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Morning all, after a busy snake sorting weekend it is Monday again. The weather has been foul and it is still raining now, not the brightest start to the day as dieting and exercise is back on, target is 95 kilos before Christmas.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All,


Warley show! Oh heck the layout is still in bits so I may use the rain as an excuse to miss golf and get one or two essential things done. Probably best if the little trains run when we get to the NEC on Friday.


Have a good one all (preferably dry).




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Dry and mild at the moment but a cold north wind made for a chilly walk this morning. We were told that we would be unlucky to get a shower today. Obviously we were out of luck at 4.00am, when we were both awakened by substantial quantities of wet stuff falling out of the sky! l Got back to sleep OK but Steph abandoned plans to cycle into work today. Consequently I missed out on my planned lie in and was up, as usual, at 6.30 to walk the dogs before she needed the car.


Hope your rain goes away soon.



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Morning all.  Course waterlogged and closed for the day.  


Ever get one of those days when there is a mountain of stuff that needs doing and you almost feel overwhelmed by it all and do nothing?


This could be one of them.


There are times when downsizing and living a simpler life suddenly becomes very attractive.


Oh gawd, stop whingeing and get on with it…:-)

Edited by gordon s
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Morning all,

Just a quick post largely to Dom, like your new 'end piece' as you'll see if you have time to take a quick look at post #7691 in the Lunester Lounge thread. Silly old s*d got confused as I'd just read posts from Pete and Mal there - must have been REALLY tired!

Kind regards,


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Morning all,  


Last day in dear ole blighty today for a while....not been the best of visits but hey ho. Nearly got the Garret finished though (I've had the kit since about 1964 (IIRC). Just needs boiler handrails as I carved the original moulded plastic ones off.  


Not sure what the day will bring - but will try and make the best of it ,



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Morning all from a wet and grey Borough Market Junction.


Inspiring to read Jock's post on Friday. and sad to read other posts. I agree with what was said about Children In Need:I don't often watch those sort of programmes as the "entertainment" irritates me, but we watched it and you feel for the poor kids.


Spent too much of yesterday in a traffic jam - I hadn't realised that the A21 was closed between Riverhill and Quarry Hill (Sevenoaks and Tonbridge) - bang on the route to Tunbridge Wells. As a result we were very late for lunch - fortunately I was able to divert via Leigh, Penshurst and Bidborough to avoid queueing all the way through Tonbridge.


Younger Lurker got too stressed to eat much lunch but managed to recover himself later and play games nicely.


Now at work with a busy-ish week ahead. The boss is travelling so that usually means something else crops up!

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Well I had quite a productive time in model railway terms this weekend, as I had to play with carry out some extensive user trials with the Bachrus rolling road which arrived on Friday.


There is a vicious and totally unfounded rumour going around the Hippodrome, that I was seen sitting in the conservatory with goldfish syndrome (slack eyed and open mouthed), looking at my errant Grange being put through it's paces.


Needless to say the fault was finally found in the hyper-delicate draw bar that carries power from loco to tender.  


Unfortunately, Horton Lane works, cannot afford the space for a permanent stationary testing plant like Swindon had, so the Obergrumpenfuhrer has just ordered the conservatory restored to it's pre engineering works configuration.


During the testing period an official complaint was made about the illegal use of a soldering iron on the table.  This was swiftly denied and the use of the soldering plate was pointed out.


Ever magnanimous in defeat, I was ordered to the compost heap to deliver various vegetable peelings, sadly I was forbidden to visit the muddy hollow, and on my return, (Elsa having retreated back to the 'drome at an early stage in the advance due to the rain) heavy lifting an shifting were prescribed.


This involved the removal of a dressing table and chest of drawers from Merryn's old room.


This 'Stag' furniture is a mixture of mahogony, sapele and chipboard so has been placed in the garage whilst an evaluation in carried out.


It will either be transferred to the workshop as very high end storage, or will be converted to 'flat pack' prior to cutting trimming and other woody like works for eventual use  as constructional materiel for the outdoor line's rolling stock.


I already have a couple of very nice mahogany slate wagons in kit form made from a wardrobe of the same parentage!


Today's work will include more decorating, although I'd really like to clear some space in the garage for another project I have in mind.


