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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry at the moment - forecast is breezy, mainly cloudy with some brighter spells and chance of some rain or drizzle.

Not insomnia at 3.15 am but awoken by dear wife preparing to go work. I had to be up "just in case" her lift didn't arrive - but it did - so back to bed I went. Got to pick her up at 8.00 and then help with the shopping.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all.


Tidied the study/workroom up yesterday and found many of the small parts that had 'pinged' to all corners.

In fact I think I've found more than I ever lost in the first place. Trouble is though, I've already remade most of them anyway.

Still, they will go into the 'may be useful one day box' and be forgotten about.

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  • RMweb Gold

Last day of commuting this year.

Train quiet again. Caught an earlier train than planned as it was running late. This time I will try the Jubilee line from Waterloo.

We should finish around lunchtime so might head home to catch a steam special on its return from Dover.

Tomorrow the holidays commence !!!

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, pitch black and windy outside, eldest has volunteered to accompany his mother to the shops.


Thus I'm home alone or will be shortly.


Be back later breakfast beckons, enjoy your day!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a wet and windy village north of Ikea.   Not quite sure what's on the agenda for the day as the boss is still asleep but I have promised to re do the straw on the roof of the crib so brought my supply of dilute PVA home from the club last night.  I just better be sure not to dribble it over the turkey by mistake.



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Still a bit stunned by the dreadful accident in Glasgow. On another day my grandchildren could have been in the square.


Only two W's here this morning, Warm and Wet.


Not much beach to walk on this morning, so we nearly bumped into a runner going the other way, we don't normally see a soul! I don't mind walking in the dark but I wouldn't fancy running. Especially when there are obstacles like five foot conger eels washed up on the beach, as there was this morning. A vicious looking brute! That's the conger, not the runner!


Better start thinking about what we need to take with us for Christmas.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

12C and rather breezy.

Recycling out a day early as I think there are holidays later this week.

I thought in the past that we had some late alterations to Christmas plans but my neighbours were packing to go to Wales when their daughter telephoned to say they had decided to come to Essex. Apparently 2 adults, two children, a Labrador, a Labradoodle and a cat will be arriving sometime today.


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all a damp start. The weather reports yesterday kept saying the south of england would be dry while blue blobs could be seen drifting up the Bristol channel on the charts behind. I think we are under one at the moment. We did a bit work foundations for walls on the outdoor trains yesterday. Today erecting some trellis elsewhere unless it gets wetter. But that will be after walkng the dogs and lunch.


Just a thought for you, how many of those who have been moaning about all the effort required for pre-christmas shopping will be rushing out (from Boxing Day!!) to the sales? Perhaps it is an addiction.



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  • RMweb Premium

I thought in the past that we had some late alterations to Christmas plans but my neighbours were packing to go to Wales when their daughter telephoned to say they had decided to come to Essex. Apparently 2 adults, two children, a Labrador, a Labradoodle and a cat will be arriving sometime today.


Tell me how many survived when it's over!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.

12C and rather breezy.

Recycling out a day early as I think there are holidays later this week.

I thought in the past that we had some late alterations to Christmas plans but my neighbours were packing to go to Wales when their daughter telephoned to say they had decided to come to Essex. Apparently 2 adults, two children, a Labrador, a Labradoodle and a cat will be arriving sometime today.


My ex SiL's favourite trick, unlike your neighbour the arrival was unannounced, until the Christmas I decided to spend away from home without mentioning it. :P

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  • RMweb Gold

Bits of blue sky overhead at present, but it is being gradually obscured by the grey stuff blowing in from the south west.


The Obergrumpenfuhrer seems happy with the state of Christmas decorations around the hippodrome, and as a reward, and will be taking me and my credit card shopping after she sees her last client of the year.  This shop being the top up of basic foodstuffs, and anything else we've forgotten or taken a sudden fancy to.


A bottle of Chablis springs to mind.....................


The Black Friday (ought to be an obscure LMS freight loco) purchase of a 'proper' food mixer was put to the test yesterday evening and a very good white loaf was the result. Although I like baking, I am unwilling to expend any unnecessary energy when it comes to kneading dough.


Confusion currently reigns over the timing of Christmas dinner:  Having overheard a conversation between the Obergrumpenfuhrer and her mother, The Wicked Old Witch of N Wales, I was under the impression that a 3.30-4.00pm kick off was in the offing.


Not so apparently.  I have just been reliably informed that that snippet of information was purely for conversational purposes and that by that time we would either be too tired/drunk/hungry (delete as applicable) to appreciate the double helping of cardboard gruel with it's savoury top of sawdust croutons.


I'll have you know we Hippos don't skimp when it comes to Christmas dinner

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  • RMweb Premium

Well, I thought I'd finished wrapping presents until swmbo started to put the washing away and discovered a couple of other presents that I'd had to stow away in my sock draw. 


I really am getting quite forgetful. But how would I know. I once did the Shrodinger Cat experiment; neither poison nor radiation did it in, just pure neglect.  :superstition:


No matter what, I must get the sprouts on the boil today to make sure they're adequately cooked in time.  :stinker:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, just girding the proverbial for that assault on the loft and finding how much we have left of Christmas tat. After that a bit of ringing around to trace a small pension pot and other exciting items like a pre paid prescription card.....  AAAAAAAAAAAAnnnnnnnnnnnnnd more shopping! There that was a suprise .

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


A sunny start, the birds have been fed and watered - I have a present for them, some mealworm, they devour it so quickly I'd be bankrupt if I fed them it all the time, so tomorrow they start their one container worth, a scoop each day, should last a week or two then.


A stone train down at Ely so something to go and see, and perhaps a lunch time trip to Thurston to see an unusual working, but we will see.


Have a good day all.

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