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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, I have never flown on a helicopter and have never wanted to since I saw the aftermath of a fatal accident. This was back in the mid 70's when I was taking a trip with my brother and his (then) young family to an air show at Biggin Hill. As we were queuing to go in all hell broke loose with crash tenders and ambulances rushing around. A helicopter doing joy rides had taken off straight into an aircraft that was landing, the aircraft, a Tiger Moth, lost its undercarriage but the pilot made a successful belly landing. Unfortunately all on the helicopter were killed.  

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Not happy this morning as I woke in agony at 3.00AM with a severe pain in the the backside. (Chris said she thinks that I am one sometimes - thanks dear!)  Probably a trapped nerve. Still hurts now despite painkillers and a hour and a half walk round Sainsbury's at 7.00AM.



How very strange! I've just had that too (although I thought it was a hip gone US).

Agony for a few days and now it's gone.

Must be something to do with ERs.

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Good day, all.

Bright and shiny in the Greener [sic] Borough.

Very annoyingly I seem to have slept on my left hand and it's numb. I hate it when that happens...


Off to Sainsbury's in a minute to get some sweeties for tonight (apparently we definitely have a witch visiting at about 6.30) as ours went out of date in January, I find. Other tasks, apart from tidying and cleaning, involve getting a replacement freezer drawer for the one I broke. And perhaps an order for me. Perhaps.


Also some cooking. Stroganoff, using some frozen chops (cut up). Though where I could put any extra I don't know as both freezers are chock full.


Have a great Friday, all.

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Due to recent announcements about making budget cutbacks I believe in the near future the option offered will be a "Please speak up" badge.

.....In order to save more money due to the NHS budget being cut back, it has been announced this morning that the badges are too expensive, and, in future, patients will be issued with an A4 sheet of card, pre-printed with the instructions to "roll into a cone and use as an ear-trumpet"!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All,


It's nearly November and the sun is shining! What's going on?


High Wycombe exhibition tomorrow so I ought to get out of this armchair and pack up the layout. Hopefully Waton will behave itself and we will have a good day playing trains. Aim to get out of here early afternoon to avoid the normal Friday traffic shenanigans. Better to be sat in a pub waiting for the exhibition hall to open rather than sat in a motorway jam. The last trip down to Folkstone took 4 1/2 hours due to traffic problems rather than the scheduled 2 and a bit. We should definitely have exhibitions midweek!


Have fun whatever you are up to this weekend.




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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning each,

Sun shining(ish) and apparently it's going to be unseasonably warm.

Not happy this morning as I woke in agony at 3.00AM with a severe pain in the the backside. (Chris said she thinks that I am one sometimes - thanks dear!)  Probably a trapped nerve. Still hurts now despite painkillers and a hour and a half walk round Sainsbury's at 7.00AM.

Mike- I will be there for cakes tomorrow.

Now being summoned to assist with more Halloween stuff,

Have a good one,




How very strange! I've just had that too (although I thought it was a hip gone US).

Agony for a few days and now it's gone.

Must be something to do with ERs.

I had that problem as well, at first I thought it was the arthritis but it turned out to be sciatica.

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Morning all,

On the go early today, Joanna's birthday but the poor girl has an afternoon cardiac appointment at Colchester General Hospital following her angina scare some months back. Timing isn't the greatest there - my scan appointment has just landed and is for 7.15PM on 5th November! Still, the bubbly is chilling for later and no doubt we'll have several visitors during the evening, especially as I'm cooking Thai green curry and rice noodles!

Happy birthday to Dom as well, and many more of them - try not to dwell on what you've done rather than concentrate on what you intend to do!

Worst ferry crossing, as mentioned before, from Stranraer to Larne in the fifties when as a youngster, I was virtually the only customer in the restaurant and I recall the serving ladies heaping my plate as they had lots of pre-cooked breakfasts to get rid of! Most passengers were being sick but an old sailor taught me to go forward to near the bow (it all blows back in the wind!) and look in the direction of travel so as your brain collects information about the shifting horizon - great advice as I've not been sea-sick all my life.

I really don't have 'worst flight' memories as I have loved flying since my first ATC lesson in a Tiger Moth! I suppose the most worrying was whilst island hopping in the Maldives a few years ago. We were ferried around in a really old Soviet helicopter which I believe was a Mil-8 passenger type. Joanna didn't notice any problems but I saw the oil drips on the ground and streaks on the engine cowlings and most of the rivets were so loose that they were actually rotating in their holes!

