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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Still quite groggy - been much too warm for sleeping decently <_< . No surprise there after that scorcher we had yesterday, I would guess. Think I'll need some coffee for a kick-start now!



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In Cash! Nothing bigger than a £20 note! Video camera recording the rep's jaw plummet!


Satisfaction indeed! cool.gif


The ask for a 20% discount for cash!!!!



Love the idea, but I doubt anyone would take cash these days for fear of money laundering....biggrin.gif


What a crazy world we live in..


Morning all...


Sun is just rising. smile.gif


I wonder how Murray, Goldsmith, Robson and the Ghanaian team feel this morning...


There were more than a few tantrums yesterday.

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Love the idea, but I doubt anyone would take cash these days for fear of money laundering....biggrin.gif


My local VW Dealership did suggest that I could purchase my Golf with cash, but they'd need a few days to clear it.


Presumably, the had to put it through the washing machine first to ensure it was 'clean'? :rolleyes:


Not bothering with the coat - it's 18C here already with only 4 oktas and threatening to be yet another scorcher!

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Not bothering with the coat - it's 18C here already with only 4 oktas and threatening to be yet another scorcher!


Morning boys,


Recently arrived in Doha, Qatar for a few years work and it's a balmy (or is that barmy) 45 degsC during the day and around 35C at night :blink: . Good job the air con. works.



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  • RMweb Premium

Recently arrived in Doha, Qatar for a few years work and it's a balmy (or is that barmy) 45 degsC during the day and around 35C at night :blink: . Good job the air con. works.


I cannot even begin to imagine how it would be if the A/C did not work! :O

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Looks like another smasher today. Too nice to stay in and watch Argentina and Germany ...... but then again.

Really felt for Ghana last night.


Who are Goldsmith and Robson?

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Morning all


Looks like another smasher today. Too nice to stay in and watch Argentina and Germany ...... but then again.

Really felt for Ghana last night.


Who are Goldsmith and Robson?



Oliver Goldsmith and Laura Robson were both playing in the boys/girls semi's at Wimbledon yesterday and both lost. Goldsmith as a 16 year old had a few major tantrums and lost the game. Really showed up his lack of match winning temperament as all his demons took over. Laura snatched defeat from potential victory as well. On the basis that things come in three's, defeat for Murray was inevitable...


Gutted for Ghana missing that penalty at the end of extra time and then losing on penalties.


New toy arrived yesterday as expected. Opened the box to see a serious bit of kit that frightened the hell out of me. It has the potential to do some serious damage, so closed up the box quite quickly and had a glass of wine instead. Still have all my fingers this morning, so that was probably a wise move...


Maybe today I'll feel braver....cool.gif

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Morning All,


Rather too hot again this morning - it is already 25°C and it's only nine o'clock. There were a few spots of rain in the night - very heavy rain for about two seconds and then it stopped again!


I am somewhat curious as to the outcome of the Germany/ Argentina game. I'm not a football fan, but the world cup can be interesting. I think I'll run the German flag up my flagpole later on - Maybe it'll work better than the England one did :lol:


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Didn't get on at all yesterday as I had one of those endless days where everything had to be done. But firstly, Mick, sorry to hear that Zen didn't work out for you. He might do better in an environment where he has no day to day contact with cats, and provided the rescue centre latches onto that next time, he might work out better with another family - no doubt you've made the cat siutation clear to them.


Stuck here at work, within 200 metres of the WCML, and 71000 due to pass in a few minutes, and I CAN'T get out of the office until 10.30! AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH :angry:


Still the good news is that the dog's ears are, according to the specialist, getting much better using the treatments she's prescribed - well at a thousand quid for two visits, they should be!

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Sorry to hear about Zen too, Mick. My parents have two rescue dogs. Both came petrified and quite aggressive. The first settled in quickly (it took about a month) and is now the most loving and laid back dog. The other one only really likes my Dad, will tolerate other humans in the house, but when he's outside still barks and growls at anything smaller than a car which comes within 20 yards of him - motorbikes, bikes, joggers, walkers, other dogs...


Was very warm and sultry here in Edinburgh last night so I slept with the window open for the first time this year.


Didn't watch the Murray v Nadal game yesterday - I was actually playing tennis myself. Played an hour and a half of doubles and the same again singles on our court at work (it doubles as a 5-a-side pitch).


Need to pop to the shops for food, stakes for my cherry tomato plants and hopefully a trim of the mop as ai'm starting to look like Nadal... Also it's the last ODI of the series against Australia today so will need to take my DAB radio with me!

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What is it they say about mad dogs and Englishmen? I've been up on the roof this morning to do a couple of jobs. It's about 38°C up there :wacko:


First of all to put this up, to support my host nation:




and I've installed this rather useful beastie - which I picked up cheap at the Amateur Radio show in Friedrichshafen last weekend:




I might go out for a walk this afternoon. I think I'll head for high ground - where it'll hopefully be a bit cooler!

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  • RMweb Premium

Depending on the weather forecast, of course!!


Well, anybody's who has a masochistic streak might even enjoy that. We're currently having 37.5°, while the maximum my outside sensor recorded thus far is 38.2°. Awful.

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  • RMweb Premium

...or THEM? :D


Morning all - calm Sunday morning, and coffee has been brewed already. Perhaps we'll be doing a barbecue today, depending on how warm it'll be - it definitely was way too hot yesterday for that.



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  • RMweb Gold

Cooler today with rain forecast here.


Could we possibly get through a whole Wimbledon without one rain break? When was the last time that happened?

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Morning All,


Still rather on the hot side here. Had the bedroom window open all night and the temperature in my room still didn't get down below 29°C. A massive wind storm kicked off late yesterday afternoon - which I thought might signal the arrival of a weather front and some rain. However, it all calmed down again and that was that.


There is a bit more breeze this morning which is a good thing!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

A massive wind storm kicked off late yesterday afternoon - which I thought might signal the arrival of a weather front and some rain. However, it all calmed down again and that was that.


Yeah, I'd been hoping the same thing :( . The Cologne area was hit by some fierce thunderstorms, however.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Wet and miserable here today, so been stuck at home trying to stick up some wallpaper - amazing the jobs that get priority over trying to get the layout designed and the baseboards done.


Cheers for now


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