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  • RMweb Gold

Mnay happy returns Ian - now you're the same age as me (but only for a couple of months)


Ah, pronunciation - many years ago when I was still a sort of part-time Divisional Relief (in addition to my day job),  I was covering the later part of a  late turn in Slough Booking Office one eveninga nad a character carrying a rolled up bedroll presented himself at the window and waved some money and grunted a very weird sounding name.  I assumed - rightly as it turned out - that he wanted a ticket to somewhere but I had the job of translating huhrullah into English.  Looking at him, and the amount of money, I decided on the simple approach and started with Leicester - only to get 'nuh, huhrallah'.  So equally quick-witted I tried High Wycombe, Bedford and then Hayes - only to get the same  answer and much waving of quite a lot of cash - clearly I wasn't translating properly, so I started at Langley and worked eastwards and I finally got to huhrullah, should have twigged a lot earlier from the sound as when I said Southall the money was waved even more and I got huhrullah repeated enough times to confirm I'd got it right.  Definitely made a change from comely maidens (?) with little money offering to do 'absolutely anything' to get  a single to West Drayton.


And now on a far more positive note the Privilege programme for THV Patricia was delivered c13.30 today, after a chat with the management I was on the 'phone to Harwich by 1430 asking which would be the last week of a particular Captain who retires next year - only to be told it's already fully booked, and the programme was only sent out by post on Monday!  Anyway the preceding week wasn't fully booked so reservation duly made and deposit paid which is just as well as the whole season is selling like hot cakes according to the TH folk - looks like there won't be very much left for others to sell have the 'Privileged Travellers' have had their go.

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We were told, at our CFR meeting, on Monday night, that we will get the same screen as the LAS trucks.  This will mean we won't have to stop, en route, to read updates off the radio and will get the quickest route from the screen.  But everyone in the team turned round and looked at me.  I raised an eyebrow.  My aversion to technology is well known.



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Happy birthday Ian.


After all that liquid sunshine this morning we had an afternoon of the standard variety of sunshine. Which made for a lovely, if very muddy afternoon, helping out with Riding for the Disabled. Time well spent, even if I have temporarily overtaken Sammy as the most mud encrusted member of the household.

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  • RMweb Gold

RAther a cracking day here after so much rain yesterday. Regarding the bull badges it can be that someone has say taken a disabled person for a hair do or something and has just come back to collect them parking the car in a disabled bay because the person being collected is in a wheelchair. Mind you Somerset didn't think I needed one to cope with Mil and Fil ( one disabled one with dementia) because they didn't have a car themselves so wouldn't have needed one. Priceless.


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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Whew - it took about fifty minutes to catch up with the multitude of posts since I last popped in - about four pages a day now seems to be about average.


Happy Birthday Ian - a tad belatedly, but I only discovered the facty about thirty minutes in.  Other than that, there is far too much to single out anything else, so as usual these days, it's blanket commiserations, and congratulations.


Me - I went to my stained glass course, and came back on the bus trip from Hell - full of schoolkids, and a driver who would give most F1 drivers a run for their money - skipping from lane to lane to get through the traffic, and left the bus station five minutes late, and was almost on time in our village - to achieve that takes some doing and it was a pretty hairy run - but these Dennis vehicles can certainly run hard when given the welly.


Got to male my own tea, so

Regards to All


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Morning all


I plead guilty to Andrew C's grassing me up! 66 today - and feel quite lucky to have got this far, as many of my nearest and dearest didn't.





Many Happy Returns! You may be 66 but you have a great future ahead of you!


All the best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Happy birthday, Ian! :drinks:


Rather dismally dull and dreich weather today. Fogging up outside again, too, so I'm glad I can be sat here with a sip of Caol Ila...


Appointment in Halle today, which is where I took these snapshots for killing time...




Passenger information screen on the suburban.





Rather complex tram track layout at Halle Central Station – two separate stops to the north and west of the station. This here's the approach to the one to the west.





Approach for tram lines 7 and 10 towards Delitzscher Straße to the east. Line 10 passes the Freiimfelder Straße depot while looping back to Göttinger Bogen in the west of the city, while Line 7 goes all the way to Büschdorf in the east.






Metre Gauge Tram! – MGT6 type car 644 waiting for departure on Line 4 to Kröllwitz. The "MGT6D" bit means, "metre gauge articulated tram, six wheelsets, three-phase AC propulsion."





Speeding parallel to the A 14 motorway on a S 5X express suburban service on the way home. The S 5X line, going all the way from Halle to Zwickau, has fewer stops than the normal S 5 line, and is the only line to offer express services due to its extended length.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening, back from a hospital visit, all well but sore, small beer compared to what some are experiencing on here.

