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Early Risers.


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Very late here myself, but good morning anyway :)


Friday night out at the fund-raising "Cabaret" was really excellent, everyone enjoyed themselves...


Busy weekend with mostly pre-winter chores including the "mentioned by millions" gutter cleaning ceremony.

There is definately something unnatural about being 20+ feet up a ladder leaning back slightly trying to get all the crap out of gutters - if I could find someone to do it for us, I'd NOT be up there! Curiously enough, whilst we can generally find takers almost every task we'd like to outsource (there's a nice biz-word for you!!), it seems round this area gutter cleaning is something that no-one can ever find someone you can pay to do! Can't blame them really I suppose, it is the crappiest task overall, large trees deposit altogether too much detrius into the gutters for their own good...


Managed to intersperse some relaxation and eating/drinking into the weekend, and even a small amount of modelling, I DO wish it was easier to install the "bits" on these Hornby locos, Plymouth will have to survive for now without one of the front hoses as it shot across the room when I tried to pick it up with the tweezers and is missing in action. A 30 minute search of the office/work area floor turned up nothing <sigh> then again, looking for a small (maybe 8mm?!?!?) pipe that is black/weathered  is unlikely to be particularly fruitful anywhere except the floor of a "clean room" and my office can't exactly be described in that manner! :jester:


Far as "nosey neighbors" goes, we're in a really nice neighborhood and at present, unless the two houses that recently sold and are being populated by new folks as we speak turn out be be less desirable, the nosiest of the bunch is ME!

Given I work from home, and have a commanding view of the neighborhood as we are at the high point of the area AND are on a corner lot that everyone has to pass in and out of the dead-end community, everyone knows I keep a watchful eye out for strangers, stray dogs etc...


Was 7 this morning, sunny but brisk. May make 16, but we're generally headed for much more seasonal weather with 1 for the overnight low rest of the week, maybe 9 for highs the next few days if we're luck...


Look on the bright side, at least Monday is almost over for you all :)

Edited by Ian Abel
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Afternoon, flying visit as very busy at work. Dentist this morning (scraping and polishing etc - and being told must floss more....)


Kids are off for half term but both have heavy coughs. I think they were having their hair cut and making chocolate rice krispies today - normallyi 'd be sniffing round the cakes but not with their coughs...!


They're coming up into town tomorrow to see the poppies at the Tower of London. i'll join them for lunch and then back to year end, hurrah!!


Not had time to catch up properly on ERs so enjoy the rest of your day!

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  • RMweb Gold

Ah, nosey neighbours - that's me.  Any strange vehicle parked in our part of the road I have a look and see if the tax is in date and report it on the DVLA website if it isn't (a sport soon to cease alas which is a shame as that sort never seem to come back to park here) and any containing shifty looking characters who sit looking at a nearby house for a while and clearly aren't  into 'services' such as tree pruning, get a good look and are reported to the police.  All a lot easier now I've trimmed the front hedge.


Herself has also planted a few more 'red hot pokers' and sundry other plants which came from today's shopping trip (and the revised catering at the garden centre also knocks out a rather good bacon roll in the mornings I have discovered ;) 


So all is tidy for whatever can be seen by the visitors, various, on Friday.  Herself and the good Doctor rather enter into the spirit of things and decorate the porch and we have two new terracotta skulls for this year.  The local youngsters are generally fairly good and only go to houses that have illuminated pumpkins and the like showing they are open for trick or treaters and a lot of them go round with their parents watching carefully from the gate or sometimes seeing the smaller ones to the front door.  Some of the mums and teenage sorts wear some quite imaginative costumes while all the little ones seem to be dressed up.  I suppose in many respects it has replaced Bonfire Night which always used to be the big thing at this time of year with Halloween not getting a look in.  But as buying fireworks now seems to be some sort of major criminal offence while actually letting them off is a worse social crime than smoking a cigarette in public it's not surprising that commercial attention has focused on Halloween and theAmerican way of taking part has got into fashion here as well.


Anyway as GDB has already noted the real excitement and enjoyment will be on Saturday with the Wycombe cake fest model railway show ready to amuse us for a goodly part of the day.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Trip to Lancaster was not as bad as expected - but then I realised that it was half-term, and the knock on effect on the buses of mummy traffic, and buses that double as a school service (ie most round here) was not present, and the "normal" fifteen minutes late was reduced to two minutes.  Have just re-read my hospital letter, and even though I'm a day patient, they still want me to bring my overnight stuff, towels, and a goodly supply of my medication as well - just in case, I suppose. 


Oh yes, and I'll just add my suggestions for Haloween

Toffee onions

Chocolate dipped Scotch Bonnet chillis

Sugar coated radishes

Freshly chopped vegetables wrapped in sweet wrappers.


I'm a bit concerned as if I'm home, I'll probably be less than mobile so won't be able to get up and down to the door - I think a polite note in the window (S+D OFF, I'm ill) would be of use.