Grey skies and a slight breeze at present, rain later!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


One of those days when the weather may, or may not be nice, or not - changeable I think they call it.


Trains around, work around - 'nuff said.


Wednesday should be good, our new sofas arrive from M&S - I let Jill choose, I muttered "yes" and "no" occasionally to ensure I wasn't accused of not listening but it will be interesting to see what arrives. She can't get used to the idea that I really don't mind, if she's happy, I'm happy, yes even if it's pink with purple polka dots and yellow cushions. (It isn't - I think)


Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. A wet one here. 

So many many posts to catch up on since last checking in on Friday...

But a particular mention for Jock's news. As ever you and your family are in my thoughts.


Where did the weekend go? My daughter's Friday evening sports class over in Guildford turned into a 3 hour round trip due to a traffic accident on the A3, the whole road system becoming grid locked and her missing her class. This week we'll have to set out even earlier just to get there, I suspect. Now, if she was in a competitive team we'd be doing this about 4 times each week for training plus hundreds of miles on top of that to attend competitions! I reckon parents with talented young sports people in them need a medal when their offspring stand on the podium for doing the taxing ! :)    


Met up with a friend over in Berkshire yesterday and she suggested we attend a Craft Fayre. An excellent range of hand-drawn Christmas cards selling for about £5 each. I've now got my crayon and some card out and should clear the mortgage by about December 1st  :jester:


Lastly I hear that Ian A is trying to recruit a Dollie Mountshaft for a Christmas gig. I'm packing! After all a soprano is just a tenor in tight underpants!!  :O


Have a nice day everyone. Andy 

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Rather a damp start earlier - not raining at the moment but possibly more to come later.


Morning all, after a busy snake sorting weekend it is Monday again. The weather has been foul and it is still raining now, not the brightest start to the day as dieting and exercise is back on, target is 95 kilos before Christmas.

Great day out yesterday with rest of family at Steve's flat. Rather too much food consumed by myself again so in line with Mick's comment above it looks like I shall have to do the same as I seem to have crept galloped back over 90 kilos.

Meanwhile Mrs GB who has lost over 2 stones this year keeps saying things like "I did tell you that if you keep eating cream doughnuts/chocolate/biscuits/food you will put it all back on"   :nono:  It really really annoys me to have to say that on this occasion she is actually right!  :banghead: 

Have a good one,

Dejected of Sutton.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Yet another place with a dismal day but I've no choice as i'm instructed to venture to the garage - all of 10 yards - to get some kindling wood and some salt for the water softener, plus Tesco for a newspaper no doubt.


Good to see Mr Beast has adopted the same attitude as me to the purchase of new settees and armchairs (although I did do a 'test sit' of course) - and clearly the choice was successful as each cat has bagged his own armchair plus found a suitable human to sprawl/sleep on when they are sitting on a settee.


Have a good day one and all and commiserations to those having to go out in this lot in order to earn a crust or two

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all


A dismal drizzly day here. Still and mild, though.


Not much was happening until a few mins ago, as I finished lunch. Phone rings, and an accented, frail female voice asks, in English, to speak to Deb. I explain, whereupon she asks for Deb again. After another couple of tries we seem to get the message across, whereupon she asks for Deb's mum, Dorothy. I explain that she lives in England, but I can give her the number - has she got a pencil to write it down? Yes. So I slowly dictate, whereupon there is a beep on the line and she asks "Dorothy?" We go round in circles. I am not good at this sort of thing. I put the phone down. It rings again "Deborah?" I try again, but the concept that Deb's mum still lives in England is just too far. I'm sure I should feel compassion for this enfeebled person, but I seem to run into compassion fatigue a little too soon.... 



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Afternoon all,

Dull and miserable here but at least it isn't raining - probably means gravestone cleaning and flower replacement which has become my job lately whilst Joanna does the walkies with Archie! Dear old mother and father in law would be impressed (and probably astounded) if they knew!

Pete(trisonic), hope to have another lovely painting to admire when I look in again tonight. Showed your work to Joanna last night and she remembered visiting Urquart castle after the 'Loch Ness Experience'. This was during a grand tour round Northern England and Scotland with granddaughter a few years back. Cheeky mare loved them and suggested that perhaps you could send her the original of that particular scene - I quickly pointed out that she couldn't afford you, and in any case, our walls are covered in originals from many of the places we have visited over the years!

