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  • RMweb Gold


Re the comments regarding back pain/sciatica, I have suffered for the last 2/3 months with  sciatic nerve issues, Ive had 3 or 4 physio sessions which have not really helped as much as I was hoping for, about a week ago I mentioned this to an old friend who asked me if I was dehydrated. He then directed me to the web, To cut a long story short my coffee/tea intake was high, plain water low oh forgot the red wine lol!

So I have upped my water intake as per below whilst reducing coffee intake, cant let go of the glass of red though!. Six days later I am feeling a vast improvement, haven't taken a pain killer for 4 days, sleeping great (at last) movement nearly back to normal.


Its helped me, maybe food for thought?


When somebody comes in my office and they are in a lot of pain I know right away that they are not drinking enough water. I tell 95% of the people coming into the office that they need to drink more water. Drinking more water is very important and it shouldn’t be taken lightly. Just 24ozs of water low is considered being dehydrated. I have had some people come in my office as much as 100ozs low in their fluid intake.

The serious problems of dehydration can include disc problems. The discs between each vertebra in your spine is mostly made of water, so if your dehydrated the disc shrinks just a little and that can put added pressure on one of your spinal nerves and cause pain. About 99% of the people that come in my office with sciatic pain are dehydrated. The disc shrinks and presses on the sciatic nerve and the person will have excruciating pain. If someone is chronically dehydrated it can lead to herniated discs and bulging discs because their spine is less stable than normal a person.


It is a common error to substitute tea, coffee, caffeine-containing soft drinks, or alcohol-containing beverages for water.  Do not consider alcoholic beverage, soda, coffee or tea as an equal substitute for water.  Caffeine and alcohol act as diuretics, further increasing your water needs.

Remember that approximately half of your daily water intake comes from the food that you eat, so you only need to drink around half of your suggested requirement directly.

Calculate your overall daily need by taking your weight in kilograms (or your weight in pounds divided by 2), in ounces per day.  For example, 140lbs / 2 = 70oz; 70oz / 8 = about 9 cups per day.

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Crap.... definately NOT a "good morning". I spent over an HOUR working up some reports in Excel, then the stupid half of me managed to click DON'T SAVE when I closed the document!

If I had a brain I'd be DANGEROUS... :butcher:  :butcher:


Choir rehersal last night was long, but as always enjoyable - certainly the "happy hour" beer and pizza beforehand helps I'm sure :jester: We sing at an All Saints Memorial  service tomorrow evening and then twice on Sunday for All Souls' services...


The "Great Train Expo" supposedly the largest US model train show, is here this weekend - not sure I'll bother to go, mostly because it's generally undewhelming compared to even medium-sized UK shows, and more importantly, there's about a 99.95% chance that there'll be NOTHING that I'd want to buy there <sigh>

There's barely ever a vendor sellls PECO track at a decent price, let alone any UK outline models of any sort. May go anyway, but leaning towards not for now. If I don't go, I'll at least have some time to model instead :senile:


I see complaints of sun and warm weather abound, with many wanting more seasonal results outside, so I'll offer up our current situation...

-3 when I staggered out for the newspaper this morning, and expected to reach the dizzying heights of +4 (MAYBE) today. Overnight expecting -5

On the "bright side" it is clear and sunny out :O


POETS day is welcomed after my stupidity this morning :scared:

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. . . . . . . . . .

Hope you have a trouble free time on this day that Sir Humphrey Davy patented that wonderful device, the Miner's Safety Lamp in London, 1815!

Kind regards,



With all due respect to Davy - and to yourself, of course, Jock; as a firm Stephensonian I can't forbear quoting a couple of lines from Hunter Davies:


"Every schoolboy has heard of the Davy lamp.

How many know that George Stephenson got there first?" *


* From 'The Safety Lamp Row' in "George Stephenson - The remarkable life of the founder of the railways."


Edit: fixed sloppy typing

Edited by bluebottle
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  • RMweb Premium

I took the 'new' bike out in the end, I don't mind that getting dirty!   Did about 80 miles, very warm but the roads were mostly damp and very muddy - red and black bike is now brown.  Anyway, had a nice brunch, called in on 'old' work to steal a coffee but as it's half term here there weren't many in.


Then decided to pressure jet the pathways around the garden as I nearly laid my length on a slimy bit - they look innocent when dry but are wicked when wet, so out with the whizzy brushy twirly thing and there was an hour and a half gone! 


