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Morning All,


It is rather grey and foggy here this morning. 


A belated Happy Birthday to Ian.


All this talk of disabled badges made me smile remembering my Grandmother.  I used to take her shopping on and off in her last years, but she would never let me use her disabled badge.  I explained to her that it was there to allow us to use the disabled spaces which were significantly nearer to the town centre.  However, despite being in a lot of pain, and confined to a wheelchair we shouldn't use the disabled spaces because there was probably someone else who needed them more than we did.


Given that I could push her in her wheelchair, she had a point - but it still made me smile.  So much pain, and still thinking of someone needier than she was.  It was one of the qualities that made her such a special person.


Have a good day everyone...

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Missing in action yesterday, so a big welcome to the 66 Club, Ian.  Hope you had a wonderful day….


I'm with you on car dashes, DD.  There are a few buttons here I've not used in over year and God help you trying to adjust the heating flow or changing the radio frequency in the dark at 70...


Give me the simple rotary controls any day of the week.


attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2014-11-13 at 05.40.20.jpg


At least you have a clock! I can use clocks.

Off to get gas replenished today for the ac following urgent messages from the dashboard.

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morning all,quite warm today,quiet on way to work too....built jack a lego train last night.....great fun....wonder what it will look like when I get home !! probably have a crane attached or something.....poorly and very rusty car awaits my attention this morning......have a good day all. 

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The weather is particularly foul this morning, rain driven by a cold east wind. On circular walks you know you are going to get it straight in the face at some point! The dogs don't seem to mind it at all. They are less happy about being dried off when they get home. Do they think I enjoy it, drying three large dogs is hard work, by the time I had finished I was puffing far more than on the most energetic walk! Then there was the kitchen floor to mop and their sheet from the back of the car to put in the wash and all they do is stand there and say where's their breakfast!  Grrrrr.


Have a lovely, lovely, day everybody, the weather is on its way!



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Not raining at the moment and very dull, looks like more rain to come.

Today's minor task consists of putting boxes containing boxes (model railway type) back up into the loft after a major sort out and tidy up. Apart from that the day is mine to do as I wish - I wish. I wouldn't mind betting that when Chris gets home at some stage a "request" will be made for me to "do something".

Have a good one,


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Just back in after the tidy up. Clearly our garden was the rendezvous for a 'midnight feast': the inedible parts of a pigeon fallen out of the oak tree here, the less digestible parts of a squirrel there, several owl pellets under our flowering cherry which I have dropped round the corner to our resident ornithologist. (Among other things, he takes them to schools and unpacks them with a species content digest for the children's delectation.)

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Just back from the hospital for Sandy's liver scan. Nothing unusual found, fortunately.


And just got news about a colleague who's wife has had to be taken in - don't know yet what's wrong. I'll be covering for him in the meantime.


Grey and cool here, and so am I.

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Grey, cool, slightly damp.


The weather's not great either.


Out at 8 to Sainsbury's and Smith's for shopping and a couple of GBL T9s - but - O Noes! - only one in so had that. May go over to Sutton later but at the moment I'm seeking coffee, breakfast and painting Julie's b**dy display shelves...


At least when I've done that it'll be something out of my shed.

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Morning all, 


good nights sleep last night after day with grand kids -  they have such busy lives after school!  Took smallest one  (two) for a walk yesterday lunch time -  he came back and slept for three hours.....me only managed a thirty minutes snooze.


Off to collect my new specs this morning......then I guess I'll be on puppy walking duties later.  Also managed to sell a bit more of my 0e  stuff, but no interest in the German 0 standard  gauge stock.


Lets hope we all have a successful day, 



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Rather grey here but rain promised later.  Herself and the good Doctor have set off to the Tower of London to say farewell to the poppy field but I'm staying at home to get on Later) with some auction lot shuffling (altering unsold lots to hopefully make them more attractive) and to receive three rather nice railway 'official' postcards from Pre-Grouping - one of which is G&SW which might excite Jock.


Ah Dom, I've been to Halle too - well only to change trains during my grand tour.  Impressive new (this was 2003) station but an awful lot of lineside weeds.  So here you are, Halle (Saale) station on 05 September 2003 -





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I'm sure you'll all be relieved (Ahem!) to know that my toilet is now in full working order, thanks to the ministrations of a chap who was recommended by the Queen of the Riviera Royals Red Hat Society! He's coming back next week to service the boiler although I have rarely needed the heating on so far as we've had mild temperatures and, being between two other flats, the place stays quite warm most of the time.


Hope your day is working well.

Edited by Ashcombe
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Been away for a few days and trying to catch up is a nightmare so hope everyone is ok and thanks for all the birthday wishes. (What do you mean, you didn't send any ?)


Woke up at the usual 06:30, checked the trains and found the leaf buster was running about 15 late, meaning it would be light by the time it got to Diss, so out of bed and off I went, caught it nicely with a 57/3 and a 47 at the head in weak morning sun, it's now gone grey and according to the forecast will slowly go downhill all day (like me I guess) until tomorrow when it will rain heavily all day.


Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mike, Halle certainly is a fairly modern station, but the surroundings are just plain ugly. Who in eternity had the godforsaken idea of building an elevated highway right through the city centre?


Seeing one of the metre gauge tram systems did make for an interesting change, as Leipzig is broad gauge (1,458 mm). The other broad gauge team system in Germany is Dresden with 1,450 mm.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


Bit of a suggestion for you here if you use a pendant alerter or know someone who does.


My elderly mum has a pendant which, if she gets into trouble, she can press and a contact centre who has her details and address can either call me or an ambulance. It's a 24 x 7 service which we pay for. The house is kitted out with a speaker and microphones which are activated by the pendant. I'm sure many of you are familiar with these systems. 


This is particularly important to us as when dad passed away we found him lying on the floor without his pendant. He'd gone to use the loo in the middle of then night, lost his way, stumbled but being the strong-willed sort of chap that he was he hadn't put his pendant on. 



Each month we are required to test the system and record that we have done so in a log book. This is, essentially a comms check. Can they hear us and can we hear them?

I tested the system the other day and got a rather surprising response which was along the lines of..."Hello, who are you, we have no record of who you are or where you are."


This was somewhat concerning as the whole point is that if you are incapacitated a failure to communicate (once the pendant is activated) causes a default response of people rushing to help you (nominated relative, friend, ambulance..). 


It transpired that the company who set the system up 4 years ago were bought out by another company and mum's details weren't transferred to the new operator.

Furthermore, it also transpires that when dad passed away two years ago, and we sent his pendant back, they failed to note that there was still one person using their system at the property.


System tests over recent months have resulted in the communications side working HOWEVER what we didn't think to test was whether the operators knew where we were. The always responded with "Hello Mrs B are you ok?" Why would we have doubted that they knew where their client was.


So, could I urge you - if you have a relative, or friend who has one of these systems - to check not only that the technology works but also they know who they are talking to and where they think the person is? May sound daft but evidently for some considerable time there was no chance of the system working 100%. Agreed, they were able to phone me, but they wouldn't have been able to direct an ambulance to the property if for some reason I had not responded to their call.

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  • RMweb Gold

"My" RHTT has 37604 at the head today, due to a collision on the Kings Lynn branch it's currently 2 hours early heading my way - I can almost hear the noise already !

(I hope no-one was injured in the collision)

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