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Cold, wettish and wind, today -tomorrow Sunny, cool, windier. So no records at the NYC Marathon methinks.


Being “presented” with Wife and Daughter at High School “football” match today - which I’m not looking forward too. Liz has done well in final SAT scores with 2,070 out of possible 2,400. Should help with her choice of Uni. She’s just applied to Rutgers, first only because they require an application by November 1st for entry next September, She fancies Boston followed by Rhode Island (at Newport, which looks interesting). I’m rather hoping she goes to Drexel in Philly because the old Pennsylvania “High Line” runs right through the campus). Luckily all her initial choices are on the east coast mainline....

Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Just heard from a colleague at work that we have a furry Mickey in one of the buildings. It sped across her office floor. As they don't normally come singly that's a load of fun saved up for me on Monday.

I'd lend you Gavin if it was possible.   He's always hungry.



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Mornin' all,


Perfect start to the day with a rigourous constitutional in lovely bright, Autumn tinted conditions. The Saturday twitchers at the reservoir seemed less than enthusiastic at having a sweaty, brightly coloured cyclist frightening the fauna at an early hour but if my hobby relied on stealth, concealment and quiet then I wouldn't stand on a public road whilst taking part in it.


Bird feeders replenished...the supply of food out in the countryside seems to be abating, with more feathered friends heading back to the garden based sources.


Some modelling calls today.


Have a great day all



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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I'm sure it was just fat finger trouble.

Easy to do.


Yes it is.


I've done it myself once or twice though realised it when an unexpected rating was then shown and changed it.


I've had it done to me.  Four (that I can remember) members have rated me down but let me know it was a mistake.  Only one actually changed it though.  No idea what the other downers were for and neither am I bothered really.

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White rabbits! (That came round quick again! Where did October go??


Blue skies, sunshine...hope November stays like this.


Have a good Saturday. I have a couple of parcels to do then preparation for umpiring tomorrow.. Then....trains!!



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Morning all,  


Not much to report from here at the 'mo.....slept through till nearly 9.am  --- anyway it's Saturday and I guess a fair few will be exibitioning ?  Enjoy &dont forget the photos for us mortals who dont get the chance to visit.


It's one of the few things I miss about the UK. I do remember one year when a small group of club members (we where all on each others teams) did about 8 shows almost back to back  - and one memorable show when there were some many layouts ( 7 or 8 IIRC) from our club that every one who came thought is was our clubs show - 30 miles from home !


What ever the day brings - lets make the most of it.



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In a moment of contemplating my belly button, I looked at my Profile.


13520 ratings  342 posts  498 profile views.


In other words nearly 40 ratings per post.


The ratings total is not very impressive - lots of others have huge totals - but it shows that posts in ERs are worthless!!

Well, we knew that didn't we?

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Morning all. It rained heavily last night but clear skies at the moment, rain forecast for later. Odd what you start thinking about when you have too much time on your hands but here goes. My wife and I were in a small restaurant enjoying our meal when a woman on another table started snapping her fingers to draw the attention of the waiter. I thought that was extremely demeaning, although a waiter did go to her. I would have ignored her had she done it to me. If we have a problem with a meal and a waiter is not nearby I would get up and find one. So what do you more sophisticated types think, is it acceptable or not?

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Dry at the moment but a stiff breeze from the south west. Quite a bit cooler than yesterday. One of the dogs rolled in something disgusting this morning so had to have a good scrub when we got back. Almost put me off my breakfast.


I have managed to reorganise by trip to Warley. Now flying from Dublin to Brum on the Friday, which hopefully will mean I won't be knackered before I even get into the show. Saturday afternoon I catch the train down to Cornwall to spend a couple of days with friends, train back to Bristol on Tuesday, Ryanair back to Dublin, bus home. The train fare on Tuesday was so cheap that I upgraded to first class for a couple of quid. I guess midday Tuesday is a slack period.



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Morning all,


Well the evening passed off busily - generally our little and not so little (St Trinians style outfits with fake, I hope, blood on the shirts seemed to be de rigeur for young ladies of early teen years with few exceptions - some of the exceptions being considerably shorter while others swept the ground) were very polite and most said thank-you after selecting their single sweet from the box, only one tried to take more than one and several said thank you twice after their parents sent them back from the gate to make sure they said thank you.  One lot got a bot confused and started off singing carols while a group of 4 girls had made up or found a trick & treat song which was rather good fun.


As usual Mrs Stationmaster's porch decorating efforts were greatly appreciated while we introduced one little pair of visitors, and their mum, to our special magic cat with thumbs - they were suitably impressed.


So here we are with decorated porch by day and by night plus a picture of said magic cat showing one of his thumbs -








Now off to put on some appalling BO, find our largest rucksack, and head for CakeWycrail.


Have a nice day one & all

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Morning all it is beautiful and sunny today. I have not posted for a couple of days after a busy end to half term week. Still no luck on tracking down a doctor's appointment so I will have to wait until next week now.

Yesterday we went Christmas shopping at the Designer Outlet park near Mansfield. We got a few bits and pieces and I managed to pick up a couple of items for Sarah whilst her back was turned.


November has dawned and with it there is rising panic. Two weeks today is the Weston show which I organise. At present the floor plan is not finished, there are some exhibits to finalise and the show guide has not been started. I better get myself moving.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning to the UK / Fraggle Rock / European / US / Canadian contingent.  


Today has almost passed and will be consigned to the history books shortly after the lottery numbers are announced.


