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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from north of Ikea where it's very grey.    Life here is busy with preparations for Warley and the Wakefield show.  However life is settling down with the three cats causing interest.  Ruby was moved in a week ago and for the first few days the others wouldn't apporach her and she growled when they came near.  The other two wouldn't come and eat when Ruby did.  However this morning all three op them were eating their breakfast at the smae time.  Gavin and Minnie in their usual places i the uitility room and Ruby in the kitchen by the back door.  There have been no fights and this afternoon Minnie is sitting on the setee with me for the first time since Ruby arrived.


Anyway some modelling time awaits, I've got a loco shed to make presentable.



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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon folks.


Our first car was a very tired Renault 12, big ends rattled when it started until the oil pressure built, but it lasted a couple of years.  Until I parked it inside a VW Beetle in fact.  Steep hill, rain, he turned across me at a mini roundabout without indicating the day after he had passed his test.  I was half way through it when I stopped, it was far more rotten than the Renault!


Dad had an Aggrovator Avenger, it was OK one of the later ones that seemed reliable at least, unlike the early versions. 


I remember those Maestro vans, wasn't that the fist DI diesel in a car?

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Haven't logged in yet...


Good afternoon, gentles all.


My first car was a 1956 Ford Popular. Cost me £25, paid for by a small win on the Premium Bonds. Never really got it running, though I did drive it a few times in the less-aware days of the mid 60s. Sold it to a bloke who drove it as far as Putney and abandoned it on the side of Putney Bridge. Lax days...


Then when I came home from college and got married a 105E Anglia - lovely car.



I actually put the seat belts in myself, which I was pleased with.


Then kids, bigger cars, ending up with thirty years of Volvos.


Been doing a lot of modelling today, turning a GBL T9 into an earlier GBL T9. Lots of fun.


I've been reading the comments on depression and feeling much sympathy. I get spells of the black dog and it can be awful, robbing you of all enthusiasm and life. And the worst is that people think you're either self-indulgent or you can just snap out of it. Oh no you can't. I'm lucky in that it eventually seems to lift, after a week, or a few months. But it's hard and can make you very lonely. Talk about it, it helps if you have someone who understands.


Just got Blondie's Christmas present through the post, a photo album of her holiday with us in France, her photos and mine. It's a cracker, a lovely piece of work by Apple, really classy. She's loving looking through photo albums at the moment, so I hope she'll love it. It's a lot of fun making presents for people.


Her dad has just called to ask what to do in matters family/financial. He's a part time musician doing jingles and film inserts and so on, in his own studio he had built. It's a hobby, it hasn't paid for the studio! He's been offered a gig with a well-known musician (as drummer) and rehearsals are going well. There may be a future in it, but he needs a bit of equipment for sampling on the drumkit (whatever that means) which will cost £600. They are just expecting a child, so money is tight, and his wife is against it. He thinks it will make life easier both on gigs and in the studio - in fact he thinks it will help him get gigs. So he wants it.


I've suggested that I pay for it and he pays me back with 50% of all he earns from it, plus we'll knock some off for birthdays and Christmas.  Now, if you were his wife (canny, Scot, good with money) what would YOU say?


I know... I'm talking to people who spend hundreds on trains and then indulge in creative accounting, aren't I?


Ah well. At least he has the option.


Have a good end of the day, 'specially you, Jock, who is an inspiration, and those in travail in so many ways.

Having read the above post I must emphasise that I did not get married TO an Anglia...

Edited by Smiffy2
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  • RMweb Premium


I've suggested that I pay for it and he pays me back with 50% of all he earns from it, plus we'll knock some off for birthdays and Christmas.  Now, if you were his wife (canny, Scot, good with money) what would YOU say?


As a one time struggling musician, I had to struggle for every instrument and piece of equipment that I obtained,so my honest advice is to help him along the way, as I know what it was like to want and not be able to deliver as a result.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, boiler has switched itself off so its on to the emergency plumber shortly. No sign of any leaks but the boiler is saying low pressure.

Thanks for all your good wishes, the engineer has restarted the boiler and shown me what to do next time. The last time it happened it was a leaky radiator and I assumed it was the same again but it turned out to be just a drop in mains pressure.

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  • RMweb Premium

Happy birthday, Geoff!


My first car was a Mk.2 Renault Clio. Good ride actually and I certainly couldn't criticise it for lax quality as I seem to remember is often done for French cars!


We'll be out for dinner at a Chinese restaurant called China White. Should I be concerned?  :sarcastichand:

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  • RMweb Premium

I successfully shut my little finger , left hand, in the door of one of those Anglias - yes completely shut,- split open like a fried sausage - - spent several hours in A&E after saying a LOT of very rude words!

The metal on those 105E Anglias was so thin its surprising that you didn't leave a finger shaped dent in the door. My first car was a 1960 100E Popular, 760 BUC which surprisingly had been fitted from new with seat belts, not the easy to use automatically adjusting ones we have today but they appeared to be made from army surplus webbing that had to be adjusted before you clicked them on.