John(CB), good luck with Lady Dracula, are you still on monthly visits? I'm beginning to feel a bit like a pin cushion after adding in the flu jab and being plumbed into the scanner as well as the regular pre chemo tests. Often wonder what it would be like for one of the poor souls who suffer from 'needle phobia'! The phlebotomist is however very attractive and gentle - and that isn't an invitation to trot out all those little pr**k jokes!!

Trev, hope you have a safe journey back to the dark continent once again. You will probably find that it won't be the "best of visits" ever again when an ex is involved! I've got the T-shirt in that respect but luckily from a long time ago. Please don't think I'm being rude when I say that the only time your posts feel like you're truly happy are when the GF is involved - speaks volumes mate!

Beast, the two 57s passed us twice again yesterday - they are now so filthy that I couldn't read the numbers and the DRS lettering on the side is almost obliterated! One of them appeared to be switched off (no evident exhaust or sound) which leads to the question, why two locos? I normally hear both exhausts clearly so wondered if they sometimes took it in turns or if indeed there was a technical problem.

Still the only excitement daily here, other than occasional colour differences on the regular 360 EMU services!

Baz, in case I forget, hope 'Warley' goes well for you - I'll now probably forget I said that and repeat myself later in the week! Better than forgetting all together?

Just been reminded by 'guess who' that the bins and recycling have to go out tonight so I'm off to sort that out!

Have a good rest of the day,

Kind regards,


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Afternoon all


A dismal drizzly day here. Still and mild, though.


Not much was happening until a few mins ago, as I finished lunch. Phone rings, and an accented, frail female voice asks, in English, to speak to Deb. I explain, whereupon she asks for Deb again. After another couple of tries we seem to get the message across, whereupon she asks for Deb's mum, Dorothy. I explain that she lives in England, but I can give her the number - has she got a pencil to write it down? Yes. So I slowly dictate, whereupon there is a beep on the line and she asks "Dorothy?" We go round in circles. I am not good at this sort of thing. I put the phone down. It rings again "Deborah?" I try again, but the concept that Deb's mum still lives in England is just too far. I'm sure I should feel compassion for this enfeebled person, but I seem to run into compassion fatigue a little too soon.... 




We've had similar problems wth a poor English speaker who rings my mobile and asks for Joanna! She can't seem to grasp that in any case she hasn't had a road accident recently - after the fourth call, I've reported the number! You would think that, whether it's a scam or a sales pitch, that they would at least employ someone with a command of the language?

The next attempt, if there is one, will receive a less than polite response!! Regards to Sherry by the way when next you speak,

Kind regards,


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Zippers, Zippers, What's all this talk about zippers. Something tells me I shouldn't do this but what the heck!

Now here's a zipper.


You can be assured that the only real reason I have posted this photo of yours truly is to announce that after seeing the specialist this morning, I shall be returning to his tender care in about 18 weeks for round two. He intends to fit me with a metal  valve which may also include a pacemaker. Evidently during my first operation in 2008 the odds were 100 to 1 on my surviving, this time they will be 30 to 1. Get your bets placed before the odds shorten any further.

I'm not "that" worried, at the moment, as the song says "Que Sera, Sera (Whatever will be) but I don't want to go to Wembley!!

P.S. Thanks to all those who have sent messages of support.

Edited by Judge Dread
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...Lastly I hear that Ian A is trying to recruit a Dollie Mountshaft for a Christmas gig. I'm packing! After all a soprano is just a tenor in tight underpants!!  :O...

Indeed, we need "something" and a "Dollie" would fit the bill I'm sure - that was one of the BEST shows ever IMHO...

So here's another "music joke" - apologies in advance for anyone/everyone who is offended (well not really!!)  :jester:


What's the difference between an alto and a soprano....




















Altos can read music - ba boom...


Grab your coat and get your hat....

Edited by Ian Abel
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Yesterday did manage to fix my HD issues with the new warranty replacement - thank you Seagate, the most painless warranty transaction "ever".


Enjoyable family dinner last evening, son made a stir-fry, then I got time for some track laying.


-13 and partly sunny again this morning, and off to work - well up to the office anyway, beats having to brace yourself for the winter chill, expecting to be -18 overnight...

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