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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Not raining at the moment but it won't last..

I've had a bit of a "well knock me down with a feather & tickle me sideways" moment this morning as "Herself" has informed me that it's a bit silly wrapping up something that I've seen & played with so the"pretty little green loco" is back where it belongs on the layout and will be played with today! (After I take her shopping)

Have a good one,


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Colder this morning but DRY

No wind

Will not last


Heavy rain forecast for later today and gales later in the week. 


Time to clear workbench ready for the next project  - the abandoned van is finished, I do like these little projects that can be completed in a couple of days. The next one will take somewhat longer!




Grandadbob - are we psychic?


PS I didn't have to wait long, the rain has arrived, lots of it!

Edited by Killybegs
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  • RMweb Gold

Sunny and cloudless start to the day.


Obergrumpenfuhrer off out on a mission of some description.


Pygmy hippo already departed for work, but managed to forget the xy table which he was supposed to be delivering.


I shall take coffee, dream of cake (I'm cakeless at present) and brush up on my Classics prior to the expected onslaught.


Flicking through earlier posts, I am of the opinion that it is a bit late for Andyram to be taking a pre-reading course!


I also see that Chris Boardman has been on BBC Breakfast berating cycle track design: Something I have been complaining about for some time. Perhaps now an Olympian, a Zeus of the cycling world (See, Classics!) has spoken, the idiots in charge will begin to take notice.


I won't comment on the whisky tasting crisis where Scotland can't get into the top ten. Besides taste is so subjective: I'd rather drink Sheepdip than anything from the Jack Daniel's stable .

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning, all.

First morning after a great weekend's exhibition on a "high."  Photos on Camel Quay thread and a wishlist Pannier Tank found, paid for and brought home.  :yahoo: :locomotive:     .

We were lucky enough to get the car unloaded between showers. :sungum:  No Moon smiley, sorry!!!  Yes, the moon was out there forecasting rain - with a halo round it.  Learnt that at primary school age - as you do.   :read:  :mosking:  :mosking:  :mosking: 


Gorgeous sunshine out there now.  Must make the most of it.


Hope you can make the most of your day.



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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning all,

Not raining at the moment but it won't last..

I've had a bit of a "well knock me down with a feather & tickle me sideways" moment this morning as "Herself" has informed me that it's a bit silly wrapping up something that I've seen & played with so the"pretty little green loco" is back where it belongs on the layout and will be played with today! (After I take her shopping)

Have a good one,



Does that mean it's your...er...hum...birthday?

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  • RMweb Premium

Colder this morning but DRY

No wind

Will not last


Heavy rain forecast for later today and gales later in the week. 


Time to clear workbench ready for the next project  - the abandoned van is finished, I do like these little projects that can be completed in a couple of days. The next one will take somewhat longer!




Grandadbob - are we psychic?


PS I didn't have to wait long, the rain has arrived, lots of it!


And if you're not psychic, Grandadbob, :scratchhead:

Happy Birthday, :sungum:

if that's the occasion. 

If not, apologies for speaking out of turn. :mosking:



Edited by southern42
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Morning all,

Chauffeur's uniform to be donned soon (I've just been told!) so a quick early post!

Like many of our better twentieth century poets, I consider the Haiku style too brief to develop a theme properly. My great love of poetry in general precludes any attempt to write my own! I was reading 'The Rubaiyat' (Fitzgerald version) before I opened this thread last night!

Sherry, thank you very much for the update on Ian's connection problems - he must be getting really brassed off with the provider! I agree with you on the bizarre timing of the F1 news bulletin, it was also streamed along the bottom of their news channel. I believe David Bilk still lives in Penzance ; he and his good lady used to drive up to the Star Inn in the little hamlet of Porkellis, near Helston where I was living at the time. They were good company, he was like a larger version of his more famous brother and I believe he managed Acker for a time but sensed that there had been a fairly acrimonious split (memory now a bit hazy but we'd normally consumed a few pints!). He did however tell us some really humorous stories and, in addition, they made lovely pies!

Stewart, I was really upset to hear of your discomfort and hope that you haven't been overdoing it - my surgeon recommended no heavy lifting or excersise for three months, although in fairness, my scar is quite large due to removal of the tumour at the same time. Please take care and obey your doctor's advice no matter how frustrating it is!

Trevor, in case I forget, hope you have a safe and uneventful passage back to Blighty later in the week.

Off now to brave the rain storms,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, our weather forecast is as follows


A bright but chilly start for most, with strong winds and some showers. The showers should ease during the morning with sunny spells developing for many. However, further heavy, blustery and possibly thundery, showers are likely later.


No showers yet, no winds yet, the sun is shining and everything is still and 9c. So other half and I are off for a walk though I will take a brolly just in case then an afternoon in the shed  I think. Even by my standards it needs a tidy up!


I can imagine Ian being slightly frustrated with his internet problems!


Enjoy the day folks

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  • RMweb Premium

Rain promised for today and my arthritis concurs. I hope Ian gets his internet sorted soon unlike someone I know who waited for several days for his internet to be reconnected. When he telephoned to enquire about the delay he was told that it was caused by his not answering the e-mails they sent. He changed his IP soon after.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Cloudy and miserable outside but no rain promised until tomorrow night.  Today I have to tidy the dining room - not quite sure where I will put stuff but the study seems quite a good idea until I can move it back ...  into the dining room.  Off to see the audiological consultant tomorrow although I'm not at all sure why they want to waste my time & money, and theirs, telling me there isn't a cure for tinnitus (I know that anyway!).  Ah well at least I get to travel part of the A$, just a shame it isn't a very nice part.


