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  • RMweb Gold

There is one set out sitting in Marylebone with 67017 on the front but looks like the rest are in the depot at Wembley. A couple of 68s both parked together rather than on a set of coaches.

A photo taken at Marylebone from a class 168 so not brilliant.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


I do have a deep-fat fryer & have emptied it this morning, before putting all the components bar the element in the dishwasher. New oil awaits.


A dreary, drizzly Boxing Day (not celebrated in France), was followed by a very windy overnight, and today looks lovely, with much blue sky and sunshine. Then you step outside and the icy blast goes right through you! A good day to stay in pro-tem.  


Last weekend and this, my calls to MiL have not been answered. This may be ominous, but as she has a social worker visit twice a day, plus meals-on-wheels for lunch, I am confident that she will have been "found" if anything nasty has occurred. And she has been saying for some time she was more than ready to be gone - after all, 92, nearly blind, rather deaf, short-term memory shot, and pre-deceased by both her daughters is not a recipe for daily joy. I may learn more.


OTOH, Sherry's awkward daughter seems to have had a moment of lucidity. While I was out feeding dobbins last night Sherry rang her, and when I returned Caroline asked if I'd be prepared to chat to her? Of course, and I did for several minutes - so peace is now breaking out with Sherry's kids, which is great news.


Hoping your weekend goes easily, and any driving etc is not hampered by weather.

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  • RMweb Gold

Could they ever ?

I suspect it depends on how much practise you get and how prepared you are to listen to advice.

When I was learning (sometime ago now) I was lucky enough to have quite a big fall of snow. Rather than cancelling the lesson my instructor took me out to a quiet location and let me 'play' in the snow whilst administering lots of good advice. I suspect today he wouldn't have been allowed to do that.

Edited by BoD
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I must say how much I'm enjoying my first Christmas with Ian! We are still in the "can't believe what has happened this year" phase!! It's lovely to have time to relax after so many busy days preceding this visit when I was very involved with theatre activities. Having three gorgeous cats who want to sit on my lap is very pleasant, although I can only manage two at any one time!


We are both pleased to know that DD2 has come to terms with our relationship and we hope to arrange for her and my son to meet Ian early next year. My elder daughter lives in Australia, but might visit Europe in 2016.


I hope the Christmas break and family reunions are going smoothly for ER's.

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Aft'noon all,


Public duties done for today.....our nephew is contracted to the council for clearing snow with his tractor mounted snowplough and he kindly ploughed the hill on our road overnight. I've just returned from taking the wheelbarrow up to the grit bin and spreading grit/salt from top to bottom. Yes, it could rain and wash some off but more important is that there is a generous dose on the now bare surface which should mean good traction if/when we get more of the white stuff over the coming days.


Right on cue....it is now snowing again.


Feathered friends provided for in the garden.


Seasonal peace and joy to you all.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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  • RMweb Gold

Back in from a train session, very therapeutic!


See Neil wont be sailing anywhere ie


Sailings between the Isle of Man and Birkenhead have been cancelled until further notice after safety concerns over the vessel Ben-my-Chree.

A statement on Isle of Man Steam Packet Company's Facebook page said the ship had "developed a fault with her starboard steering gear".

The company said it was trying to get the vessel Manannan out of its winter overhaul and back in to service.


Enjoy whats left of the day

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  • RMweb Gold

Back in the smoke sitting in the Bree Louise after our brief trip to Hifh Wycombe and a few photos of Virgin a Voyagers on diversion passing through the station. Missed the Chiltern loco hauled service as we were warming up whilst enjoying a pint in the Belle View next to the railway line unfortunately the retaining wall was in the way to see it but did hear it go past.


Will post some photos later on various threads as they were all taken on the main camera.


Now it's time for a few more beers in various places around central London.


Tomorrow is a day working on Star Lane in my parents garage. Need to fill the air gaps around the door as it's going to be cold in there tomorrow!!!

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Back from a jaunt to the Jolly Sailor Retail Park (wherever do they dig these names up from?) in Tamworth where we shopped, lunched, grocery shopped and left.


Drivers with brains that have gone on holiday abounded.


Now home with the fire lit and both Sandy and I ensconced on our computers and tablet devices. We may exchange a word or two later, probably when she says "Coffee!" In a tone that brooks no argument if I want to live. As it's her birthday she says she can do what she wants today. Not much different from the rest of the year, then.


Dogs occupying space in front of fire.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Premium

Well, the afternoon was spent with FiL's purchase of a new TV with such fancy features as voice control, internet connectivity and 3D capability and the three of us heading to his place to set it up. The much smaller old TV, having suitable connectors, was then relocated to his desk to serve as computer screen!


While at the electronics shop, SWMBO also invested some of her Christmas money in a new digital camera, which is something she's been considering on and off for a while. And with my having taken delivery of some models earlier, I suppose this day has resulted in satisfaction all around!

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Back in from a train session, very therapeutic!


See Neil wont be sailing anywhere ie


Sailings between the Isle of Man and Birkenhead have been cancelled until further notice after safety concerns over the vessel Ben-my-Chree.

