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Happy Boxing Day.

I think ours will be spent looking for a ginger tom cat which escaped yesterday when SWMBO went to feed it for a villager.

However, snow forecast and at least the bluddy thing will show up better.

(It is a most unpleasant animal).

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Mornin' all,


Unremarkable ride along the wet lanes under a dark and heavy sky this morning....good to burn the excesses of the last couple of days though....a heavy gloom surrounded the reservoir, so that little could be seen. The exception was one white light visible along the length of the water, beyond the dam at the end. The depth of the surrounding darkness just exaggerating the contrast between light and dark. The priest who led our midnight mass service on Christmas Eve was a retired team vicar of Leek and he had used this theme in one of the best sermons that I've heard to date. He dispaired at the current intensity of the forces of darkness and evil in the world but railed against them with "the light shines in the darkness and the darkness will not overcome it"....his conviction such that you could not doubt that good would triumph. This morning, the coincidence of a white street or house light just happening to sit centrally, when viewed across the long ribbon of water in a dismal dawn could have been exactly what he was describing. It was difficult to look at anything else...the single light drawing and holding the eye.


Feathered ones fed and another feeder with mildewed seed in the bottom dismantled for disinfecting/cleaning.


Another family gathering later....more food to prepare.


Seasonal peace and joy to you all.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, an enjoyable and peaceful day yesterday, a walk later this morning is planned before the "expected" bad weather kicks in.


Hopefully a hour or so in the shed will be possible during the afternoon.


Enjoy your day folks



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Just watched the last half hour of BBC's breakfast show where they covered the weather for 2014. Quite a bit on Dawlish. Got to dash off now (again), note to self, when you pour bottle fermented beers decant the contents carefully into the glass. :stinker:

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Car wouldn't start this morning as it's hardly been used for some weeks do the cold got yo it. Luckily the other car was fine do we have used the leads and now it's started.

On our way to other halfs parents so a short diversion to Gaugemaster this morning to stock up on paint and other scenic items.

No beer yesterday but today there will be a few jars drunk.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Bottle fermented beers? - I learnt that one over 40 years ago with Worthington White Label, if you didn't do it right when you were behind the bar it was money down the sink.  And as for sleeping cats (yes, they're ginger) well yesterday evening they retired to a couple of their favourite sleeping places with one spread out on me and the other curled up on Mrs Stationmaster.  Only problem is with a cat onboard it is difficult to read as they don't like acting as book rests - and I have started making my way through my other Christmas books including a fascinating one about railwaymen in the Great War.


Assuming we don't freeze laddo and I will be off later today trying to find a decent vantage point to watch some of the engineering works at Reading as he's (sensibly) decided not to go to footie at Norwich (and he is going to another match, in Reading, on Sunday.


Have a good day one & all (and fortunately our local branch of Tesco is closed today so no temptation to pop in there for anything).

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Morning all.

I was conscious enough this morning to hear the radio reports about people going to sales. Probably why I went back to sleep. We usually go to Aditi's sister's on Boxing Day. That visit has been delayed until tomorrow so our nephew can be there. He was one of the people working on Christmas Day.


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Morning all,


Been up since 07:00, made Jill two cups of tea in bed, where she still resides, I've cleaned up the kitchen, done all the dishes, put some lard on bread out for the birds, who are loving it and generally got things in order and I'm now about to go for a walk to start the Christmas Calorie burn off.


As for presents ? - well strangely Jill manged to buy me a book on Sheffields railways, CKs past and present book, a book on the GE mainline and a few other books - almost like I bought them myself ...


Birdies are fed and watered, I've had porridge and honey and a cup of tea so off for the wander to see the wildlife (some will probably be driving to their usual standard)


Have a good day all,

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Still waiting for the promised severe weather to arrive. Dogs walked and fed, tidying up the aftermath of last night's meal/celebrations completed so it must be time for a late breakfast.


Happy to report that Steph's knee is no worse for her fall and her hand is OK but sore. It didn't stop her joining me on a short bike ride yesterday (instead of the longer one planned around Slea Head. The dogs got their walk on the beach, along with several hundred Christmas Day swimmers and even more supporters! Ate and drank too much in the evening but, as they say around here, the craic was mighty!


