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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Top notch overnight frost - proper job winter morning with the frost very gradually clearing and the sun peeking through clouds (you can tell I don't have to go out to work nowadays can't you?).  As far as we're concerned New Year's Eve is just another evening although a little drop of something might pass my lips but at least I no longer get the spell of less than cheerfulness I seemed to get at this time of the year in long past years.


And to brighten your day here's how some of the spiders' hard work has been caught by the frost - have a good day one and all -


click to enlarge - if you dare :jester:


Edited by The Stationmaster
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Long lived cars. Since we moved to Ireland ... first Ford Focus Estate, 7.5 years 170,000 miles. Traded in for another new one, 6.5 years 230,000 km (145,000 miles). We are hoping it will see out the 2 years until Steph retires but it is just starting to need things replacing! I think I will have to start hiding the car keys when Steph does retire!


Longest lived car in the UK? My beloved Sunbeam Alpine, 150,000 miles on the clock, several engine rebuilds (by stepfather and myself), two gearboxes and two back axles. Oh, and a new hood, made by Dad's students as 'an exercise' (I supplied the materials!). It had done 25,000 miles when I bought it for £350 and I only had it for less than two years! It fetched £200 at Tewksbury car auctions!

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  • RMweb Premium

Now on my way for food purchases. As usual on New Year, ticket machines at bus and tram stops have been deactivated to reduce the risk of people electing to bust them for bolstering their partying purses. This has been announced well in advance but from what I can see, there's still sufficiently many people who missed this fact.

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Hi All,


Well this working day is almost over here is sunny South Australia!! So all that is left to do is to wish you all a very Happy and Healthy 2015.


Will check in again soon...



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Frosty and foggy - even as we approach midday GMT. I need to pop out to post a couple of letters, and will probably tour on round to Peter & Ivy's place. Yesterday's visit with Sherry was most successful in logging terms, with the trailer nearly full already, and in cat terms, with Minnie being appreciative of my feeding her, but a disaster at the chicken run, where I found the two girls as corpses, the fox having broken in and killed them gratuitously. I need to dispose of them before the thaw comes.


The phone doesn't ring very often here, so a call at 0900 wasn't that welcome. It was Alison, apparently now recovered from her tummy-lurgie to call on behalf of her young New Hampshire helper, who had overslept, and is due to head for the UK today. She was worried about availability of her ticket on a later train, but as it is between Waterloo and Gillingham (Dorset) I don't see a problem. She will be met there by her new employers - a leading equestrian and Olympic Silver-Medallist, and his wife, a presenter on Channel 4's racing programmes. I'm sorry Julia is leaving so soon, as it had been suggested she'd come back to groom Varian again!


Thanks to all ERs for your variously amusing, informative, warm, supportive and sometimes poignant posts in 2014. I hope that 2015 delivers everything you yearn for, and a lot more good news, too.

Edited by Oldddudders
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  • RMweb Gold

I have been for my daily constitutional and am still suffering a bit of shock.  A quite pleasant shock.


The day started frosty with clear blue skies. Lovely walking conditions despite what the 'National Cold Weather Plan' decrees.  I planned my walk to time with the passing of a flask train.  I knew that it was forecast to cloud over, which it duly did,  but I took my camera anyway.  Now for the amazing bit -  literally, as the train was approaching, the sun came out, and remained out for about 10 minutes. 


Those who photograph trains regularly will know that it is always, always the other way round. Hence my total gobsmackedness and state of shock.


Enjoy the rest of the year and take care whatever you are up to this evening.

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An interesting year that has seen several new projects underway, and was concluded this morning most satisfactorily with the confirmation that the oldest CoE church building I am responsible for (churchwarden) hasn't had a dry rot outbreak. What we thought was the fruiting body proved to be plastic. How it got there is a completely other question, but it isn't an expensive problem which is the principal thing.


I shall raise a glass to you all at the hour, and let's see what the next annual round ushers in...

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  • RMweb Premium

Back from the ride at Gisburn Forest. Not quite as icy as we thought it could be, but still had a comedy off on a strip of ice about 9" wide........


Off to work for a couple of hours.


Have a good one tonight folks!




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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon, quite pleasant here, spent the morning in the garden doing a general tidy up and pruning a couple of bushes. Next stop lunch, then reload the wood basket and all being well then the shed and trains.


I hope everyone has a great night tonight whatever your doing and that 2015 is a good year for all.



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Afternoon all,

Joanna and I will be baby-sitting the great grandson Freddie and his little sister this evening although both go to sleep at reasonable time and so I will 'see in the New Year' in the traditional manner with a single malt! Their parents are due to arrive back here to spend the night at around 1am and so I now realise why there was so much stress on decorating the spare bedroom (strange how the truth comes out sometimes as I new of Son and his partner's sleep over on Boxing Day, but only found out about this arrangement on Monday!) and why it was suggested that I clear it out and leave fixing of the coving until the New Year!