Off to get ready for the hospital taxi trip now and I'll try to get back on later but I suspect that a busy day lies ahead!

Hope you have a trouble free time on this day that Sir Humphrey Davy patented that wonderful device, the Miner's Safety Lamp in London, 1815!

Kind regards,


Edited by Jock67B
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  • RMweb Premium

shopping completed more or less painlessly... washing hung out .. now what can I do?   (don't even bother to say anything as her indoors has now given me a list!)



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  • RMweb Premium

I would like to nominate the new Penhayle chickens for early riser awards.  They've been here a week now arriving last Friday as 18-week old pullets.


It's 21.30, it's 28C and they can't work out why it's dark and hot!  They went inside an hour ago and are still fussing around on the roost.  They'll be grumpy girls come first light!


Best regards to all ERs.  I'm back in front of the computer now after a lengthy and very relaxing and enjoyable sojourn to the Old Country.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


I was up and out early (ish - 06:50) this morning to photograph the RHTT through Diss and then a 37 through Eccles Road, it's tough but someone has to do it.


The HTT is seen here passing Mellis in the weak and watery morning sun, later it was visit Jock in Clacton.


57008 and 57306 on 3S60, 04:54, Stowmarket D.G.L. - Stowmarket D.G.L. (17:55) - RHTT



Have an action shot of a 90 at speed to go with it

90011, East Anglian Daily Times, Suffolk & Proud, and 82118 on 1P13, 07:03, Norwich - London Liverpool Street (09:02)



The sun is out at the moment so a pleasant day beckons - for now at least.

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  • RMweb Gold

A few years we were on a cruise in the Med when they announced it could be a rough night. It was and by the end of our evening meal there were only myself and a young lady on her honeymoon still at our table. (Out of eight) After that we went to the bar and had a few drinks. (I had earlier very chivalrously escorted Chris back to our cabin as she wasn't well  but I didn't want to miss the dessert!)  

One more thing I've never been allowed to forget! :girldevil:

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  • RMweb Premium

Good to see Rick safely back in Oz - hope you enjoyed your time in one of the loveliest parts of the world mate!

Kind regards,











In fairness those are 2012 views.  Didn't make it to Clacton this time around though my aunt still lives in Holland-on-Sea at the tender age of 91.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All (just)


I'm just following instructions today, and resting up - and thanks to all my fellow ERs for the supportive messages and comments - I wonder if Geoff's colleague was admitted yesterday at the same time as I was, as the knee replacement guru was there dealing with his day's new admissions.   I do think that they are doing more and more now as day procedures that used to involve at least a one night stay, and I guess that there's a financial reason as well - though these days with MRSA and other nasties, there's less chance of complications if they can pack you off - and anyway, I have never really enjoyed the food in hospital all that much - the local one does very nice soups as part of the main meal - but they are very salty, and as a result, not the healthy choice that you might expect from a hospital.  Once when I was in, there was a problem with one of the other patients needing a bedpan just before dinner was served, and they had to leave the whole room's dinners in the heated trolley for about half an hour - which had two results, as first my insulin had kicked in before I was fed, and they other that when the meal was finally presented, it was congealed on the plate.  Hence, I prefer the cuisine at the present establishment.


I've no real issues about ferry or boat trips, though I once had a pretty rough pleasure cruise on the PS Caledonia which was meant to be a trip round Arran and back via the Kyles of Bute, but which was diverted due to high seas, and just went up and down the coast to Girvan, but that was an occasion where many of the passengers were visiting Huey over the side - and it was on a Bank Holiday, so the vessel was pretty crowded.


When I lived down in Surrey, I did fly gliders at a local club, and during my membership, I was present at two serious accidents, one fatal, and the other very serious, both due to pilot error on a winch launch - but these for some reason didn't put me off at all, and I persisted with flying until I was m ade redundant, and cost constraints kicked in.


Shared commiserations where needed.


Regards to All


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The power of the internet !

make sure you have updated your anti-virus software....



I assume it's down to us all sitting around reading ERs when we could be doing something else instead.


It's a lovely day out there (although round the office is heaving with half term trippers visiting the Tower and the Belfast and the strange gutter thing down the middle of More London

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