Friends who we stayed with in Oz earlier this year are calling in later (back home for Christmas).


Time to head for the kitchen and check out the food situation.


Forgot to say it's Steph's birthday so the lucky girl was brought a cup of tea in bed. More celebrations later!


Enjoy the day.

Edited by Killybegs
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Here in the Highlands it was gin-clear last night  at 1830 when I put the recycling bin out, with a quarter moon shining brightly and a very heavy frost - ths morning it was still gin-clear and it looked as though it had snowed - everything was white and sparkling. It is absolutely perishing out there , and the bin men have just been - looking like orange "Goodyear Tyre" men as they are so bundled up in overalls etc to try to stay warm - I feel sorry for those who have to be out working at this time of year up here!

Edited by shortliner
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, and a rather grey one on Fraggle Rock, but quite still.  Rain, wind sleet and general nastiness predicted later, so I may just have a wee walk now.


Spent an hour trying to get a decoder working in my new Heljan 33, SPROG either says it isn't there at all or is an odd train tronics version then refuses to read it.  It's actually a bachy 553 which looks suspiciously ESU-like.  Must be duff.  Actually I should say I spent an hour trying to get the body shell off and a minute trying to programme it.....horrid clip on job that doesn't want to clip off.


Jayne was still in good form last night after her day of quiet contemplation, and from here on I think we have managed to get her thinking mostly positive thoughts.  She is going on holiday soon to the Falklands (!!) as she has a friend teaching there, which she is now really looking forward to.  Whilst accepting her Christmas will never be the same again, the worst/first one is now over.  I was heartened to see some friends of ours who don't know Jayne or didn't know Gary very well had been around and left her a huge pile of firewood, enough for a month or maybe two, all nicely chopped and ready to burn.  My faith in mankind is restored.  We had done a load for her in November and the friends had seen us doing it as they drove by, so decided to help - quietly and unobtrusively. Good folk.


Mrs H is ensconced in the kitchen, so I'm keeping well out of the way - or as out of the way as you can be in a small bungalow!

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As for presents ? - well strangely Jill manged to buy me a book on Sheffields railways, CKs past and present book, a book on the GE mainline and a few other books - almost like I bought them myself ...


Good method that - it seems similar to the way in which I received an SRS dvd, the book on railwaymen in the Great War, and my subscribers copy of the (Swindon - Kemble redoubling)/Golden Valley line book.  However the offspring came up trumps with laddo's pressie of the SNCB 1950s photo album book which he bought a few months back in a model shop in Aachen and the good Doctor producing a copy of 'British Railways in the Great War' which looks to be a fascinating read.

However I did get a pair of socks - in a suitably Christmas pattern.

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Morning all - and Merry Christmas, as I didn't get here in effect yesterday! I have only read the most recent couple of pages, but infer that the Christmas Jinx may have blighted a household or two - sorry.


Our day went very well, and it was quite a decent day outdoors, as well. Sherry cooked a really successful turkey, which was a new thing for her, as her ex was the roast-cook chez eux. Sheena was in fair form, and we managed to stay off the contentious stuff about Alison, Ben and whether the kids will ever be brought back from England. We did hear some genuinely interesting stuff about being a female soldier in Portadown in the Troubles.


Some degree of peace seems to have broken out between Sherry and her grumpy daughter, to the extent that phone contact was made yesterday, so that's a bonus.


Off shortly to the other end of the village to feed Minnie the cat and a couple of chickens. France is awake today - no Bank Holiday here - but the sales don't start for another few weeks, by law, so there is no manic buying going on. OTOH today is always the first day of every supermarket pushing bed linen etc, so stocking up on duvet covers and pillow-slips starts here. Doesn't quite get the pulse racing, does it?


Hope your break is cosy and comfy, and those with traumas find they diminish rapidly.

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  • RMweb Premium

Happy Boxing Day to All ERs.


A bit damp on the outskirts of Snowdonia.  Snow(?) forecast from 11am.