Have a good day folks.

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Oh please desist

I'm half p*ssed

And haven't got the time

To sober up and then think up yet another rhyme

Of course the problem that we face, is Debs will start in Greek.

Some wag will retort in another tongue and we'll have a Classics week.


Cake, Penderyn and bed...................not necessarily in that order.


Not Greek, nor Double-Dutch to write; just {strictly} Welsh; which is worse! :scratchhead: ...(?) :mosking:


Y Ci Defaid


Rhwydd gamwr hawdd ei gymell–i'r mynydd,


A'r mannau anghysbell;


Hel a didol diadell


Yw camp hwn yn y cwm pell.


Thomas Richards


A four line Englyn (in strict quantitative-metre).........Sadly, the crude translation to English {below} cannot do justice the Bard`s masterfully-metric distillation of the sheepdog`s spirit.

The Sheep Dog

A fast strider, his coercion easy -- to the mountain

And the remote places;

To gather a scattered flock

Is an achievement in the far valley.

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  • RMweb Premium

I this a Haiku I see before me

It's sylables before my eyes

Come let me........


O forget it i never was into English Lit.



Once when I was at work I was the radio operator for a very depressed area of East Leeds.  About 5am some officers were sent to a domestic dispute on the worst estate and found that there had been a stabbing.   The sgt (Who was in the office) rang me and aksed me to find out if the knife had been found.  I passed this on. over the airwaves to the Policewoman at the scene and her reply, through the ether was "Is this a dagger I see before me"  I repied "It's handle towards my eyes".   I felt i better not cause a grivance by asking the officer to clutch me, but there was a peal of laughter back over the airwaves.  The surreal nature of quoting Shakespeare in those circumstances in the middle of Halton Moor, at 5am in the morning, never ceases to amuse me.



Edited by jamie92208
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Sadly, the crude translation to English cannot do justice the Bard`s masterfully-metric distillation of the sheepdog`s spirit.



That may be because the lines have been translated in isolation instead of searched for meaning and phrased accordingly as a whole.

It's just a fact of life that beautiful language will not necessarily translate to perfect metric mirror of the original.


Oooh, look! Is that a Hen Harrier?

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Rain promised for today and my arthritis concurs. I hope Ian gets his internet sorted soon unlike someone I know who waited for several days for his internet to be reconnected. When he telephoned to enquire about the delay he was told that it was caused by his not answering the e-mails they sent. He changed his IP soon after.

That is not unusual, I'm afraid.



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Morning all from Scottish HQ. Currently 0 oktas visible in my (roughly) 10 degree lateral and vertical angle of view. We moved offices in September from the back to the front of the building, so where I used to have a view of Arthur's Seat out of one window and Edinburgh Castle out of another, I can now mostly see trees on a hillside.


Busy trying to get brain back up to working temperature after the weekend.  New boss who started a month ago has ramped up the workload and pressure.


Next Sunday will be skiing with Jamie - she's been learning since March and has now graduated to being able to use the big indoor slope on her own (with a little bit of help to grab the poma).  She'll soon overtake me!

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  • RMweb Gold

And if you're not psychic, Grandadbob, :scratchhead:

Happy Birthday, :sungum:

if that's the occasion. 

If not, apologies for speaking out of turn. :mosking:




May I just second this, Polly!


Thank you both but my birthday is not until 1st December. The little green loco is in fact an early Christmas present!


Oh and I'm not psychic - I just believed the weather forecast which was correct .  :yes: 

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold



Welsh is always easier to pronounce with a mouth half full of pebbles, topped up with copious amounts of spit.


If you are of the north Walian persuasion, then shutting your hand in the door as you start to speak, just gives the right amount of stilted whine.

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  • RMweb Premium

Back from town, now, having had some reassurance from my GP - one of the new Drs that I've not met before, and I think it must be a sign of advancing years that your GP looks as if she's not long out of school - and that is true of a number of the new people who have joined recently.  A bit of reassurance is all that I needed, and some pain relief as the hospital prescription was really not strong enough.


Anyhows, dinner duty calls - sausage and mash, anybody?

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Greetings all - it's horrible outside, very grey and raining quite hard. But I've already bought my lunch!


The office is very cold today, which is unpleasant, sitting with cold hands and feet.


Not quite the weekend we planned; we were woken on Saturday by the sound of the elder Lurker talking to Huey. he was complaining of earache and had a temperature of nearly 40.


So it was a trip to Urgent Care at QMH where it was found that there was no ear problem and that it was probably tonsilitis. Although he was unable to keep his tongue poked out when the doctor put the wooden lolly stick on it to lookk down his throat. Antibiotics duly prescribed.


That meant that he couldn't attend the nephew's 5th birthday party in Cambridgeshire, and I stayed at home to look after him. Which meant I made some repairs to the bathroom tiling which earned me brownie points! The Mrs and younger Lurker went off to the party, much to younger's distress. "I need medicine too". But he managed to cope and eventually to enjoy himself there - although he;d been in tears two or three times on the way up. Apparently the traffic was awful on the way home too.


Back to school dayfor the boys today, although elder is off sick. He's recovered quite a bit but I think the thought of double rugby first thing was too much.


And in work news, spreadsheet king has managed to produce a spreadsheet that is concise, simple, and doesn't print out too small for me to read!

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