brian May and Roger Taylor still played well although looked their age and whilst Adam Lambert sang well, it demonstrated just what a professional entertainer/vocalist Freddie was.  Distinct lack of chemistry between them, but then it's early days….



Also watched the Queen concert last night and thought it was excellent. Adam Lambert was never going to be Freddie Mercury - he is / was an irreplaceable genius. But Lambert had a quirky nature about him which seemed to fit well and I did feel there was chemistry between he and the rest of the band. I wish I had been there, and I wish I had  been able to get tickets for their upcoming tour.


 More DIY today as the new bed needed a slide fitting. Annoyingly fitting the slide meant dismantling part of the bed which I only constructed yesterday!  Amber loved the finished result though.

 Today saw the in-laws over for tea. A nice relaxed evening although the result of last night's champagne and whisky and this evening's beer saw me having my wrists slapped for falling asleep!


Hope you all had a good day.

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Haven't forgotten our resident guitarist, shivering in NY! Wonder what your opinion of Brian May's skill is, I was rather impressed with his playing during last night's 'Queen' concert on the Beeb?

G'night Pete!

Kind regards,


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Morning all,   


(well it is for most of you) - just on 9:30pm here in Altanta International Airport - 90 minutes till my flight then around 10:49 hours  and I should be back on the dark continent!.


Managed yet another train ride too.  The  inter-terminal train (driverless) has some real "Train-set" like curves!


Lets hope that the day goes well for all,  


Be good , try to stay dry & warm,



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Went for a walk round a small local lake this afternoon, with temperatures below freezing and very bright sunlight. There were lots of other people doing the same thing. The ice was thin enough to break quite easily, but thick enough that it would stay together in small slabs that could be slid quite a distance across the lake, breaking up as they went. The sound that makes is very interesting - almost like a bell ringing. There was an area that hadn't frozen yet, in the background of this picture, and all the ducks had congregated there.  




Unfortunately, rising temperatures and rain are forecast.

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Up early after an early night! Weather clear and a lot calmer than when I went to bed.


Had #1 son and Blondie round for lunch yesterday (#1 d-i-l was indisposed with flu) - the Bash Street Feed - and we spent a lot of the afternoon looking at old videos of Blondie from Christmas 2011. Three years makes a big difference when you're 6!


Today we're off to #3's place, for Young Lol's first birthday. That's brought back a lot of horrific memories from last year, but despite his handicaps he's a gorgeous little boy and we're looking forward to it.


So, as the dirty plates of the old year enter the dishwasher of the new, fair winds and happy sailing to all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Longest and shortest and the only one with T H U R S D A Y in the name


That sounds like it's right out of a folk song!


Morning all. Haven't looked outside yet but it's expected to be windy, according to the weather service newsletter. No comprehensive list of things to do yet, but I'll see to getting back to lesson prepping. Have a good one!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning from a windy hillside in Leeds!


They did say it would be windy..and it was..


Bit of shopping then her indoors wants to look for a newer car as hers is showing its age.


Have a great Friday and stay safe!



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A day at home today. The mild weather is a blessing. I need to get into the garage/workshop and put my ruthless head on. I need to make space. As it never sees a car I'm putting a "shelf" at the door end for work tools that need to have a home when the back of the Xtrail needs to be empty. Wish me luck.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Wet and very windy night, now just a bit breezy and should be a dry and generally sunny day.

Looks like somebody has plans for us (me) to do some domestic stuff today. My back aches already so that could be fun.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, very windy outside  last night, dry though and now the occasional gust of wind here.


No shops today, eldest is accompanying his mum while I go and play tennis (indoors) and then more time in the shed on my return well that is the plan unless notified otherwise.


Does not seem like a Friday though.


Enjoy you day folks



Edited by Shedman5
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Clear skies and a bit chilly this morning but a bit damp underfoot. Same as Monday the BBC has in its wisdom? decided to put a repeat of 'Match of the day' on replacing the breakfast news/weather.

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Mornin' all,


Sunny with cold wind start to proceedings in the Moorlands. We're down to the last two social get togethers for the festive season....pantomime followed by tea here for the younger ones later and tomorrow evening sees some friends coming for a return meal. Hectic but absolutely lovely month of outings, gatherings, meals and generally seeing as many friends as possible in the bag....almost time to take down the tree and decorations.


Yesterdays fundraising walk and meal well attended and a very pleasurable event to be part of. An opportunity to walk part of the way with those who might otherwise be on their own too.


Enjoy what you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

The breeze is less blustery now. It is much warmer too. I think Matthew will be having some good weather today.

I think I will take down the Christmas decorations today as tomorrow we will visit MiL, Sunday is collect Matthew from Gatwick and Aditi goes back to work on Monday.

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  • RMweb Gold

Went for a walk round a small local lake this afternoon, with temperatures below freezing and very bright sunlight. There were lots of other people doing the same thing. The ice was thin enough to break quite easily, but thick enough that it would stay together in small slabs that could be slid quite a distance across the lake, breaking up as they went. The sound that makes is very interesting - almost like a bell ringing. There was an area that hadn't frozen yet, in the background of this picture, and all the ducks had congregated there.  




Unfortunately, rising temperatures and rain are forecast.


Quite often it is the presence of the ducks that helps to keep that area unfrozen


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