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  • RMweb Premium

Do you mean belly button? I tried pressing mine but nothing happened.

I can't press mine at the moment, as that's where my hernia popped and it is currently black and blue! 

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Started my post earlier, got called for something to eat, and hit the post key by mistake. 


Today, things have been much more painful for some reason - probably as I had a nasty coughing fit about three , as I've now got a stinking cold (thank goodness I didn't go down with it last week) and the coughing has strained the wound.  Rereading the discharge instructions, I see that it will take up to a week for things to settle. 


Other than that, it's fairly quiet chez 45156, though and like Mike, I think it is a woodburner day here as well.


I also was interested to see the discussion about substances which are a no-no fed to canines and our vet actually sends this information to all his clients as a reminder at Christmas as he doesn't want to be inundated with emergency cases over the festive season, and which a bit of common sense might avoid.  I also knew somebody whose Sussex Spaniel was badly affected after snaffling some sugar-free mints sweetened with Xylitol.  Luckily the dog survived, but it was a close run thing for a while.


Regards to All


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I cooked today for Mrs iD and assorted aunts, so I'm a] glad to put my feet up at last and b] really looking forward to dinner, as all I had was a sandwich  for lunch (what with me busy in the kitchen and all)


Hmm, all things Japanese. I greatly enjoyed my trip there, love the food and culture and hope to go back for an extended visit. Now Haikus.... traditionally 5, 7 and 5 syllables (not that I'll get it right). Let's see what today's events inspire.....


the blonde lady puns

and walks her collies too

ER groans


too much dried liver

microwave magically transforms

happy dogs munch


And finally, despite my workshop still being a mess, I managed to assemble a foam-core board mock-up for a 7mm building "commissioned" by one of the ER mob (who can identify him/herself if he/she so wishes - I won't blab!). I'm even motivated to clear up my workshop.


As Kurt Vonnegut once said "and so it goes"....


Have a good'un

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  • RMweb Gold

Good afternoon all,

Dry now after a very wet start.

Absolutely shattered after a hectic couple of days - Wycrail yesterday was great apart from a hold up getting home on the M25. Party here chez GB last night so lots of consumables er....consumed but no bad after effects. Grandchildren stayed the night and are still here but we're kicking them out after dinner! :jester:

Now to a much brighter yesterday which was of course enlivened by CakeWycrail, one of the better shows (which is saying a lot as there are some pretty good shows within 30-40 miles of us every year).  Got a good parking space - right at the top of the site but at least on hard standing - and it was still very busy when we arrived at about 11.45 although it quitened down in the afternoon.  Unlike a certain frequenter of this little corner of RMweb I didn't give the traders anything to smile about but plenty of folk to meet and chat to including a number of RMweb types both present and one who is sort of past and, of course, some excellent layouts to watch and enjoy.  All in all a good day out and a longish chat with the man from Elite baseboards proved quite interesting and as Doctor Station Cat said it certainly reduced my excuses if the numbers were to come in around the amount he quoted even if it does leave a good bit less stuffing in the mattress.



Moi perchance Mike? I did offload quite a few pound note coins and the like but it was worth it. More so because Chris is reimbusing me for one of my purchases for Christmas. I have fitted a decoder and tested it but it has now been removed to a place of safety and will not be seen again for a few weeks! (And then only if I behave)

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  • RMweb Gold

I can't do this haiku stuff,

Because I'm just not clever enough

I often give a little curse

Because I ain't no good at verse

A poem to me has got to rhyme

Then I can do them anytime

And not that I want to cause offence

But all the rest just don't make sense

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  • RMweb Premium

cricket was simples!  Didn't start till late but finished early as one team had dropped out! No controversy ... so tonights games could be interesting!


Skies now full of dark grey clouds...looking ominous!


Not sure what we are having for tea ... sausages, soup or chicken???


I just fancy a bacon sandwich!



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  • RMweb Gold



I think that some of you will see why I bought this - I couldn't resist it!

The photo doesn't really do it justice - especially the colour. I think it's beautiful!     


Bachmann Wainwright C Class in SE & CR lined green livery









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  • RMweb Premium

And finally, despite my workshop still being a mess, I managed to assemble a foam-core board mock-up for a 7mm building "commissioned" by one of the ER mob (who can identify him/herself if he/she so wishes - I won't blab!). I'm even motivated to clear up my workshop.

No Problem about ID ID.   The building is going to be the yard office at the east end of Green Ayre that ID has very kindly offerred to make.    Unfortuantely I can't post the original photo of the prototype for copyright reasons.  However I'll try and put a photo of the location of the layout thread.  Hopefully the mock up should be in place at Warley.



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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening friends,


A busy day for NHN, Groudling. Stacked six tonnes of rail (not on my own, you understand!), chainsawed a fallen tree into woodburner sized pieces, drove the Hunslet diesel on the works train, and I am now utterly knackered!


I really miss railway exhibitions, we always used to have mass club outings to some, Wakefield for some reason, Manchester at Christmas, as well as more local ones.  It would cost me £400 to attend one now. :nono:  


The SECR C class is gorgeous, we sold out of green ones very quickly! None left at Bachy, you were lucky to get one, GDB. :sungum:


Wood burner now lit, Mrs H has had a cooking frenzy this morning so yummy things are guaranteed all week.  She then went out with Jayne, had a girly shopping trip which is a little odd as neither of them are like that!   Jayne took her 'Penelope Pitstop' car out (MX5) which was a good thing, she hasn't driven it much at all since Gary was killed as it was their 'together' thing.  After a bad week two weeks ago she is in a much better frame of mind this week.

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Perhaps we should move onto sonnets then.

The original version, discovered carved into a desk in a Stratford school:


Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? 
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Wouldst thou grant me a roll in the hay?
And so mine ...
This all that remains as the remainder of the desk suffered damage over the last 400 or so years.
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The original version, discovered carved into a desk in a Stratford school:


Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? 
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Wouldst thou grant me a roll in the hay?
And so mine ...
This all that remains as the remainder of the desk suffered damage over the last 400 or so years.




A later effort-


shall I compare thee to my ass?

thou art less smelly and more gigantic.

rough winds do build and forth do pass,

and the odor lasts not but makes thee frantic.

sometimes too loud my ass it speaks,

and often deafens e'en the deaf or dead,

and once in a while the gas too much reeks,

by freak of Nature or by onion rings instead;

but thy eternal stench shall never wane,

nor build up force only to wimp out "pthoo,"

nor shall thy hugeness e'er make me insane,

unless one day King Kong should'st thee outdo.

    so long as men can breathe or fail to choke,

    so long smell'st this, and this breaks wind with smoke.



©Nazreen Mohamad 4.11.1999

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