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Just been trying to book a night in the Travelodge in Ludlow where the room rate is never above about 50 quid.  Night that we want has rooms from 81 quid - checked the local what's on and found that there is a big Christmas Fayre on that weekend, so Travelodge have jacked up the room rates by 60% for the weekend of the event - hope they don't fill their rooms, and I've decided on a different weekend. 


Been trying yo remember the hotel we stay at in Ludlow.

About the £85 mark I think.

Unfortunately I've been doing so much remembering today I've forgotten.


That line "They will not grow old ..." always plunges me into thought at the truth behind it.

They will always be the same age as when they were lost.

Something to which the believers may cling.

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Back from a nice weekend at Southport show. Trainset behaved, operators behaved but with no heating in our hall it was a tad chilly.



Back tomorrow earlyish....


Have a good night



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That line "They will not grow old ..." always plunges me into thought at the truth behind it.

They will always be the same age as when they were lost.

Something to which the believers may cling.

I have increasingly thought in the light of more recent conflicts that they will not grow old for their loved ones and those who knew them.  The Falklands War first made me think really aware of that when one of my Drivers used to come into the office and, although it might sound a bit trite unload all of the news from his son who was on an RFA logistics ship with the fleet.  Fortunately his son returned but if he hadn't his dad would have known him as a young chap just out of his teens and to his parents he would never grow old.

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When I tried to point out the same to a driver preparing to leave his car across my garage entrance, I was told "It's not your private piece of road." My reply was "Quite right and it's not your's either!".

I had something similar with a halfwit trying to park his van so I couldn't get out but the best bit was when he asked if I owned the bl**dy road?  I replied - 'would you like to see the receipt?'  (which I have got somewhere although my father paid the bill, not me,  as did all other residents when the road was properly surfaced and footpaths provided in the very early 1960s).  Definitely an 'up yours mate' moment I thought.

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Evening all,

Lovely link John (CB), incredibly I am familiar with all the poems that the lass highlights - one of Owen's that she could have included is 'Strange Meeting' in which he imagines two dead foes meeting and it ends 'Yesterday through me as you jabbed and killed,

I parried, but my hands were loath and cold.

Let us sleep now.......'

Worth reading the whole thing as it really points to a salient (no pun intended) fact - the common soldiers mostly didn't want to do what they were forced to undertake. Amazing that she should choose 'And Death Shall Have No Dominion' by Dylan Thomas (another of my favourites!) as it was Thomas's programme on radio during the fifties, 'Quite Early One Morning' that first introduced me to Wilfred Owen when he read 'Anthem for Doomed Youth'. Life is full of such strange co-incidences as it was also on that programme that I heard a line from a Thomas poem that has become for me a statement of the way that I approach my life : 'the ball I through in the park as a boy has not yet touched the ground'!

Our guests are well fed and now in the land of slumber - not sure if I'll get time to post tomorrow morning as we have an early kick-off to get grandson up for work (Joanna has already prepared his lunch box!) then great grandson Freddie showered and ready to go with his grandad (our SiL), who is charged with amusing him until lunchtime when he goes to nursery school. After that, it's only the baby Amalie to care for. As I said in a previous post, I think we are both going to be fairly tired by Friday!!

Hope we've heard the last of the ordnance going off locally but not holding my breath as apparently the supermarkets were having a clearance sale!

Hope everyone has enjoyed their weekend and good luck to those going off to work tomorrow!

Kind regards,


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Sorry Mick, you've lost me with that one! Mind you, the way my back is right now, I could do with one to help with my household chores!

On that note, I wish you all goodnight and of course, G'night Pete!

Kind regards,


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Morning All,


It looks like it might be a reasonable day here - despite what the forecast said.  The weekend was quite nice weather wise, so I was able to get out into the garden on Saturday and tidy a few things up ready for the Winter.


Unfortunately, I seem to have slept in a funny position and have a very painful neck this morning.  Plus, I have a school parents evening to look forward to this evening.


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning all,

Fresh this morning and sunshine with some showers forecast.

Didn't post yesterday although I looked in from time to time. Had a quiet day after a hectic Saturday. Enjoyed the Tolworth show and then we spent a splendid evening at our friends & neighbours. I didn't over indulge (well not too much) so managed to get home safely! (ie without falling over)

Today I have to venture to our local High Street as Chris "needs" to have a look in some shops.....unfortunately there aren't any containing model railways.

Have a good one,


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a few errands


Don't forget your wallet.


Morning All


Dreich just about describes it this morning - both the weather and me, as I've picked up another cold (or more likely the same one come round again) as has 30747.  Got to say that there is a very persistent bug going the rounds in Lancaster. 


Haven't quite decided what to do today, but as yesterday was crammed with domestic style tasks like shampooing the carpets, I may pop up to Kirkby Lonsdale.


Listening to Chris Evans, as though he is a pain, I do like the Children In Need auction - they are currently auctioning a package that includes golf, and the bid is at over £100k - am listening out to hear if a bid comes in from a golf enthusiast called Gordon from Berkshire.


Need to visit other non RMWeb places now so as usual commiserations and congratulations where needed.


Regards to All


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Dull and cold this morning, that's the weather, not me I hope. At least it's dry for now but that is due to change later. Gales and rain forecast for the rest of the week!


I shouldn't complain, the weather was beautiful weekend, a little cloud arriving late yesterday. I didn't however make the most of it yesterday as I just could not get to sleep the night before, so got up and went into the workshop for a hour or so and then read. Back to bed and got to sleep eventually but not feeling bright and breezy in the morning. So I had a quiet day doing a spot of modelling and took the dogs for a walk in the afternoon. Lovely reflections in the wet sand.


Enjoy your day.





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Morning all from a rather misty village.   Lots of phone calls and admin things to do this morning but might get time for some modelling this afternoon.  After sorting and parcelling all our late members stock last week, I'm taking ti down to the clubrooms this evening to list it all ready for the second hand stall at the show.   Mainly 00 suitable for the West Highland/Callendar and Oban in early BR days, plus a bit of Triang and N gauge.  I was warned by SWMBOI not to bring any back here,


The cats have gone very quiet.  Ruby has behaved herself and seems to have settled down.  Today we will probably try letti g her out then start teaching her to use the cat flap. (Please note the spelling.)



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Morning all, the wind has blown the wheelie bin over but as it is only used for garden waste there is no urgency in righting it. The problem with parking is due a lot to the proximity of the railway station, we have resident parking and are supposed to have a parking patrol but that has been halved due to cutbacks.

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Morning, dry but dull outside, general tidy up jobs this morning.


A lovely day yesterday which as we were up and about early prompted us to jump in the car and head to the lakes for a nice 3 hour walk, then on the way back stopped for a late (2.30) Sunday lunch at a pub we frequent in Kirby Lonsdale.

Very nice indeed but sadly I was driving! however a good day and glad we took advantage of the weather.


Enjoy your day

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Morning all


Not the best of nights, for no real reason, although cheese sauce on the broccoli may have had some effect. Wide awake now, so that's ok.


Lovely bright morning, but with quite a breeze, so I've left Varian's rug on pro-tem. Will remove later when I give them their hay. Her teeth are giving up, despite being rasped a few months ago. I might try milling her hard feed in an old food processor so she gets the full benefit. May be her last Winter - but she is 33.


Tomorrow will be pretty much a dies non here, so if I want to shop I need to go today.


Hope your week goes well.

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