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The chicane / semi roundabout is still there but the Fortune of War (a pub) went a few years ago and is housing now. Quite a lot of the area near the tractor factory is taken up by Bas Vegas (more officially known as the Festival Leisure Park).


I vaguely remember that the FoW was derelict by the time I moved away. Bas Vegas on the other hand wasn't built. I did see it when I went back to visit a couple of years later. The whole area around there has changed quite a lot.



Found this whilst surfing for articles about the French team.


Enjoy your breakfast....


Hmmm - nice guy! <_<


Anatomy obviously isn't his strong point though :rolleyes:

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  • RMweb Gold

I think Matthew will be home for 3.30 so it will only be half an hour delay. Matthew normally walks home from college but I have offered to go and collect him if he wants.





Don't turn the radio on or visit the barber's on the way back.

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  • RMweb Gold

Don't turn the radio on or visit the barber's on the way back.


I watched as far as the National Anthems and then turned off. Matthew is going to phone when he is outside the college. He should be finishing soon. It is 90minutes + 25% extra time for his exam. I hope the football doesn't need that much extra time!







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  • RMweb Gold

Intended to get in to work early and finish early to come home and watch the game. Plans went awry (in a good way) when two colleagues invited me to the pub instead to watch the game. :D


Hope it wasn't an ABE pub?


I do know the result now! Matthew and I saw it on about a 45 minute delay.







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Evening all,


Was up and out before Don this morning with limited time, so didn't even wake the computer!


If everyone could keep the A34 ... clear today that would be nice as I'm taking a little jaunt up to Water Orton to do a photo reccy. Have a good one all.


I'd been up and down it to Thatcham before you'd even posted this, so if you experienced any delays, sorry, not my fault!! :D

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Hope it wasn't an ABE pub?


I do know the result now! Matthew and I saw it on about a 45 minute delay.




No, the pub was very England-friendly, I'm pleased to say! :)


Did anyone catch the Mahut v Isner tennis match? Incredible stuff, the longest set ever, the longest tennis match ever, the most aces in a match etc etc... Called off for the second night running for bad light with the score 59 games all in the 5th set! So tomorrow it goes into its third day! More like a cricket match than tennis...! :D

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Guest Max Stafford

Well, you're through to the next stage boys. If the team get their act together, this Jock will be happy to cheer 'em on!

I'm rather impressed with the three day 'test' tennis too.

Those boys have definitely got Duracell* batteries fitted!


*other brands are available



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Looks like it's bound to be a pleasant day, and the weekend's supposed to be nice as well - so maybe a barbecue will be an option then :) .


Have a nice day all - I'll be getting some coffee now! :lol:

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Congratulations England on making it through to the next round.

I won't be watching but I will be hoping for your success, especially against Germany.

Partly cloudy but a reasonable 21C forecast. No rain.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


It is already quite warm here and the weather forecast suggests it will be a very pleasant day. Matthew has the final A2 exam for philosophy today (this afternoon), just geography and government & politics next week.



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Morning All,


I'm a bit later than usual this morning. Very nice having a lay in on a "work morning". The sun is shining here this morning and it looks like it is going to be a nice day. I'm off down to Friedrichshafen today - on Lake Constance for a long weekend. They are having the annual Amateur Radio exhibition, so I am looking forward to a couple of good days rummaging through the electronics flea market.


My keyboard is suffering from a sticky A today - making typing somewhat difficult!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Bright one again. Successful reccy trip to Water Orton yesterday and a good chinwag with Pete Harvey, him being a local and all that. Today I think I should probably go into the office and check my desk is still there. Probably won't make any difference to anything in the known universe but it'll be a change of scenery for me. Got to go and eat rather fine food at a top-notch curry house this evening as it's my daughter's nineteenth birthday. Only downside is I have to pay for it of course. Have a good one all.




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Hopefully there'll be some rain in the Pennines too BoD - did you see the Tyne Tees news item about the River Greta at Bowes? Completely dried up!


I noticed on Sunday as I drove back to Edinburgh that Catcleugh Reservoir looked lower than I can remember ever seeing it. And we're only in June...


I'm thinking about doing a week's walking or cycling holiday in early August. I've been advised against walking the West Highland Way at that time due to the midge count. Considering walking the St Oswald or St Cuthbert long distance paths. I've always fancied cycling the Kennet and Avon canal. Anyone else got any suggestions?

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Thoughts for the day:


Maybe those tennis players should take up tree felling.

Could chop down a lot of trees with service arms like that.


Rained overnight here.

A much better way of organising the weather.


"My keyboard is suffering from a sticky A today - making typing somewhat difficult!"

Did you mean 'My keybord is suffering from sticky tody - mking typing somewht difficult!' ?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, hot already. Late start today as I have to do some doctor things prior to the op. Appointment is 8-50, if our doctor is running to form that will mean I'll get in about mid-day.


I see that the new government has accelerated the rise in state pension age to 66 by 2016 - to give people the opportunity to enhance their retirement by working longer, or some such nonsense. Thank God I'll miss that one, I want to enhance my retirement by retiring.

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Morning all. Hot and sunny down here. Must be the old North/South divide....


Another day just pottering around. After weeks of experimentation, I think I may have finally got my Ivatt chassis 4 to run smoothly. It's been an enjoyable journey that has taken me back to the basic engineering principles I learnt at college. Quite tempted now to buy a lathe and milling attachment to keep me amused in my old age.


Dreadful accident in Spain Dominik. It's just been on the UK news...sad.gif


That tennis match starts again on Court 18 this afternoon. It's the third game on but they have stipulated not before 15.30 to give the guys as much time as possible to recover.

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