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  • RMweb Premium

Arrived in Barrow via Kendal.


Nice room at the Duke of Edinburgh Hotel (8 real ales on tap in bar downstairs!!)


Our first car was a highland railway green aka Tundra mini 850. Great little car! Changed the ball joints, radiator and various other bits during its time with us then sold it to buy a Metro city...which we had for 10 years....



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  • RMweb Gold

MiL, as I predicted last week, has apparently survived the chest infection. She tells me she's only just come out of hospital - but I think that was last week's message! An hour's conversation can be quite tough.


I have been remiss in not wishing Geoff a Happy Birthday!


Glad to see Phil is warm again.


I think helping younger generations to achieve their goals is what parenting ought to be about - proclaims he who is deliberately childless! So it probably wasn't Dick's Volvo I saw some years ago which had a sign in the rear window declaring that the owners were cheerfully spending the kids' inheritance....

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  • RMweb Gold

After the roaring success of Friday's C in N, could I please draw attention to a much smaller charity which is very close to my heart.


'Hippos in Need' was set up after the BBC cruelly exploited a family of hippo to perform swimming stunts for one of the BBC filler pieces, usually shown prior to programmes or the news.


Since hippos are unable to swim, the BBC used buoyancy aids to keep the hippos afloat, and when the producer wanted the hippos to dive down into the water, the air was released from the aforementioned buoyancy aids.


The effect of hippos swimming to the surface was created by puncturing the rear of the buoyancy aid, letting the hippo sink backwards, and then reversing the film in the editing suite.


Many hippos were traumatized during the making of this film, and their relatives are terrified that the BBC are going to make more such filler programmes.


In order to alleviate the suffering of countless hippos throughout Africa, I have created the following:


'The Central African Sanctuary for Hippos'.


Obviously creating a safe haven in the middle of Africa for hippos to run free and in safety does not come cheap, so I am appealing to the ER fraternity to be generous in sponsoring my efforts.


Cheques can be made payable to the Central African Sanctuary for Hippos or  CASH.


Please send your donations to me and I will ensure that your generosity is put to very good use in a critical area of animal welfare.


Thank you.


Edit to remove tear stains!

Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Gold

Twenty years ago you would have seen my Volvo with all the kids in it driving the Mulsanne Straight - before the chicanes.

Just as Deb's dad did in about 1962 - in the family Anglia 105E!


Older readers may recall that back in July, Sherry and I were entertained by Anglais friends in their "new" chateau. I was distressed to learn today that there was a chimney fire last weekend, a bees' nest being the culprit apparently. Since they had had regular fires this does count as bad luck really. The height of the building meant that there were 4 fire engines involved - so they had ladders long enough! Richard was hosting a "chasse" (hunt) that day, but after the pompiers had started work he decided that they might just as well go off and hunt anyway, leaving them to it! The mayor got involved, too. After all was made safe, 34 people, including the mayor and all the firemen, sat down to lunch! I think there may have been a need to break into the chimney inside the house, so that will require some work. A loss-adjuster will be attending next week, I hear....

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After the roaring success of Friday's C in N, could I please draw attention to a much smaller charity which is very close to my heart.


'Hippos in Need' was set up after the BBC cruelly exploited a family of hippo to perform swimming stunts for one of the BBC filer pieces, usually shown prior to programmes or the news.


Since hippos are unable to swim, the BBC used buoyancy aids to keep the hippos afloat, and when the producer wanted the hippos to dive down into the water, the air was released from the aforementioned buoyancy aids.


The effect of hippos swimming to the surface was created by puncturing the rear of the buoyancy aid, letting the hippo sink backwards, and then reversing the film in the editing suite.


Many hippos were traumatized during the making of this film, and their relatives are terrified that the BBC are going to make more such filler programmes.


In order to alleviate the suffering of countless hippos throughout Africa, I have created the following:


'The Central African Sanctuary for Hippos'.


Obviously creating a safe haven in the middle of Africa for hippos to run free and in safety does not come cheap, so I am appealing to the ER fraternity to be generous in sponsoring my efforts.


Cheques can be made payable to the Central African Sanctuary for Hippos or  CASH.


Please send your donations to me and I will ensure that your generosity is put to very good use in a critical area of animal welfare.


Thank you.


Edit to remove tear stains!

BRILLIANT mate, well put together.


Now wheres my Cheque Book?

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A beautiful end to a beautiful day. Didn't think much of the Wales game. Roll on Scotland!


attachicon.gifFintra 04.jpg



Hi John, that's a stunner mate, can I save that into my Painting inspiration folder please, I never copy any direct as that would be in breach of any copyright, but I sometimes use ideas for say a Sky or Water Colour?

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Apparently the trouble with bee nests is that if you heat them up the honey melts, catches fire and drips down the chimney in flaming lumps...


Wasp nests, being largely paper, just catch fire.




>edit< Sorry, Tony, hadn't seen your post.

Edited by Smiffy2
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