Some interesting presies, yesterday:

A set of Santa hats - for the dining chairs




A Class 153 from the other side of the world UK - well, have you tried to go West-East to Cambridge? :laugh:  




I wonder how soon it'll find it's way down to Camel Quay... :mosking:

Excuse me, Engine Driver, Sir, didn't that Signal Box say...er...EXETER?  :O

Just visiting my Grandfather's old haunts, ladAh! Those were the days! :locomotive:


And bits to make a water tender for Bittern - now I'll have to start modelling.  HOHOHO



Morning all,


Been up since 07:00, made Jill two cups of tea in bed, where she still resides, I've cleaned up the kitchen, done all the dishes, put some lard on bread out for the birds, who are loving it and generally got things in order and I'm now about to go for a walk to start the Christmas Calorie burn off.


As for presents ? - well strangely Jill manged to buy me a book on Sheffields railways, CKs past and present book, a book on the GE mainline and a few other books - almost like I bought them myself ...


Birdies are fed and watered, I've had porridge and honey and a cup of tea so off for the wander to see the wildlife (some will probably be driving to their usual standard)


Have a good day all,


That comments reminds me we could do with a GOLD STAR AWARD button for good deeds and achievements.  Oh what fun we could have with that one.  :D

Edited by southern42
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Morning all,


 a book on the GE mainline and a few other books - almost like I bought them myself ...



Dave, Which book is that? - if you don’t mind me asking - I try and pick up anything to do with former GER lines...


Cheers, Pete.

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Hello all.

 I hope you all had a Merry Christmas. I have skim read through the last five pages or so and notice one or two had some unfortunate events to contend with. I hope the ill and injured are on the mend. Good to see a few railway related gifts sprinkled amongst the contributions and some nice alcoholic offerings too.

 Christmas here began with young daughter alarm call at 7am which was not too bad. She had a wonderful day. The new bike went down well as did the outdoor playhouse. The glitter trail shone up well in the morning sunlight which added to the magical feeling for her. She received a few train related gifts with some Thomas books in her stocking and the Postman Pat "Greendale Rocket". A battery operated Thomas train set expands the one she has already got. She is definitely her father's daughter!

 Sarah loved the aquarium gift which was nice although I failed to complete the cabinet in time - that is one present I still owe her! On a personal note there were a few model railway related items under the tree. A Skaledale "Fisherman's Cottage", "Stone cottage", "Derelict coaches" and "Barn Workshop" add to the growing collection of buildings awaiting use on a layout. I am planning a coastal terminus layout and some of these may be useful for this. Some Langley Models "seagulls" and "trawler men" were surprising gifts from my good lady and certainly contribute towards the said layout.

 Christmas day is split in our family. The morning was spent at home before we head to the in-laws for Christmas lunch and then back to my parent's for tea. It seemed less rushed this year than last, and gave us time to spend with all sides of the family which was nice. For Amber that gave her triple present opening sessions!

 Sarah and I finished last night by cracking open the Whyte and MacKay whisky. There is also a bottle of Glenlivet and another of Jamiesons awaiting starting!



Enjoy Boxing Day - we are having a lazy day!

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Afternoon all.


My brother (Football Special of this parish) got me some Austrian rolling stock for Christmas and I also got an odd mix of books(history of the United States Naval Academy, Peter O'Sullevan's autobiography and a guide to cocktail mixing). Throw in chocolates, shower gel and a WWF adopted snow leopard and it was a rather excellent haul.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all - and Merry Christmas, as I didn't get here in effect yesterday! I have only read the most recent couple of pages, but infer that the Christmas Jinx may have blighted a household or two - sorry.

 OTOH today is always the first day of every supermarket pushing bed linen etc, so stocking up on duvet covers and pillow-slips starts here. Doesn't quite get the pulse racing, does it?





That depends on how you view such matters.


Personally, the thought of rushing home with a new duvet and pillow covers, which are then put onto the aforementioned duvet and pillows and thoroughly road tested to ensure comfort, especially if you are assisted with the road test, can be most pleasurable.


Having decided the external Christmas lights were on their last legs, I've just been out and got some new ones for next year: 75% off!


We've also started buying the tackier type of present for next years festivities, like a ghastly pottery snowman for my mother.


Remember:  Shop early for Christmas!

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