We both sincerely hope that all the lovely ERs that have given us so much support during the darkest moments of this year, have a great and largely trouble free 2015. A wish for a speedy recovery to those who are unwell at the moment, and the strength to bear the longer term ailments that some are blighted by!

Happy New Year everyone,

Kind regards,

Jock. (Immigrant from Burns' country!)

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Morning all


Frosty and foggy - even as we approach midday GMT. I need to pop out to post a couple of letters, and will probably tour on round to Peter & Ivy's place. Yesterday's visit with Sherry was most successful in logging terms, with the trailer nearly full already, and in cat terms, with Minnie being appreciative of my feeding her, but a disaster at the chicken run, where I found the two girls as corpses, the fox having broken in and killed them gratuitously. I need to dispose of them before the thaw comes.


The phone doesn't ring very often here, so a call at 0900 wasn't that welcome. It was Alison, apparently now recovered from her tummy-lurgie to call on behalf of her young New Hampshire helper, who had overslept, and is due to head for the UK today. She was worried about availability of her ticket on a later train, but as it is between Waterloo and Gillingham (Dorset) I don't see a problem. She will be met there by her new employers - a leading equestrian and Olympic Silver-Medallist, and his wife, a presenter on Channel 4's racing programmes. I'm sorry Julia is leaving so soon, as it had been suggested she'd come back to groom Varian again!


Thanks to all ERs for your variously amusing, informative, warm, supportive and sometimes poignant posts in 2014. I hope that 2015 delivers everything you yearn for, and a lot more good news, too.


Does she still have that job? When I watched the Channel 4 Racing before Christmas, there was a new female presenter, nothing like as pleasant. They do seem a very nice couple so I hope Julia will be happy there.

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Here's a teaser for the older ER's. I was listening to a piece of music on the radio that used to be the theme tune for a radio show when I was a nipper. The piece of music - Puffin Billy by Edward White. Name that Show!


Childrens Favourites with Uncle Mac!



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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon, just wanted to drop in and wish all and sundry on here a very Happy, Peaceful and Healthy New Year. I hope that whatever life throws your way you are able to manage it with fortitude, resolution and a drop of humour thrown in to lighten the load.


All quiet here, recovering from what turned into a difficult couple of days on Bitterne's farewell trip to Lincoln...the stuff I was chucking in the firebox might have been black as coal, looked like coal but it sure as hell wasn't coal! However it was a very good way to say goodbye to 2014, which I'm thankful to say has been a bit of a golden year for me.


Here's to 2015!

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  • RMweb Premium

Over the last hour it's clouded over from the south and the air temperature has risen; frost on the grass in shade vanished. No doubt the warmer air will spread north. The cat has decided it's ok to go out. Weirdly, on cold days he will go out late evening in the harder frost after refusing earlier. I assume the call of nature eventually gets stronger than his dislike of cold feet!


We may go out later. I shall have a beer or two later and watch the local pyrotechnics with a whisky at midnight; nothing special, probably Grouse or Powers.


"Bitterne's farewell trip to Lincoln"....was that a locally related typing error Phil?  


Best wishes for 2015 to all ERs



Edited by petethemole
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  • RMweb Premium

And the computing equipment saga continued this morning also. Content of 250 GB MacBook HDD was duly cloned to the 500 GB HDD reclaimed from the Mini and successfully installed. Piece of cake, really!


Good thing is, I had ordered a secondary drive connector along with the iFixit tool kit, so I still have the option of adding a second drive to the Mini. Perhaps when I see a good offer for an appropriately sized SSD. The current Minis are disassembled fairly easily, so such upgrades are not too difficult when you've dealt with a computer's innards before.

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  • RMweb Gold

"Bitterne's farewell trip to Lincoln"....was that a locally related typing error Phil



60019's (4464) mainline ticket is up so, apart from going to the Mid Hants (where it's spending a year) it won't be seen on the mainline for a few years. Hence the farewell trip to Lincoln yesterday on which we didn't fare well on our return.....


See what I did there....

Edited by PhilH
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon, all.


Not had the downpour we were expecting though it looks as though it might be on its way.

That's alright, we did the shopping this morning.


isn't there always a However...

,...we were looking for Foxes Crinkle Crunch.

  1. Have they changed the packaging?
  2. Yes
  3. But
  4. They have also changed the ingredients - ground ginger instead of STEM ginger and other (cheaper?) ingredients.
  5. That makes it a different product, right?
  6. Shan't be buying it, anyway.
  7. Ah, well! It'll decrease the calorie intake, then. :training:


Sum total of New Year's Eve / Day TV viewing: 4:50 from Paddington tonight 18:55 ITV3.

That'll do us.


And we've just had a letter from an Insurance Company saying they are going to send us a letter:scratchhead:  :mail:  :dontknow: 

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