A statement on Isle of Man Steam Packet Company's Facebook page said the ship had "developed a fault with her starboard steering gear".

The company said it was trying to get the vessel Manannan out of its winter overhaul and back in to service.


Enjoy whats left of the day


Tomorrow`s Manx headline:


"Ben-my-Chree out of service: England`s cut off!" :jester:



I`d think it`s way too rough at this time of the year for Manannan to re-enter service (and not easy from its present cold-layup state)....


Stop Press: The IOMSP`s 'other' RoRo cargo-vessel 'Arrow' is now heading to Douglas to rescue those stranded on Sodor! :mosking:

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  • RMweb Gold

Well the trip to Reading didn't fully happen - excellent punctuality up the branch but then on arrival at Twyford the hourly interval service on the Down was showing the next 3 trains cancelled while the Up was running about 30 minutes late, seems there has been something of an engineering work over-run somewhere up towards Padd.  But I did get  in a walk to. & back from the station, plus a train ride Up, and then back Down, the branch - good job I didn't check online before leaving home as I wouldn't have got in the walk down and then back up the hill, and I did snatch a few signal pics before they are renumbered so all was not lost.


Chicken curry tonight so I'm informed.

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  • RMweb Premium

Had a great day!

Vouchers spent.. new warm winter coat and a new pair of jeans received in lieu of the vouchers.

Train trip to Keighley very pleasant (2 pairs of 158s on their way to Carlisle)

Black 5 power from Keighley to Oakworth - a trip up the road and a pint of RamTam :-)) and Tim Taylors Golden Best.. train early from Keighley to Leeds so just waiting for tea!


Spectacular views of snow covered hills from the Fleece in Oakworth. Roads are OK but I won't be rushing out...



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  • RMweb Premium

. Rather than cancelling the lesson my instructor took me out to a quiet location and let me 'play' in the snow whilst administering lots of good advice. I suspect today he wouldn't have been allowed to do that.


If I can take them out on ice/snow, I will. It's down to me to consider the risk to others, my car and me. If there is too much risk, I won't do it.

 I have a couple of locations that I can usually use safely, whilst having a bit of educational fun sliding around. the look on their faces when I pull the handbrake on in a slow turn is priceless.....




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  • RMweb Premium

So, for dinner, we tried out the Jerusalem cook book I got for Christmas and made us a nice kibbeh with minced beef (we'll have to find a decent source for lamb, too), hommous, coriander and roasted pine nuts. Wholly recommended!


SWMBO and SiL at the cinema tonight for the newest iteration of The Hunger Games. I found the first film to be too disturbing for my mind, so I'll most likely prep up my new models and retire to the sofa with a sip of whisky!

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The Hunger Games I found bizarrely intriguing, mind you it's one of those films (or series of films) I've seen mainly on the back of the headrest of the person in front of me on an intercontinental flight.


Now what I'd like to know is what an "Oshamambe Night" is, 'cos I've passed through the station a couple of times and it never struck me as the kind of place with a vigorous nightlife.

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  • RMweb Gold

So, for dinner, we tried out the Jerusalem cook book I got for Christmas and made us a nice kibbeh with minced beef (we'll have to find a decent source for lamb, too), hommous, coriander and roasted pine nuts. Wholly recommended!


SWMBO and SiL at the cinema tonight for the newest iteration of The Hunger Games. I found the first film to be too disturbing for my mind, so I'll most likely prep up my new models and retire to the sofa with a sip of whisky!

Two excellent sources for lamb not far from us, - ooops,  regrettably rather long way from Leipzig

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Evening All,


Back from the "Holiday Hovel", where for 7 days we had snow, winter sun and no Internet - bliss. Alas, the weather round Schloss iD consists of icy rain at the moment.


HM absolutely loved his time at the HH as he could belly flop in the snow and chase snowballs. As we had wide open snowy fields to wander in Lucy was let off the line for the first time since we got her and she had a marvellous time too! But she likes her creature comforts and is most insistent about returning home once she has "done her duty".


I note, not without a degree of envy, everyone's (mostly) splendid Christmas nosh. Mine was pretty boring.... I managed to successfully sneak in SWMBO's token Christmas present (a selection of exotic chutneys to aid her cheese habit and a voucher for a fine dining dinner for her and up to 3 guests) and she was most chuffed. But, alas, she did keep to her vow of "no presents" (not even a token. Sob! Sob! So it goes...)


Spent some time catching up on the Christmas TV "specials" we had taped. Very uneven so far...


Well off to cut the English Cheese and Onion Tart I baked for supper. Have a great evening



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  • RMweb Premium

The Hunger Games I found bizarrely intriguing, mind you it's one of those films (or series of films) I've seen mainly on the back of the headrest of the person in front of me on an intercontinental flight.


Now what I'd like to know is what an "Oshamambe Night" is, 'cos I've passed through the station a couple of times and it never struck me as the kind of place with a vigorous nightlife.

I guess what kind of put me off was the scene where Rue was killed in combat. I found the idea of essentially children being forced to kill each other off revolting...


As for my sig, that was a sudden flight of irony, basically!

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