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  • RMweb Premium

Well, we're back to 34° after the sun emerged victorious, having battled the clouds for several hours. Quite muggy, too - but thankfully there's some wind to take the edge off the heat.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello, I'm back home after my trip to the East Midlands. Even one of the exotic sports cars (from the photographs posted earlier this weekend) couldn't have got to Nottingham quicker as we spent a very long time not going anywhere on the A14 as there were a series of accidents up ahead and then it was just slow the rest of the way.

Matthew and I spent most of Saturday dismantling furniture and wrapping stuff at my mother-in-law's (she is moving later this month ) She has been selling lots of stuff or giving it to people and even gave away the bed I'd slept in on Friday night so I had to move to another room on Saturday. Anyway the drive back south was quiet and we unloaded all the stuff my mother-in-law didn't want to entrust to removal firms at her flat in Enfield. She did ask me if I would mind removing all the bottles of spirits and would I be able to make use of them. I promised to do my best.



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  • RMweb Gold

You're obviously in good spirit after your weekend!!


I'll have to Google some of the names on the bottles! I'm assuming that unopened bottles of spirits (whisky, brandy, vodka) don't have a use by date. Some of them seem pre-barcode!



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I'll have to Google some of the names on the bottles! I'm assuming that unopened bottles of spirits (whisky, brandy, vodka) don't have a use by date. Some of them seem pre-barcode!






'Use by' dates are the biggest trauma of modern society!


If you have a medical specimen, i.e. brain, liver, etc., you preserve it in, guess what - ALCOHOL!


Cheese, for example, takes years to mature, yet a 'use by' date of two days from purchase is always given! An ex employee of Sainsbury's tells me that this was 'dreamed up' to ensure stock rotation! It has led to the biggest food wastage of all time!


Common sense must prevail; you know what food looks like when it's gone off.


BTW: why does bottled water have a 'use by' date? We'll probably be drinking it again in a few months!!

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I'll have to Google some of the names on the bottles! I'm assuming that unopened bottles of spirits (whisky, brandy, vodka) don't have a use by date. Some of them seem pre-barcode!


However, following from my previous comment, by all means check them - they may be valuable undrunk!

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  • RMweb Gold
why does bottled water have a 'use by' date?


I was really taken by the 'blurb' on the bottle of one particular brand.


Naturally filtered and cleansed by volcanic rock for thousands of years. Use by September 20th.

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  • RMweb Gold

I shall investigate some of the boxed, labelled stock carefully then! There is a bottle of "Bison Polish Vodka" with a French label on the back that Matthew wanted to take to a party next week. His mum has vetoed that!

For most things we have a very relaxed attitude to sell by dates. My wife is convinced that our refrigerator is so good it probably adds a few weeks onto the eat by date of most things. I suspect that her childhood in Delhi and Yorkshire has made her immune to most food based infection.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


100 quid for a bottle of whiskey - not too shabby, methinks :blink: . However, I shall limit myself to coffee at this hour of day, as anything else would be counterproductive :lol: . Still quite warm, but they're saying we'll supposedly have a break from the worst of the heat till Wednesday.


Have a nice day all! :)

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Morning All,


I am glad to say that it is somewhat cooler here this morning. At least I now stand a reasonable chance of being able to think straight.


I read somewhere that the reason bottled water has a use by date is more to do with the packaging than the water itself. It is because of chemicals from the plastic bottle leaching into the water over time. There is also a danger of anaerobic algae and bacteria growth.


Not likely to happen with whisky though :lol:

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Good morning!

I have got into the habit of checking YMR Recent Topics first, so I get in here later than I was wont. Interesting this morning as it tells how Gordon has a screw loose and Dd has been wrecking Churches.

Yesterday's lunch with Timothy was excellent. It was a 'perfect' day. Totally clear blue sky, no wind, and a mild 21C. We sat out in the garden under trees and had the carvery. The tenderest, tastiest roast beef I have ever had and the Yorkshire pudding was to die for.