As far as good neighbourhoods is concerned, this area is normally very good, and we don't have too many parking problems, even on the main road through the village, and touch wood, the crime rate here is pretty low - hence my surprise when Geoff (Ohmisterporter) told me about a break in, and posted it here as well.  We have a pub in the village, but luckily it is not the sort that is frequented by the less desireable clientele.  However, it also has the disadvantage of pretty mediocre beer provided my Messrs Thwaites, and also has had a previous tenant who was not the most adept at pub running (so I'm told).


Anyhows, I'd best get on - but Pete 75C, I'm pretty sure that the finger of suspicion will soon point in a more appropriate direction.


Regards to All


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Why are people so angry about Halloween? Round here it's a few young kids, usually with mum or an older sibling. They pretend to frighten me and I react, give them a few sweets and they go away happy. Why try to cause little children grief?

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  • RMweb Premium

Why are people so angry about Halloween? Round here it's a few young kids, usually with mum or an older sibling. They pretend to frighten me and I react, give them a few sweets and they go away happy. Why try to cause little children grief?

Cos in some areas, it's not as you've described - it should be, but I have seen teenagers going round, and though not all of them are intent on mayhem, a small minority seem to travel armed with eggs and flour bags - using what should be a time for the little 'uns as an excuse for mischief.  In fact, many kids here use Haloween as Mischief Night -



I know that this mainly refers to the States, but the concept of mischief night is practiced in Lancashire and Yorkshire on either Haloween and November 4th.

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Cos in some areas, it's not as you've described - it should be, but I have seen teenagers going round, and though not all of them are intent on mayhem, a small minority seem to travel armed with eggs and flour bags - using what should be a time for the little 'uns as an excuse for mischief.  In fact, many kids here use Haloween as Mischief Night -



I know that this mainly refers to the States, but the concept of mischief night is practiced in Lancashire and Yorkshire on either Haloween and November 4th.

Yes, but what I've just seen is someone planning to coat chillis in chocolate and give them to little kids who ask for sweets...


If you don't want to take part, put a polite notice on the door, or just don't open it. If people are causing mischief, call the police.

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  • RMweb Gold

I took Stewart's comments in a completely different vein.


My take on his alternative snacks for Halloween was meant to be funny, and certainly made me smile.


I recall, many years ago giving out pear drops, and someone later said in passing, about some tight fisted git in the street giving out old pear drops instead of nicer goodies.


I commiserated, whilst inwardly sniggering

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  • RMweb Gold

Why are people so angry about Halloween? Round here it's a few young kids, usually with mum or an older sibling. They pretend to frighten me and I react, give them a few sweets and they go away happy. Why try to cause little children grief?

I wouldn't ever harm a child but some miscreants (certainly too tall to be even lower secondary age) round here turned it into uttering threats with menaces. It got so bad the police ended up putting on extra patrols and supermarkets wouldn't sell "value" flour to the under 18s. 

After a couple of times when my car and house were vandalised even if I had given some sweeties or chocolate I decided not to take part. If any of the local little children were doing trick or treat I would respond positively but they don't.

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  I suppose in many respects it has replaced Bonfire Night which always used to be the big thing at this time of year with Halloween not getting a look in.  But as buying fireworks now seems to be some sort of major criminal offence while actually letting them off is a worse social crime than smoking a cigarette in public it's not surprising that commercial attention has focused on Halloween and the American way of taking part has got into fashion here as well.


Mike, you do know that this is a Celtic festival that has been celebrated for centuries in Scotland and Ireland? I went out 'guising' in Scotland more than 50 years ago. As I understand it, the traditions went to North America with Scottish and Irish emigrants, and were then 're-exported' to other parts of the UK from there. In fact, I understand that 'trick or treating' first appeared in England round about US forces bases. The only American part of the current tradition is that you don't have to do anything to get sweets. We always had to do something - sing, recite a poem, tell a joke etc.


We also celebrated Guy Fawkes in Scotland (west central Scotland at least). It meant that kids going round the streets in (perhaps flimsy and flammable) costumes was separated from fireworks being set off. Here in North America, with only Halloween celebrated, those activities get mixed together, sometimes with unfortunate results.

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We also celebrated Guy Fawkes in Scotland (west central Scotland at least). It meant that kids going round the streets in (perhaps flimsy and flammable) costumes was separated from fireworks being set off. Here in North America, with only Halloween celebrated, those activities get mixed together, sometimes with unfortunate results.

Not in New Jersey - Fireworks are totally outlawed (you have to smuggle them in from Pennsylvania) the local Police do not have a hard time tracking down which households are setting them off.......


Best, Pete.

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I've just had a shock - while looking for something else on Google I found a  f l k r photo of me in 1973 perched on the buffer block of the sister loco to the one I had just bought.....scary stuff! 



Bed time  here  (thunder permitting!)  


'night all,



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I do get a few treats in for Halloween, but I do not answer the door after about 7.30 by which time most of the youngest will be going to bed. Not had any problems around here with eggs or flour for a long time, last time there was a problem, about 10 years ago the scroats were stopped by the police, one of them still had some eggs in his pocket, somehow they got broken. :angel:

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