An early night beckons, then back to normal, main thing is all is as it should be worth the experience to hear that news!

happy birthday Ian!

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  • RMweb Premium

Happy birthday Ian!


Mike, yes it was a T100 Bonneville - took that photo the day I sold it after 3 years, she still polished up well!  I had to give up riding larger bikes as my hip problem surfaced, which leads me to blue badges.....


....I had a temporary one while recovering from the surgery, which was a little more complicated than usual hip jobs.  The first time we went to the UK for a break when I was still on crutches and rather uncomfortable Debs took me to Whitby for the day from our friend's house near Pontefract, and drove around looking for a disabled bay near somewhere to have a lunch.  Every, and I mean every disabled parking bay was occupied....with a white van or builders pick-up.  Could we find a traffic warden?  Of course not, it was winter and raining. 


Busy day at work again, doing my primary function today, fitting up live steamers.  Lush. Back in my comfort zone!  Dcc'd a Midland Compound for a customer too, first time I have had one out of the box, what a lovely model!  Super runner too, I was most tempted, but none of my current or projected layouts have the slightest Midland/LMS influence! 

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  • RMweb Premium

Just had a good evening sorting something out for a friend


Warning to Debs, look away railway modelling is going to be mentioned.


My friends father had part built an O gauge Fairburn 2-6-4 tank.  He wanted it to be 42055 the last such loco to inhabit Low Moor.   His health deteriorated and the loco never got finished.  I arranged for one of our club members, Ray Clasper, to get it running and fit the remaining parts.   Martin wanted the rather poor paint finish leaving as his dad had done it. The idea was to present it to him on his 80th birthday.

Unfortunately his health went downhill and he died in a  hospice the day after his birthday.  The loco was complete and running and I'd given it a quick spray of black.  I was then going to get the lining and numbers done.

Other things intervened but I was asked at the weekend to try and get one side lined in time for it to be displayed at the funeral which is tomorrow.  I'm not in my comfort zone doing lining but bought the correct HMRS sheet at Telford.   Anyway tonight I managed to get one side lined and had been given some transfers for the BR emblem and shed plates etc but the main numerals were too big.  A frantic search through my file of transfers and found a set for a tar tanker that had numerals of the correct colour and approximately correct typeface and size.   The only problem was that they were Methfix and I couldn't find the meths.

Then the old brain chipped in and I first of all looked for surgical spirit then turned to the drinks cupboard, a small measure of blended whisky (Certainly not my best malt) with a bit of water in it was used and surprise surprise it worked.  Anyway after a couple of hours I've managed to get one side looking resonable and the correct number and shed code on the smokebox door.


All being well the loco will be at the funeral tea on a  short length of track tomorrow.



Edited by jamie92208
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I shall be a late retiree tonight as opposed to an early riser!


Can't sleep as the adrenaline is still coursing following a very successful performance by our youth theatre. (Tadpoles at The Little Theatre) with their topical production of "Lest We Forget". I'm quite humbled by the calibre of some of the acting and it's made me realise how much I've missed contact with young people since moving down here. This show has been put together by the members led by their Director and includes songs, poetry, humour and some very poignant moments. What really impresses me is the self discipline of the cast - better behaved than many adult performers backstage and confident in their delivery on stage.


Back to reality in my apartment where a leaking toilet means I shall need to be up early in the morning for the plumber who has promised to call at 0830!


Goodnight, all!

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Evening all,

Quick post tonight, grandson and his two children safely delivered home with most of their clutter as 'mummy' returns from Tenerife tomorrow. I shall probably miss helping to prepare a bottle for the great granddaughter in the morning, whilst sorting out the dog - Archie seemed confused by the quiet this evening!

Early start tomorrow as my oncology appointment is for ten am in Colchester. I will probably not have a chance to post until later in the day. Hopefully he'll have the results of my scan to discuss.

Lovely picture from Killybegs, John - it truly is a beautiful part of the world.

Sherry, hope you're toilet issues are quickly and cheaply resolved tomorrow (hope the leak is from the 'water' side!).

Another good deed accomplished Jamie, what a delightful talking point the loco will make, perhaps pushing the atmosphere at the funeral towards memories of the good times. Well done!

Good news from Alan on his return from hospital, long may it continue.

Over the hump now I notice so I'll turn to the nightcap.

Kind regards,


Not forgetting G'night Pete! J.

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Missing in action yesterday, so a big welcome to the 66 Club, Ian.  Hope you had a wonderful day….


I'm with you on car dashes, DD.  There are a few buttons here I've not used in over year and God help you trying to adjust the heating flow or changing the radio frequency in the dark at 70...


Give me the simple rotary controls any day of the week.




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