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Early Risers.


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I agree about the TV breakfast programmes. The adulation of unknown (by me!) celebrities is really nauseating. I usually go for the BBC News Channel, where they do take the delivery of news more seriously.


A fine, bright and breezy morning here so far so another walk is in prospect; this apartment is well positioned for walks through a park or to the cliff top (Babbacombe), local shops and bus routes. Even on wet days like yesterday, I'm enjoying the location and the walking enables me to sleep better too.


My evenings are busy at the moment as I'm heavily involved with the local amdram theatre (Toads at The Little Theatre) and next week our junior section (Tadpoles) is producing a commemoration of WW1 called "Lest We Forget" Some excellent perfomances and very moving at times.


Enjoy your w/e!

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I must have been grumpy for years... that weatherman with the stupid knitted cloud jumpers that used to hop around on floating cutouts of our sceptred isles used to wind me up and that was years ago. 


I think he has other preoccupations at present.

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On the up side, I had a mail that really surprised me.  Jack buys 'TV Choice' magazine for the TV listings each week and has done for years.  Some bright spark decided to revamp the whole thing and I spent ages looking for all the Sports programmes that had been removed from the daily listings and shunted off to their own two page spread buried deep in the magazine.  What a daft thing to do, particularly as the space previously occupied by the Sports listings had been reallocated to 'brain dead' TV channels.



We need a 'startled' button - good job, Gordon.

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  • RMweb Premium

DD beat me to it......the weatherperson has sunk very low now at HM pleasure!


The rain here last night was like a cheap movie where they play a hosepipe on the windows, absolutely torrential, several roads closed this morning due to flooding, indeed the koi pond has flooded over the trackbed of the Leodest & Larivane - my garden railway.

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Just a word about the dumbing down of current affairs programmes (not 'Shows' - shows are where there are folk dancing in costumes and general entertainment).

It seems that Blue Peter is the benchmark which these programmes fail to reach.

At least with Blue Peter one ended up with a Crusader Castle made of Corn Flake packets.

Many presenters started at Blue Peter. Most have scratchy high pitched voices which irritate and speak to their audience as if to a kindergarten audience.


However, I find that BBC News keeps the same strap lines running for hours unchanged as if nothing else has happened in the world that day.

The likable Carol Weatherperson is put into ever more bizarre locations so that the other presenters can inanely chat to her about everything but the weather. 


I'll shut up now.

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Morning all, damp here but gradually improving. at least it's Friday.  I rarely put the tv on before heading to work. I'd get caught up waiting for that one interesting story that they'd been trailing, and it wouldn't appear until after 9 and then it would be rubbish and I'd be late for work. So now I dno't put the tv on in the morning (actually, I don't often watch live tv any more, only about half a dozen programmes a week, excluding the F1).

Mike (60860), Joanna and I were in St Petersburg a few years back, walking along the canal side when I noticed three 'likely lads' observing passing pedestrians from a doorway. We always walk arm in arm, with Joanna's handbag between us and I keep my valuables in a body bag on a belt inside my trousers. Shortly after passing them, I noticed two of them trotting by at a distance and when they turned towards us brandishing postcards, I quickly realised that this would be a 'steaming' trick - sure enough, a glance over my shoulder showed their accomplice approaching quickly. I simply pointed to him and shouted something banal like 'Gotcha' but it was enough to let them know that they'd been rumbled! He would have cut the shoulder bag or picked pockets whilst we were distracted. I am for ever grateful to my martial arts instructor who ran a course on staying safe when travelling to big cities, particularly abroad. It has certainly paid dividends over the years!!

One of the other members of our party was mugged at knifepoint on the street after dark.  I was surrounded by a family of Romany/gypsy-traveller types.  I had my left hand in my jeans pocket with my wallet, but one of the younger ones (maybe 8 or 10 years old) bit me on the arm.  I went to swat him away, and there went my wallet...

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Some of us seem a little grumpy this morning. Mind you, I do find the dumbing down of many TV programmes annoying. I have had to stop watching Autumn/Winter/Spring Watch!


Beautiful morning when I got up (late) but it's clouding up now. Late night with friends staying. Just like Tony S, I cooked duck (breasts), but mine were served with a blackcurrant and chocolate sauce. A couple of very nice bottles of wine were put away. Asda are selling a very good Fitou at the moment.


Well, a lot of the day has already gone, so I had better crack on.


Have a good poets day everybody.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Now Gordon has gone and put me right off tales of IT depts - ah well it brightens the day.  But back to IT (sorry) in Trainload freight we got excellent service - our head of IT was one Tony Cooke, rather well known for his GWR track layout books and atlas and I don't know if our service benefitted from me passing him snippets of information and copies of old documents about layout changes but the service was excellent and if we asked for something we got it.


Then on to my final big railway concern - and there despite much increased reliance on it the IT was very flaky indeed, we were moved off the old BR internal mail system (Micromail) onto something called email and immediately lost the facility to send really large files along with one of the best online address directories I have ever seen as every logged user on the system (several thousand) was in the directory and you could search by name or location, brilliant thing.  Anyway communication degrade apart the system lacked reliability and investment in server capacity and we kept on losing current work - no fun when people had to stay in the office late into the evening to put things right.  Appeals to IT's helpless desk rarely worked so in the end I emailed the IT Director and told him that his system was some useless I was resorting to breeding swans as I thought that would be more reliable.


Fortunately he was bright enough to get the message and some b*ms were kicked but it hadn't taken a time to get there.


Anyway back to earth and off to get chiropracted this morning, fortunately I think my left hip is working properly so there won't be many really loud clicks as things get manipulated around (I hope).


Have a good day folks.

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  • RMweb Gold

What's happened to RM Web?


Having got the computer back and running, I typed in RM Web into the search engine and came upon a completely new 'front page'




Please  can we have a classic option?


As you all know I'm very set in my ways:


Shooting, drinking and baking; with the occasional bit of railway modelling thrown in for good measure.


After today's shock, I need cake, Penderyn and a lie down.  Then I'll think about some shooting......................... :laugh:

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... I wish that the Radio Times would do what it says on the tin, and tell me more about radio programmes...

Especially as it is the sole UK wide radio listing in print form. Rumour is that since RT was spun off as a separate business, the new management have made it clear they would be happy to entirely drop the radio content. Mutter, mutter...


There's nothing south of the Tees...

but unfortunately the belief in streets paved with gold, nonetheless has potency...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, getting used to Firefox now and it seems a bit quicker. I have found a few sites that Google Chrome decided are not available to me are so on Firefox, I will have to transfer it all over now.

I changed to Firefox for all my browsing, and it is much better than IEwhatever, Chrome, or Opera

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