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  • RMweb Gold



When my wife's sister arrives she informs us precisely when she is going to depart. People who don't turn up can cause problems as well. My mother in law was recently expecting visitors (some sort of cousin) to stay and they just popped in for 10 minutes! Fortunately she was able to freeze all the food.


Phil, I hope the ankle is OK. I would have expected Bournemouth hospitals to be expert at dodgy knees and ankles. I still feel some discomfort (but only when I think about it) from what seemed like minor injuries and were ignored as a result of leaving motorcycles and hitting the road.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all!


Tony - I think so, as I understand the quote may be translated like "Believe in the Sun: For she sends rays which warm and make shine the hearts of man from morning to night."





Will it work on the Baltic coast? Should I pack the sun cream for early August?





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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. Sunny here, though my disposition probably isn't quite up to matching that!




Sunny, very blue sky here. Should I start acting like a Smurf?





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Belated Good Morning All,


Didn't have a delivery run this morning so after a hectic weekend, decided to enjoy a lay in!


Not an okta in sight, 23C in the shade outside, could be a good Monday!


Zen has settled in quite well a very clean dog but he does not seem as cat friendly as advertised.

So all is nearly at peace in the House of Zen!



Just getting ready for a trip to the hospital, not the best way to start the week.

Good luck, Phil. Bournemouth's probably a better place than Southampton General; I spent several hours there awaiting my Father who was resisting being admitted; I can think of many better places to spend the day!
If plague, pestilence and flood hit the UK anywhen soon you will know that this has indeed been the case.

Either that or I've done some work on Tschebayersfeld, my 2010 Challenge challenge!


I'm having trouble with my printer too. It's mouse seems to be stuck.

Don't quite know how to break this to you, BoD, but you're supposed to feed the printer with paper, not mice! :lol:

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  • RMweb Gold

Well, just got back from the hospital - not the news I was expecting. Apparently the rot has gone too far for a replacement bit, so they are going to have to screw down through the tibia and in from the sides to lock it all together. It will be 3 months recovery, most of that on crutches, and obviously because there will be no flexibility in the joint there will be ramifications with regard to limping etc. But he assures me that a ) I will be pain free and b ) it will only have to be done once (apparently, unlike knees and hips, even if I could have had one ankle replacements are not the most successful of tools and need further replacement every five years or so) so I guess I'm going to have to go for it as it's driving me potty at the moment and it's not going to get better.


Good job I've got all of the toys and kits in!

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  • RMweb Premium

Ouch! That doesn't sound very pleasant mate. I guess if it's the only way to stop the pain you don't have many choices. Will it affect your abilit to drive toy trains?




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  • RMweb Premium

Ow - that does not sound nice, Phil - sorry for not having responded to your report sooner, but I'd been in a foul mood earlier this afternoon and had to shut out any additional unpleasant things :( . Keeping my fingers crossed that all will go well!

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Hope it doesn't stop you playing with 12":foot trains as well!


(All trains are real, at 12":1 foot, 1:76, 1:160, 1:450 scales!)


Good Luck, Phil!!!!

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  • RMweb Gold

Ouch - sorry to hear your news Phil, but think of the modelling you will get done .......


.....and the fun that you will have at airport scanners in the future.






Don't quite know how to break this to you, BoD, but you're supposed to feed the printer with paper, not mice!


I think my printer's mouse is well and truly jammed rather than just stuck.......





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  • RMweb Gold

I think my printer's mouse is well and truly jammed rather than just stuck.......






Teehee :D :D


Thanks for the good wishes chaps - I'm a bit apprehensive but it's got to be better than what I'm putting up with at the moment. 'Course the b*gger is that I've just got a Cry Baby pedal (an absolute mint, funny end time steal from Ebay - when will people learn?) so I'm wah-wahing for England at the moment. As it's my wah wah foot they are going to chop into I'm going to have to learn the left footed wah wah shuffle.



edit - apologies for all of the technical guitar god talk......

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  • RMweb Gold



Did you tell the surgeon about your need for wah wah? My attempts at guitar playing are so bad it sounds as if I am playing using my feet. I intend to start practising more one day!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


fairly sunny outside and they're saying it's bound to be getting warmer over the course of the week. Coffee has been brewed, so perhaps I'll be more awake next time I chime in today! :lol:




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Good morning all.

Phil, sorry and glad to learn your news. Sorry because of the hastle you have to go through but glad because it will end the pain you are presently enduring. Wishing you a quick recovery.

Cloudy and cold, but no rain forecast. The roads and ground are still puddled from yesterday, or it could have been overnight.

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Morning all..smile.gif


Back and forth to North London today to pick up my mother. Do us a favour lads, keep the M25 or North Circular clear....


Bright and sunny. Watched Federer go through by the skin of his teeth. Just hoping England will do the same.

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Morning All,


I am feeling in a pretty good mood this morning - the sun is shining, and although the morning is a little hazy, it looks like it is going to be quite a nice day.


Sorry to hear about your ankle Phil, sounds like a pretty nasty injury. Fingers crossed that you are up and running again as soon as possible.


Oh well - better get on. I've got my first meeting in an hour and I need to prepare for it!


Have a good day everyone.

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Morning all..smile.gif


Back and forth to North London today to pick up my mother. Do us a favour lads, keep the M25 or North Circular clear....


Bright and sunny. Watched Federer go through by the skin of his teeth. Just hoping England will do the same.


Will do Gordon!


That's a part of the world I remember well. I spent a year working at a University in North London, and the A21, M25, A13 and A407 North Circular was my commute. I either did it by train, or by car depending upon my mood and it used to take me about the same time whichever method. About 2 hours and 50 minutes each way. It was a great experience, and it was all I could afford to do at the time (couldn't afford to live in London) but I am not sure I would do it now!

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