Melbourne's Spring weather is famed for its changeability and so it has proved.  Last night was warm and held up at 27C until 23 o'clock.  Four minutes later it was barely 16C, wet and windy!  It actually got colder as daylight returned dropping to 8C in some areas though struggle dot maintain double figures here.  Wet.  Windy.  


It's a big horse-chasing festival here.  Major race today, another on Tuesday which allegedly stops a nation.  More later on in the week.  Tuesday is a public holiday and Monday is as good as a State-wide sickie-day when those who haven't booked leave call in anyway.


Enjoy the weekend safely where ever you are.

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Morning all, survived yesterdays trip Snake Pass by moonlight and all,there was a lot of circling to find the M67 but that was about all of intrest. Today should be about taking rubbish to the tip and some trains talk this afternoon but shopping and snakes may prevent this. Still it is a bright sunny day in November.....

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Morning all. It rained heavily last night but clear skies at the moment, rain forecast for later. Odd what you start thinking about when you have too much time on your hands but here goes. My wife and I were in a small restaurant enjoying our meal when a woman on another table started snapping her fingers to draw the attention of the waiter. I thought that was extremely demeaning, although a waiter did go to her. I would have ignored her had she done it to me. If we have a problem with a meal and a waiter is not nearby I would get up and find one. So what do you more sophisticated types think, is it acceptable or not?

Not acceptable in any way. Try doing that in Paris and see the reaction...

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The bank statement dropped onto the mat yesterday, so I thought that I might as well check it against last years October statement, only to find that I am a few hundred pounds better off! I'll have to start spending some money so Christmas in a hotel somewhere being waited on hand and foot beckons as is 'doing' York or North Wales next year, or maybe both.

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I don't know if all Android tablets are like the cheap Hudl2 I bought to play with last week but it has a "fat finger" feature. If I select a rating it immediately pops up a bigger version making selection easy.


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Morning all.. Nice and sunny.  Just had our Monthly mens Breakfast at church, the full bag of mashings, followed by a talk.    Now all I want to do is sleep it off.    Daugther has made me a coffee and now it's time to read one of my birthday presents.   Steinheimers Classic about the Milwaukee elecrification "The Electric Way across the Mountains".   Then  this afternoon off to the clubrooms to test the fiddle yard so not a bad day in  prospect.


CB - Hope that you get the Mickey's sorted.

Mike  -   Hope that you enjoy Wycrail but manage to lose the accessories by the time you get home.



Edited by jamie92208
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Bright and sunny in Shropshire (well at least this bit).


Bit of a breeze which is kindly bringing with it more leaves into the garden from next doors trees.


Up bright and early to finish off the ironing; a bit of a tidy up and now off to walk Elsa.


Afterwards it will be strip the xy table off the milling machine.


Ever since I bought it, it didn't make long cuts very well. Not that it bothered me at the time as I was using it with my rotary table, but now it was getting annoying.


When I checked the extremities, I found one end in the y axis had a distinct climb in it, whilst the x axis at the same end climbed from front to back.


Serves me right for not checking it was level when I bought it.


Fortunately, I know where it can be surface ground, so it will be off on Mon, and probably back Tue!


The up side is that I can give the rest of the mill a good clean and service as it is a much lighter when dismantled.

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Morning all,

Dull and damp here in stark contrast to Rick's couple of lovely Clacton pics from 2012. Particularly liked the second one through the pier support pillars to the wind farm - very artistic! I'm sure your aunt feels comfortable in Holland on Sea Rick, I had several customers at the garage who were in their nineties and still driving(ish!). Two in particular were very interesting, both ex Lancaster bomber pilots one of whom was a highly decorated Group Captain. Sadly both heroes passed away this year but they left me many memories from chats we had about their wartime exploits!

John(Killybegs), that sunset is magnificent : easy to see from your images why you chose to retire there! Hope you have a trouble free trip to Warley and Cornwall.

John(CB), I suffer greatly too! I'm safer on the proper keyboard on the PC in my study but the iPad is handy for posting from bed late at night! I often catch a stray letter or symbol with a trailing digit - they are over sensitive!

DonW, you are so right about the supportive nature of ERs and I would be happy to enlighten anyone new to the thread with an illustration of how the many contributors have helped me through some pretty dark moments! Eternally grateful.

Grandad Bob, we were rather upset to arrive back home so late from the hospital yesterday (Almost 6.30pm), in time to see several groups of escorted kids in fancy dress leaving our cul-de-sac as we turned into it! Joanna had bought her usual mountain of sweets and we only saw around three little groups, but like you, we found them courteous and pleasant. A couple of little girls treated us to a lovely song and as they left, one said to her mum, 'that lady is very kind' which impressed madam!

Geoff, I truly can't stand the finger snapping classes - suspect you would find that they are completely without any self esteem. Also stupid as such behaviour is likely to result in some 'waiters revenge' with their meals being subtly modified!

Pete(trisonic), I hope your daughter gets to the Uni of her choice. Does it cost as much as the UK to put them through? Our eldest and her husband have three children, the eldest, a boy, is at LSE and the cost is horrendous, especially when you add in the living cost element in central London. Both their girls are at public school and look like following in their brothers footsteps as they are excelling at every level. It's a good job that our son in law is a high achiever - stark contrast to my days when the government positively encouraged you to go and even assisted with a grant! Moving back to a time when only the rich can afford education!

I've got World Superbikes in Quatar and F1 in Texas, so a happy bunny!

Have a good, safe weekend all,

Kind regards,


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I don't know if all Android tablets are like the cheap Hudl2 I bought to play with last week but it has a "fat finger" feature. If I select a rating it immediately pops up a bigger version making selection easy.


My phone does the same so I guess it's an android feature rather than Hudl.

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