So no modelling, yet again.  Need to get cleaned up now then we're going out for a meal with one of my old bosses, ex-Marine Colour Sergeant, ex-Detective Inspector, now charity van driver!  It will be an entertaining evening for sure, he's no shrinking violet!

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After raining pretty well all day, the sun finally came out this evening, just in time to present us with yet another fabulous sunset!


Steph, ever the optimist, is off buying sweets in case we get any 'visitors' this evening.


Have a great weekend.





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I took the 'new' bike out in the end, I don't mind that getting dirty!   Did about 80 miles, very warm but the roads were mostly damp and very muddy - red and black bike is now brown.  



Portillo was out and about this afternoon on the Electric train up the mountain.

The view from the top was about two feet.

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  • RMweb Gold

Just heard from a colleague at work that we have a furry Mickey in one of the buildings. It sped across her office floor. As they don't normally come singly that's a load of fun saved up for me on Monday.

Aditi has had a difficult week but I tried to cheer her up by telling at least she didn't have to deal with mouse problems. She said earlier this term they had a squirrel problem. It chewed through some ethernet cabling. 

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  • RMweb Gold

The amount of water in your food can vary a bit, raw carrot. celery, raddish amd lettuce seem full of water whereas a bit of cheese seems rather dry or am I totally wrong.


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The water content varies significantly, But a diet with lots of variation, and rich in vegetable and fruit will probably supply about half the water you need. I was given the 'drink plenty of water' advice by a GP when I was in my late teens and suffering joint pain while walking what became the Pennine Way. Fixed the trouble just like that, also stopped frequent mild headaches that I had experienced until then. It's a rare day I drink less than six pints of liquid, and two of those pints will be water. I have been accused of diluting my output when a urine sample is required; also find that medical staff have SOH failure if you fill the specimen vessel brim full, something I can effortlessly accomplish.

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I've rather been in Lurk mode whilst lettering some wagons for a friend's layout.  I love building wagons, hate lettering, then love weathering.  I've also been down to Borough Green quite a few times in the last fortnight to help with the scenery.  Backscene now painted.


I will miss Warley this year, as will iD.  However it will be a pleasure to see him at St Albans in January, maybe I can introduce him to the Farmers Boy on the Saturday evening.  Just a reminder, guys, Alban Arena, 10 & 11 January 2015.



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Good morning all,

Sorry folks, only just opened the lap top early on the first! I've been chasing the day (yesterday) since Joanna's hospital appointment was an hour and a quarter late because of a couple of emergencies! We then travelled home in rush hour traffic. Nonetheless, she has had a great day, seeing or talking to all those that she loves and receiving lots of nice gifts. I'll read through the posts to date in the morning but really have to crash out now!

Kind regards,


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In fairness those are 2012 views.  Didn't make it to Clacton this time around though my aunt still lives in Holland-on-Sea at the tender age of 91.

The Grand Old Girl could live in Frinton, that’s your saving grace, Rick!


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

The Grand Old Girl could live in Frinton, that’s your saving grace, Rick!


Best, Pete.


Nah - she can't manage the word "greensward".  "Lawn" is about as good as you'll get from her ;)

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I've just been watching the Mercury Awards show on TV. Not overly impressed by the winner, but totally blown away by a group duo called Royal Blood.  No idea how they get that sound from just bass and drums, but absolutely brilliant.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all…


Cloudy but not as nippy as it's been some of the past few days. Good day was had yesterday as we first went on a guided city tour (which we found was insightful even for someone actually residing here!) and out for dinner later on. And as there was a compass saw among my presents, I can now go ahead with some home improvement items I've been kicking around for a while!


Have a good one…

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

A warm day with sunshine and showers is forecast.

Awake a bit too early for a Saturday - must be the excitement at the prospect of Wycrail cakes.  At least I am almost pain free at the moment. I think the constant movement last night answering the door to umpteen children must have helped.

Earlier in the week I was almost in despair after hearing of yet another 15 year old stabbed 9 times times after an altercation on a local bus. (now in a stable but serious condition)

Last night we saw the other type of children who you hear about all too rarely. Including our grandchildren & their friends there must have been about 40 visitors altogether aged from 3 to 15.Every single one of them was polite, well behaved and having a good time. Perhaps there is some hope for the future.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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