Trains were only touched on. Tim had a vac job with an Engineering firm where he had to design a conveyor system for ore. He thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Unfortunately he didn't get paid. It was part of the University requirement.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all!

Beautiful morning down here in Hampshire, bit nippy though - was quite interesting watching the fog roll in and then back out again.


Yesterday was also a 'perfect' day for me Don. But my goodness were there some odd goings on yesterday! One such event being in a supermarket where we walked past the end of an aisle, turned to look down the aisle to see if there was anything we may need before something literally leaped off one of the shelves with no one there to touch it - spooky laugh.gif


I'm glad to finally have started construction on Calshot MkII. I've done 4 sketches of variations of the new layout - just got to pick my favourite. (Easier said than done!) I appreciate my blog entry last night was perhaps not that interesting considering it was just an odd shaped bit of wood and some text, but I'll have something decent worth uploading soon I promise smile.gif


It feels as though a weight has been lifted and for some reason I feel a lot happier in myself for starting the new layout. A great, if slightly odd feeling.


Robert - I too have heard that theory behind sell by dates on bottled water. I've always been told that it is to do with the plastic they use. The mind baffles! huh.gif

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Morning all....Sun is up, but a distinct chill in the air.


Glad to hear you had a decent lunch, Don. Can't beat roast beef and Yorshire pud.


Any more news on the dating game, Robert?


Hoping to build some 00-sf turnouts this week to see how they compare. Intrigued to see if the gauge narrowing from 16.5 to 16.2 is visible when looking along the track. Doesn't sound a lot, but the human eye is pretty good at spotting this type of variation.

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But my goodness were there some odd goings on yesterday! One such event being in a supermarket where we walked past the end of an aisle, turned to look down the aisle to see if there was anything we may need before something literally leaped off one of the shelves with no one there to touch it - spooky laugh.gif


Oooh - Weird! Poltergeist activity in Sainsburys. Whatever next :unsure:


Having said that, things do seem to be a little strange of late.



Any more news on the dating game, Robert?


No Gordon - Nothing new. I guess you win some, and you loose some <_<

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Lots of oktas in evidence again. Meetings at work so looks like I'll have to head for the office today. How unreasonable!


Go for the OO-SF Gordon, I very much doubt anyone can determine a 0.3mm difference in gauge. The difference in flangeway size though does make a big difference to the appearance of the turnout and when you run your stock through the crossing it should be as smooth as silk and the frog gap should be barely discernible.




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Morning all,


Warm and bright here but a bit dull in Newbury earlier!




Beautiful morning down here in Hampshire, bit nippy though - was quite interesting watching the fog roll in and then back out again.

Sounds like the fog's been at the whiskey, Jam!
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  • RMweb Gold



It is a nice day here, blue sky, fluffy white clouds. I'm not planning to do much today, even the shopping list appears to only contain salad items.



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  • RMweb Premium



Bright and cloudy all at once here - but forecast is for possible rain and high winds as per last night when it was chucking it down - odd how this country can see such huge variations in weather in such small areas.


Not a lot happening (hopefully) this week chez 45156 and I am just hoping that this doesn't change, which would allow me to get the baseboards down, and get some cutting done, and then some supports planned, and some track plans drawn. What's the betting something "crops up" to throw that into disarray?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, twilight zone time. Had one of my busiest weekends on call ever, only a few hours sleep since Thursday, feel really weird. Never mind, can only last till Friday.


One of the perks of being a driver on the Mid Hants is the contacts you make with other railways. These often result in 'guest' appearances driving on these railways, so in a couple of weekends time six of us are off for a weekend on the Welshpool and LLanfair railway to try and coax their trains along. They are usually quite social occasions with barbeques and beer......lots of beer. We then reciprocate with a gang of their boys coming over to see what a proper steam railway runs like.


Should be fun.

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  • RMweb Gold

I've both driven it for a day on the MHR and fired it on the mainline - I was absolutely amazed to see that the driver had it pulled up to 7% cut off and it was still accelerating hard on the level with 12 on.


This is an old profile pic of me on it - can't find the original size one.




You truly live a priviledged life Phil B)

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